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les histoires de chrislebo

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- Dis le que tu aimes te faire défoncer le cul ma salope, dis le moi bien fort, aller je veux t'entendre.
- Oui j'aime ça, défonce moi le cul, défonces moi bien comme une grosse salope que je suis.
- Voila ça y est tu te lâches, tu es une bonne salope comme on les aime avec mes potes, tiens prend encore ça au fond de ton cul, purée je jouis....
Et il a joui en râlant, s'immobilisant au fond de *** cul violenté. Il s'est retiré et *** pote a pris sa place, il est entré d'un seul coup, bien au fond du cul de ma copine toujours bien serré. Et il l'a limé vigoureusement, il aimait les rythmes rapides, il l'a limé à chaque fois en poussant loin dans ses fesses, il râlait à chaque coup de boutoir qu'il lui mettait. Il allait jouir très vite, et effectivement en quelques minutes, il jouissait en criant.
Ma copine était épuisée, mais ce n'était pas encore complètement terminé, il manquait Max et *** gros sexe. Ils ont enlevé les sangles qui maintenaient l'énorme god dans sa chatte et lui ont retiré. Elle a failli tomber, ses jambes tremblaient sous les assauts des hommes.
- Hé t'évanouit pas ma cochonne ce n'est pas fini, je n'ai pas joui moi et je vais te violer ta petite chatte je te l'ai promis, un vrai dépucelage comme t'a jamais eu. Tenez-la bien contre la table que je lui mette le god dans le cul à cette pute.
Les deux hommes l'ont maintenu contre la table, appuyant sur ses reins pour la cambrer au maximum. Max s'est approché et a appuyé l'énorme god contre *** anus, il a poussé d'un coup et le gros gland l'a de nouveau déchiré. Elle était encore violée par une énorme queue dans *** cul. Mais cette fois-ci elle disait *** plaisir énorme, poussant à la rencontre du gros gland, bougeant *** bassin. Max a décidé d'augmenter le rythme, il a ressorti le jouet et a poussé d'un coup entrant le gland. Ma copine criait sous chaque assaut, mais de désir violent et ******.
- Voila elle aime ça se faire défoncer par du gros calibre, regardez la, tiens prend ça dans ton petit cul étroit, tu la sens rentrer cette grosse bite, mmm, voila tu as pris au moins 10 cm la plus le gland, il en reste autant salope, je vais t'enculer comme jamais, per***ne ne pourra te refaire ça.
Et il poussait toujours, ma copine criait sous les coups de boutoirs qui forçait *** anus, mélange de douleur et de plaisir, puis à ***** de pousser, il a fini par entrer tout le jouet dans *** petit cul. Elle était complètement écartelée par ce monstrueux sexe, il a attaché les sangles autour de sa taille et a demandé à ses potes de la mettre dos sur la table et de lui tenir ses jambes grandes ouvertes.
- Bâillonnez-la, je ne veux pas l'entendre cette chienne, je vais la dépuceler bien fort, quand je serais bien au fond, on lui enlèvera. T'es prête salope, car tu vas me sentir passer crois moi. Attends, je mets un doigt pour voir. Putain ce qu'elle est serrée, ça va être long, mais je vais faire attention, mais tu vas prendre ma queue entière dans ta toute petite chatte bien serrée par le gros god dans ton cul de pute. Tu vas adorer ça.
Et il a posé *** sexe à l'entrée de sa chatte en feu, puis il a poussé, *** gros gland forçant le passage de sa chatte très très étroite. Ma copine a poussé un cri sous *** bâillon, c'était pire que ce qu'elle avait imaginé, mais d'un seul coup *** corps s'est détendu, elle partait loin dans un nouveau pays de sensation. Elle adorait ce sexe énorme qui la forçait, l'homme prenait tout *** temps, entrant lentement en elle, faisant le passage à *** gros sexe et elle a ondulé le bassin, venant à sa rencontre.
- Voila, viens doucement ma coquine, tu es parfaite, on va y aller tout doux, tu aimes ça tu vois. Je ne vais pas te faire du mal, mais te faire jouir, laisse-moi guider doucement l'entrée de ma queue en toi.
Il devenait doux comme un agneau, il avait compris qu'elle aimait ça, il voulait lui donner du plaisir !
Il a continué très lentement sa progression, entrant petit à petit tout *** gros sexe en elle, la limant doucement en de lent va et viens dans sa petite chatte en feu. Il a demandé aux autres de lui enlever *** bâillon, qu'il voulait l'entendre jouir de plaisir. Dès que le foulard a été enlevé, elle s'est mise à gémir doucement, le plaisir montait en elle, par vagues successives. Elle se laissait guider par l'homme habile qui la pénétrait. Au bout d'un long moment, il est enfin entré en entier. Il s'est immobilisé en elle :
- Voila je suis tout au fond, je bouge plus pour que tu t'habitues, mais tu es si serrée que je vais jouir tout de suite, viens jouir avec moi ma toute belle.
Et il a commencé un lent, très lent mouvement dans *** sexe, sortant à peine, l'un des hommes lui a caressé doucement le clitoris, et d'un seul coup, un orgasme violent, puissant est monté le long de ses reins. Elle a littéralement hurlé sa jouissance, les contractions de *** vagin a fait jouir l'homme en elle sans qu'il ne bouge. L'homme s'est retiré doucement de *** sexe, pendant qu'on lui caressait toujours très affectueusement le clitoris, la faisant revenir très lentement de sa jouissance. Ils lui ont enlevé aussi le god de ses fesses et l'ont nettoyé gentiment avec des lingettes. Ils l'ont bercé presque amoureusement, la laissant doucement reprendre ses esprits. Puis l'ont raccompagnée à sa voiture, lui disant combien ils avaient aimé lui faire l'amour, qu'elle pouvait revenir quand elle voulait si elle voulait, la porte était ouverte.
Aujourd'hui elle fait toujours *** jogging, mais 2 jeudis par mois, *** jogging fait un détour par la cabane dans les bois.


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Encore toujours excellent... et les mêmes problèmes, à quand une solution ?
Merci et bonne continuation.


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Croisière en enfer

Les vacances avaient pourtant bien commencé. Nous étions partis depuis déjà 15 jours pour une croisière en Afrique. Nous avions déjà fait escale dans plusieurs ports dont celui de Nairobi. Nous venions de quitter le Kenya et faisions route vers le Golfe d'Aden, direction l'Egypte en contournant l'Ethiopie et le Yémen qui n'étaient pas vraiment des pays touristiques. Et surtout, nous voulions nous éloigner le plus possibles des côtes somaliennes réputées pour leurs actes de pirateries... Le Morvan, splendide voilier trois mâts de 88 mètres filait à la vitesse de 12 nœuds dans l'océan Indien. Nous étions 5 à bord plus les membres d'équipage qui étaient tous des hommes. Je m'appelle Pierre, j'ai 50 ans, je suis médecin. Ma femme, Chantal a le même âge que moi. C'est encore une belle femme, très sexy; Quand elle se promène dans cette ville très bourgeoise ou nous habitons en France, il est fréquent qu'on la drague. Elle est toujours en jupe et en talons. Je l'adore. Coté sexe, elle a de l'imagination à revendre. Je me suis toujours demandé si elle n'était pas un peu salope... Ma fille, Sophie vient d'avoir 27 ans et surtout elle vient de se marier avec Franck. Sophie a le même corps que sa mère en plus jeune, c'est dire... Franck est un gentil garçon, très grand, des yeux bleu et un sourire ravageur. Il est avocat. Ma fille travaille dans une société de recouvrement. Société qui appartient à la mère de mon gendre, Eliane, 62 ans. Grâce au sports et à une bonne hygiène de vie et aussi quelques retouches données par des chirurgiens plasticiens de renom (mais ça, il ne faut pas le dire) elle avait encore un corps de rêve... C'est Eliane qui nous offre cette croisière. Elle est riche, très riche. *** mari *********** décédé lui ayant laissé un très bel héritage. Accoudé au bastingage, je regardais l'horizon. Le soleil tapait dur mais une petite brise marine le rendait supportable. J'entendis des rires et je jetais un œil sur le pont. Ma femme et ma fille, en bikini, bronzaient en papotant sous le regard concupiscent des deux membres d'équipages qui faisaient de leur mieux pour ne pas trop regarder ces deux superbes femmes à peine vêtus. Ce n'était pas la première fois que je remarquais qu'ils mataient soit ma femme soit ma fille mais curieusement, je ne leur en voulais pas.
Je sentis mon sexe durcir dans mon maillot de bain en repensant à hier soir quand ma femme et moi avions fait l'amour, le hublot de notre cabine ouvert. J'étais presque sur d'avoir vu un des membres d'équipage en train de nous mater pendant que je prenais Chantal en levrette. Je souris en repensant à ce moment agréable. J'étais loin de me douter que la croisière de rêve allait se transformer en cauchemar....

Le Skipper a vu la petite embarcation arriver vers nous et nous a prévenu mais nous n'avons pu éviter l'abordage et l'assaut des pirates. Les six hommes, des Somaliens venus de Mogadiscio sans doute, montèrent à bord sans aucune résistance de notre part. Ils étaient tous armés de fusils d'assaut et de *********. Une lueur mauvaise dans leurs regards. Ils visitèrent toutes les cabines en criant. Quelques coups de feu furent tirés mais per***ne ne fut blessé. Nous sommes tous rassemblés sur le pont. Les femmes pleurent, paniquées. Celui qui parait être le chef des pirates, un grand black au crâne rasé donna un ordre et les hommes furent solidement attachés au mât. Impuissant, je craignais pour les femmes. Chantal et Sophie me jetaient des regards désespérés. Dans un mauvais anglais, le chef des pirates nous expliqua que nous étions leurs otages et qu'une rançon allait être demandée. Il entraîna ma femme et ma fille dans la cabine de pilotage et j'entendis des cris qui me glacèrent le sang. Mon Dieu, qu'allait il leur faire?

Sophie et Chantal revinrent et mon épouse m'expliqua qu'elle avait du passer sous la contrainte un appel radio à Djibouti pour expliquer notre situation à un représentant des français en Afrique.
Le chef des pirates lui donna une claque sur les fesses. Rouge de honte, elle balbutia:
- Pendant que je passais l'appel, il a mis ses doigts dans mon string et m'a tripoté...
Je serrais les poings de rages et d'impuissance...
Le chef lança:
- Continue!
- Il m'a enfoncé ses doigts dans ma chatte et m'a tripoté le cli... Clitoris...
Les hommes du chef étaient morts de rire...
Plusieurs pirates s'emparèrent des femmes et les emmenèrent dans leurs cabines respectives...
Ils revinrent rapidement. Ils les avaient obligé à mettre des mules à talons: ce qui les rendaient encore plus sexy. Eliane avait du se changer et mettre un bikini emprunté à ma fille ce qui fait qu'il était beaucoup trop petit pour elle. Ses seins débordaient littéralement du soutien gorge.
Les pirates sortirent une grande table qu'ils installèrent sur le pont. Le chef expliqua qu'ils avaient faim et que les femmes aller leurs faire à manger! Tous les pirates éclatent de rire. Les femmes firent le service. A chaque passage, les pirates pelotent ma femme ou ma fille. Les mains remontent sur les jambes, s'introduisent dans le string. On malaxe des seins notamment ceux d'Eliane sous le regard de *** fils qui gémit.


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Le repas fut bien arrosé. On obligea les trois femmes à boire de l'alcool fort. Le chef claqua des doigts et les pirates disposèrent à genoux devant eux Eliane, Chantal et Sophie. Le chef et deux de ses hommes sortirent leurs sexes tendus. En pleine érection. Les femmes voulurent détournés la tête mais on les obligea à se pencher en avant. Leurs bouches s'approchèrent des queues des pirates: Eliane engouffra la première le sexe dans sa bouche en poussant un gémissement, le pirate appuya fermement sur la tête de la mère de Franck. Celle ci commença sa fellation, sa tête montant et descendant sur la bite dressée. Le chef, lui, releva ma fille et la courba sur le bastingage. Il lui baissa *** slip et lui caressa la vulve. Lui enfonçant ses doigts dans sa chatte. Sophie tenta de se débattre mais le chef lui donna une violente fessée. Il s'accroupit et lécha la fente à ma fille. Je voyais sa langue s'enfoncer dans l'intimité de ma petite fille chérie. Ma femme poussa un grognement étouffé par les deux énormes queues que deux pirates tentaient d'enfoncer dans sa bouche. Un autre lui malaxait les seins. Le chef, sa queue dure comme du bois, se masturba un peu et s'enfonça dans la chatte de ma fille qui poussa un cri. Les mains crocheté sur les hanches, il donna de violents coups de reins besognant ma fille. Il grognât en s'agitant. Ma fille gémissait.

Chantal était prise à partie par trois pirates. Debout, en équilibre sur les talons de ses mules, elle subissait les attouchements d'un d'entre eux qui lui enfonçait le goulot d'une bouteille dans la chatte,, la faisant coulisser rapidement. Un autre lui suçait les seins. Le troisième la courba en avant et lui enfonça sa queue dans la bouche. Celui qui faisait coulisser la bouteille éclatât de rire et lança quelque chose en somali qui fut traduit par le chef qui besognait toujours ma fille.
- Elle mouille ta femme, elle a l'air d'aimer ça...
Effondré, je ne répondais pas...
Eliane, allongée sur le dos, les jambes relevés à la verticale se faisait ramoner par une queue luisante qui rentrait et sortait de *** con... Elle tournait la tête de droite à gauche en gémissant.
Je commençais à entendre des commentaires dans les rangs des hommes d'équipage qui traitaient Eliane et ma femme et ma fille de salopes. C'est vrai que ma femme et ma fille n'avait plus vraiment l'air terrorisé. A quatre pattes, Chantal se faisait prendre en levrette devant moi. On l'avait positionné de façon à ce qu'elle me regarde. Je voyais ses yeux exorbités. Elle ouvrait la bouche haletante sous les coups de boutoir du pirate. Ses gros seins ballottaient hors du soutien gorge. On traîna Eliane devant *** fils et elle dut lui administrer une fellation malgré ses supplications. On baissa le short de Franck qui à ma grande stupeur bandait comme un âne. Sa mère lui lança un regard trouble mais chargé de reproches. Sous la pression de la main du pirate elle avala la bite de *** fils. Elle le pompa doucement d'abord puis de plus en plus vite salivant sur la bite. Lui malaxant les couilles.

Le chef se retira de ma fille et la mettant à genoux, se masturba en grognant. Il lâcha des traînées de sperme sur le visage de ma fille. Aussitôt, deux pirates traînèrent Sophie devant les hommes d'équipage qu'elle dut sucer à tour de rôle. Faisant le tour du mât. Une bite dans chaque main, elle les pompait avec un empressement qui me faisait douter de sa réticence...
Le pirate qui baisait ma femme explosa en grognant et un autre le remplaça aussitôt.
Franck éjacula aspergeant le visage de sa mère de *** foutre poisseux.

On obligea Eliane et Chantal à suivre ma fille et à pomper les hommes d'équipage. Plusieurs éjaculèrent dans la bouche d'Eliane qui avait du mal à avaler le sperme tant la quantité était importante. Elle le recrachait discrètement mais ça ne plaisait pas aux pirates qui lui claquait les fesses à chaque fois. Ma femme, elle, reçut quantité de foutres sur *** visage. Elle en a dans les cheveux et sur le front, autour de la bouche. Littéralement remaquillée au foutre....Sophie fut placé devant moi et horrifié, je compris qu'on lui donnait l'ordre de me sucer aussi. Elle me regarda et me masturba. Ma queue devint vite dure et grosse entre ses mains. Elle m'avala, me suçant avec application. Je sentais sa langue me titiller le gland. Elle me caressait les couilles en même temps. Elle enfonçait ma bite au fond de sa gorge. Puis la ressortait, me masturbant de nouveau. Je ne pus tenir longtemps. J'ai joui en poussant un cri, mon sperme gicla dans sa bouche éclaboussant *** palais, se répandant au fond de sa gorge....

Les pirates libérèrent les hommes d'équipage et ce fut une véritable orgie. Ils se ruèrent sur Eliane et ma femme et ma fille et les baisèrent comme des chiennes devant moi et Franck toujours attachés au mât. Eliane, empalée sur une bite, enculée par une autre et suçant une troisième haletait. *** corps secoué violemment par les coups de bites et sous les rires des pirates. Ma femme et ma fille durent s'embrasser sous les applaudissements des pirates et hommes d'équipage devenus complices maintenant. Horrifié, écœuré, je vois leurs langues s'entremêlée. On allongea ma femme, et ma fille dut lui sucer la chatte. Sa langue lui titillant le clitoris. Ma femme donne des coups de reins et gémit; Pendant que Sophie suce sa mère, un des hommes d'équipage la pénétra et la baisa en levrette. Cela dura des heures. On humilia ma femme et ma fille de toutes les façons. Ma femme, à genoux, se faisait enculé pendant qu'elle devait sucer deux bites en même temps. Ma fille, déjà une bite dans sa chatte, dut accepter une queue dans *** anus ce qui la fit crier. Les yeux hors de la tête, je regardais les 25 cm de bite s'enfoncer dans l'anus de ma fille qui poussa un cri horrible. Puis les deux hommes bougèrent baisant ma fille qui poussa de petits cris...Mais plus de douleur...

La pauvre Eliane se retrouva avec une main enfoncé dans sa chatte. *** corps s'arquait sous les aller et retour de la main. Eliane criait de jouissance et de douleur...Tous le monde voulut lui enfoncer sa main dans sa chatte puis après, pour faire une variante, dans *** cul. Elle se retrouva fistée par la chatte et le cul...Elle eut un orgasme qui la fit hurler et elle s'effondra...
Ils éjaculèrent tous arrosant ma femme et ma fille de leurs spermes.

Cela dura plusieurs jours ou Chantal, Sophie et Eliane devinrent les objets sexuels des pirates et des hommes d'équipage. Les négociations menées par le quai d'Orsay aboutirent rapidement et la rançon fut payée. Les pirates partirent aussitôt nous abandonnant aux mains des hommes d'équipage qui nous ramenèrent à Nairobi. Bizarrement, une fois les pirates partis, les hommes redevinrent sérieux, certains s'excusèrent même. Je pensais à porter plainte et à les accuser de viols un fois rentré en France mais un dernier événement me fit changer d'avis...

Nous étions presque arrivé à Nairobi et je me disais que cette croisière en enfer était enfin terminée quand des cris me firent sursauter... Je me précipitais prêts à sauver ma femme des griffes de ces pervers quand j'arrivais dans ma cabine. Mon gendre baisait ma femme pendant que ma fille fistais sa belle mère qui se tordait en gémissant...
J'entendais leurs cris de plaisir et ma femme, m'apercevant me lança:
- Viens mon chéri, viens baiser cette salope, me lança t'elle en désignant Eliane.
- Oui papa, renchérit ma fille, ma belle mère est une vraie chienne...
Elle prit soudain un air coquin et s'approcha de moi...
- Ou tu préfère que je te suce comme la dernière fois?
Vous auriez fait quoi à ma place? Franchement??


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un footing en enfer....

Je reviens lentement vers ma voiture, l'entre jambes encore en feu..., réfléchissant, en proie à un terrible dilemme, partagée entre, me précipiter au commissariat pour déposer plainte, tout dire à Georges.... Qui sous le coup d'une grosse colère pourrait devenir violent envers mes bourreaux; ou bien....revenir bientôt de mon plein gré, dans cette grande mai*** ....pour y subir le même sort.
Cet après midi je suis venue faire un footing dans cette forêt, qui grouille de monde en week-end, mais qui est déserte la semaine.
En voulant sauter un petit dénivelé, je me suis mal réceptionnée, mon genou a craqué... impossible de mettre un pied devant l'autre... pas de portable sur moi ...que faire!! Et je me suis souvenue que tout à coté, il y a une grande mai*** ou vit un marginal que l'ont surnomme ' l'indien': je l'ai déjà aperçu, avec *** chien, un grand Danois à la mâchoire carrée.
L'homme lui même ressemble à un fakir, d'où le surnom... pas très grand, les cheveux longs, une barbe immense, la peau tannée par le soleil, mais apparemment propre.
Donc le sachant à proximité, je n'ai d'autre choix que d'aller demander si il possède un téléphone... je me traîne sur une jambe, arrivée devant ce grand portail en fer entrebâillé, je n'en mène pas large, dès que je suis entrée, le grand chien se précipite vers moi, je m'arrête, pétrifiée!! L'homme sort de la mai*** ...
- Roxi!!
Aussitôt la bête s'immobilise!!
- C'est pourquoi??? Crie-t-il
- Excuser moi, je viens de me tordre le genou, est ce que vous auriez un téléphone, je ne peu plus marcher....
- Ha! Ces gonzesses qui viennent s'exhiber, toujours pareil ... Non! Je n'ai pas de téléphone!!
Çà commence bien... Pourquoi s'exhiber?? Je suis correctement vêtue... Un jogging moulant c'est vrai! Mais pas indécent!!
- Bon si tu veux, je peux jeter un coup d'œil à ton genou... C'est tout ce que je peu faire ...
Je n'ai pas d'autre choix ...
- Si vous penser y faire quelque chose, je veux bien ...
- Alors entre ...
Le tutoiement me choque un peu mais qu'y faire!! Quand même il me soutient pour faire les derniers mètres, suivi de très prés par le chien. Finalement l'intérieur est coquet, très propre.
Il me fait asseoir sur un fauteuil... Le chien se tient à cinquante centimètres de moi il me fixe!
- y a deux solutions... Ou bien je coupe la jambière au dessus du genou, ou bien tu enlève le pantalon.
Il me dit tout cela en fixant mon entre jambe.... Comme si j'étais nue... Je réfléchie à toute vitesse... Couper, c'est dommage, je l'ai payé très cher ce jogging!! Et d'un autre coté... je suis nue dessous....ce pantalon est prévu pour.... Il tourne les talons, j'en profite pour regarder mon entre jambe.. Ha oui!!... Pas étonnant qu'il avait les yeux braqués!! Ma moule est parfaitement dessinée par le tissu, les deux lèvres ***t séparées par le sillon naturel....Je n'avais jamais remarquée cela!!
Bon... et bien j'enlève le bas du vêtement....lorsqu'il revient j'ai la chatte à l'air, je serre les cuisses, honteuse, je baisse les yeux. Mais il voit bien mes poils!!
- Ha!! Oui!! D'accord...
Il me fait mettre la jambe sur un tabouret, ce qui m'oblige à séparer les cuisses,sur le genou, il m'applique un linge mouillé et bouillant....
- Çà va décontracter ....
Toujours le regard entre mes cuisses, il me dit en me tendant un verre
- Tien! Bois çà...
A contre cœur, je bois, c'est amer...
- Bois tout!! si tu ne veux pas souffrir ...
Une minute plus tard, mes yeux se brouillent..., puis plus rien ....,je sombre, j'essaie de résister, il est devant moi un léger sourire sur les lèvres, le chien aussi me regarde ... et, pouf....
Combien de temps suis je restée dans le cirage, je ne sais pas je reviens à moi lentement, mais impossible d'ouvrir les yeux, je suis secouée par des coups portés à mon bas ventre.... Bizarrement, des coups qui me font du bien, je sens que mes jambes ***t relevées..,j'arrive à ouvrir une paupière, l'homme est devant moi c'est lui qui tient mes jambes en l'air ....
Mes membres ne réagissent pas, je suis consciente mais inerte, mais tout à coup je réalise que je suis en train de me faire baiser!!!!


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Ma chatte est remplie par une queue monstrueuse elle frotte sur toutes les parties innervée de mon sexe.
A travers le brouillard de mes yeux je vois 'l'indien' qui me baise, un sourire aux lèvres, le chien aussi me fixe toujours...lui aussi a l'air de sourire ...
Ce salaud me fais un bien fou, malgré moi je participe, j'essaie d'avancer mon bassin pour qu'il me pénètre plus profondément.
Je suis dans un bien être indescriptible, je distingue un feu de cheminée, mon dos est sur quelque chose de très doux, comme une peau de bête... je réalise que: je suis entièrement nue, mon genou ne me fait plus mal!!
Et soudain!! Je jouis!!!! Des soubresauts envahissent mon corps.
- Hoooo, Ouiiiii c'est booonnn encore!!! Encore!!!!
Du liquide s'échappe de ma chatte, et l'homme lui aussi pousse un grand cri...des giclées viennent percuter violemment mon utérus, il me remplit la moule de foutre chaud!!!
Puis il me lâche et tourne les talons... Toujours ankylosée, j'essaie de descendre de cette table, je vois mes vêtements, mais avant que je n'ai pus faire un geste le chien arrive entre mes cuisses, sa langue entre directement et profondément dans ma vulve, j'essaie de m'y soustraire, mais il grogne ....le plaisir à peine disparu revient vite... Je m'abandonne, il me fouille bien la chatte, sa langue nettoie même mon anus ....
Soudain le chien tourne les talons lui aussi, je suis libre, je me laisse glisser de la table, mais les ****** me manquent, je me retrouve à quatre pattes, rampant vers mes habits, je n'est pas le temps de les saisir... deux pattes velues et puissantes viennent ceinturer mes reins, les poils ***t sur mes fesses ,sa gueule mord mes cheveux, une chose dure et chaude tape entre mes cuisses, j'essaie de résister mais ********** a une ***** incroyable, je lui facilite plus la tache qu'autre chose, et ,d'un coups ma chatte est empalée par une queue énorme, les coups ***t rapides... Je crie de joie malgré moi... Puis il s'immobilise alors je sens dans mon ventre se développer une boule monstrueuse, j'ai l'impression que ma chatte va éclater sous le volume, mes lèvres ***t poussées vers l'extérieur, ********** d'un coup de reins quitte mon dos, je suis prise comme une chienne, cul à cul... la tête sur mes avants bras, je savoure mon viol...
Le chien se met à décharger une quantité de sperme incroyable, mon ventre se gonfle encore rendu étanche par la poussée de la queue sur ma vulve, je n'ai plus qu'à attendre qu'il veuille bien débander, soudain *** maître est devant moi... la bitte à la main, il s'avance vers ma bouche ...
- Suce... il est bon mon chien hein salope.... aller avale, tu ne le regretteras pas....
Vaincue, j'ouvre la bouche, il me pénètre et me baise comme il l'a fait avec ma chatte, profondément et rapidement. J'ai encore envie de sexe, que m'a-t-il fait boire...
Enfin dans un bruit de ventouse ********** se désaccouple, ma chatte n'en finie pas de se vider.
Alors 'l'indien' sort de ma bouche, il passe derrière moi, enfonce sa bitte dans ma moule béante, je pense qu'il veut me baiser encore une fois...mais non, il ressort, et appuis *** gland lubrifié sur ma petite rondelle qui palpite malgré dois l'avouer...J'ai envie qu'il m'encule....
Rapidement c'est chose faite, je participe en reculant mon bassin à la rencontre de sa bitte noueuse, ses couilles tapent sur ma chatte, il me tient par les hanches, les chairs claquent l'une sur l'autre dans un bruit sec, à une cadence infernale....
- Hoooo Ouiiiii.... encule moi.... c'est bon.... remplie moi le cul!!!!
- Tiennnn!!! Prend çà salope... Ha ouii.... tu me vide les couilles....
Effectivement sa queue dans mon boyau a des soubresauts en se vidant de *** foutre....
Repue de sexe enfin je me laisse glisser sur le sol... Je reprends conscience un bon moment après, plus per***ne dans la piè maître ni chien... je me rhabille, mon genou ne me fait plus aucun mal... que m'a-t-il fait réellement?? Je ne sais pas, mais il m'a fait du bien à tous points de vue.......
Arrivée à la voiture ma décision est prise, je ne vais rien dire à per***ne ...mais je sais que je vais revenir bientôt.....


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Slut Trap

Jess strutted out of the bathroom, expecting to see more drooling guys. Her miniscule, tight light blue skirt was tight against her hips and ass. The glossy stockings enhanced the allure of her firm, strong legs. She had glossy, black heels on that could most politely be called hooker shoes. Her top was stretched tight against the bottom half of her full breasts. Her nipples and every curve of her breasts could be seen, if your eyes could be taken from her cleavage. Above it all she had a beautiful face with full, pouty lips, dark, curly, shoulder length hair and dark, alluring eyes.

In short, she was built like a brick **** house, and it made her wet in her black thong panties to shake her ass around the mall and frustrate boys and men to the point of insanity. Making other women angry, and getting their boyfriends and husbands in trouble was also all part of the game.

Jess was too busy checking herself out in any reflective surface and looking over her shoulder constantly for admirers to notice that she had gone the wrong way and was in a hallway that went back behind the bathrooms and was only for access to employee only doors. When she did notice and was about to turn around she saw some sort of donation box that caught her eye.

"Diamonds for Crippled *********" it said. Pictures on the box showed amazing jewelry along with pathetic looking kids. There was a big opening for donations, big enough you could have donated your own crippled ***** from the looks of it, Jess thought. She looked around; making sure no one was in this almost hidden hallway. Seeing no one she tried reaching into the box through the donation slot, but as far as her arm went in, she couldn't reach the bottom.

Looking around again, this time she put her head through the slot. Her arms weren't able to fit in at the same time, but she figured she'd see what was in there, and then figure out a way to get the jewelry out. If anyone had been there, they would have seen Jess bent over at the waist, her head sunk into a hold in a box at about knee level. Her legs were spread and her hands flat against the box. Her tight skirt was up high on her firm, shiny thighs, above the tops of her control top stockings. Her ass cheeks were covered, but her moist black thong was well displayed.

Jess pushed her head in a bit further, extending her neck, when suddenly a padded yoke closed around it.

"What the Fu-," Jess started, before a ball gag was expertly and gently slipped into her mouth. A hand pushed the back of her head down as the gag was strapped in place. Jess breathed hard, afraid and furious. She could see nothing in the dark box. She heard nothing but the din of the people of the mall in the background, and felt nothing other than the yoke and gag. The her labored breathing brought lots of air through her nose she could smell the scents of it - leather, an array of perfumes, and the strong smell of a lot of stale sweat. Jess realized she mustn't be the first to have fallen for this trap. She whimpered as a sense of dread overtook her.

The sure, strong hands that had already ************* her held her shapely legs apart and attached a spreader, fixed around each ankle, that kept her legs wide apart. Her arms were easily pulled above her head and bound to the yoke. She'd have no way to cover her chest or her very visible hard nipples. A black silk scarf was brought against her face and almost sensuously tied in place to cover her vision. The gentle sensation in the midst of this humiliating control made her breath hard through her nose. Being completely controlled and already spread and exposed made her aroused against her will. The knowledge that her arousal would be so easily seen by her captors, who would certainly want her as all men did, made her both terrified and even more aroused.

Her captors easily took her by the yoke and ankles and she could hear them head through one of the employee only doors, leaving behind the public mall and all hope Jess had of being freed.

She felt herself being lifted up, and her yoke hooked to what sounded like chains hanging from the ceiling. Another hook from the floor held her spreader bar fixed in place. Firm hands held her body while her clothing was undone and cut away.

"You see the game Saturday night?" The one voice asked as he undid her skirt.

"Sure, how could I miss that?" The other replied as he carefully cut her shirt down the middle. He kept a hand on her shoulder or side at all times to limit her wiggling that could harm her as she was being prepped.

"I love those guys," the first man said, now removing the skirt. "They're not always winning, but they're a lot of fun." He pulled her thong just above her ass crack out and up, causing it to press hard against her pussy, then he cut it, making the strip of material that had covered her pussy, ass hole and ass crack flap in front of her. Feeling the air against her exposed sex and butt hole made her squirm with panic. The air around her filled with the smell of her wet, freshly exposed sex. The handler working her lower half pulled out the waistband of the panties and snipped it. He stepped away to look her over. Her stockings and heels were still on, but the skirt and panties were disposed of.

The handler for her upper body snipped away her bra at the shoulders and unhooked it, letting it fall away. Her big tits and hard nipples bounced free, serving to further Jess' panic and arousal. She was confident now that these men would fuck her. Men who had fucked a lot of women restrained like her. Men, not the boys she typically had to deal with. She fought the slut deep inside of her, struggling to maintain some decency, knowing she shouldn't want this to happen.

Instead of the feeling she anticipated, or maybe hoped for - a cock, or a tongue or fingers using her, pleasuring the owner and her, she felt metal clamps quickly hold hard to her nipples. She screamed against her ball gag, her eyes bulging behind the scarf covering here eyes. Fear of what might come only made the ***** swell even more to her imprisoned nipples. Now something new gripped her nipples, and then she felt an intense feeling of pain as both nipples were pierced through, and rings hung from each now permanently erect nipple. The upper body handler moved around behind Jess and grabbed her hips. Instead of pulling away Jess tried to push her bare ass back toward him, her only hope and instinct now to try to feel pleasure amidst this *********** and pain.

The other handler expertly applied the clamp to her clitoral hood and pierced it as well, leaving a matching ring hanging. Jess panted, trying to regain some sort of control as one of the handlers manipulated a small remote control and some monitoring equipment to verify that the pleasure/pain rings were functional and responding to the remote.



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As the handler tested the pleasure/pain rings that hung from Jess' nipples and clitoral hood she felt a tingly sense of pleasure flow from her breasts and pussy through her chest and stomach and thighs, then all over her body. The pleasure built until her crotch throbbed and leaked. Her muscles contracted and she wiggled as much as she could in her suspended yoke restraint. Now, somehow, the pleasure went up yet another notch. She could feel every heartbeat and breath, and intense waves of pleasure crashed against her body making her fingers and toes curl, her ass cheeks clench and her head shake.

As the handlers expertly tested the remote on Jess she felt the intense pleasure slowly ebb, allowing her to breath and savor the aftershocks of her orgasm. The pleasure/pain settings continued to push toward pain, and Jess could feel almost an itch develop in her permanently hard nipples and still throbbing clit. She squirmed at the sensation, which now became a burning. Jess grunted in alarm and shook her tits and gyrated her hips, trying to find something to rub her exposed pussy on. Now it felt like pins were poking her clit and nipples. Jess couldn't stop grunting and moaning, one would assume from pain only, if they didn't notice her soaked thighs. She writhed, desperately seeking relief.

"You can stop the test there," a new voice, that of a trainer, said to the disinterested handlers. "Any more and I think this slut would pass out. This was a good catch," he said. The trainer took the remote and the handlers left the room to get cleaned up and attend to newly captured sluts. As they passed the offices meetings and calls could be overheard where sluts were ordered, research was done on client desires and interests and training orders were written up and assigned.

The trainer approached Jess, reading over the training orders. He needed to condition her to behave and respond as the women of the intended owner's fantasy and favorite porno movies and stories. This one would be fairly conventional, as far as they went. A complete slut, always happy to suck and fuck, no modesty or sense of shame, aroused by the reassuring words of her owner. There was just one thing she'd need some special treatment for.

"I need a tongue machine in training bay 3," the trainer said into a wireless ear piece he wore. Jess heard his voice and spun to face him, though she could not see through the scarf covering her eyes.

Sweat covered Jess, giving her skin a shine like that of the control top stockings and heels she still wore, the only clothing that had been left on her, and the shine of her pleasure/pain rings hanging from her nipples and clit hood. The sweat matted her hair against her face, and soaked the yoke she wore. Her full breasts had a beautiful shine to them as they heaved, shaking the rings hanging from her freshly pierced nipples. Her mind, finally relieved of the sensations of pain and pleasure raced with thoughts of what lay ahead for her in the hands of these men so willing to harshly and casually handle her, expose her, ******* and pleasure her.

The trainer undid Jess' blindfold. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light and she tried to make sense of where she was and what she saw. The trainer smiled at her and moved on to undo the ball gag, which popped from her mouth, dripping saliva. "A lovely sight," the trainer said, admiring her swollen lips, sweat covered face and mouth dripping with spit, as if a hard cock had just been pulled from her mouth. Jess' eyes bulged with confusion, excitement and terror at the smiling trainer. Her lower stomach tightened and her upper inner thighs quivered.

"Jess, you're a very lucky young slut," the trainer told her as he admiringly extended his hand to her pussy and started fingering and flicking her soaked sex. Jess gasped, trying to ***** her hungry body down to get more contact. "You've been purchased for a wealthy, handsome and very nice young man. Now you and I will train you for your life of sexual servitude and pleasure.

"I...I don't understand," Jess said, even as she squirmed her hips to accentuate the feel of the trainers touch on her lips, her slit, her clit.

"You're controlled by shame and guilt. And your sexual hunger has been repressed. Before you were captured you thought you were a slut. You will be so much more of a slut when we're done with you. The pleasure of your master will give you pleasure, his displeasure will give you pain. And together we will shape you to be the woman of his fantasies."

At that moment handlers moved the tongue machine he had ordered up. It was an electric wheel, like that of a table saw, but instead of metal saw teeth sticking out there were four large, floppy silicone tongues.

"Jess, you will be a slut, overcome with desire, passion that exceeds your self restraint, a desperate need for the cock of your master in your pussy and mouth. You need his pleasure, the throbbing of his imminent release, the taste of his semen shooting into your mouth or on his cock as it pulls from your pussy. And the act that will completely bind you to your master, to enslave you to him beyond any good sense or cognitive wishes you may have, will be the feel of his tongue working your asshole."

Jess blinked and her eyes bulged as the handlers moved the tongue machine to line up with her ass. She realized she was about to have this mechanized oral sex machine work her ass, it's big floppy tongues sliding up her ass crack and butt hole, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"It will be a rare thing for a man to want to lick the asshole of a slut like you intensely, to push his tongue up past your tight hole until he's fucking you in the ass with it. So that is what we'll use to lock you forever with your master. The one who will do that to you will be the one we're training you for."

The trainer turned on the machine, and Jess could hear it whir to life. Her butt cheeks and asshole clenched over and over in expectation. The handlers slowly moved the machine in place. The four silicone tongues dipped into a reservoir of lubrication and flopped around as the wheel spun. Jess felt it splash against her ass, then a breeze from the movement of the machine against her butt hole, then the feeling of a large, wet tongue sloshing up her ass crack and hard up against her asshole before flopping past her body and the next one repeating the experience. It continued without fatigue, threatening to never stop.



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"For now we'll train you to love what he loves, to be able to endure hours and hours of pleasure, and to please a man with no consideration for yourself." With that the trainer turned up the pleasure on her pleasure/pain rings and set it to correspond to the contact by the tongue machine. Before long Jess felt an intense, warm, sucking sensation on her nipples and clit each time a giant tongue sloshed up her well-lubricated, shiny ass crack. The trainer's fingers plunged in and out of Jess' soaked cunt, juicing the cum from her noisily, even over the sound of her moans and the sound of the industrial strength tongue machine.

Jess pressed on, exhausted, but craving more, eagerly anticipating each contact of a tongue with her asshole, knowing her whole body would shake with ecstasy at each contact. Again and again orgasms grew from the depths of her soaked cunt to grow up through her stomach, down her thighs, around her hips and ass, up over her breasts, up her neck, to explode throughout her as it's tendrils extended electrical currents through her face and toes and fingers.


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What Am I Doing Here?


I got out of my car. There were only two other cars parked in the lot. One was Jeff Bannon's; I didn't recognize the other. Quickly, before I changed my mind, I walked to the door of the cabin and knocked. God, I hated myself, hated myself for being here.

The door opened. It was Jeff. "Hello, Mrs. Huffman, you're right on time," he said. He had that Jeffery smirk on his face. "Come on in."

I hate him

It was his parents' weekend getaway cabin that I was getting ready to step into. His parents were away, vacationing in Europe, skiing or something. Who knew? Anyhow, he had access to the cabin, and now, here I was, too.

Jeff stepped away from the entrance and waved me in to the cabin.

Yeah. He wasn't alone. I hadn't really thought he would be. I had hoped he would be, but I didn't really think that would be the situation. The cabin's living room was well lit, and, after my eyes became accustomed to the light, I saw them there. Five of them, counting Jeff. They were looking at me, and they, each of them, had those ugly, smirking smiles on their faces. Bastards! I stepped in. Jeff closed the door behind me. I wondered if there was any way that I would be able to get out of here without what I was pretty sure was going to be some real ugliness. I looked around, trying to identify the guys in the room. Just then a door at the back of the room opened and I saw Harold McCarthy come in to the room from the bathroom.

"Hey, Mrs.Huffman finally got here," he uttered to no one in particular. "Why didn't one of you call and tell me she was here?" He was buttoning up the fly of his jeans as he talked. Harold was another of the students that I disliked. He was obnoxious, rude, sarcastic, inattentive--- a real misery in the classroom. A real misery everyway. It was obvious that he hadn't even washed his hands after using the facility. His face exploded into a smile, "Hey, Mrs. Huffman, we sure are glad that you got here."

"Well, I got here," I answered. "I don't know why we had to meet this way, but I am here," I added. Jeff had promised that the pictures would be returned to me but that we would have to "discuss things" first. I wanted those pictures back. ****, I needed to have them back.

"Why don't you come in, sit down?" Jeff said. "Come on in, Mrs. Huffman," he added, "We're all just here for a friendly conversation." Now his smile was no longer smirking. It was thinner, harder meaner. It was demanding.

He had no right to be demanding to me, no right whatsoever! I just stood there, not moving. I let my eyes sweep around the room to see who was there. There were six of them, four of them the original group of students who had engaged in my gangbang, their group fuck of their teacher. The two others, Francis Locanni and Clay Fenner had joined the group of young men using my body after the original gangbang. If there was anyway I could eliminate these boys, rid the world of them, I would. Oh I would have, and the world would be better for it. If I could just get them out of my life, I would. Disgusting slobs, I hated them.

Jeff came nearer. He reached out and took my hand in his. "Gee, Mrs. Huffman," he said, "Don't be mad. We just wanted to talk about, you know, everything." He tried to pull me into the center of the room. I shook his hand loose from mine. I was shaking, but I wasn't going to let him see it. I wasn't going to let any of them see it.

"Don't touch me," I said.

"Ah, you're mad," he said. He looked from me to the boys in the room. "Mrs. Huffman is mad." He said. "But she don't have any reason to be angry, does she?" he asked them. "We just asked you to visit with us so we could have a nice friendly discussion, that's all."

He came nearer. He reached out his hand and put it on my waist. "We always have nice, friendly discussions, don't we? Like we do in class' So why be so angry? Why can't we just get along?" His voice was wheedling, insistent, insincere. His thin, slit of a bottom lip jutted out.

The other boys in the room just looked at us, wondering what would happen next. A couple of them were smiling. All of them had those hungry looks on their faces. Why was this happening to me, I thought. Why was I in this situation? I still hadn't moved. And then Jeff suddenly reached out with his other hand and thrust it between my legs under the hem of my skirt all the way through to the other side.

He pushed his hand upwards, his wrist lifting the skirt, baring the back of my legs to the room up to nearly the swell of my buttocks. His hand reached toward my privates. The back of his hand brushed against my thighs. His fingers grabbed at my crotch.

"Oh, you're wearing those ugly cotton panties," he said. "The least, I thought, you'd be wearing thongs."

"Or maybe no panties at all," yelled one of the boys in the room, I think it was Augie Lewis, Augustus Lewis III.

I was breathing hard, in short quick breaths now, my face getting red. Jeff's hand had just touched my clitoris, and I felt my knob swell at the touch. I pushed his hand down and away from under my skirt. He didn't resist. But he did have hold of my waist. He urged me further into the room. "Come on, Mrs. Huffman, let's just sit down on the couch so we can talk," he said. He continued to lead, pull me towards the couch. Two of the boys, Augie and Buckingham Mulligan (Big Buck), who had been sitting there, stood up. I tried to let them know I was going along here but that I was going to make my demands when we began to talk. I moved slowly as Jeff continued to impel me towards the couch. I hated these boys, all of them, all of them my tormentors. As I neared the couch I felt it happening. I hated them, these disgusting young men. I felt my vagina begin to wet. I hated my vagina. I hated me! It was dripping.

We squeezed onto the couch, me between Jeff and Francis. Our hips were touching. I pulled my skirt down, but it would only half cover my knees. I kept my knees tight together. The boys sitting opposite were staring at my legs.

The room was quiet.

This was awful. The last three months of the school year had been like this. The boys staring at my legs, my ass, my boobs, making lascivious comments under their breath when I passed by, touching my behind when they could sneak those touches without the other students noticing. It had been constant *******. My stupid cunt kept right on wetting itself! I kept on letting them do all those things.

Jeff put his hand on my knee. He moved his hand up under my skirt. His hand stopped there, just a couple of inches above my knee and he gripped hard my leg just above the knee. On the other side, Francis casually threw his arm behind my back and over my shoulder. He turned his body three quarters of the way, facing me. I shuddered. I felt the nipples of my breasts stiffen.

"Stop this," I said. I gripped Jeff's hand and pulled it away from my knee. I grabbed Frank, Francis' arm and lifted it from my shoulder. I threw his arm back off of me and onto his lap. "Stop this," I repeated. "Look," I addressed the room in as stern a voice as I could muster. "I came here today for just one reason. Jeff promised that he would return the pictures you took that time. He promised. He said that he would return them and I only needed to show up." I turned to Jeff, "Isn't that true?" I asked.

The little bastard just smiled.

"What I said was the truth. Answer!"

"You can't handle the truth," was his answer. The idiot ***** used Jack Nickelson's line whether it fit the situation or not.

"You said nothing else would happen. You let me think that there wouldn't be any, you know, sex."

"Why did you think we wanted you here?"

Francis put his hand back onto my shoulder. Once again, I grabbed him at the wrist and took his hand off as forcibly as I could. "You said you wouldn't have me do sex with you. You said that you would give me the pictures. You said that I just needed to come here to talk. That's what you said!" My voice was loud, determined. I wasn't going to plead with them.

Frank put his hand back on me, this time ******* his hand over my shoulder and towards my breast. "Get your hands off of me, you stinking pervert," I was almost shouting. I pushed his arm off of me.

"Who's the pervert? You the one who's been fucking her students!" Frank said.

"I don't want to discuss this. I just want the pictures back." My voice dropped, "I only had sex with you because I had no choice."

"What? You picked me up outside of the ********* in your car and we fucked in the end of the mall parking lot. I made you do it?" That was Jeff.

"Yes, you made me. You know that."

"You liked it. You came. Don't deny it." That was Buck Mulligan chiming in.

"Stop this right now!" I was screaming now. "I am not going to have sex with you boys again. Not now, not ever again. I AM NOT."

The room was quiet.


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This had gone on entirely too long. Yes, we had had sex, me with four of them the night of the school Mardi Gras. I had been stupid. I had had a couple of ****** too many. I was a little *****, a little more than a little. And I am sure that they had put something in my *****, ecstasy or some other ****. Probably more than one ****. Oh my god, I was woozy. And so out of it. I was awake, but I couldn't do or even say anything as they undressed me. I was barely able to react. "We just want you to be comfortable," they were saying as they unbuttoned my blouse. "Don't worry. We just want to see," I could just about make out their saying as they lifted me and took off my panties. "Oh, Mrs. Huffman, you are so beautiful," I heard one of them saying in some far away voice. I knew what was happening, vaguely, in a disjointed way, but I couldn't act. I understood what was happening. I knew it was wrong. I knew I had to stop it, but I was unable to speak a coherent word. By the time it really started to happen I was barely conscious. By the time the second or third of them got on me to fuck me, I was ***********. And when I finally began to waken, when they were on their third round of sticking their penisis into me, I could hear them talking about how beautiful they were saying I was, how nice, how good. All I knew was that my cunt was soaking wet from their cum, that my thighs and pubic hair were full of dried cum. And as they fucked me then I couldn't do anything but hold on to the boy who was then fucking me and say "yes, go on" or whatever else they asked me to say.

And suddenly I was here, back in the cabin. Back in the present situation. "You blackmailed me after the night you raped me. It was blackmail, pure and simple with those pictures. You blackmailed me every time after that I had sex with any one of you.

"You promised me the last time. You promised me Jeff, that you would give me the pictures. When I agreed to meet with you tonight, here, it was only after you gave me your word of honor that you would return the pictures. You promised that I wouldn't have to ***** with you. You promised."

Damn it. Damn it, I was begging!

"You promised? You told her that she wouldn't have to fuck us tonight?" It was Clay. Clay Fenner. He asked that of Jeff.

"Come on Clay, get with it." That was Jeff again. "Jesus, this is the third time I promised her the pictures and we fucked instead. How do you think you got to fuck her? I told her that she would get the pictures if she just took care of you and Frank. And when was that, fuckin' three, four weeks ago." The room was quiet still. I was thinking that Clay would help me, maybe. Then Jeff continued, "Figure it out, Clay." He pointed his finger at me, "She knows what's going to happen. And she loves it. She loves our pricks in her cunt. She's a slut."

And all the time I just listened to his talking. He was lying. I wasn't here because I wanted them to fuck me. I hated them. I wanted the pictures back. They promised.

I stood up. "You promised. You did. I just want the pictures, and I want to get out of here. Haven't you had done enough to me?"

"Hey, she just said she wanted the pictures. She didn't say nothing about not wanting to fuck us." That was Harold.

"I want to get out of here. I want to get the pictures and go home," I said.

"You loved it. Don't lie." Stupid, ugly Harold.

"I did not! Just give me the pictures." I was still standing. I could feel my breasts rising and falling with my breathing. "I had sex with you...."

Jeff interrupted before I could say any more. He raised his voice."You fucked us. What's this stupid 'I had sex.?' You didn't have no sex. You FUCKED. You put our pricks in your cunt. You gave us blow jobs. And I'll tell you something else, you came plenty. You were getting off. You loved it."

The room was quiet. They were watching me. I didn't know what to say.

Jeff took advantage of the pause. "Gee, Mrs. Huffman. You were our teacher. We loved you. You were a great teacher. But admit it, you are one hot teacher. I mean, hot. Those long legs of yours and your short skirts. And those tight blouses. And your tight skirts around your ass, we could see if you were wearing panties or thongs.."

"I was just trying to dress nice. Nicely," I corrected myself, I was still their teacher. "I never intended that I end up *****ing with any of you." Truly, I didn't. I only wanted to look nice. That's all. I knew that I looked alright. I was aware that I had good legs and that my buns were nice and tight. I went to the gym three times a week. I knew my breasts showed against my blouses and that they looked good. But boys were supposed to have some control over themselves, people were.

Clay got up from the chair he was sitting in. "You liked it when we fooled around in your office. You didn't stop me when I felt your tits. You spread your legs when I touched your twat. You were wet down there."

I thought that Clay, at least, of all of them, that Clay would be sympathetic. He was one of the better students. Real nice. And he was one that I thought attractive. But he too.

I couldn't control my breathing anymore. My breasts were moving up and down with my breathing. I was gulping air down through my mouth. I couldn't get enough air. I was not going to cry. "Please," I said, "Please. I just want to get the pictures. I just want to leave. Please."

Everyone got quiet. Finally, Clay spoke up again. "Ahh, give her the pictures, Jeff. Just give em to her.

"I thought we were going to have a nice party, a real gang bang," said Jeff.

I didn't know why he was being so hateful.

"Just give her the pictures," Clay repeated. He looked at Jeff.

Jeff didn't say anything. He looked as if he was thinking. I sat back down to give him time to decide.

He didn't say anything. He looked around the room. Finally, he let his eyes meet mine. "Ok, follow me," he said.

He got up. I stood up and followed him. He went to the door on the right side of the room and went in. I followed him to the door but waited outside. It was a bed room. I could see a dresser and a big bed as well as a couch and a wardrobe closet. There was another bathroom at the end of the room. He walked over to the dresser and looked my way. "Come on in, what are you waiting for?" he said. "You want it, or don't you?"

I still didn't go into the room. Behind me the rest of the group was quiet, watching to see what I would do next. I just stood there at the entrance, waiting for I don't know what.

Finally Jeff moved to the night stand next to the bed and opened its drawer. "The pictures are here," he said.

"Let me see them," I said. I hadn't moved from the doorway.

"They're here. Right here," he said pointing to the open drawer. "Come on in and look for yourself."

I moved just a foot or so into the room.

He walked away from the night stand and stood right next to the open door. "What are you afraid of? It's just me," he said. He took my hand and led me into the room towards the night stand next to bed, kicking the door first so that it swung nearly closed.

I was standing right next to the open drawer of the night stand now. I looked down into the open drawer. There was an envelope there and there were a bunch of condoms partially covering the envelope. "What is this about? Why did you make me walk over here? Are the pictures in the envelope?" I asked.

The next thing I knew, he sort of touched my stomach and I was sitting on the bed. My hand was in the drawer, but Jeff put his hand over mine. "It's the pictures," he said, and he sat down next to me on the bed.

I was still trying to pull the envelope from the drawer when he put his arm on my chest between my breast and my shoulder and gave me a gentle push. Before I knew it, I was laying down on the bed, my legs, though, still off the bed and my feet on the floor. The next thing I knew, Jeff had his body over mine, his face above mine, his chest pushing against mine. I started to protest, but he began to kiss me. He thrust his tongue past my lips and into my mouth. I tried to say something, tried to get him to stop, but his mouth over mine, his tongue in my mouth stopped me from saying anything. I tried to move my body away from his, but after pushing and pulling all that resulted was that now my feet were off the floor and all of my body was on the bed. One of my shoes had fallen off, his hand was under my skirt and pushing up towards my panties and I still wasn't able to say anything.

His hand between my legs was ******* my knees apart. "Stop," I was finally able to say.

"Aww, come on, Mrs. Huffman," he was saying, "Come on, just a little bit, just one more time," he said.

"Please," I said. "Please, stop. Please, you promised."

His hand was now all the way up against my panties and he had pushed my skirt all the way up past my waist, bunched together there and exposing my legs and my cunt to his hands."You're so beautiful. I love you," he said.

"Stop, stop, stop. Please. You promised. Please stop," I was saying as his hands continued their groping. One hand pulled my panties down mid thigh. His other hand was gripping my buttocks, squeezing. And I felt his hand on my cunt. His finger was pushing against my clit. He was rubbing his finger against my clit in a circular motion. In spite of myself, I felt my vagina getting wet. I Wanted him to stop, but I was getting so excited. "Please, please, please, please," I kept on repeating.

"Please, what?" he said.

"Please," was all I was able to say. I murmured it into his ear. "Please," I repeated over and over into his ear.

"Please, what," he persisted.

His finger didn't stop its pressure against my clit. His other hand was trying to separate my knees further apart, but my panties around my calves kept my legs from separating. I didn't even know what the 'please, please' I kept on muttering meant. Please, what, I didn't know.

Finally, I was able to whisper, my voice was weak, barely loud enough for him to hear, "please stop."

"You don't really mean that," he said. He had his leg between mine and his foot was pushing my panties all the way down to my ankles and then off my ankles.

"Please stop," I whispered again but this time my voice was so low I didn't think he could even hear it, I was breathing so loudly and he was repeating, "Mrs. Huffman, Mrs. Huffman," and there was no way he could hear me. Suddenly I could feel his prick against me. I could feel it through his pants. It was hard against my groin. My skirt was above my waist. I didn't have panties on anymore. He was unbuttoning my blouse. Now his belt was undone and he was shimmying out of his pants, his arms over mine, his mouth over mine and his tongue in my mouth.



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I wasn't even trying to stop him anymore. What was the use. His pants were off and his penis, his prick, his cock, that skinny thing was over the slit of my cunt and was rubbing up and down against it. He kept on speaking into my mouth, "I love you Mrs. Huffman. You're the best."

What could I do? I spread my legs. He pushed his prick into my cunt. I was wet enough so that he slipped in easily. I lay there and he started pushing in and out of me.

Oh, ****, I thought. His little prick was sawing in and out of my cunt. The biggest mistake of my life was letting these boys fuck me. I hadn't thought it would be more than a one time thing when Jeff had threatened me with the picture. But now, here I was under him, half naked, my legs spread, being fucked. And now that familiar feeling was coming over me. I was the teacher, but I was not in control. It was the student in control. It was me helpless. And, somehow, this was making me feel as if I needed this sort of sex. I wanted him to be making me have sex with him. I wanted him to be in charge. And, I thought, I could still be the teacher, teach him how to do it, how to fuck. I relaxed and began, as I had those times before, to allow the sex to take over. I put my arms around his back and pulled him to me. I lifted my knees and moved my hips to try to capture some sort of rhythm. I allowed little sighs, little mewing sounds, little ahhhs, to escape my lips. I was disgusted with myself, my allowing myself to feel pleasure as I was being fucked by this student of mine. But it felt so good, and I held him tighter and I moved my hips higher.

Just then the door squeaked open and I heard the sound of someone entering this room where I was being fucked. I tried to look to see who it was, but Jeff's head blocked my view. Finally, Jeff raised his head to see who it was, and I was able to see also. Damn, it was Harold McCarthy. I heard him before I saw his face peering over the bed and smiling. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" was what he said.

What did he think we were doing? He was as stupid as he looked, that pimply faced skinny pain in the neck. "Get out of here," I said.

"You guys is fucking," he said.

I pushed Jeff off of me. "Ok, that's enough. No more," I said. I was sitting up.

"Hey, I wasn't finished," Jeff said.

"You were fucking her," said Harold, "I saw it.

That's enough," I said. "Out of this room," I said to Harold. "Get off of me," I said to Jeff whose legs were laying over mine, whose body was next to mine.

***** no," Jeff said. I didn't even cum yet." He pushed me back down and, reinserting his dick into my wet cunt, began pumping in and out again."

"Enough. Stop," I said. I tried to push Jeff off, but was unable to.

"I want seconds," Harold said.

"Wait until I finish." Jeff said and started pumping his schlong into my cunt harder and faster.

"I said I didn't want anymore of this. I said stop," I said.

"Hurry up," Harold said to Jeff, "I'm next.

"Didn't you guys hear me? I said stop," I said. But my yelling at Jeff to stop didn't seem to have any effect. He just kept on slamming into me harder and harder. ****, I wished I wasn't getting excited by his fucking my cunt. I did want him to stop, but, at the same time, my clit was sooo hot, my cunt needed this. I thought that maybe Jeff was getting ready to have his orgasm when I heard more noise in the room. It was the other guys coming in.

"What's going on?" I heard one of them, I think it was Buck Mulligan, ask.

"Jeff 's Fuckin' Mrs. Huffman. And I'm next." That was Harry yelling back to the others who were now past the door and in the room. This was what I was afraid would happen. This was what I didn't want to admit I thought might happen. It was happening. I had had sex with each of these boys before, but not like this, not all at once. Except that first time and then the one other time two of them. But this was....I didn't know what to think. Suddenly I felt Jeff clutch and grab my ass and give a shout.

"I am cummmmmming," he shouted and I felt him pour his semen into me. It was lucky I was on the pill. I had been very regular taking it when all of this started.

He rolled off of me.

"It's about time," Harold said to him and started climbing onto the bed. He had already taken off his pants. He had a hard on pointing straight up from his crotch.

"Hey, I said no," I said. I continued, "Jeff was a mistake. I didn't mean it to happen. He raped me."

Jeff rolled off the bed and was standing up as Harold had moved between my legs by now. "Yeah, how many times we fuck already," Jeff said. "Don't tell me I raped you all those times."

"Yeah, and I want my turn now," said Harold.

I obviously had no say in any of this. My pussy was soaked from Jeff's cum. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. I just lay there, wet, legs open and let Harry have his way with me. He had that stupid grin of his on his face as he slipped his prick into me.

I still hadn't had my orgasm, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be having one with my cunt wet from Jeff's cum and with jerk Harold doing the fucking. His face was directly above mine. He had that stupid smile on his face. "I'm fucking you, Mrs. Huffman," he said. Gee, I didn't know that.

As I lay there with my legs spread and my knees high while Harold continued the steady boring of his cock into my cunt, I remembered the last time he and I had had some sort of sexual congress. It had been a few weeks ago, maybe a month ago. He had confronted me in front of my condo one evening as I was parking my car. After he had pleaded and threatened and just generally been a pest, I agreed to give him a blow job. We walked behind a brick fence that separated the garbage dumpster at the rear of my condo parking lot from the lot itself. We were hidden there, and I squatted down, lowered his pants and pulled his erect dick from his underwear. The smell from the dumpster was pretty strong, so I was in a hurry. I began quickly by wetting his dong. I tongued it, vacuumed my mouth around his prick, sucked hard, all the while steadily pumping at the base of his penis with my hand until, finally, he came. I swallowed to keep any of his cum from landing on my clothes. I, it must be said, had not been able to have an orgasm until later, after he had gone and I had returned to the privacy of my apartment and been able to get off by using Buddy, my trusty old vibrator. But that was then. Right now Harold was here at the cabin on top of me and continuing his plodding away at my cunt.

"Get in all the way," I told him. "Deeper." He tried to follow my directions. "Good, grind your bone, the one just above your prick, against my clit," I instructed him. But he was helpless. I was going to bring my hand down between us to manipulate my clit. But Harold was just useless. He gave a yelp and ejected his cum into me. He rolled off of me without another word and with that stupid smile still on his face.

Buck was next. He climbed onto the bed as Harold climbed off. I turned to Harold. "Harold," I said, "be a dear, go to the bathroom and bring me a towel. I'm wet." 'Be a dear'. Jesus, why would I use that language to him? But Buck was between my legs and I again lifted me knees to make things easier. His pants were off and his prick hard as he was the third to begin fucking me. I hoped this wouldn't take all night.

Buck fucked with all of his might. I held the bottom of his ass and tried to guide his body a bit higher on me so that his prick would brush against my swollen clit with each stroke in and out of my cunt. "Yeah... good...that way... right," I whispered to him, trying to encourage him each time his prick rubbed against my clit. I was breathing real hard now, but, suddenly, Buck changed the angle of his stroke, buried his shaft deep in my cunt and exploded his stream of hot cum deep into me. I still hadn't had my release and, as he rolled off of me,

I looked around to see who was next.

It was Clay, Clay Fenner. Clay was probably the best fucker from among all the guys in the group. He climbed onto the bed, but before he could begin his fucking of my cunt, I held up my hand to get him to stop. Stupid Harold still hadn't brought the towel I had asked him for, and I was sopping wet, sweaty and out of breath and the sheet beneath me was uncomfortable, slimy from the cum which had seeped out of my cunt.

"Wait just a second," I said to Clay. "Would you mind if I stepped into the shower before you took your turn fucking me?" I asked him. "I'm really wet down there," I said, pointing to my vagina, "and I do need a little rest,"

He looked back at the two guys still waiting for their chance at me after he was finished. I guess they nodded or gave him some sort of a signal because he told me sure and sat up, kneeling on the bed and smiling at me.

"Thanks," I said to him and got down of the bed. Cum was leaking from my cunt as I walked, naked, towards the shower stall and wash stand that was located in the rear of the bedroom. Actually the area was a pretty well-appointed bathroom. Jeff's parents, the Bannon's, had spent a nice bit of change on this weekend getaway cabin.



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The shower was clean and well appointed. No bath, just a drain in the middle of the tile covered floor and all sort of nozzles and shampoos, conditioners, soaps and body washes available. I decided against washing my hair and after adjusting the water temperature, I began to sponge my neck, my breasts and my stomach clean. I allowed the warm water to gently spray over my cunt. I washed the cum out of the brown bush covering my cunt. As I sprayed the water into my cunt, I sighed. I noticed Clay peeking into the shower. "I'm not going anywhere," I said, "Don't worry." Now that I thought of it, I had once showered with Clay. It was the time he had fucked me in my apartment. That was the only time any of them had fucked me in my apartment. We had showered after the fuck and, now I recalled, I had given him a blowjob in the shower and we had fucked afterwards too. But that was then. Now I had finished cleaning my tits, my stomach, my cunt and my thighs. I felt like a new woman. I set the spray nozzle on low and let it send it soothing flow of water onto my clit. I lowered the spray onto my parted labia and moved my hand to stimulate my clit. My eyes were closed and I wondered whether Clay was still watching. The thought that he might be watching just got me more excited. This felt so good. As I massaged my clit, a warm feeling began to spread up my stomach and down my legs. The warm water soothing my cunt lips sent little signals of pleasure through my body. I was really enjoying this and then, suddenly, the snickers invaded my consciousness.

I opened my eyes. Goddammit! There were at least three of them and they were looking at me. They had been watching me taking care of myself, ministering to my sore pussy. They were smiling. Jeff was laughing. Harold was making obscene gestures with his arm, swinging it up and down in an exaggerated masturbatory motion. I hated these boys. They were disgusting. They could ruin anything. Quickly, I dropped the sponge I had been holding and shut the flow of water. "Make yourself useful," I shouted at the boys, "one if you, bring me a towel."

After more time than it should have taken, while the boys stood in the doorway snickering and whispering to each other and making their obscene gestures, Harold finally approached the shower and handed me a towel, but not before he took a long time ogling my cunt.

I tried to ignore them and dried myself using the soft towel. "Ok, show's over," I waved them away. They left the doorway. I looked around the shower area. I didn't see a robe or my clothes. Well, I couldn't stay here forever, so I stepped out of the shower and walked, naked, back into the bedroom. I did my best to keep my body straight and proud. I got to the bed. I considered just looking for my clothes, putting them on and leaving this place but there was too much unfinished business and I still wanted those pictures. I looked at the bed. Uggh. It was all messed up and there was a pol of now drying cum in the middle. I pulled the sheet off the bed.

Jeff was standing there, looking at me, wondering what I was going to do next. "This bed is a mess," I said, "You had better get the towels and the sheets into the washing machine, and, while you're at it, bring me some clean sheets."

He grabbed the filthy sheets and walked out of the room. I was feeling a whole lot better. I was feeling like the teacher I was. These boys were my students. I was in command.

Jeff returned with neatly folded sheets. "Put them on the bed," I told him. I unfolded them and began to make the bed. As I did, I realized that I was still naked, without a stitch. At least I was clean. My skin glowing, my bush, I was proud of my hairy snatch, clean and shiny. My tits were nice and firm, their aureole pink, the nipples erect. Jeff had his mouth open. He was staring at me. I looked around. So were the others. Buck was staring at my firm rounded ass (I worked out at the gym three times a week). Actually. In spite of the fact that I had been taken against my will, I was feeling pretty good.

"What are you guys looking at?" I addressed the room, "Never seen a naked woman before?" That was a dumb statement, at least each of them had seen me bare assed before.

"Get my clothes," I ordered not any one of them in particular. They scattered around the room, picking up my underwear, my bras, my dress. Fucking Harold was holding my panties and sniffing them, the stupid *** of a bitch.

"Give me them, you creep," I yelled at Harold. He just gave me an angry, sneering look and dropped them onto the bed as far away from me as was possible.

I turned to Jeff. "Get me the pictures." I reached over, not caring that my tits were hanging down. That was what my ex-fiancee of years ago said I always was able to turn him on, letting my titties hang down loose. I picked up the panties.

Jeff was standing on the other side of the bed from where I was. "Ok. I got the pictures, but you still gotta fuck the guys that are left."

"What?" I asked, my voice incredulous.

"Clay, Augie, Frank. They still didn't get to fuck you tonight."

That young man was out of his fucking mind! "Just give me the pictures. You said you would give them to me." I was staring right at him, an angry look in my eyes as I bent over and slipped my foot through the leg opening of my panties.

"You know, Mrs. Huffman, you got the sexiest legs of anyone in the whole world. And the way your tits hang down when you bend over, there aint nothing any sexier I ever seen in my whole life." Harold? Harold had said that?

I stopped in mid motion pulling my panties up from my ankles. Harold? Harold waxing poetic? But, wait a minute. There was no way. No way I was going to continue with this being the subject of a gang bang. No way. I bent over again and grabbed hold of my panties. I began to pull them up all the way. Now, that was better. My cunt covered, I felt a lot more confident. It was time for me to get the pictures and to get the hell out of this cabin and home.

Then Jeff yelled at me, "You can't go yet. Come on, Mrs. Huffman. Things was just getting good."

"I am leaving," I said, looking around. "And where are the rest of my clothes? Who has my bra?"

But no one said anything this time. I saw all the boys looking at me. They were all around me, on every side. Just a moment ago, I had felt in command, their teacher, they listening to me and obeying my commands just like in the classroom. But this wasn't the classroom, and none of the students was acting to fill my command to hand over my clothing. Not getting dressed was a big mistake. I was standing there. I was wearing panties, but except for that I was naked.

"Yeah, Mrs. Huffman, don't be so mean." Frank, Francis Locanni was the author of that brilliant statement,

"I am not being mean!" I shouted that.

There was quiet for a few seconds.

Jeff stepped forward. He was still on the other side of the bed. "Gee, Mrs. Huffman, you don't need to get all angry."

My stomach tightened. I wanted to know where this was going to end. There were six of my students surrounding me. I was naked except for my panties. The boys didn't seem very anxious to let me go. I had already fucked three of them tonight, but that seemed to be a long time ago. Finally, "Please," I said. "Let me have my clothes."

It was Harold who came forward. He was next to me and he was holding my bra, dangling it from his hand, teasing me with it. Of all the boys in the room, he was the boy I most disliked. Stupid, ill mannered, sarcastic, slimey. He was so vulgar. I really didn't like him. And now here he was, standing just a foot or so away. I held out my hand for the bra. "Give it to me," I said. But he pulled it back. I was getting angry.

"Just give it to me," I said again.

He had been dangling the bra by its strap, holding it out in front of him. Suddenly, he just let it fall. It floated to the floor. He had that horrible smirk on his pimply face. I gave him a look of pure hatred.

I squatted down to pick it up. He bent over at the same moment. I put my hand on the bra. Harold's face was just inches from mine. "Remember when you let me suck your cunt?" he whispered. Oh my God, I had forgotten all about it. In my car. I hadn't wanted to go behind the fence near my apartment. We went in my car. We parked behind the old church in the woods. I had taken off my panties and he had gone down on me. I remembered now holding his greasy head while he tongued my clit and finger fucked me. I was remembering now how loud he was while he slurped his saliva mingled with my vaginal discharge. I remembered now how I had pushed his head down into my cunt. I remembered how I had lifted my ass off the seat as he dug his face deep into me until I shuddered and came. Oh, **** I had forgotten all about that time. Could it really have happened? Oh, it had happened alright. I even remembered now, how, after I had come, we had kissed for a long time while he continued finger fucking me until I came a second time, and I had gripped his prick and slowly pulled on it back and forth until he had cum all over his stomach and my fist, Oh, how could I have allowed that to happen? And with him? And now, here we were, on the floor, out faces inches apart.

I stood up holding the bra in my hands. I felt my body shaking. Harold took the bra from my hand. "Here, Mrs. Huffman, let me help you put this on." He stepped in back of me and put his around my body. But, instead of putting the bra on me, he cupped both my tits in his hands. I felt my nipples get hard against the palm of his hand. This wasn't what I had planned. I was breathing hard.

He let the bra slip from his hand and fall to the floor again. We were both standing up, not moving our bodies. He was behind me, his arms were around me, his hands were softly kneading my breasts. Why was I letting myself get so aroused? Why was I letting my body get so excited.

I could hardly breath.

He was wearing pants, but I could feel his aroused, iron-hard prick pressing against the crack of my ass. Now I felt him reaching down and pulling my panties down to my thighs. And then he was bending me over face forward slowly until my stomach was on the bed. My stomach, my breasts and my face were pressed down against the clean sheets on the bed. I felt him slide his body down, grip my panties and pull them all the way off my legs. I lay there feeling totally helpless, in a trance. Why didn't I do something?

"Ok," Harold said, standing up. "Who's next?"

They were going to begin fucking me again! Why didn't I try to stop them, say something?

"It's Clay's turn," I heard Jeff say.

I didn't know what I wanted to happen. Did I want to get fucked?


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I just lay there, my upper body on the bed, my ass exposed half off the bed, my legs on the floor. I could feel my panties on the floor against my toe. I parted my legs. I was going to be fucked, I knew. I felt my cunt getting slick. My legs were parted. I just lay there, waiting. My body was betraying me. I didn't want this to happen, but I needed to be fucked.

I heard some shuffling behind me. I glanced back. It was Clay Fenner. He had dropped his pants. His dick pressed against the globe of my ass and moved down to find the slit of my cunt. I was wet and his prick slid into me easily. He began to pump into and out of me. Oh my god, I was feeling his prick. It was sending shock wave through my body. I held it tight, gripping as hard as I could with my cunt muscles. I felt his prick pressing against the upper wall of my cunt. My clit was engorged.

Clay started fucking me harder and harder. I opened my eyes and saw the other boys in the room staring at me being fucked. I couldn't, I didn't know why or how, but I was gushing cunt juice. I felt an orgasm coming on. Clay kept up his furious pumping into my cunt. I started to move my torso just enough so that my clit, pressing against the sheet, would get even more stimulated. Clay kept fucking me from behind. I was moaning. The other boys were watching. I was moaning and then, finally, at last, without even really wanting to, not true, I really wanted to, I did, I came. I came. Clay kept on fucking me until he came too.

He pulled his prick from my cunt. I felt his cum seeping from my slit. I didn't want to think about how I had reached this point in my life. My whole body was relaxed from the fucking and the cumming. I pulled myself up onto the bed and lay there for a moment.

"You think Mrs. Huffman is a nympho?" I heard one of their voices in the background. "She is hot, anyway," another of the boys announced. "Did you see her come?" another voice sounded. I just lay there.

"Hey, who's next?" was the next thing I heard. I looked up. It was Augie Lewis. He was naked and he climbed onto the bed. What the fuck? I turned over onto my back. I spread my legs and lifted my knees. I opened my arms. "Come on, big boy," I said, "Lay it to me." The old missionary position, but that was fine with me. And with him, I guessed as he slid his six inches deep into my waiting cunt. For the next ten minutes he continued his fucking, sliding in and out of my wet cunt. He kissed me and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I kissed him back. I wasn't able to feel enough to cum myself, my cunt was too sloppy wet, but it was tight enough for him and he came a gusher into me.

When he climbed down off the bed, Frank started to climb onto the bed. But I stopped him first. I held up my hand, palm out. "Wait a second," I said, "Someone, bring me a towel." One of the boys threw the towel I had used to dry myself from the shower onto the bed. "Thanks," I said. I took the towel and dried my pussy.

"Ok, maybe you'll be able to get some traction now," I said to Frank as he lay down between my legs, inserted himself and began his thumping of my cunt. I slipped my hand between our stomachs and began rubbing my clit with my finger as he fucked away. He came and I continued rubbing for a minute or so more until I came. Finished!

I pushed myself off the bed and onto the floor. I slowly walked towards the shower. The boys were all quiet this time. I was tired. Fucking does take it out of you. I showered quickly this time, no pussy play.

When I got out of the shower I dried myself and found my clothes, panties and bra included, neatly folded and waiting for me on the bed. I got dressed.

"Ok, Jeffry, the pictures, hand them over," I said, looking at him, grim, not smiling.

He had a **** eating grin on his face as he handed the envelope with the pictures over to me. I opened the envelope to check. Trust but verify. They were there. "Thanks," I said.

Jeff walked me to the door. "Mrs. Huffman, my parents are going to be gone for another two weeks. You know that we'll all be gone next year, off to college. We won't be seeing you anymore. You won't be our teacher anymore. Why don't you come here next Friday night again? A couple of us would like to thank you in a nice way. No sex. Just a light dinner. We'll talk and this will all be over. What do you say?"

I just looked at him. I didn't say anything and walked out the door and to my car.



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It had been a busy day. MaryJane Huffman, Mrs. Huffman, was glad to be home. She signaled and turned right into the lot and backed into her parking space. She was tired and happy to be finished with her shopping. She got out of the car, opened the trunk and bent over to gather the shopping bags. She stood up.

"You got the sweetest looking ass in the whole world."

Damn, she thought, it was Harold's voice. Harold McCarthy. What did he want?

"Very sweet," he said.

"Thank you. Now go home. Leave me alone," Mrs. Huffman said.

She really didn't like this jerk. He had been a student in the English class she taught for graduating seniors at Holy ****** of God High School. He was crude, rude, disrespectful, and inattentive in class.

"I can't understand why you aren't more nice to me.," he said in his nasal, whining voice, "I was just saying something nice to you.. You bend over in that tight skirt and show that cute booty. So I was just saying."

"Ok, you said it. Now go. Leave me alone."

" I could see the outline of your panties against your skirt. "

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to leave? Do you want me to call the police?

"Hey, this is a free country. I can sit here if I want."

MaryJane Huffman just glared at him. He disgusted her. He was such a jerk. "Ok, sit there. Just don't talk to me any more. Don't bother me."

"Hey, at least let me help you with your packages."

"No, thank you," Mrs. Huffman said. "I can handle these packages myself." She had been to Home Depot to pick up a new faucet set for her bathroom and she was carrying the Home Depot box along with a Save The Earth Recyclable bag full of groceries. She turned away from Harold and started walking towards her building.

"Why are you being so mean," he shouted after her.

She ignored him.

She continued on towards her building, entered and continued up to her apartment. That greasy haired *** of a bitch. She hated him. She hated his gawky, acne filled face. She hated the way he ogled her, leered at her.

She hated that he was one of the students who had been fucking her since the student Mardi Gras earlier this year. But that was all over now. MaryJane had retrieved the pictures they had of her. The blackmail was over. She put the groceries in the fridge and brought the Home depot box into the bathroom. "Oh, *****" the thought suddenly hit her, she had left her library books on the passenger seat of her car. "I had better run down and get them," she said to herself.

She took a hurried glance around the lot as she left her building but didn't see Harold.

As she was bent over, taking the books from the front passenger seat, she heard his voice again. "Yes, M'aam, you sure has the tightest, sweetest ass I ever did see."

She ignored him and started back to the building.

"I was waiting. I knew you'd be back down to see me."

MaryJane Huffman knew that to engage Harold McCarthy in discussion would be stupid, a big mistake. She continued towards the building.

"You know you couldn't leave it go until you had another look at me." Harold said in that insinuating tone of his.

She knew that she shouldn't be arguing with this idiot, but she turned around anyway. "I came down to get my books. I forgot them. I certainly did not come down here to catch a glimpse of you."

"Oh yeah. I seen you looking around the parking lot."

"I was not looking for you. Grow up," MaryJane said.

"I only wanted to talk with you about something. That's all."

"Say it," she spit out.

"Ah, you know, I always liked you. I thought you was the best teacher in the whole school. And the prettiest too," Harold said. He had that stupid smile on his face. She hated that smile.

"That's it? That's what you had to say, ok. You said it. Goodbye now"

"See? I say something nice and you just blow me off."

"Harold," MaryJane knew that attempting to rea*** with this boy was a useless endeavor, worse than useless. "You have no rea*** to be here. This is where I live. I didn't invite you and I did ask you to leave." Trying to talk sense to this boy was frustrating. "Ok, I let you say what you implied was something important and all you said was more of the lying nonsense you always say. You said it. I heard it. Ok. Leave."

"Jaysus. I just try to be nice and look how you act."

"You were not trying to be nice. You were....I don't know what you were trying to accomplish."

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman."

"Look, just say goodbye and leave, ok." MaryJane was holding the library books in her folded arms against her chest. They were getting heavy. She started to turn back to the building.

"Wait. Please. I really got to tell you something."

MaryJane closed her eyes and exhaled a breath through her mouth. "Ok, say it, but hurry up, these books are heavy." Her back was to her door. She was looking at Harry.

"Uh, it's sort of private. You know."

She looked around the lot they were standing in. "There is no one here, go on. Say what ever it is you need to say so badly. Now!" Her chest was rising and falling with each of the short breaths she was taking. She didn't know if it was anger or what but she was unable to quiet the sound of her breathing through her nose.

"Not here. Stand by your car. You can put your books on the hood of the car," he said, "and we can talk there."

This is so dumb, MaryJane Huffman thought to herself. Why didn't I just leave and go up to my room?

They were at the car and Harold reached over as if to take the books from her hand. He touched the back of her arm just below the shoulder. He held her there. "Stop that," she almost shouted. "Take your hand off of me," she said. Oh my God she thought. She couldn't stand it for him to touch her with this filthy hand. The feel of his hand on her arm sent a shiver up her arm and across her chest. She started to put the books down on the hood of the car, but they began to slide down. She quickly grabbed them and opened the door of her car to put them back on the seat where they wouldn't slide. She felt his heavy hand press against her back just above her waist. She could feel the heat from his hand through the fabric of her blouse. "Stop it!" she said as ********** as she could. "Don't touch me."

Why was this happening to her? She couldn't stop taking those short, shallow quick breaths. She could feel the nipples of her breasts harden as they brushed against the material of her bra. And Oh God, she could feel her cunt begin to moisten itself, her labia begin to part, her clitoris start to enlarge, push against its hood. Her legs felt weak.

She ****** herself to keep her voice level as she spoke. "That is all. No more. I have things to do. I am going to my apartment. No more talk. Leave right now." Her anger, at herself, at him, made it so hard for her to focus. She glared at him.

Fucking Harold, He just wouldn't pay attention to her. He held his hand open in a pleading gesture. "Just one minute. We can talk in the car. Just one minute. I promise," he said. He took the books Mrs. Huffman had put on the seat and moved them onto the floor. He scooted through the door and sat on the passenger side front seat of the car.

MaryJane stared at him, an exasperated look on her face. What to do? Angrily, she slammed his door closed and moved around to the other side of the car. She opened her door and slid in, closing the door after her. "Ok. We're here. You wanted to talk here. We are here. Talk. But hurry. I have things to do." She stared straight ahead through the front windshield of her car. She was going to put a stop to this now.

Mrs. Huffman felt his hand on her leg. Above her knee. Too high above her knee, just below her hip. He was holding her there, squeezing the soft flesh on the back of her thigh.

"I told you not to touch me," she said.

Just as she finished saying that, she felt his other hand insinuate itself under her skirt and move against the inside of her thigh. She was too angry to react immediately, and his hand reached all the way up. His hand had slid under the elastic of her panties at the crotch. His finger was brushing against the furry bush covering her cunt and just touching the bottom of her labia.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

"Hey, I'm not doing anything."



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"Get your hands out from under my dress." MaryJane ordered.

"I'm just touching you. It feels so nice and warm there."

"Move your hand," she said.

"You're wet."

Dealing with this jerk was impossible. "Please take your hand away from me. If I'm wet, it's none of your business."

But he didn't take his hand away. Instead, he slipped two fingers into her wet cunt.

"Didn't I tell you to stop that?"

He injected his finger deeper into her cunt. She couldn't stop her cunt juices from making her even wetter. Oh my God, she thought. What could she do?

His thumb was pressing against her clit. His fingers continued their invasion of her cunt.

MaryJane put her hand under her skirt and grabbed Harold by the wrist. She pulled his hand out from her cunt and from under her skirt. "Didn't I tell you to take your hand away from me?" she asked.

"Why are you so mean?"

This conversation was going nowhere. "Why are you touching me when I asked you not to?"

"Come on, Mrs. Huffman, you know you love it."

"I do not!" Why couldn't she just slap him, order him out of the car, get him to leave? Why didn't she just get out of the car? She couldn't slow her breathing. "Please. Just say whatever it was that you thought was so important to tell me. And then get out of this car."

He slipped his finger back under her skirt and pressed against her cunt.

"Please, please, stop, stop, stop" she breathed.

He lifted the elastic band at the top of her leg and put two of his fingers into her cunt again.

"Oh, please," she said but slightly separated her legs. She threw her head back against the head rest. "Please, please, please," she said as he began swirling his fingers inside her cunt. "I don't want this to be happening; we have to stop," she said.

"Don't worry about nothing." Harold reversed his hand so that it was palm up and he reached to the front of her cunt inside of her clit. Using his fingers, he pressed from inside her against the bone beneath her clit.

MaryJane separated her knees just a little bit more. Her head was thrown back. Her stomach contracted. The skin on the inside of her thighs felt red hot. His fingers. His fingers, they didn't stop moving.

"No!" she shouted at him. "Stop."

He changed hands. He pulled the hand that had invaded her cunt away from under her skirt but replaced it with two fingers from his other hand.

Oh, he was just disgusting. She was staring at him with a look of complete hatred. He held the fingers that had been in her cunt next to his nose and inhaled deeply. "Smells good," he said. He put the fingers in his mouth. "Tastes good," he added.

MaryJane Huffman sat back against her seat, her legs spread, her breathing quick and loud. She felt it almost impossible to move. She looked at Harold from the corner of her eyes. He was looking down, intent on his fingers' movement. He looked up and gave her one of his ugly leering smiles. She hated this! She couldn't stop the feeling rushing through her legs.

The sound of a car entering somewhere in the lot snapped her out of the trance she was in.. It was at the far end of the lot from where her car was parked.

She sat up. Someone might see her like this. She once again held on to his wrist and pulled his hand away from under her skirt. "We have to stop. No more," she said. "I said no more," she raised her voice. She pushed him and his back hit the door on his side of the car.

"Hey, ouch. That hurt," he said.

MaryJane straightened her skirt. She had allowed things to go way too far. But they would end now. "I said no more, and I meant no more. No more. You are a disgusting boy and I can't stand being near you. Leave me alone."

His mouth gaped open. He looked at her in complete surprise.

She opened the door on her side and escaped from the car. Still breathing heavily, she stood outside the car, trying to calm down. When Harold began to exit from his side, she slammed her door shut and began walking back to her building.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, wait. Wait."

She ignored him. She walked a little faster.

"Mrs. Huffman. Hey, Mrs. Huffman, you forgot your books." He was hurrying towards her. He was carrying the library books she had left in the car.

She was standing with her back to the door of her building. "Here, give them too me."

"They're heavy. Let me carry them up for you,"

"I told you I didn't want anything to do with you. Give me the books."

"I don't get you," Harold whined. A minute ago you were ready to cum from me finger fucking you and now you hate me."

"I hated you then. I hate you now. Give me the books and go away."

"Gee, Mrs. Huffman, I'm just trying to be nice, trying to help you. Let me carry the books upstairs for you. Please."

"Give me the books. Give me the books and go away." The memory of his finger in her cunt made her want to scream.

"They really are heavy. I just want to be nice. I just want to help," his whinny voice wouldn't stop.

She couldn't stay here arguing with him all afternoon. He was carrying the armful of books. It looked innocent enough. "Ok," she said, "you can carry the books upstairs for me. But that's all. When you've carried them upstairs, you go. All right?" Her breathing started to quicken again, and she turned around to open the door before he could see.

She didn't want to wait for the elevator with him next her, so they headed for the stairs. She could hear him trudging up just behind her. She knew, she could feel his eyes looking at her backside as he followed her up the stairs to her third floor apartment.

They were standing at the door to her apartment. She opened the door and waited for him to hand over the books.

"Let me carry them in," he said, "They're real heavy."

"Just put them on the table here," she said. She pointed to the end table next to the door. She hated him. She could see his boner tenting his pants out in front of him

Harold put the books down, but before she could say anything, order him out of the apartment, he kicked the door shut with the heel of his shoe, pushed her against the door and put his mouth against hers.

"Stop," she tried to say, but as she opened her mouth, he stuck his tongue inside her mouth. She tried to push him away, but his body pressed against hers. She could feel the length of his prick press against her leg. His hand was once again under her skirt. This time he reached behind and tugged at her panties, pulling them down in their back past the swell of her ass. He was bending his knees up and down, rubbing his erection against her leg. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"C'mon," he said. "Come on, Mrs. Huffman, you know you want it." His prick was pushing against her cunt now. His hand was up against her chest and was rubbing her tits."

"You promised. You said you would leave when you brought the books up."

"Come on. You can't just stop like this. I'll get blue balls."

"Fuck you and your blue balls. I can't do this anymore. You said you would stop," she repeated. Why, why did she let herself get in this situation, she asked herself.

"Aw, just a little bit. Just a little bit more," he said, his prick pressing against her cunt, his hands brushing against her tits. His tongue reentered her mouth.

She could feel the juices start to run in her pussy again. Her panties were still hanging half down off of her ass. All of this was heading for somewhere and that somewhere was not anyplace good.

Mary Jane pushed him away just far enough so that she was able to grab his wrist. She pulled him into the kitchen and sat him down on the kitchen stool. "Look, let's be calm about this. You promised me you would leave when we got to my apartment. You promised."

"Yeah, but, jaysus, Mrs. Huffman, you're so hot! Damn it. Your ass, when I followed you up the stairs. You can't blame me for wanting to fuck you." He stood up. "Look," he said, he glanced down at the front of his pants where his erection tented through his pants pointing straight out at her.

This can't be happening, MaryJane thought to herself. "I don't have time. I have too many things to do. Leave," she told him. "Please."

"Come on," he said, just a little fuck."

She looked over at the desk where he had dropped the books. She could have brought them up. They weren't that heavy. "I do not want to fuck you," she said, enunciating every word slowly.

"You said it," Harold shouted. "You said it."

MaryJane Huffman looked puzzled. "What? What did I say?"

"You said it, Fuck. Fuck you said. Jeff said you never said it. He said you only say,'have sex.' Like you never use that word fuck."

Oh my God, MaryJane thought. Why do I even get in these conversations.

"Come on, Mrs. Huffman, let's fuck."

She couldn't take anymore of his whinning, "I don't have time. Look. Just go. I have too many things to do."

"I just want a fuck."


"Just a fuck. Jaysus, you did all of us just last week at Jeff's cabin."

"That was a mistake. You were blackmailing me."

"Come on Mrs. Huffman, you loved it."

Was there anyway she could get rid of this pest? She had to do something.

She reached down and pulled on the zipper of his pants. His fly opened. She reached in and grabbed his prick into her hand. It was thin. And long. Purple.

"Damn you, what do you want?" she said. "Do you want me to jack you off?" She felt disgusted at herself. She was holding his erect prick in her hand. What was she doing? Underneath her skirt, she could feel the elastic of her panties underneath the globe of her behind, pressing against the lower lips of her cunt. She had no idea of what was going to happen next. "Do you want me to jack you off?"

He didn't say anything.

"What do you want to get out of here?" she demanded.

He still said nothing.

"Do you want me to give you a blow job?"

He continued his silence but grabbed her hand and led her a few feet into the hallway. "Where's your bedroom?" he said.

Helplessly, she gestured with her chin to the door to her bedroom. He held onto her hand and walked to the room she had pointed out, pulling her along with him. MaryJane wondered if she had made the bed that morning.

He kicked open the door of the bedroom and she followed him in.

"So this is your bedroom," he said. Genius.

He looked at the television set. "You got any porn?" he asked.

"No," she said. "Look, why don't you just leave? It's late. I have things to do."

"Nah. We're going to fuck," he said. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. His skinny chest was totally without allure to her. Below his belly button, his fly was still undone, his prick still standing out from his body.

What could she do? MaryJane unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. She watched as he dropped his pants and sat on her bed, taking his boxer shorts off. She sighed, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Her panties were still up, covering her bushy cunt though they were down in the back below the curve of her ass. It was sort of sexy, she thought. She kept her panties on. He lay down, stretched out on the bed, his penis pointing straight up towards the ceiling. He was still wearing his socks. She stood where she was at the side of the bed for a few seconds. She took a deep breath. "Ok," she said, but we have to be quick. I haven't got all night." She climbed up onto the bed.

"Suck my prick, first," he said. He pushed himself back, his head against the headboard, to give her more room.

She bent over and looked down at his prick. She could smell a stale aroma, sweat mixed with a bit of unwashed whatever around his scrotum. "Did you masturbate earlier?" she could detect dried cum on his stomach.


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"Nah, that's from last night," he said. "Come on, suck it," he repeated.

She took a deep breath, opened her mouth and dropped her face unto the head of his cock. She wet the tip of the head with her tongue and then opened wide and sank her face all the way down on the shaft until her lips pressed against the hair at its base. Mrs. Huffman began to suck his cock in earnest. Her tongue ran up and down its length. She ran her tongue around his prick's thickness. She inhaled the dank smell from his groin, inhaling deeply, letting the heavy sour smell fill her nostrils and mingle with the acrid taste of his cock in her mouth. She held the base of his cock between her thumb and forefinger. She pulled in her cheeks to create a vacuum around his cock, all the while wildly tonguing his cock. She felt his hands on the back of her head, pushing down, keeping her head down, her mouth against his groin. She sucked hard, working to stop from gagging.

"You the best, Mrs. Huffman," she could hear Harold saying above her.

"Mmmmf," she replied, his prick pressing against her tongue, its head at the back of her mouth keeping her from speaking.

"You love it, don't you, sucking cock, I mean." He continued to press his hands down against the back of her head. No, she didn't love it, she thought. It wasn't too bad, but she didn't love it. Maybe she didn't mind it. Maybe she liked it a little. It was doing what she had imagined and thought about doing for years until she had gotten married. Her tits hanging down, her nose full of his reeking odor, she thought she could get a whiff of **** from his ass hole as she sucked away. This was dirty. It made her feel dirty. Used. And it was oddly arousing. She knew her cunt was leaking juice. Her panties were still half on and MaryJane maneuvered her body down on the bed, turning so she managed to press her clit against his leg. That was a little better. She concentrated on her sucking. Her eyes, just inches from his lower stomach, stared at the pimply skin there, memorizing each hair, each fold of the skin. She breathed in the musk odor. It was all so intense. And it was dirty. But she didn't love it. She definitely didn't love it. Well, maybe she enjoyed being proud of how well she was able to suck cock.

She continued sucking his long thin stick of a prick, bobbing her head up and down, feeling her cunt get wetter, feeling her clit swell in its shell. Yes, you could say she enjoyed it.

Suddenly, her concentration was broken by a sound from above. It was Harold. She had been so intent of sucking his prick that she had forgotten whose cock it was she was sucking.

"Hey, wait up a minute. Hey, Mrs. Huffman, give it a rest for a minute. Let's fuck." But she was in a rhythm now, so she didn't stop her tending to his cock. She kept right on sucking.

He put his hands on her forehead and pushed upwards while he pulled his hips away from her face, freeing his prick from her mouth.

She stayed as she was, her face now just above his leg. She looked above at his smiling face against the bed's headboard.

"I'm ready to fuck now," he said. His smile was so ugly. He lay down on his back. His prick, glistening wet from her saliva had grown more stiff while she had sucked it. It was pointing straight up from his body.

He wanted to fuck? Ok, she wanted to fuck too. she moved up on the bed. What to do? She straddled his body, her legs bent at the knees. She lifted her body and lined her cunt up above his prick, The lips of her labia were already parted, but she used her fingers to open them wider and then she slid her cunt down slowly to swallow his long stand-up cock. She wouldn't admit it, but it felt so good to fill her cunt with his cock. She felt the wet sides of her cunt grip tight on his prick. She moved up and down, pushing with her knees, to engulf his prick and let it up. Up and down, slow at first and then faster as she watched his face. That stupid, smug, satisfied smile stayed plastered on his face. She glanced over at the dresser mirror to her left and saw her own image there. Her face, as it always looked during sex, was slack, untensed, at ease, lost in some far away place. She shifted her body so that his prick hit inside her cunt just below her clit as she moved up and down. Her cunt muscles held his prick tight inside, Her wet pussy lips slid easily up and down. MaryJane felt her orgasm approaching until, with a shudder, it hit the inside of her cunt and spread out from there in a shudder through her whole body. "Oh my God, Oh, my God," she muttered. "Oh my God."

"Hey, You came. You came, Mrs. Huffman."

She didn't answer. She remained squatting above his body. Her cunt was impaled by his prick. She started to move up and down again. Slowly. It did feel good. Below her, stupid Howard began to move his pelvis in rhythm to her movement. Oh, it did feel good, she had to admit to herself. She closed her eyes so as not to see that smile on his face and began to increase the speed of her up and down movements. She began to gyrate her pelvis at the same time, all the while keeping his cock pressuring against her clit.

"Hey, wait a minute." Harold's whinny voice intruded suddenly as she neared another orgasm. What did he want?

"I want to fuck you," he said. "Get off of me. You lay down. Let me get on top."

She moved off of him and cross the bed. She looked around. For a second she had lost it. Where had she been? Not here. This was her bedroom. She saw the dresser, the pictures on the wall, her clock radio. The television. Oh God, the curtain hadn't been closed. For a second she had been lost in the sex. She had forgotten where she was, who she was with. But it was Harold. She lay flat on the bed.

She felt him next to her. He pushed her head down. She lay there, her arms and legs open. He lay down atop her. His prick slipped into her wet cunt. He began fucking her.

She lay there. He pumped up and down, his prick down and in, up and out of her pussy.

Why had she allowed this to happen? She wasn't the boy's whore. Why did she let him push his way into her apartment? Why was she letting him fuck her like this?

Oh, but his prick sent little electric shocks up and down and around the walls of her cunt. Her excited clit jerked in its hood at its own quick rhythm. Oh God, his fucking her felt so good. She couldn't concentrate on anything but on how her cunt was feeling. Maybe she should have been more ******** downstairs. Maybe she should have sent him away. He was such a jerk. This wasn't the first time she was so stupid, the first time she let her cunt do her thinking for her. He was going to tell the others about this, she knew. Oh, and they wouldn't leave her alone either. They hadn't so far but they were going call her, to bother her to come to the cabin again tomorrow. She wouldn't go. She had destroyed the pictures. They wouldn't be able to ***** her. Oh, she hated feeling as if she was responsible for all of this. Above her, Harold began to quicken the pace of his fucking. Oh, why did it feel so good? She wrapped her legs around his and held her arms around his body, pulling him as tight as she could close to her body. Then, the noises began, the noises that started in her stomach and rose from there to her throat and finally to fill the room, groans, moans, yells, yelps, purrs and loud encouragements. She was such a whore. She loved it. "Come on, young man, pound it to me. Yeah, give it to me. Yes, yes, yes," her voice rang out as Harold continued his labors above and into her. Oh, Oh, she was going to cum again. She was going to come again.

She came again.

Oh fuck. That one was a good one. It was so good. She was still feeling the shivers from the orgasm she had just had. The tip of her nipple was hot. Hard. Oh boy, her body sure did feel good, She pulled her arms tighter around his body and held him even tighter. She opened her mouth and began to use her tongue to lick the sweat off his chest. It tasted bitter, sweet nectar, so fine. He was fucking her good now, up and down, hard, and quick. Until finally after at least ten minutes like that, he, too, came.

He rolled off of her and lay stretched out on the bed. Fucked out as much as he was, she lay exhausted next to him, her legs still wound around his thighs.

Ok, that was good. But it was over. Now she had to get him out of here. But first, she just lay there quietly gathering her energy and feeling her cum-filled cunt so satisfied.

Harold finally broke the silence. "You know, Mrs. Huffman, you sure are one great fuck."

She was sure he meant that as a compliment. As a matter of fact, she was one hell of a fuck. She realized that. She had really let go. If only he wasn't such a dork. If only he wasn't so fucking stupid. If only he wasn't so scrawny and dirty and just such a jerk. But he was all those things. And he just kept on showing up whenever he wanted and she was unable to send him away. Right now, though, she didn't need him anymore. She raised up on one arm and looked over at him.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, I'd love for you to pose for me. You know, spread your legs, pull your cunt lips open. You'd look great bent over on your knees, ass up in the air. Man I'd love to get some pictures of your snatch to hang on my wall. Your ass too; it's the best."

She wasn't sure if he meant that as a compliment. Pictures of her vagina taken by him was sort of hot in its own dirty way and her clit and twat were sort of tingly at the suggestion; but oh no, she knew what happened last time someone took a picture. It wasn't going to happen again.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, Clay said you got a dildo and a vibrator stashed here in your bedroom. Can I see it?"

He was taking this post coital relaxed mood just a little bit too far. "No you can't see it. And if Clay did happen to see something he thought was a dildo or a vibrator, then he shouldn't have said anything at all.

Harold had that real wide stupid ass smile on his face. "He told us that you gave him a blowjob in the shower. Could I get one of those too?"

Did any of those boys know how to keep his mouth shut? Did she have no secrets among them? She wondered how Clay knew about the dildo. He must have been peeking around her bedroom while she was visiting the toilet or something. And what right did he think he had to spread the word around about that? Or the shower? She would never have anything to do with any of them again. They couldn't blackmail her anymore. They could not make her. Why had she let her pussy do her thinking for her this time with Harold? He was an 18 year old dolt, and he had just spent the last hour and half fucking her on her bed. And she was pretty sure he would be announcing details of this latest fuck to his pals as soon as he was ought of here. She was so stupid. And he was such a crud. Not even a thank you when it was over, not that she had thanked him.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, you going to the cabin tomorrow? The guys really hoped you'll show."

"No way, Jose. You guys blackmailed me into having sex last week. They promised no sex and look what happened. No way am I going to go to that cabin again."

"Hey, nobody there would do anything to you. You know, we all think you're the best teacher we ever had. Hey, we love you, Mrs. Huffman. "

"Look," she said. "I let you wheedle your way into this apartment and then when you walk in here, you assault me and we end up having sex. Ok. I don't want to make an issue of it, but it isn't going to happen anymore. Do you understand. No more taking advantage of me!"

"You know, Mrs. Huffman. You know, you can be real mean sometimes except I know you really don't mean it..

MaryJane Huffman couldn't believe it. She was laying naked on her bed next to an equally naked (except for his socks) former student who she hated. She had to get him out of there before he (or she) got to thinking about sex again. She really had to make sure that none of those guys got near her again.

Oh fuck, he was playing with his flaccid prick and it was starting to get hard again. "Hey, no more," she shouted at him. Time to go. Time for you to get out of here. I got things to do."

Harold was a lot easier to handle after sex. He got off the bed and began to get dressed. He looked around for is clothing, couldn't seem to find it all, but finally got on what he needed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Ok, I'm good to go," he said. She, still naked, walked him to the door, refused his goodbye kiss and locked the door after he left.

Mrs. Huffman returned to the bedroom. The bed was a mess. It was all crumbled up. His hair had left grease marks where his head had lain and there was a small pool of cum in the middle of the bed where it had spilled from her cunt. On the floor she spotted his boxer shorts. He had evidently forgotten the underwear in his hurry to get out of there. She picked the shorts up to throw in the hamper or the garbage but, on second thought, decided to hold on to the not too clean boxer shorts. She sat on her bed, thought for a moment, got up, found her dildo in its drawer, and returned to the bed. She lay back down. MaryJane held his dirty drawers to her nose, inhaled its aroma and inserted the big black dildo in her wet pussy. She had to admit it. She was a slut. She pulled the cover over her head. The smell of his cum, her cum, their sweat and his dirty underwear filled her world. She fell asleep with the dildo inside her.


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********************* Friday evening, Mrs. Huffman was returning to her apartment, when, once again, she saw Harold McCarthy waiting near her parking space. She backed her car in and got out. "Why are you here? What do you want?" she demanded of him as he strode towards her. "I told you that last night was it, the last time. I don't want to see you again. Go away!"

"Hey, wait a minute. No reason for you to get in a big huff," Harold said. "I'm not going to bother you. I just wanted to know if you was going to the get together at Jeff's lodge."

"Dammit, I told you yesterday. I am not going. I do not want to have anything to do with any of you anymore. Nothing. Nada. Finished. Go."

"You know, Mrs. Huffman, you don't have to be so mean about it. I mean, the boys were really looking forward to seeing you again. They had a big surprise planned for you when you got there. You know we all think you're the greatest, the best teacher we ever had. We love you."

"Yeah, a big surprise, I bet. Look, I am not interested in any big surprise they had planned for me. I am not interested in seeing you or them ever again. I definitely am not going to go to their get together tonight. So go right now. Leave. Leave me alone!" MaryJane was adamant about this. She was not going to let her libido take over and make her do stupid again.

He just stood there.

"Did you hear me? Leave. Get out of here. Don't bother me anymore!"

Harold looked at her with the most woebegone expression on his face.

"What, what is it?" she asked.

"I don't know how to ask," he said.

"Well then, don't," and she turned around and started to walk away from him and towards her building.

"Wait. Mrs. Huffman, please. Wait just a second."

She knew better than to respond to his plea, but she turned around anyway. She looked at him. She waited for him to say something.

"I need a big favor," he finally blurted out.

"A big favor? Well, I am not the person to do you that favor. But ask anyway," she added. She was curious.

"It's not such a big favor. And you owe me anyhow," he said.

"I owe you?"

"Yeah. I got home late last night and my dad was really pissed. And he wouldn't let me have the car tonight. And I need a ride to the cabin."

"What has that got to do with me?"

"Well, it was sort of your fault I was late," Harold answered. "And I sort of thought that maybe you would be going to the get-together at the cabin. And I thought that maybe you could let me ride along."

"I told you I wasn't going. Now leave me alone."

"Aw, I really do need the ride," he said. "It's our last get-together. We're all going away to college after the summer. We won't be seeing each other anymore. Please."

"I don't care. I told you I wasn't going. I am not interested in seeing any of you. Not for this get together or for this surprise or even at any other time. So just get out of here. Leave! Let me be."

"Gee, Mrs. Huffman. This is my last chance to see the guys. You were alright with me last night. I mean, you did get off. Plenty. And you do sort of owe me for that."

She just glared at him

"Well, maybe just a little bit," he said. "Ok, maybe not. But, please, Mrs. Huffman, I really do need the ride. It's only maybe a half hour. Please."

"I did tell you I didn't want anything to do with anyone of you again, didn't I?"

"I really need the ride. I'm really desperate. Please."

MaryJane Huffman knew she needed to just turn around, go to her building, and forget all about Harold, his friends and the 'get together.' But, she didn't know why, she didn't turn around.

He saw his chance. "I promise. I swear on my ******. I swear to God. I promise, I'll never bother you again. Just this once. I'll never come here to your place again. I'll be good. I swear. Just, please, give me this one ride. This one time."

Could she be as dumb as she was thinking of being? She really didn't want to give him the ride. She didn't want to be anywhere near the rest of the boys and their innocent get together and their surprises.

She hoped she wouldn't be sorry. "All right. You promise. You swore on your ****** that you would never bother me again. Ok, I'll give you the ride. But I am not going to go in there. Just a ride to the cabin. That's it. I will not be going in. Do you understand?

"Yes, yes. I understand. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Mrs. Huffman. I'll owe you forever."

He got into the car. She got in on her side, started the car and began the drive to the cabin. Neither said anything. Finally he opened his mouth. "Ok if I put on the radio? It's boring without talking." She hit the button. NPR came on. "What's that," he said. "Jesus, you listen to that?" She shut the radio off. He gave her a sideways look.

After a while he spoke again. "You can get there a little bit faster if you make a turn at the next stop sign."

"This way is fine," she said. Her voice was terse.

"Ok, but a left at the sign would save at least five minutes."

She didn't say anything but, at the next stop sign, she turned left. "This better be quicker," she said.

After a minute or so on the quiet back road Harold spoke. "Remember we came here one time. Behind that church. I ate you out."

Oh my god, she should have remembered before she took the term.

He put his hand on her leg and she began to shake. "Stop that. I can't drive when you do that. Take your hand away from me!" She had to swallow. Her quick breathing began again. She felt her knees shaking. Why did being next to this stupid boy in a car make this happen to her. She felt dizzy. His hand remained on her leg. She picked his hand up away from her leg. "Please, don't do this to me. "

"What did I do?"

"Just keep your hand off of me. If you touch me again, I swear, I, I'll turn this car around and just take you back to where I found you."

"Jeez, Mrs. Huffman," he said. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"That's it," she shouted. MaryJane Huffman hit the brakes. The car swerved, nearly ran off the road. Her whole body was shaking. Right ahead was an empty driveway and she drove for it, turning into it. Oh, God, did nothing ever go right for her? It was the driveway for the old church. It was the same place she and Harold had had sex before.

She stopped the car. Her breathing was the only sound in the car. She was afraid she was going to cry. He put his hand on her arm. "Oh, Jesus, Mrs. Huffman, Jesus, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you so upset." Sitting sideways in the front seat of the car, he folded her body into his arms.


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His arms around her, Mrs. Huffman, breathed air in heavy gulps. She couldn't stop shaking. Why was she such a slut? He touched her and her nipples got hard, her cunt juices began to flow, her clit tingled.

"Shhhh. Shhh. Take it easy there." He was holding her and he was tapping her lightly high on her back. "I'm sorry. It was just..."

"Don't say anything," she said. "Just be quiet."

He continued to envelope her in his arms. He continued to gently tap her back. "It's ok, everything's ok. Just take it easy Mrs. Huffman."

"Shut up," she said.

He shut up and continued to hold her. Slowly, the shaking of her shoulders stopped. It was quiet in the car. Harold slipped his hand from her shoulder. He waited a few seconds. Then he moved the hand and put it on her leg. She didn't say anything. He gently patted her leg at the thigh. She stayed silent. He gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. Still, she said nothing.

"Mrs. Huffman...?

She remained quiet.

What the hell, he thought. "Mrs. Huffman, why don't we move the car.You can park behind the church. It's more quiet there. You can rest and then we'll go."

"You planned all this, didn't you? You planned to get me here behind this church. You planned it all to do more sex."

"No. No, Mrs. Huffman. I swear. I just wanted a ride."

She turned the key and started the car, moving it to the end of the driveway and then behind the church. She let the motor idle for a moment while she made up her mind and then turned the motor off. She leaned back in her seat.

"Why am I such a slut?" she asked.


"Nothing. It was a rhetorical question."

"Whatever," Harold said. He truly hadn't planned this. He had planned something. But it wasn't this. "You aren't no slut," he said quietly and slipped is hand underneath her dress, patting the bare skin of her thigh.

"Yes I am," she said. "Why else am I here like this?" She parted her legs.

"Hey, you're a great teacher and a nice lady." He slipped his hand further until it was under her ass. He pushed up with a slight pressure on her ass. She lifted her ass off the seat. With his other hand now under her dress too, he pulled her panties from her waist. She put her ass back down on the street. He pulled her panties all the way down and off of her leg as she lifted her feet to help him. He shoved the panties under his seat. He brushed his open hand against her pussy.

She was totally calm now. This had happened once before with Harold. In this very same place. "Do it," she said.


"Do it, I said. Suck my cunt. Do it."

Harold McCarthy couldn't believe his luck. Well, he could believe it. He lifted her ass off the seat and moved her dress up past her pussy, He bunched it up around her stomach and bent his head down to begin his sucking of her cunt. He started on her slit and moved up to her clit with is tongue. He felt her move the dress down so that it covered his head as he sucked away. She was wet from her own juices and from his saliva. He stuck his tongue into her cunt. It tasted good. He felt her hand on the outside of her dress on top of his head. She leaned further back and spread her knees further apart. He was now using his fingers as well as his tongue in her cunt, at the labia and over her clit. He could sense that with her free hand, she was teasing her tits. He wanted to look out at her but she had closed her thighs around his head holding it tight against her cunt. She didn't say anything. He was unable to say anything, his mouth being engaged at her cunt. Finally, he didn't know how long it was, but it was more than a little while, finally, he felt her suddenly press her cunt up against his face. He felt her whole pussy sort of tremble and he heard from above a soft moan escape her throat. She had come. She took her hand away from the top of his head. She opened her thighs more. He lifted his head up away from her lap. She took a wad of tissue from the dispenser, dried her pubic area, threw the wad of tissue under her seat, pushed her dress down and sat down.

"Shall we go?" she said and started the car.

She drove back down the driveway and continued on the road towards the cabin. "You know, if I were one of you guys, I don't know that I would want to have anything to do with someone like me. I'm a worthless slut."

She didn't say anything else the rest of the way. He was quiet too. They arrived at the cabin. "Ok, get out. You're here," she said. "We are here at the cabin."

Harold pushed down on the door handle to open the door. "Hey, Mrs. Huffman, come on. Why don't you come in with me? Just for a minute. Say hello. Come on, the guys will really appreciate it. It won't be nothing."

"Yeah, go in there so that you'll all be able to have your way with your slut."

"Hey, it's not like that. We really think you're fine. Come on in with me. For just a minute."

"Just a minute?"

"Just a minute."

"Ok. Ok, but don't try anything to make me stay longer." She opened her door. Harold had a huge smile on his face as he got out of the car on his side. They walked to the cabin together. I'll stay just a minute, MaryJane thought to herself. She still wasn't sure that she wasn't doing something very stupid, going into the cabin along side of Harold. Well, it was too late now. Harold knocked on the door. The door opened and they walked in.

They were all there, the same group as was there last week. The first thing she heard was the cry, "Hey, Mrs. Huffman is here." The cry was immediately followed by more greetings, "So glad you could make it." "We knew that Harold would be able to convince her to come." Did she hear something snide in that last comment? No, it was her imagination.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, sit down. Do you want a beer?"

She sat on the couch. "No beer. I'm just staying a minute or so."

It was Clay Fenner, Clay of the dildo reporting, who looked away from her and turned to Harold. "Harold," he asked, "did you get it done?"

"You bet ya, I got it done. Am I the man or what?" he said.

MaryJane didn't like what she was hearing, and how it sounded. She stood up. "Hey, thanks for everything. I have to be going home. I just wanted to say goodbye to all of you my old students. But I do really have to leave." She started for the door.

"Wait. Wait. Just a minute," Jeff Bannon said that. "You can't go right now, We got to settle the bet first."

"What bet," MaryJane asked, "What bet?"

"With Harold," Jeff said. MaryJane didn't like the look on his face, the smirky grin as he said that,

"What bet?" she asked again.

"Tell her." That was Clay again.

Harold finally spoke up. He looked at her, a slightly embarrassed look on his face. "It was just a joke, Mrs. Huffman. I didn't really think it'd happen. It didn't mean anything."

Oh ****, she thought. This wasn't anything good, she thought. She should never have come in here. "Ok, what was the bet? Spit it out."

"It was just a joke. Don't be getting mad," said Harold.

"WHAT WAS IT? Say it." She was getting mad.

"Tell her already," said Clay.

"I bet that I could get you here and without you wearing panties." At least he hung his head down as he told her,

Her face turned red, whether from embarrassment or because she was angry, she didn't know. She just stood there and looked straight at him. Had she really believed that she had established some sort of rapport with him in the car? Was she that stupid? That much of a slut?

"Did he do it? Did he win the bet?" asked Jeff

She hated them. All of them. Low lifes. She looked directly at Harold. "You told me you were desperate. You cried begging me for a ride. I hate you." She turned away from him and towards the rest of the guys in the group, Jeff, and Francis, and Clay. Augie and Buck too.

"Yes, he won the bet. You wanted to know." She glared at each of them. She lifted her dress all the way up to stomach height and did a slow pirouette, her hairy cunt, pantyless, on display for them all to see.

The end.


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There she was, surrounded by six of her former students. She was holding the hem of her dress up so that her unshaven hairy cunt was exposed for all of them to see. She pirouetted, grabbed the side of the hem, lifted it, and proudly displayed her globular, gym-hardened ass for their inspection. "Like what you see?" she asked.

MaryJane Huffman, Mrs. Huffman, wondered why she was doing this. What was the point? They weren't seeing anything they hadn't seen before. She hadn't completely made up her mind, but she didn't doubt that as far as she was concerned they'd be involved in some hot sex with her before the night was over. She had fucked each of the boys right here in this very same cabin just one week ago. She had been cunt-sucked by one of them, Harold McCarthy, less than an hour ago in her car. Her cunt was wet. Her mouth was hungry.

Right now the boys didn't know what to do. They hadn't expected this, Mrs. Huffman showing them her cunt, acting like a slut. They had figured that they would have to argue and plead and maybe even get a little rough before they could get to fucking their former teacher at Amazing Holy ****** High School. She lowered her hand and separated her pussy lips. She was showing off the pearly pink inner walls of her cunt. She was eager for sex, hungry for cock and cum. She had been blackmailed, cajoled and even ********** into having sex with them before, so it wasn't her fault, the sex. But deep down she was aware that this is what she wanted. She wanted to be fucked! And she wanted them to know it!

Jeff Bannon, whose parents owned the cabin, had let his mouth go slack. He looked like he did when she described the difference between a preposition and a subordinating conjunction in class. Clay and Augie were staring, their eyes agog. They always had trouble assimilating new facts.

And then there was good old Harold McCarthy who had kindly sucked her to climax in the car those minutes ago and who had removed and hidden her panties in the car. He was sporting that usual **** eating grin on his acne spotted face. The jerk had his hand deep in his pocket, cradling his balls. His prick pressed against the fabric of his trousers, tenting it out with promises of pleasures to come. Last night she had given him the best cock sucking of his life, not the first she had given him, but, by her estimation, the best, She had also fucked and been fucked by him, and had done real well at that too, she thought, at least if the quantity and quality of the orgasms was the test.

Someday she would find out his secret. Was it his not-too-well washed body? Maybe his oily hair? Perhaps his scrawny build? Certainly it wasn't his gift for clever conversation? What was it about him that unfailingly got her primed to fuck, to suck, to get sucked, to smell and to taste and to press naked body to naked body.

But right now was right now. She had told them she would only stay for a minute, just long enough to say goodbye. But she didn't doubt that her stay would last much longer. She had raised the testosterone level in the cabin to a level too intense to be denied.

This was their last get together at the cabin before her former students dispersed and went off to college and, because they no longer had the pictures to blackmail her (she had recovered them last week), she wasn't here in a position so that they could ***** her to get fucked. She was here, as far as they were concerned, only because of Harold McCarthy's nagging.

She dropped the hem of her dress, decent (or relatively decent) once again. "You guys think I'm the worse whore in the world, don't you?"

"Hey, no. You were the best teacher we ever had," said Jeff.

"We loved you. You are so hot and we learned a lot in your class." That was Clay Fenner who she thought a good enough human being until she discovered that he had revealed her ownership of a vibrator and dildo to the group, and also told them of the blow job she had given him in her shower.

"Yeah, you're not such a whore. Milly Alito, now she was a whore, a real slut. She fucked anyone!" Those comforting words came from Harold. The same Howard who had nagged her into attending this get together tonight 'for just a few minutes.'

Maybe she was a slut. Maybe she wasn't. Did it matter? For the past more than two months, she had been fucking and sucking these boys singly, twice in pairs and last week as a group. At the moment, she could feel her cunt lips still damp and open from Harold's sucking and from her own secretions.

She did not like these boys, didn't like them at all. They were crude, rough, and disrespectful. They weren't even the greatest fuckers. They got hard easy, but their technique after that left much to be desired.

"Boy's I'm leaving right now."


"I said I was leaving right now, but you needn't have a cow about it. I am not going anywhere. I want to go to my car. I've got to think about things. I need to be alone to think, to clear my mind. Ok? I'll be back in a little while and tell you what I figured out to do. I'll be in my car. I'm just going to think. I need to be alone, so don't any of you come out to bother me. Ok?" MaryJane didn't give them a chance to argue or stop her, she turned around and just walked out of the cabin.

In the car now, she detected a whiff of her pussy smell. Her juice had run while Harold had sucked her cunt. But she didn't open her window. She wanted the quiet and the privacy so she could think, and the smell was not unpleasant.

A week less than three months ago was when it had started with the boys. It had only been four of them at the beginning.

It started at the school's Mardi Gras celebration. She had been a semi-chaperone. The boys had been staying at a motel a few blocks from her hotel. She knew when she was hanging out with them at their room that she ought probably not be doing that. They were ******** *******. She could smell that they had smoked some weed before. She was getting ***** and she was sure that they had spiked one of her ****** with something. But, although she knew she shouldn't be staying, she did. She was only human. She hadn't slept with anyone, had sex with a person for close to three years before that evening. She had had sex only one time in two years before that. After scumbag Martin had divorced her she had stayed away from any relationships.

She had always liked sex, but, discretion being the better part of valor, she had managed her celibacy ok. The school was in a small town and, well, the few men who had come on to her had been either married or too something wrong. The cop who had been the last person she had slept with had scared her. She had been faithful to Jackson, her dildo, and Bud, her vibrator, until that night with the boys.

That fateful Mardi Gras night she had stayed at the boy's room. She was their teacher. She could control them and she wasn't likely to get involved emotionally with any of them. When she realized pretty soon that night that things were getting out of hand, she didn't worry too much. If she was going to have sex, it might as well be with these boys and it would be their fault not hers.

MaryJane put her hands on the car's steering wheel. It was nice and quiet in the car. She stared straight ahead through the windshield. It was a clear night. The stars were out. She felt at peace (and a bit horny too) as she continued to think about what had happened, what they had done, what she had done that night. She had been pretty obviously three sheets to the wind gone that night. The boys had been getting quite inappropriate. They were telling all sort of exaggerated sex tales. They touched her on the knee, the shoulder, much too often. She had touched them too. In an innocent way, of course, yeah. The smell of sex, of their testosterone, her cunt juice filled the air of the room. There had been too many personal questions and too many awkward pauses when they or even she didn't know exactly what to say or do. Everything was obviously just a prelude to sex.

But what the hell, she had been horny. ****, she had been horny for two years. If what would happened was what she thought would happen, well, at least she would have an excuse. She was *****. She was *******. They took advantage of her.

She would have had an excuse, but she would get fucked. Their pricks would slide into her cunt. She would feel that beautiful slickness inside her as the walls of her cunt gripped their hard pricks. She would feel their warm bodies on hers. She would see those erect dicks all around her. She would feel their cum splash inside of her. Pricks would fill her. She would taste them! Oh, how she needed a good fucking she thought that night as the dirty talk, the ********, and the touching continued. Their boners were all so evident poking through their pants anytime anyone of them stood up. She could smell their excitement and she wondered if they could smell the odor from her by then sodden cunt.

She was their teacher and she would be able to control things. That was her main thought that night three months ago.. That was why she stayed in their motel room.

She didn't stop things when their touches lingered. She didn't stop touching them. She remembered putting on an innocent look when she jokingly put her hand on their pricks in an innocent game to see if she could judge size through their pants.. It had taken some time, but finally, after she began to act groggy and muddled, they had begun taking off her clothes to 'make you more comfortable.' They had totally stripped her naked so that 'we could put you to bed.' Even after she was naked and lying spread out and open in their bed they had taken some time. She could hear them arguing until, finally, they had begun, tentatively at first, and then with gusto to fuck her.

MaryJane's reminiscence had calmed her. Those memories had also aroused her. What to do now? She had to decide. She appreciated the silence. She was not wearing panties, so she felt free and more excited. She could think slutty.

She had just about concluded that she would go back to the cabin and get a grand fuck fest started when a tapping on her driver's side window woke her from her reverie.



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Who else? It was Harold of course. She had asked them not to come out to the car, but Harold wasn't exactly the greatest at following rules. She gave him a dirty look and with a shake of her head signaled that he should walk around the car to enter the passenger side.

"We were wondering if you were going to come back in," he said as he slid into the car and sat in the seat.

"Didn't I ask you not to come out to the car," she said, "Didn't I tell you that I had to think?"

"Ah, why do you always get so angry at me?" he whinned.

"Because you're such a prick," she said.

"Why do you always say that to me?"

She turned sideways in her seat and stared at him. "Did you tell all of them how you sucked my cunt when we stopped behind the church?"

"What? Why do you ask me that?"

"Did you tell them all about last night in my apartment?"

"See, Mrs. Huffman, you always think that I'm a bad person. You always get angry at me."

"Did you?"

Harold got that sly look on his face as he calculated whether he could get away with a lie.

"Maybe I told them just a little. Just a little bit."

MaryJane looked him straight in the eye. "You are a despicable person, you know? You have absolutely no respect for me or, really, for anyone. You're a liar. You don't wash as often as a person should. Did you bathe when you got home after we had sex last night?"

He looked sheepish.

She grabbed his cock. He still had that hard on tenting his pants up in the air at his crotch. "For all of your shortcomings....all of them, you know, you're the best fuck I've ever had. You give great head too. I really don't like you, Harold, but what amazes me is that I really do enjoy having sexual congress with you."


"Sexual congress. Fucking to you. You get me off Mr. McCarthy. You fuck good."

Mary Jane Huffman was surprising herself with her talk. But she had come to a decision. She had really gotten off having sex with the group. She had cum as often in the past three months while doing sex with them as she had in all her life before, including the sex with her husband. And, she admitted to herself, she needed the sex. It made her feel good. It eased her body. It quieted her brain. It scratched the itch.

He looked at her for a long time, trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or just playing with him. Well, she was still holding on to his cock. "Mrs. Huffman, you fuck good too," he said. "You're the best fucker I ever done it with. And you suck my cock good too."

"Better than Milly Alito?"

"Yeah, a whole lot better." He looked at MaryJane with a puzzled expression on his face. "You study that? I mean, they learn you about cock sucking in college?"

MaryJane was still holding on to his prick. She had to resist what was a growing urge to pull it out from his pants and take the foul smelling, sour tasting dirty fuck stick into her mouth. Jesus, why did he do this to her?. Her breasts felt swollen, her nipples taut. Her cunt juice was flowing and her clit was tingling.

But she wasn't going to do him, not in the car. She had decided what would happen when she returned to the cabin. "Let's go," she said and got out of the car.

The boys were sitting around ******** beer when she and Harold walked into the room.

They all turned and looked at her.

"I decided to stay and give you all a proper goodbye," she announced. They weren't totally sure what it was that she meant by her announcement. They waited for more. "Are the sheets on the bed clean?" she asked.

Augie and Buck got up and hurried into the bedroom. MaryJane began to unbutton the top of her dress. When they returned from the bedroom and announced that the sheets were fresh, she had dropped the top of her dress and removed her bra. By the time they had finished describing the state of the sheets on the bed, MaryJane had removed her shoes and let the dress fall to the floor.

She held her hands up over her head and stretched. She spread her legs and puffed out her chest. "This is the body you are all going to fuck," she told the assembled crew, You are going to enjoy it. And I will too. We follow some simple rules. So, all of you, listen up."

She had their undivided attention. If she had never been this commanding in the classroom, all of them would be going to Harvard now.

She was feeling good. She had been thinking since Harold had come to the car and her thinking had helped her decide on a program for the night. She had wondered often about ****, about its sexual aspect. It wasn't exactly the fulfillment of a fantasy, but it was close enough to a fantasy that she had visited many times over the years. She was going to get fucked......good! She was going to get fucked....hard! It wasn't going to be ****, but it would feel as if it was. She guessed that it would be in the nature of an experiment, a discovery, a finding out of something she had thought about.

"I'm going to lie down on those clean sheets. One at a time, you boys will enter the bedroom to have sex with me. One at a time. We will have privacy. One of you will come in and close the door and we'll begin the sex. When that boy is finished, he'll leave and the next can come in. One thing, I will lay in bed, but when you come onto the bed, I will not let you fuck me."

She stared out at them. She had their full attention.

"Even though I will not willingly allow you to fuck me, you will ***** yourselves on to me. You can wrestle, hold me, use your weight. No hitting, punching or slapping. It will be like a wrestling match. You will enter me even though I am resisting. Are there any questions?"

Francis Locanni raised his hand.

"Yes Francis, " she called on him just as if they were in her classroom.

"Can we like tie you down. You know, with rope or something?

Mrs. Huffman thought about it for a moment. She visualized the scenario. "No," she said finally, "you can overpower me with your strength and weight only." She looked at them.

"Good question, Francis. Any others?"

"Yeah." Buck Mulligan had raised his hand. "Who's first? Is there a special order for us to get to fuck you?"

Her clit was swollen and needing tickling. Her juices were flowing. All her body's nerve endings were on alert. Talking to the boys while she was naked and their big and ready boners were poking against their pants was tremendously arousing. Tremendously! "You decide on the order," she said quickly. "I think we are ready to start." "Harold will be the first." She took his hand and led him into the bedroom, closing the door after they entered.

"Wow, this is really cool," Harold said as MaryJane Huffman lay down on the bed, her legs open, her arms outstretched. He began to shed his clothes. His pants, his shirt, his underwear were on the floor. He was naked. His prick was attention.

As soon as he got onto the bed, MaryJane closed her legs, folded her arms at the elbow and held her hands palms up in front of her tits.

"What the?" Harold exclaimed.

"You're going to have to ***** me, crud face," she said. Oh jeez, her cunt juice was flowing like never before. It was nearly a torrent. He acted so suddenly, she wasn't quite ready.

He ****** his knee between her legs and managed to spread them apart despite her best effort to keep them together. She felt his hard cock against her stomach as she struggled with her hands to push him off of her. He grabbed her hands and got them over her head. He held both her wrists above her head with one of his hands. She was unable to free them from his grip. She hadn't known he was this strong. Now both his knees were between her legs and were pushing them apart. He was on top of her. His body was pressing against hers. She continued to struggle, moving her body from side to side, trying to free her wrists from his grip, trying to push her legs closer together, but she was unable to gain any leverage. His bony, rock hard prick was pressing against her vulva, lying between the spread lips of her cunt. She was breathing hard. She could hear him breathing. Good, she was making him work for his fuck.

Everything was happening in silence as each struggled against the other. She could feel her breasts heaving from the exertion. She could feel his prick begin to find the entrance to her vagina. Her juices were gushing. Suddenly it slipped in. His prick had located the opening and had slipped in to her vagina. It was all the way in and he was pressing hard, his crotch against hers. It was simulated ****, but it was really getting to her. She was aroused. She was ready for him to begin fucking her in earnest.

She tried desperately to get her hands free so that she could massage her clit, but he was holding her wrists above her head too tightly. She could feel the bone at the base of his crotch pressing against her bone there. The bottom part of his prick's shaft was in contact with the top of her cunt just below her clit. She needed to touch there. She tried with all her might, but she couldn't free her hands. She needed to touch her clit!

"Letme go, let my hands go," she shouted.

"Fuck you, Mrs. Huffman," he replied. He was pressing his hips against hers, burrowing his cock as\deep into her cunt as he could get it.

"Let my hands go," she was pleading with him now.

"Fuck you," he repeated. "You wanted to get fucked and you're getting fucked."

"Let my hands go," she was demanding it now. She had to touch her clit. It was swollen like she couldn't remember. It was twitching in its hood. It needed to be touched. "I said to let my hands go," she was insistent.



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"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you" he repeated. He was pounding her cunt now, his prick in and out of the soaking wet hole as quick as he could make his hips go. "I am going to fuck you forever," he whispered. "I'm going to fuck your cunt. I'm going to fuck your mouth. I'm going to fuck you and fuck you over and over." He continued to slam his prick into and out of her cunt.

She had to rub her clit. HAD TO! She was so close to cuming. She needed to touch her clit. Her cunt was on fire, her tits swollen and her nipples hard as needles. "Please," she was crying now, "please let my hands free. Please, please, please."

"SHUT UP," he yelled at her without warning. "Shut up, you cunt. I'm the boss now and I want to fuck you. You hear?"

She nodded.

"I'm going to fuck you, and I'll let your hands go when I want." He raised his head and stared down at his former teacher. "I'm gonna fuck you, fuck you and fuck you," he said to her. He wasn't smiling. "You know, you were always so bitchy to me. You were always putting me down. But now you are going to be my slut, my fuck hole, my cum eating whore."

Every word he uttered brought her closer to her orgasm, but she was unable to quite get there.

MaryJane's legs closed tight as she squeezed her labia closed. Her cunt muscles clenched tight around his cock. Every thrust of his cock into her cunt resulted in a new spasm of hungry feeling spreading out from her cervix to her stomach, chest and neck and down to her thighs, knees, calves and toes. Her clit was swollen in its hood, quivering without a stop for minutes now. She was close, close, so close, almost, almost there ready to cum. Her stiff nipples were sore from rubbing against his chest. Her mouth was open, her breathing ragged. Her eyes were looking straight up at his face, pleading with him through her tears of pleasure. "Please let my hands go," she whispered, "I need to touch my clit. Please."

She was unable to read his expression. His lips were pursed. His eyes intense. "You want me to let your hands go?"

She nodded her head. "Yes, please."

"Ok. I let them go, will you let me fuck your mouth?"

She had been on the verge of an orgasm for so long now. "Yes," she said. "Yes, yes. Just let my hands free and you can fuck my mouth as hard as you want. Please. Please let me touch my clit." She would have allowed him anything at this point. She needed to come. She needed to come. Every bone, every part of her body was in uncontrollably violent need of her cumming. She was whimpering, crying, pleading. "Please. You can fuck my mouth. Please let my hands go. Please."

"I can fuck your mouth? You promise you'll let me?"

"Yes. Yes, yes. YES. Please."

"Ok," he finally said. He released her hands which flew down to her crotch. Her fingers immediately moved to her clit and began to rub there. She felt his prick come out of her cunt and his body slide up against hers. His prick, wet from her cunt juice, was pushed against her lips and into her mouth. She opened her mouth wide and retracted her lips around her teeth. She furiously began to massage her clit. She used her other hand to slip two, then three, then all four fingers into her cunt now bereft of his cock. His cock was now pounding deep into and out of her wide open mouth, slamming into the back of her throat with each thrust into her. She couldn't breath. She was gagging each time his prick hit the bottom of her throat. She could feel a bit of vomit regurgitate into her mouth to cover his pounding cock and add its taste to the taste of his pounding prick.

"Ugh, um, umm, uuh, mrrah." She could make only unintelligible sounds as his prick continued to fuck her mouth, press her tongue down, fill her completely. Her lips felt the continuous pressure of his shaft sweeping in and out and down into her throat. Vomit was coating the inside of her mouth from her throat to her cheeks. She could barely breathe. At her cunt, her hands were working hard. Two fingers were busy circling against her clit Four fingers were in her cunt. She could feel his prick in her mouth begin to swell and ready to come. She opened her mouth as wide as she could. He began to cum, his semen splashing in freely from his cock against the back of her throat. She swallowed the heavy slime of his cum and tasted it on her tongue as her hands continued their giddy and reckless assault on her clit and cunt until, finally, MaryJane Huffman, teacher Mrs. Huffman, felt her loins explode and a fabulous pleasure rush from her cunt to everywhere in her body. She felt him raise his hips and pull his flaccid prick from his mouth. She gulped as much air as possible into her mouth desperate to breathe again.

"Not bad, huh?" Harold had rolled off her face and was now lying next to her. "Hey, tell me," he continued. "What was you trying for? Was you trying to feel like it felt to be ****d?"

She just lay there, unable to reply, her body slack, wasted, unable to move, but she was impressed that he had figured out her intent in this exercise. She held the fingers that had been in her cunt out next to his face. He opened his mouth and she put her fingers in. He sucked her fingers clean.

"Tastes good," he smiled.

"You are a truly disgusting person," she said.

"Thank you," he said.

She heard pounding on the door. Oh God, MaryJane had forgotten all about the other guys. ""When are you guys gonna finish?" she heard from the other side of the door.

Harold yelled back, "Hey, I just finished. You can come in." He looked at MaryJane. "You still think I'm such a loser?" The door opened and the other guys came trooping into the room. Harold got off the bed and began to gather his clothes. "She's all yours, all primed and ready to go," he announced as he left the room.

MaryJane lifted her head to see who was going to be next. She had had no idea that she would be so weak after just one fucking. It was Clay, Clay Fenner who was taking off his clothes and getting ready to get on the bed and ontop of her. MaryJane attempted to gather enough strength to ready herself for the next assault. She wasn't sure how hard she could resist this time.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, you ready to be fucked?" said Clay as he scampered onto the bed and got on top of her. She put her hands down to cover her cunt, but he easily pushed her hands away and just as easily slipped his prick into her wet cunt. "Hey, I thought you were going to fight," he said.

She tried halfheartedly to push him off of her, but, at the moment, she was more interested in resting than in fighting. She lay there, feeling his prick slide in and out of her pussy. He held his hands against the bed, lifting his body off of hers. He was being considerate. How nice. But this was hardly a ****. How much was she going to insist on authenticity? She gathered her arms together between their bodies and pushed. Oh my God, she thought. She had pushed him off of her, his prick out of her slippery cunt. He quickly rolled back over her. He moved his hips up and down, searching to put his prick back into her cunt. Ok, the game was her idea, so she pushed her arms down against the bed and tried to slide away from him. "You wanna fight, huh?" he snarled. He put his hands on her hips and pressed down, not letting her move. Finally his prick found her cunt and he slipped into her again. He began a steady fucking rhythm into her. She locked her hands together and put the interlocked fists between their bodies, resuming her efforts to fight the fucking. This time, though, he was ready to thwart any effort to throw him off and he pushed his body down against hers, pinning her arms between them. His prick in her cunt, he kept on sawing away. His mouth was inches from hers and he pressed his lips against hers. She tried to hold her mouth closed but it take him more than a few seconds to ***** her mouth open and to snake his tongue past her lips and finally past her teeth. "What's that taste?" he asked. "You gave Harold a blow job? He says you give the best. I want one two." She shook her head back and forth, No.

*****, no no's in this game he grumbled. He continued his fucking of her cunt but, as she wasn't reacting with any vigor, he soon tired of the fucking and decided on the blow job. Mary Jane had a lot less energy than she thought she'd have, so he was able to easily turn her over and put her on her knees, her arms supporting her body. He scooted around in front of her, put his legs around her body and his prick under her mouth. He put his hands on the back of her head and pushed her mouth down onto his prick. "Suck it," he ordered. She dutifully began her labors over the invading prick in her mouth. She wet it, sucked it, tongued it as hard as she was able. "Ok, get me off now. I wanna come." Clay said. She held the shaft of his prick in her fist and began jerking him off, sliding it up and down in her tight fist. She continued her jerking motions until he pushed his prick all the way in to her mouth while he held her head down on his organ and began to shoot his cum into her throat. She swallowed as much of the heavy cum as she could and wiped the rest away from the corner of her mouth using the back of her hand.

"We were talking in the other room," Clay said. "We figured that you were trying to get a feel for what it's like to get ****d. We right?"

MaryJane waved away any answer. "I need to rinse out my mouth," she said. She got off the bed and walked over to the bathroom where she rinsed out her mouth, filled a glass with water and drank it down. Returning to where Clay was, she raised her body onto the bed and lay down. She was a lot more tired than she thought this would make her. She would ***** well tonight.

"You finished," she asked Clay. Wait a minute, let me rest a minute before you send in whoever is next."

"It's Jeff," he said."You gonna fight him too?" he asked.

"I'm going to try," she smiled weakly.

He climbed down off the bed, began to dress slowly and, when he was finished, walked to the door and opened it.

MaryJane looked to see when Jeff would be making his interest. When he finally appeared, Francis was with him. "We decided to make this real. Frank's gonna help me **** you and then I'm going to help him."

"Wait," she said. "Wait a minute. I never said anything about two of you together. It was supposed to be one at a time."

"You got no say in the matter," Jeff said, "So you can stop giving orders." He was on the bed with her. His legs were straddling her head and his erect penis was waving above her mouth. She could smell his crotch odor. She twisted her head back and forth trying to deny him her mouth. She closed her mouth tight. Jeff reached down and pinched her nose shut. Unable to breathe, she opened her mouth and Jeff shoved his prick in. "Suck it," he said. She began to suck.

As she worked her tongue around Jeff's prick, she felt Francis' hands on her thighs. He was squeezing and feeling, separating them, pulling them wide apart, opening her cunt wide.



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Jeff's weight on her shoulders didn't allow any movement of her upper body and kept her arms down against the bed, hardly able to move. Francis' pressure on her legs kept her from turning. She tried to move but was unable to change the position of any part of her body. She could feel Francis move his body higher between her legs, pushing them further apart. His hand reached down. He inserted two fingers in her cunt. Unable to move, unable to speak as Jeff's prick was stuffed in her mouth, Mrs. Huffman felt helpless, trapped.

This is what she wanted, she thought as she lay there, her mouth being fucked, her cunt invaded. "Mmmmf, wuughh, uhguhg," she uttered, trying to communicate her desire to be let loose. She was unable to feel any pleasure at all from the assault on her body. Fingers explored the inside of her vagina. A prick moved up and down and around in her mouth, but there was no way she could gain even the hope of pleasure from the double invasion. There was no real pain except for the minor hurt caused by pressure on her shoulders and the pulling at her groin. What hurt her the most was the feeling of utter helplessness, the inability to shift the position of any part of her body. If what she had wanted before this began was to feel what it was like to be raped, well MaryJane Huffman was getting her wish. She had invited this incursion. She wondered whether indeed this was a ****. She had invited it, told them they would have to wrestle her compliance. That seemed to mitigate against what was happening being ****. But it was ****. She was being held and ****** to accept whatever was happening. She didn't see how she could feel anything else but that she was being raped. She decided that a jury would have to decide. Maybe a legal and a moral opinion would be different. But at the moment, with Jeff's cock filling her mouth and Francis' fingers stuffed in her vagina, she would have to vote that she was being raped.

She felt a change in the movement of Jeff's prick in her mouth. It seemed to be taking up more room, pushing down harder, stiffening. And then it suddenly erupted, spewing a heavy load of cum down her throat. She had no choice but to swallow. As soon as he finished his expelling all his semen into her throat, he pulled out from her mouth. She gasped for air. "Hold her down," she heard Francis call to Jeff. Jeff remained with his legs over her shoulder, his body on her chest and his spent cock hanging over her face.

She tried to move, but couldn't. Francis was having trouble getting his prick into her cunt. She couldn't see what he was doing because Jeff, sitting on her chest, blocked her view, but she could feel him switching his position between her legs. Finally she felt him grab her ankles and pull her legs sideways. Jeff raised off of her enough so that Francis could shift her body until her legs and ass were off the bed. Once again, Jeff let the full weight of his body fall onto her chest. Her legs were now hanging down off the bed, her cunt exposed at the edge of the bed. She could feel Francis now standing on the floor between her legs. He pulled on her ankles to adjust the height of her cunt until,. At last, she felt his cock push into her cunt. Her legs felt uncomfortable hanging down and she lifted them and wrapped them around Francis' waist.

Her legs felt a bit more comfortable supported by Francis' waist. But her shoulder and biceps ached because of Jeff's weight on them. And his prick, wet and flaccid, purple and tired looking hanging just above her face, was not a very appealing sight. She could hear Francis grunting as he slammed his prick into her cunt. "Could you move just a little bit?" MaryJane asked Jeff, speaking past his cock, "my shoulder hurts."

"Fuck you, you're being raped," Jeff said to her. Well I guess that answers the question about whether she was being raped, thought MaryJane. She just lay there, feeling the cock pounding her cunt over and over until finally she felt the prick send its ration of cum deep into her cunt. She dropped her legs from around Francis' waist and felt him move away. Jeff rolled off her upper body.

She could move now. Her legs were still hanging off the bed and she could feel cum dripping out of her cunt. She pulled her body back up on to the bed and just lay there. She saw Jeff and Francis high five each other. For what she couldn't think.

Augie Lewis or Buck Mulligan was to be next. "Ready for the next?" Jeff asked her.

She wasn't. She was totally tired, but what the hell. "Get whoever in here," she said. Let's get this over and done with."

"How's your cunt feeling?" asked Francis, hoping probably that she would comment on his size and his prick's accomplishment.

"Fine, no problem," she said and, looking over towards the door, said, "I'm ok, so send in the clowns."

Jeff gave Mrs. Huffman's tit nipple a pinch, smiled at her and, Francis in tow, left the room.

MaryJane's cunt felt sloppy wet with cum. Her mouth tasted sour from the cum deposited there. Looking over at the door, oh no, she saw another pair enter the room. Augie Lewis and Buck Mulligan marched in. Augie was smiling, Buck had an evil smirk on his face. The door to the bedroom remained open behind them and a group of the guys stood at the doorway, laughing and ready to watch the show. MaryJane was not enjoying herself. MaryJane was understanding that being raped was not like being at a party. It wasn't like having fun. It stunk. And now she gathered herself, preparing herself to try to fend off the next fuck, the next ****.

Buck got to the bed first. "Grab her legs," he ordered Augie. "Turn her over," he continued as he held her arms and helped Augie flip her over onto her stomach.

"What are you boys planning?" she asked them.

"Shut up" Buck answered. Augie pulled her legs and once again she lay with her legs off the bed. Her face was down, her stomach on the bed and her waist bent so that her ass was exposed at the edge of the bed.

"We're going to fuck your ass," Augie said.

MaryJane panicked. She tried to pull herself back up onto the bed and turn her self over onto her back. "No," she shouted. "I've never allowed that. Never." She struggled with them as they tried to turn her over and pull her back to the edge of the bed. They grabbed a hand and she pulled it away. They tried to catch a leg and she kicked out at them. "Please, stop," she shouted. The tussle continued. "Please stop. I've never had sex there. Please just stop. Her voice grew louder. "Please!"

"Shut up," Buck yelled at her as he fought to hold onto her leg. "Stop fighting."

He was holding on to her leg and she was desperately fighting to keep him from turning her onto her stomach. She was shouting now, "Stop! Leave me alone. Stop. Stop right now."

Augie was holding her arm and she could feel that he was close to having enough leverage to turn her over. This couldn't be, she thought. She had never been fucked there, in her ass. She had never even had a finger in her ass. She should never have come back to this cabin. "STOP," she yelled at the top of her lungs and managed once again to escape from their hands. She rolled off the bed and landed on the floor. She tried to break her fall by holding out her hand and she hurt her wrist. She desperately once again rolled away from them and tried to stand and run to the door, but Buck grabbed her arm and held her. "Hold on. Hold on. You're fighting crazy."

"Let me go!" she insisted. She would have cried, but she didn't think that crying would help. Instead she kicked out with all her might and managed to land her foot at Augie's crotch.

"Hey, Ouch," he yelled. She wasn't wearing shoes so her kick didn't do too much harm. Buck was trying to pull her back into his arms but her flailing, her fighting and now she was screaming at the top of her lungs for them to "LET ME GO!"

She became aware of the group of boys she had already fucked gathered at the door, watching her, watching the tussle. She lowered her voice to Buck. "Buck, let me give you a blow job. Let me suck you off. I can give a very good blow job. Please. Fuck me. I can't be fucked in the ass. Wouldn't you like a great blow job? Please." All the while as she spoke, she tried to pull her hands away from him.

"Fuck this," Augie said. He grabbed her around the stomach, lifted her into the air and threw her onto the bed.

On the bed, she scooted away from his grasping arms and stood up next to the headboard. "Stay away. Don't touch me," she spit out. She looked out at the boys in the doorway for help. "Help me," she called to them. "Help me. Haven't I been good to all of you? Didn't I give you a good time? Help me. Please." She was standing at the end of the bed her back against the wall.

Buck and Augie were standing at the side of the bed. They were breathing hard. Their mouths shut tight. They were staring at her.


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Once again, she looked over at the boys at the door. "Come on," she said, "Help me. Please."

After maybe ten seconds, she saw movement from the group at the doorway. Of all people, it was Harold. He stepped over to the bed and put his arm around Buck's shoulder. "Hey, hey, Buck," he said. "It's ok. Relax. Mrs. Huffman's ok. You know that. She's always been straight with us. Come on, let her go. You want, she'll give you a great hand job. Blow job? You can fuck her if you want. Just no anal."

MaryJane, standing at the head of the bed, watched as Harold, has arm still around Buck's shoulder, walked with him to the other end of the room, talking quietly all the while. Soon Buck called Augie over to join the conversation. The three of them huddled together, speaking, whispering, laughing and smiling.

Finally, Buck and Augie shook hands with Harold and left the room. The rest of the group except for Harold followed them into the living room. Harold walked slowly over to the bed and sat down at its edge. After a second or two MaryJane knelt down and sat down next to Harold.

"Thank you," she said. "I was really scared. What did you say to them to get them to stop?"

"I'll tell you later. You don't got to do it, but if you want, you can give them a blow job or let them fuck you. You don't have to do that if you don't want. If you want, you can go home."

"I want to go home. It was alright before, but I got really frightened. I think I had better get dressed and go home, You think It'll be alright?" she asked Harold.

"Stay here," he told her. "I'll talk with them. I'll be right back." He left and went into the living room. Mrs. Huffman stayed sitting on the bed. Harold McCarthy of all people, she thought to herself. He was a turd. She hated him. But it was he who had saved her just now. MaryJane didn't think that she would have been able to stave off the anal **** by herself. She was tired from the earlier sex and didn't have the strength. It would have been terribly humiliating, she thought. Awful, with the others watching. But Harold had saved her. Harold the nag. Harold disgusting. You never knew. He was walking back into the room now, almost strutting. He was carrying her dress and her shoes in his arms. "You can go home. You don't have to fuck them." He stopped. "Unless you want," he added.

"No. I want to go home. It'll be ok? You're sure?" she asked.

"No sweat," he said.

She had stepped into her dress and was pulling it up to her body. "You didn't pick up my bra by any chance?"

"Nah. But don't worry none. You don't need no bra. You look great without one. Let's you get dressed and we can go home."

"We?" she was buttoning up the blouse part of her dress.

"Yeah. You gave me the ride here? Don't you remember? I need a ride back. It's ok, ain't it? I mean, you alright with giving me the ride?"

She could hardly say no, could she. "No, no. That's fine. I'll give you the ride."

"Hey thanks. You're a real sport, Mrs. Huffman," he said. He led her out into the living room. The other boys were all sitting around. They were ******** beer.

"I'm going to leave now," she told the room. "I'm sorry for the trouble just now, but I did have some interesting experience with you guys. And I hope that I was a good teacher for you in school." Jesus, she was apologizing to them after they had just finished semi ****** her. Before she had come in to the cabin earlier this evening, she had thought about how she would say goodbye to them when she left. But right now there seemed to be nothing that could ease the discomfort around the room. She gave a half bow to the room and as she did wondered where that had come from. "Well, I really ought to be leaving now," she half-bowed again and turned to leave the cabin, Harold walking along with her. At the door they stopped. She said goodbye, Harold waved, his goofy smirk still attached to his face.

In the car, MaryJane Huffman took several deep breaths. Her body was settling down, its tenseness at the near anal **** dissipating. "Put on you seat belt," she told Harold and drove off into the night. The smell, all hers, she realized, of sex and sweat, filled the car. Nothing to do about that. She was going to switch on the radio but stopped. "What did you tell them? How did you get Augie and Buck to stop, to let me alone?"

She wished that Harold would just once wipe that **** eating grin off of his face. It ruined the good Samaritan opinion she wanted to have about him.

"Hey, it wasn't nothing," he said. "I told them I'd fix them up with Milly Alito. She loves to give anal. I told you she was a slut."

MaryJane didn't know what to say to that. She was staring out at the road illuminated by the her headlights burning through the dark

"You're ok, Mrs. Huffman," Harry said. He patted her leg at the thigh. He kept his hand there. MaryJane didn't think she could move his hand away. His hand on her thigh made her nervous. It was quiet in the car. It was dark. It smelled of sex and Harold's hand was creeping slowly up her thigh.

"Maybe, you ought not be holding me there," she said.

"Why not?"

"It makes me a little nervous when I'm driving," she said.

"I know, why don't you turn when we get to the stop sign? We can stop by the old church. We can talk there."

"I don't know if that's too wise," she said.

"Why not?"

"There was too much sex tonight. I can't do anymore. I am really all fucked out. That last time, when I had to fight to keep them from having sex with my ass sort of just, you know, put me off about sex for tonight anyway."

"Hey I'm good with that. You think all I want from you is fucking?"

If she answered that question honestly, looking at the grin on his face, she would have to say yes. So she didn't say anything.

"Come on, make the turn, let's talk. We don't have to stay there at the church too long. Just to talk. Come on."

MaryJane Huffman said to herself that she was biggest fool in the world, but when they came to the stop sign, she made the turn and minutes later parked behind the church.

How it had come to happen, she really couldn't tell, but about 20 minutes after she had parked behind the church they were still there. And right now MaryJane Huffman sat straddling Harold McCarthy's lap. His pants were down around his ankles. Her dress was up around her waist. His prick was embedded in her cunt. Her face was buried in the greasy hair on top of his head She was inhaling the odor from his head deeply, and she was bouncing up and down servicing his prick with her very wet cunt when a car's headlights appeared and lit up the parking lot.


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Chapter 04. Two seconds later: (after the end of chapter.03)

"Let me off. Let me go," Mrs. Huffman shouted at Harold.

They were in her car. He was sitting on the front passenger seat, and she was straddling him, his prick inside her cunt. "I said to let me go. Hurry."

She was panicking. He had his hands on her shoulders and was pushing down. His knees were elevated, trapping her against his chest. There was no room to maneuver. She couldn't free herself. Her legs were spread wide. Her hands were at the back of his seat where they could get no purchase. She had stopped moving her cunt up and down on his prick, but she could feel him pushing his hips upward. "Stop I said. There's a car here. It just drove in. They'll see us."

"Calm down. Don't worry about it. It's Ok."

"What's ok? There's another car here. Don't you see it?

His mouth was against her neck. His forehead pressing against her chin, but he had to be able to have seen the headlights as the car entered the parking lot in the back of the old church.

"I told you it was ok. They won't bother us. Now, let me finish," he said. He tried to get her to continue her motion on his prick by moving his hips up and down. "Come on, don't stop," he ordered.

"What do you mean, they won't bother us. Do you know who it is?"

"You are such a cunt. Yeah, I know who it is. Why aren't you moving?"

She was still trying to free herself, to move off of him and back to her seat on the driver's side of the car.

"It's nothing. It's Augie and Buck. I told them to come here."


"I told them to come here."

"You just rescued me from them. They were trying to **** me."

"Come on, you wanted to be ****d."

"They wanted to have sex with me in my ass. I absolutely didn't want that. You told me you talked them out of it, that they agreed to let me go after you offered to set them up with Maggie Alito."

"That was for the anal. They still complained that they wanted a fuck. They said you'd fucked everyone else."

"But you told me...."

"I got you ought of there, didn't I? I told them to come here. I told them we'd meet them here."

"How did you know we'd be here? I hadn't agreed to...."

MaryJane Huffman's question was cut off by the sound of tapping on the car's passenger side window. It was Buck and Augie standing there. MaryJane was able to slide off of Harold's lap and move over to her seat behind the steering wheel.

Harold rolled down his window. "Go back to your car. Come back in a few minutes." He rolled the window back up.

"I want to go home. I am not going to have anything to do with those boys. They tried to **** me."

"They were only trying to fuck your ass."

"I told them no, but they...."

"Mrs. Huffman. Mrs. Huffman. Shut up. Be quiet for a minute. Jesus." Harold lifted both his eyebrows in a 'don't you understand anything' sideways look. "Listen to what I'm sayin', Ok? They ain't going to fuck your ass. I told you. I promised. Milly Alito would let them, she's good with that. Look, I'm sure I can get them to let you off with just jacking them off."

"I told you I didn't want anything to do with them. Anything means A n y T h i n g. Nothing."

"Geez, for a teacher you sure are dumb. I saved your ass, didn't I?"

"I hate you. First you convince me to go to the cabin. Then I find out you got me there without me wearing panties to win a bet with them. You been nagging me into sex every time I turn around. Now you're trying to get me to have sex with two boys who are even more disgusting than you are. Get me out of here. I hate you." Mrs. Huffman's tirade was interrupted by another sound of tapping on Harold's passenger side window.

Harold again rolled down his window.

"How long are you going to keep us out here?

The voice was Augie Lewis's.

"You guys gotta be patient," Harold told them.

"Patient, my ass." That was Buck, Buck Mulligan. "You told us she'd fuck us. That's what you said."

*****! Wait a minute." Harold twisted his body and opened the car's rear door."

"What are you doing?" MaryJane Huffman demanded. "I don't want them in my car." Buck and then Augie, however, had clambered into the car and were seated on the rear bench. Mrs. Huffman didn't look at them. She faced Harold. "You tell them right now that I am not going to have sex with them."

Augie didn't like that. "You fucked all the other guys," he said.

She still didn't look at the boys in the back seat. She spoke to Harold. "Tell them what I said." She turned away from him, set her mouth, and stared out towards through the windshield at the dark night outside.

"You fucked her back at the cabin," Buck said to Harold. "And you were fucking her just now when we tapped on your window."

MaryJane snapped. She turned around to face the boys in the back. "I do not want to have sex with you. Can you not understand that?" She was shouting.

"What's a mattah? You fuckin' Harold. What's wrong with us?" Buck demanded.

Augie piped in,"What's with you and Harold, anyways?"

Harold put his hand on MaryJane's thigh. She took his hand by the wrist and threw it off. He put it back. "What's wrong with you? Take it easy," he said.

"I don't want you to touch me." MaryJane wanted to cry. She would have burst into tears except that she thought it wouldn't help matters, would probably make them worse.

"Look, I'm only trying to make things better," Harold said. "Augie and Buck aren't really bad guys. They just got carried away back there in the cabin."

"Yeah, we just got carried away. That's all," Augie said, speaking for both himself and for Buck.

"See?" That was Harold.

"Do you boys think I'm just something, your fuck toy. A piece of ass for you to take advantage of whenever you want?" Mrs. Huffman was staring out the front windshield into the dark again.

"Hey, none of us think you're just a fuck toy or something. ****, you were our teacher. You were the best! We really like you, Mrs. Huffman," said Harold.

"You came into the cabin and showed us your cunt. You weren't so worried when you fucked us all last week," muttered Buck in the back seat.

"Shut up," Harold shouted. "Can't you see I'm trying to work things out?" He turned to MaryJane. "Look, they just want to get off. Maybe you can jack them off?" He turned to the boys in the back. "How's about it? You guys ok with it if Mrs. Huffman just Jacks you off?"

"Will that be it? I masturbate them and it's over? I get to go home? We are all finished?" Mrs. Huffman was speaking to Harry.

"You don't got to say it that way, but, yeah, you jack them off and then we all go home. And try to be nice about it."

"I can't really trust your promises."

"Hey, I promise ok. How about Augie and Buck promise too? Augie, Buck, tell Mrs. Huffman that it'll all be good if she just plays the monkey for you, that you'll leave and we'll all go home."

"Ok, yeah, sure," said Buck.

"Whatever," said Augie.

"And they have to say they're sorry for what happened at the cabin." MaryJane said, determined to salvage what she could of her dignity, though she didn't have much of that left really.

"I don't see why you have to be such a bitch about everything," Harold said to her. He turned to the back. "Guys, say it. Tell Mrs. Huffman you're sorry for trying to ass fuck her. Just do it. Look, we all want to get out of here. Tell her!"

"Ok. I'm sorry" That was Augie.

"Yeah, me too." That was Buck.

The lack of sincerity in their apologies made MaryJane want to argue more, but she was too tired and just wanted to go home.

"All right," she said. She turned to open her door to get in the back.

"Wait," said Harold. "You don't have to get out. Just climb over the back of your seat into the back."

Why he had to control every part of this, she didn't understand, but Mrs. Huffman was too tired to argue with him about this also, so she turned around in her seat and began to climb over its back. She learned why he had suggested this method of getting to the rear seat almost as soon as she began to do that. She felt his hands reach under her dress and run against her pantyless crotch. His left hand grabbed tight at her cunt, rubbing there from top to bottom, inserting one finger past her slit and into her vagina. She hated that he would just do such a think when he wanted. It made her wet and gave him an excuse to do even more. His other hand pushed against the smooth rounded globe of her lovely ass, assisting her to climb into the back of the car where Buck and Augie sat, waiting for her. The boys moved apart and MaryJane sat in the middle of the seat, between them.Her dress was hiked up nearly all the way. Her knees were close together. "Let's get started," she said.


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The boys unbuttoned their trousers, opened their flies and pulled out their cocks. Augie, Mrs. Huffman noticed, wasn't wearing underwear. But who was she to say anything about that? She took their cocks. Augie's in one hand and Buck's in the other hand and gripped them in her fists. The cocks were standing tall. They were hard. She gripped tight and pulled hard. She wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"You're hurting me," Buck said.

She realized the shafts of their cocks were dry. She spit onto the palm of each of her hands and began to wank their stiff shafts in a slow up and down motion. Could she be doing anything more debased? Harold was in the front seat. He was kneeling on his seat and facing towards the back, leaning over and watching intently as she worked the boys hard cocks up and down.

"Your angle is wrong," Harold said. "Move your arms around their backs and wank them from around their backs. You'll be able to work your hands up and down better."

She hated him. Now he was teaching her how to masturbate the two boys she was sitting between; but, nevertheless, she complied, reaching around each of them and continuing the slow shameful (to her) pulling movement on each of their pricks. As she did that, she left her lap unprotected and each of the boys, Augie and Buck, reached under her dress and pushed their hands up along the sleek insides of her thighs. "Stop that," she said, "get your hands out from under my dress."

"It ain't nothing. Let them alone," Harold said from his perch as he watched the action with close attention.

She dropped the matter and continued wanking them as she felt their hands reaching ever higher on her thighs, touching her cunt, feeling her ass. She wondered if she should spread her legs more, lift up off the seat to gave them better access to her privates. Their hands were gripping her upper thighs and she was beginning to feel wetness again inside of her cunt. She felt a repugnance at herself for what she had allowed to happen to herself here in her own car in this dark back seat with these three boys.

"You ain't ever going to get them off the way you're doing it," Harold said.

"Well then, you take my place and you jack them off," she said.

He ignored her. "You can do it a lot better if you face them and get down on the floor. Get off the seat and face them from the floor," he suggested.

Why didn't he shut up she thought, but once again MaryJane complied with his suggestion. She let go of their cocks and lifted herself from the seat. She turned to face them as she knelt on the narrow floor between them. She re-captured their cocks in her fists and once again began her wanking movements. MaryJane Huffman wondered how it was possible that she could have fallen so low. There she was kneeling on the dark floor in the back of her car, her hands engaged in pulling the rigid cocks of two of her former students up and down in a steady rhythm. Just behind her, leaning on his seat and watching everything was another of her students, the loathsome Harold McCarthy.

"That's a lot better," Harold commented from above and behind her. The backs of her upper arms were growing tired, but she continued the steady up and down movement of their cock shafts. She looked and saw the purple knob of their cock tops swell under her ministrations, the eye hole at the head of their cocks open and close with each pull of her hands on their shafts. She wondered if Milly Alito had ever done something like this. She thought she probably had. MaryJane thought that if Milly was a slut, then what was she. A cunt, she thought. A whore. A slut like Milly. Worse.

"You'll do better if you gave them a little bit of a blow job, suck them while you're pulling," Harold instructed from behind and above her.

Hate was too bland a word. She despised Harold, but MaryJane Huffman once again went along with his suggestion. She lowered her head over, first Buck's and then Augies, cock, taking each in turn in her mouth, all the while continuing to wank at the shafts of their cocks. Buck smelled clean. He had washed before this encounter. Augie's crotch had a salty tang to it, his prick smelled the slightest of cum and pee. But she wasn't here to enjoy what she was doing. She labored away, picking up the pace of her wanking movements, bobbing her head up and down, sucking harder, using her tongue more. She tried to look up as she sucked on their cocks, trying to catch their eye, listening to their moans and their encouragement to suck harder. Her knees hurt. Finally, first Buck and then Augie shot their wads deep into her mouth. She swallowed each of their cum loads down her throat, tasting the tang of their cum. She let go of their cocks. "Ok?" she asked, looking up from their now spent cocks.

"Yeah," said Augie.

"Ok," said Buck.

MaryJane got up from where she was squatting between the boys and began to scramble up over her seat to return to the front of the car.

Of course, Harold came to her aid as she pulled herself between the seats to the front of the car. He managed to insinuate both his hands under her dress while helping her, fingering her cunt, smoothing the soft skin of her ass. When she was finally back in her seat on the driver's side of the car, she tried to remove his hand from where it was pressing against her cunt, but she was unable to do that. The harder she tried to pull his hand away, the harder he pushed his hand forward so, finally, she gave up and let his hand stay there, playing with her pussy.

"Hey," Harold lifted his voice, "Mrs. Huffman's cunt is all wet. She must have been getting off while she was giving you guys your blowjobs."

MaryJane was beyond ***********. She let him say whatever he was going to say. She let him keep his hands under her dress and touch where he wanted to touch. She had just given two boys blow jobs in the back seat of a dark car parked behind an abandoned old church in the country. Could she get any lower? Harold had managed to get his finger into her cunt as she just sat there and stared ahead into the dark night. Behind her, she heard the boys starting to open their doors as they prepared to leave the car.

"Hey did I come through for you or not," said Harold to the boys. "You driving back to the cabin?" They told him that they were. He told them to drive carefully.

As their car drove off, MaryJane started to turn her engine on. "Wait a minute. Hold on for a second," Harold said.

"Why is someone else coming for a blowjob?" she asked him.

"No, why would you think something like that?" Harold said.

MaryJane Huffman said nothing. Here she was parked in the back of an abandoned church with this former student who had been an inattentive wise ass when he was still a student and was even more of a wiseass now. He was a liar. He played her. There was nothing he ever said to her that she thought was sincere. He wasn't even presentable with greasy hair and the body odor of a guy who sweated too much and ate too many hamburgers. But that didn't stop MaryJane Huffman, teacher, human being, slut, from doing his bidding.

She wondered what he would ask for next. He was always asking her for something.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, whyn't you give me a blowjob?"

Who would have guessed? MaryJane turned away from the blank windshield she had been gazing at to look at Harold. She didn't have to try, it was already THERE ON HER FACE, A LOOK OF CONTEMPT. "Who do you think you are?" she said. "What in the world do you think gives you the right to ask me to just, 'give you a blowjob? You do nothing but lie and get me into places where I really shouldn't be. You're contemptible, you know?" she said. She turned away and stared off into the night outside the windshield.

"I don't know why you keep saying things like that to me." Harold whinned in reply. I never did nothing that was so bad. What's so bad about asking you for a blowjob? You just finished giving two of them in the back seat.

"That was because I didn't have a choice. It was your doing, getting me here, getting them here."

"Ok. Whatever you say. But it don't count nothing that you been fuckin us almost nonstop?' She was past hearing anything that he said. She had been fucking all the boys, but that was over now. Tonight had been too much. Tonight would have to be the end.

"You are bad," she said. I don't want to have anything more to do with you or with any of your friends. You are worthless."

Harold didn't say anything. He watched her. She reached for the car keys which were still in the ignition. He put his hand underneath her dress and pressed against the mound of her sex. He combed through her cunt hair with his fingers. The movement of his fingers through her pubic hair woke the nerve endings of her cunt lips. She could smell the delicate scent of her sex juice in the still air of the car. Harold took MaryJane's hand and put it on his erection.

"Why do you always do this?"

"Feel how hard I am . You got me this boner, but, still, you don't want to give me a blow job? And you say I'm a bastard and worthless."

"Poor Harold," MaryJane said. She felt degraded. She felt angry. "Why don't you just pull your own pod?" She took her hand away from where it was over his rock hard prick.

He kept his hand under her dress and over her cunt mound. He looked at her. "Ok, go ahead, start the car. Let's go."

"You know I can't drive while you're doing that."

He now had the palm of his hand pushed against the bone at the top of her cunt and he was moving it against her there in a slow circular motion. "Look, I'm not keeping you here. You wanna go. Go. You can drop me off when we get to downtown. Jeez."

"Harold, please. You know I can't drive if you do that to me." His finger inside of her cunt was searching for her G spot.

"It's up to you if you drive. I ain't doing anything. I'm just trying to be nice because you thought I was mean before by me asking for a blow job."

"Please, Harry."

"Please what? I told you I was just trying to be nice." He was whinning again. The pressure he continued to keep on the top of her cunt with his wrist was relentless. "Start the car, already, he demanded. One of his fingers, it was from the other hand she thought, had penetrated into her now very wet vagina. "Harold," she said, her voice barely a whisper. She parted her legs at the knee and turned her toes outward to open the area of her cunt to him. "Harold," she tried one final time, "if we quit now I can take you home..."

But his hands were without pity. One hand roamed freely up and down the length of her cunt, massaging all along her slit, moving his fingers in slow circles all the while. His other hand roamed her lower body rubbing gently and exciting the nerve ends to an almost unbearable feeling of need.

She opened her legs even wider. She began to moan. "Harold, please," was all she said.

"Let's climb into the back seat," he said, there's a lot more room there."



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Mrs. Huffman shifted her sore body and sat up in the back seat of her car. The back seat wasn't the most comfortable place to have sex, but she and Harold had managed. She looked down at Harold who had not moved from the last position he had been in while sucking her cunt. He was lying on his stomach, His knees were bent and his legs were resting against the window on his side of the car. MaryJane's dress was less a dress and more a sash around her waist. It was unbuttoned and open at the top and its hem was bunched up around her belly button. Right now she was trying to gather some amount of strength back. She was wore out. Her hand was entwined in the greasy hair of his scalp. He looked up at her and gave her another of his smirky, **** eating smiles.

She had cum hard as he had sucked her, yelled out her cuming loudly and demanded that he suck harder as she came again and again. The sucking of her cunt was only the last thing they had managed to do in the back set. Fucking, sucking, even a 69, and that was not very easy to accomplish in the narrow space the seat afforded. She hated herself for everything that she had let happen so far this evening, though she had orgasmed alot

She was such a slut. And here she was, stuck in the back seat of her car with this eighteen year old former student. The whole back seat, the whole car, reeked of the smell of sex.

He reached out his hand and held her high on her leg where her thigh joined her hip. The back of his hand rubbed against the side of her wet pussy. "You know; I don't know whether I like sucking you, fucking you, or being sucked by you the most," he said. He pushed himself up so that he was sitting next to her. He was wearing a tee shirt and socks. The rest of his clothes were bundled on the floor under the front seat. He began absent mindedly to move his hand up and down through her hairy pubic mound.

She was so tired and her cunt, her whole body was exhausted. "Please take your hand away," she asked him.

He gave her a look of extreme disgust but removed his hand anyway, bringing his hand up to his nose and inhaling deeply. "Smells good," he said,

"Are you so disgusting on purpose?" she asked.

"See, you're always saying those bad things to me."

"You just took your fingers out of my cunt and smelled them. And now you tasted them in your mouth. Yuk. Isn't that disgusting?"

"You look at yourself, Mrs. Huffman? You're all naked and sweaty, your knees are spread wide and your cunt is leaking its juice all over your seat. And you got a string of my cum running down from the corner of your mouth. And you say that I'm disgusting. You ought to be happy that I'm willing to fuck a skanky whore like you."

MaryJane wanted to scream at him, tell him something, anything, so he would know what a bad person he was, but, first, she had to calm down. She peeled the dry cum away from the side of her mouth. She pulled her dress up to cover her tits and pulled it down to cover her cunt and thighs. She started to climb over the back of her seat only to feel his hand reach up under her dress to fondle the rounded globe of her ass cheek. She turned around to face him, but he just looked at her with that ugly smile of his on his face. His hands on her body made it hard for her to concentrate. She could feel her clit swell, her nipples get hard, but she managed to get over the seat and squeeze her way into her driver's seat. He leaned over from in back of her to cup both her tits with his hands. "I like your tits, but you got the sweetest ass in the world," he whispered into her ear.

She shuddered. Her breathing became rushed again. She wanted to scream but felt helpless to get control over herself, to get enough control at least to stop his pawing, to stop her own sexual excitement. "Come on," she said, get some clothes on and get up front and we'll get out of here. I'll drive you home." She waited, looking out at the blackness that obscured any vision of the scene outside her car as he began to pull on his pants. He clambered over his seat and made it into the front of the car, sitting next to her again. She had to do something before he began touching her again, before things got out of control. "I am not a skanky whore," she said.

He didn't reply. He looked over towards her but only smiled.

"You did take advantage of me," she insisted.

"Whatever," he said, his voice contemptuous.

"I may be a skanky whore to you, but you are what makes me that. You are the skanky dog."

"Whatever," he replied, his voice still full of contempt.

"I'm just human," she said. "I'm human and I have a sex drive. It's normal to have a sex drive. It is perfectly normal to feel sexual desire, to get excited and to feel a need for sex. But that doesn't mean you should take advantage of me. It is just a normal urge. I have always been a good person. I always took care of my sex needs in normal ways."

"Whatever," he repeated, looking at her with a sideways glance. He said no more. He waited for her to add to what she had said,

"I hadn't slept with anyone. No one, not one person. Well one person, but only one in maybe six years before you boys got me ***** and blackmailed me. Ok, maybe I had denied my urges for too long, but I was a teacher and this is a small town." She looked over. He made a pantomime of playing the violin. "Don't you have any feelings at all? You say I am mean to you, but it's you who are mean to me."

"Yeah, you're just a poor nympho who nobody understands." He stuck his hands under her dress again. He inserted a finger in her cunt. "You're soaking wet down there. And you came maybe ten times while we were fucking around in the back seat. We should have had a video camera set up so you could see how hot you were when you were fucking. You don't want me to call you a slut. Ok, I'll do you that favor, Mrs. Huffman. I just call you teacher. Or teach. Ok?"

She knew that she shouldn't be just sitting here. Every word he said, every time he touched her body, that excitement of her clit, her cunt, her tits, her whole body, just got stronger. "You don't have a heart at all. You think that I don't know that you boys are constantly making fun of me behind my back. You tell me what a good teacher I am and how you respect me. But all the time, you don't think I know, but I know that you're laughing and calling me names. I hate you. I hate all of you. I try. I really try to make the best of this situation. I try, I really do. I try to be nice to you all."

Harold looked at her, hesitated a moment and then said, "Who gives a ****. To tell you the truth, You are the best piece of ass any of us ever had. You are hot, Mrs. Huffman. When I put my prick in your wet pussy and it slides between those tight pussy lips I have to hold on with everything I got to keep from cumming too soon. When you take my prick in your mouth, you suck it better than anyone ever did before."

MaryJane felt a total fool. She felt her face flush. Was she really feeling complimented? Did she really proud that she was a good cocksucker? She just stared at him. There was absolutely no way she would ever make him act in a way different from how he always acted. Finally, she looked away from him and made up her mind. She turned the key in the ignition and started the car.

They were nearly to her condo when he put his hand on her thigh. "Didn't I ask you not to do that?" she said. "Where do you want me to drop you off."

"Let me go up to your apartment with you," he said.

"What? No way," she said.

"He massaged the inside of her thigh. "Why are you arguing? You know you'll end up letting me go up with you. I can't go home smelling like a whore house. Your cunt really lets loose with the juice, you know."

She was such a helpless slut. His hand on her thigh made her unable to think. Her clit would not stop throbbing. Her cunt would not stop seeping its juice. She knew that if he argued enough she would give in at the end. She hated that she was such a slut. "Alright, you can come up to my place and wash up. But, please, be quiet. And no sex. No more sex. I've had enough." . Again, Harold said nothing. He didn't even smile. He knew that she would be doing what he wanted when they got upstairs.


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He walked a few steps behind Mrs. Huffman as they headed up the stairs. She didn't want anyone in the condo to see her with him and it was less likely they would meet people on the stairs than waiting in the lobby for the elevator. Harold didn't mind the stairs at all. It gave him a chance to walk behind her and watch the cheeks of her hard ass undulate as she walked up the stairs. She wasn't wearing no underwear and he could practically see every goose bump on her ass through the dress. They still had another flight to go and his hard on was raging. He would need to fuck her crazy to get it satisfied . He thrust his hand under her dress once again, pushed her against the wall of the stairwell, and ran his hands up and down the smooth skin of her rounded ass cheeks.

"What are you doing? Stop." She said

Harold had pushed her up against the wall of the stairwell landing. His hands snaked around her body and caressed her ass cheeks. His body leaned against hers. "I wanns fuck you," He said.

"Please, not here."

"You called me names, you cunt," he said. His hands roamed over every inch of her ass. He explored the crack between her cheeks. He touched her cunt lips. "If I tell you, you'll give me a blow job right here."

"Someone could walk in here at anytime. Please not here," MaryJane Huffman pleaded. He body was on fire. She couldn't stop the quivering of her clit, the burning in her cunt. "Stop," she repeated. "I won't do anything here. Stop." She put her arms between them and tried her best to push him away.

He ****** his mouth against hers and drove his tongue past her lips.

In spite of herself, she pulled his tongue deep into her mouth and returned his kiss with a strength she didn't know she had. Her breasts heaved with her rapid breathing. But no, she couldn't let this continue. She mounted all her energy and once again pushed him away. "Please, please. Not here," she begged him.

"You are a slut," he said, his face angry. "If I wanted you'd blow me right here and bend over to let me fuck you doggy style." He looked at her. There was not a hint of kindness or humanity in his look. "Ok, I'll give you a break this time," he said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs. "Let's go your apartment."

She fumbled with her keys as she attempted to open the door to her apartment.

"Gimme the keys," he said, grabbed them from her hand and opened the door. Inside her apartment, hekicked the door shut and locked it. He threw the keys onto the floor. He pulled her dress down to her hips, pulled down its side zipper and then pushed it off her hips and down to her legs, finally bending down to remove it altogether. The crumpled, dirty, cum encrusted dress lay at her feet. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bedroom. He pushed her onto the bed.

She lay there, watching him as he undressed himself. She that wasn't right, she needed his prick inside her cunt. She needed to feel the pressure from his shaft as it rubbed against her cunt walls. She wanted his body over hers. His flesh touching hers. She needed to feel his prick pressure her clit. She hated herself. She hated the cunt she was. She hated that she was a slut. She hated him. She hated herself. But her cunt was on fire. She needed to be fucked.

"Tell me," he said.


"Tell me," he demanded.

"Please fuck me," she said.

"Since you asked, Ok," he smiled, and slid his long, thin prick into her wet, cum slick cunt hole.

"He wasn't in her for five seconds before she came. Her body began to shake. The inside of her cunt felt as if a drum roll of pure excitation was sending spasm after spasm from her deepest part outward to envelope every inch of her body. She began to moan a deep and quivering sound of pleasure into his ear. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held on to his body with her arms squeezing his back. She came and came and came.

She dropped her arms from around his body and let them lay spread out on her bed, opening her body for him to touch where he wanted.

"You're a dirty slut, ain't you?" he said as he continued to pound into her cunt.

She didn't answer.

"Answer. You're a slut, aren't you?"

She nodded her head. It was as much as she could do.

"You love this," don't you?"

"Yes," he voice was weak, barely as loud as a whisper.

"You want to suck my prick?"

She nodded yes.

" Swallow my cum?"

"Yes," her voice was so faint it could hardly be heard.

He continued his pounding of her cunt. His hips moved up and down in furious motion. Every down stroke ended in a hard smack of bone on bone. She just lay there moaning while he moved her to the edge of another orgasm, many more orgasms. When, many minutes later, he finally came, it was as she hunkered above him on her hands and knees and gave him a blow job. He had pulled his prick from between her lips and ejaculated all over her face. He told her she looked cute with cum on her face.

MaryJane lay on the bed next to Harold. She held are arms close to her body, her hands folded below her chest so as not to come in contact with him more than was necessary. She wondered whether he was planning to stay or if he would leave now. He rolled over, moving his body closer to hers and lifted his head, resting it on the palm of his hand.

"Hey, Mrs. Huffman, You gonna show me that dildo you got? Clay said that it was really big."

MaryJane didn't answer.

"Hey, teach, you really never been fucked in the ass?"

His pillow talk was lacking in a certain sophistication.

She didn't answer his question, merely shaking her head no.

"If you want, I can break you in. Once you get used to it, I bet you'll love it."

She wanted to smack him on the side of his head, but, instead, just gave him a disgusted look. "Are you planning to leave soon?"

"You tryin' to get rid of me?" he said.

The answer was yes, but she knew better than to say that.

"Nah. Let me rest up a few minutes and then maybe we could fuck a little bit more," he said.

"I really need to get some ******"

"Just a little bit more. Maybe we can figure a way to use that dildo while I fuck you."

She turned on to her side to look away from him. Maybe she'd feel better if she didn't have to see his face.

He raised himself up and leaned over her so that he could see her face. "Hey, Mrs. Huffman, I mean teach, I bet you'd like a couple of guys I could fix you up with. They're friends of mine. They're really good guys. Could really take good care of you in the sack."

"No. Leave me alone," she answered.

"They're really hung. They play basketball. They're Black, so you get my drift. I could call them right now if you want."

"No. No, and no." MaryJane got up and off the bed. She had to get away from Harold, even if it was just for a minute. "I'm going to the bathroom, I want to wash my face. That deposit you put there is drying up."

He didn't say anything, just watched her move off towards the bathroom.

When she got back from the bathroom, Harold was speaking on his cell phone. "Yeah, yeah, you'll love her. Good looking. Great ass. Fucks better than anything." He gave her an 'I'll only be a minute more wave of his hand. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can get her over to your place like before lunch tomorrow. Yeah, later today I mean. Did I ever do you wrong. Yeah, but that was only once." He hung up.

"If that was me you were talking about, you can forget it! I am not just some slut you can do with whatever you want."

"Hey, why do you think it was you I was talking about?"

"Anyway, whether it was me you were talking about or not, I am not going anywhere with you. Get it?"

"Jesus, you don't got to be so het up about it. Just because they're Black."

She wanted to scream. "It's not because anyone is Black! I am not going anywhere with you. Nowhere!"

"It's just that they've got some friends over at their place. They're having a little party and they invited me. I don't know why you gotta get so mad.

"Look, maybe you ought to go home now. Why don't you go and wash up and I'll call a cab to take you home."

"You are really cold, Mrs. Huffman." He gave her a long, pitying look. "Let me see your face. See, you left a little piece of dry cum there, just below your ear. Let me get it off." He scraped off the piece of cum with his dirty fingernail and then he lay MaryJane Huffman down on the bed and moved his body over hers.

Amazingly, she realized, his prick was getting hard again. She sighed, spread her legs and lifted her knees. As he started to enter her she relaxed. She wondered what he meant exactly when he said that his friends were well hung. But one thing for sure, she definitely was not, would not, be going to visit them with him later that day.

THE END for now.


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We begin this chapter the next morning, about four hours after the end of our last chapter.

Mrs. Huffman was awakened from a deep dream of peace by a blast of noise from the radio. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was, in her bed, in her bedroom. The next thing that happened was that she was overwhelmed by the powerful smell of sex: Pussy juice, some of it pooled on the sheet; cum splatters, much of it dry and some still wet, some leaking from her pussy; sweat, her own; his sweat. The whole room reeked of it, the remnant of hours of non-stop sex. .

Slowly, she remembered the fucking. It m

Our story picks up the next morning:

ust have gone on for four hours. He was really something.

Suddenly, she was awakened from her reverie by his voice; Harold McCarthy was yelling at her, "Get the fuck up! Get up." He was jumping up and down, pulling his shirt down over his head. "Come on, get up. We overslept." He was holding his pants in his hand, getting ready to pull them up. She could only wonder at his prick, it was stiff and hard. He must have come four or maybe five times at least last night....and that was only here in her bed. She wasn't counting the times before in her car or before that at the cabin.

She shook her head, trying to get the cobwebs out. They had quit fucking around six that morning. She looked over at the alarm clock next to her bed. It was, oh my god, nine forty five. She had been asleep for less than four hours.

"Leave me alone. I'm tired. I wanna ******" she managed to say. She grabbed the blanket from the foot of the bed and pulled it over her head. Harold would have none of it. He pulled the blanket off of his former teacher's body and threw it to the floor. "Come on we're late!" he shouted. He began to pull her from the bed.

"What? Where?" she said as he stood up. She was still three quarters a*****. She was naked and dirty and tired.

"Hurry up," he was slipping his shoes on.

He picked her dress up from somewhere where it was lying on the floor. "Here, put this on." He slipped it over her head and began to pull it down to cover her body. The dress was stained with cum from last night's adventures. It was filthy from the car. It was creased and, like everything else in the room, smelled of sex and sweat. The dress even might have been the source of much of the smell.

"Wait," she screamed back at him. "I want to shower. I want to change into another dress. I need underwear. What are we late for? Where are we going? I want to ******" Her mouth tasted awful. It surely tasted of his nasty cum, more. She tried to remember if she had given him a rim job. "I need to brush my teeth."

"We ain't got time," he said. He handed her her car keys and started to pull her to the door. "Get your shoes on," he ordered.

Still too dazed to think straight, she slipped her shoes on and followed as he pulled her through the door and out to the stairs she preferred to use instead of the elevator when she brought him into the building.

"Where are you taking me?" she demanded as they hurried down the stairs.

"I got to see my buddies, remember. They invited me. They were having a party and I told them I'd be there by ten o'clock."

"I'm not going anywhere!" she said. By now they were out of the building and half-running towards her car. "I told you last night I wasn't going to go to any party. Let go of me. I want to go to *****. Leave me alone."

"You got to come along. I told them I would be there and a promise is a promise."

"I didn't promise anybody anything. I want to go back home and go to ******" she repeated.

"You can't. I need a ride. You gotta drive me over there. I get there late, they're going to be pissed."

"If I drive you over there, can I drop you off then and come back home to ******"

"Yeah, yeah. Ok. Sure. Whatever you want. But let's go. It's late."

She opened the car door and they got in, she at the driver's side, he the passenger's. The car, like everything else that she had smelled since she woke not more than five minutes ago, reeked with the odor of sex that both stimulated and disgusted her. "Which way do you want me to drive?" she asked. "And remember, I'm just going to drive you there. This is a favor because you seem so desperate. After I drop you off, I am going to go back home to get some ******"

"Yeah, I already told you that you could do whatever you wanted when we got there. But let's go now. Come on! I don't wanna be late. Just drive towards the university. And hurry."

"Why is it so important that you be there and that you get there exactly on time," MaryJane asked.

"You don't gotta know. But when Leroy and Marquise invite me a party of theirs, they expect me to be there on time and no excuses."

"Who has a party that starts at ten in the morning?"

"They do, and it ain't none of your business when they start their party. Beside, they don't start the party at ten. The party ain't started yet or it started last night and is still going on. Either way, they told me to get there at ten. So quit asking me all those questions and just drive. Ok?"

MaryJane wondered how she had allowed Harold to get her into this situation. It certainly wasn't anything she wanted. She didn't feel like driving him to a party he needed to go to at ten in the morning. And she sure didn't want to drive him when she could have been asleep under her covers after a night that included multiple sex with multiple guys in the cabin, in her car and, finally, in her apartment with Harold. Giving in to Harold's entreaties most of the time resulted in MaryJane getting involved in situations she didn't really want to get involved in. "I am going to just drop you off and then turn around and go home," she said, as much as to remind him as to reassure herself.

"Yeah, I told you. There." He pointed. "At the light. Make a left. You go two blocks to Sweet Briar Street and make another left. Their house is the grey two story one."

MaryJane Huffman made the left and then the second left onto Sweet Briar. She wasn't very comfortable. This wasn't the best neighborhood in town, and this street seemed to be a sort of transition area between the university, about a mile away, and a semi-slum area that began a few blocks down.

"There. There!, That's it. That house, turn in the driveway. Yeah."

MaryJane turned into the driveway and parked next to the attached garage.

"Hey, I gotta tell you thanks," Harold said, looking at her car's dashboard timepiece. "You got us here right on time." He slipped his hand underneath her dress and put it on her naked thigh.

"Get your hand off of me," she said.

"I don't know why you always got to get so het up when I touch you. You sure don't mind it when we're fucking."

"Look, you asked me for a ride. And I gave it to you. Ok? I'm not washed and I'm tired and I just want to go home to ******"

Instead of removing his hand from her thigh, Harold, moved his hand upwards towards her cunt."

"I told you to stop," she said.

"I just want to see if you're wet," he said.

"I said stop."

But his hand, or at least a finger, had passed through her slit and into her pussy. "You are soakin' wet," he said. "Sloppy wet."

"Leave me alone. We're here. Get out and go to your party," she said. At the same time she was saying that, though, she parted her knees slightly, giving him easier access to her cunt.

He didn't answer her, instead, he reached over to the tissue box in the car, pulled three or four tissues from the box. Crumbled them up into a wad and wiped her cunt hole with the wad. "Just tryin' to keep you from staining your car seat or your dress more with your skanky cum juice."

"There's as much of your nasty cum there as there is my 'skanky juice' as you say. Now, just get out of this car and let me go home. You promised."

"See, you always gotta argue with anything I say." Harold said.

MaryJane knew very well that there was no profit for her in arguing with Harold. She wasn't likely to win the argument and it nearly always ended in her giving in to what ever he wanted. "Ok," she said. "I'm sorry. But I really want to go home. You're here. So just open the door and say goodbye."

"Ok." He said, surprising her with his easy acquiescence. But, instead of opening the door and getting out, he turned to her and this time put his hand on the outside of her dress over her thigh. He pressed down with his hand and she could feel his fingers press into the flesh of her thighs through the thin material of her dress. "How about just a little kiss, goodbye," he said.

She couldn't recall his ever before asking for a kiss. Kissing Harold wasn't exactly high up on the list of things she fantasized about or even wished for. His pimply face, thick lips and foul smelling mouth weren't terribly enticing. But if it was the price for getting him out of her car, she would do it. She leaned over a bit and pursed her lips.

His hand still over her dress and pressing into her thigh, he leaned over from his seat and covered her mouth with his, ******* his tongue between her lips and past her teeth. Before she knew what was happening, they were exchanging spit and tongue wrestling. His hand, still over her dress, moved upwards to the juncture of her thigh and her torso. She could feel his hand teasing her cunt to excitement as it pressed down just next to the hairy mound of her sex. She had no idea of what had happened, but, suddenly, her groin area was on fire and she could feel the inside walls of her pussy lubricating. She had just managed to disengage her mouth from his to tell him that, "We have got to stop this," when she heard, from behind her car, the sound of another car entering the driveway behind her car and parking there. "I won't be able to move my car," she told Harold. "I'm boxed in. Get out and tell them to let me out." But, instead of doing as she had asked, Harold began to kiss her again, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Again, she was unable to pull away and ended up returning his kiss. She heard whoever had driven the car behind hers, exit from that car and slam its door closed. From the corner of her eye, she could see the tall figure of a man pass her car and go into the house they were parked in front of. She thought she saw Harold raise one hand and wave to the person who had walked past her car. She used all her strength to push him away. "Harold," she told him, "Harold, you have got to tell whoever that was, to move his car and let me out. I have to go home. You promised."

"Don't worry so much."
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