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Great IR Story

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I have found a great story....
Hope you enjoy it.

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Extreme Wifesharer and Cuckold


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not great. this has nothing to do with sexual fantasies. horrible things happen everyday in Zimbabwe, to both black and white people, and it should not be seen as something exploitable for one's pleasure.


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It is maybe slightly harsh to talk about Robert Mugabe's genocide of white people in Africa as "great".

Okay, that story did not feature any ***, but it IS happening every day.


Posts: 67
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It is only a story...
Extreme Wifesharer and Cuckold


Posts: 282
#5 · Edited by: luceiia
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Quoting: newyoungcuck
this has nothing to do with sexual fantasies

Ok, what planet are you on? This has a LOT to do with sexual fantasies. Many sexual fantasies. The same sexual fantasies that exist in literally thousands of inter/r4pe/abduction/powerd stories all over the web.

Quoting: black_man_loves_blondes
Robert Mugabe's genocide of white people in Africa as "great"

Ok, what planet are you on? Who mentioned Mugabe or his genocide? It's called FANTASY for a reamister. Who cares what happens every day when visiting a cuckold website for some stroke material??

Both of you, chill out already. Have some fun - it's a hot story!



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This is everything about Mugabe's genocide. Not cool. I may like BDSM but I don't enjoy fantasies about the Holocaust, got it? I have that right. If you didn't get it, you are on some other planet. And tone down your language, boy. End of discussion.


Posts: 282
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Quoting: newyoungcuck
This is everything about Mugabe's genocide.

Bullcuckolds brownie. This is a fantasy that has NOTHING to do with reality unless YOU choose to misinterpret it that way. If you choose to stop stroking your peepee long enough to think to yourself "gosh, this might have something to do with a sad real-life situation," then I posit you'll NEVER finish a piece of erotic writing without an orgasm-*******ing whinefest like you're having now.

Quoting: newyoungcuck
I don't enjoy fantasies about the Holocaust

Strawman. This has NOTHING to do with the story. Nobody wrote about the Holocaust nor Mugabe. Once again, it's FANTASY. Grab a dictionary and see what the word means. Get it, dumbass?

Quoting: newyoungcuck
If you didn't get it, you are on some other planet.

Wow, that's an impressive comeback. Not. Care to try again, idiot?

Quoting: newyoungcuck
And tone down your language, boy.

Gosh, yes SIR, fucknut. I'll get right on that, dipcuckolds brownie. Any more of your bidding I should attend to immediately, Mr. Hyperbolic Fantasy-ignorant Fuckwit? (Yes, name calling can be cathartic.)

Quoting: newyoungcuck
End of discussion.

Um, apparently not. But thanks for playing!



Posts: 67
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Dear newyoungcock,
if you think like this, you should never buy a book, watch a film on TV or in cinema.

I like the story very much, its only phantasy and I don´t know the problem.

While reading this story, I imagine that I´m the poor white farmer, and I´m powerd to watch all the things they do to my wife. But in reality I never would enjoy this.

It´s only phantasy, so what´s the problem???
Extreme Wifesharer and Cuckold


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I agree this story is cuckolds brownie and shows how blacks left to themselves can be the worst even for their own people
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Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
Great IR Story
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