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les histoires de chrislebo

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punition au travail

bonjour c'est cathy
je suis à mon travail depuis 7h du matin ,je travaille sur une machine et suite à une erreur de ma part tout une série de courrier à été envoyé à un mauvais tarif, coût de l'opération plusieurs centaines d'euros.
mon bien "aimé" chef fou de rage me fait immédiatement monter au bureau de la patronne.
après moultes explications, ma patronne me menace de me renvoyer sur le champ pour faute grave sauf si je peux lui rendre des services.
- non s'il vous plaît ne me renvoyez pas à mon âge je n'ai plus aucune chance de trouver du travail s'il vous plaît
- et puis de quel sorte de service je dois rendre?
- tu vas le savoir dès que la secrétaire sera là
cinq minutes plus tard la secrétaire entre dans le bureau avec mon dossier.
- bonjour cathy ce n'est pas la première fois que tu fais une erreur, mais celle-ci c'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase. je suppose que madame t'as demandé que tu nous rendes des services!
- oui bien sur
- ton choix n'est pas grand ou tu es renvoyée sur le champ ou bien tu dois nous obéir? j'attends ta réponse tout de suite
- mais que dois je faire?
- tu nous réponds oui ou non si c'est non tu rentres chez toi tout de suite!
- je ne sais pas que me voulez-vous?
la patronne prends la parole
- bon je vois que cathy n'est pas coopérative martine tu lui prépare une lettre recommandée avec A.R. puisque c'est comme cela .
elle se tourne vers moi
- c'est bon cathy tu peux rentrer tu n'as plus rien à faire ici!
- non attendez,je veux bien me plier à vos règles dés maintenant mais que dois-je faire
- ha! mais voila qui est mieux martine tu fermes le bureau à clé!
- oui sylvie
- cathy nous allons te demander de travailler pour nous mais pas dans l'atelier ce sera à l'extérieur,mais pour cela tu vas nous signer une lettre d'accord
- oui madame
quelques minutes plus tard la lettre était rédigé par la patronne "sylvie"
- tu signes en bas!
- j'ai signée, la lettre disait en gros que je devais faire tout ce quelles me diront sous peine d'être renvoyée pour faute grave
- c'est bien me dit sylvie
- maintenant tu te mets nue tout de suite!
- non mais ça ne va pas
- tu te mets à poil salope ou bien tu es virée tu pensais peut-être que tu allais faire du commercial
- je ne sais pas, mais vous me faite peur
- et bien oui tu vas faire du commercial mais avec ton corps ma chérie tu vas être le cadeau pour les clients
- non je ne suis pas une salope
- tu sais quelle est ta réputation dans l'atelier c'est qu'il n'y a que le métro qui ne te sois pas monté dessus alors maintenant tu bosses pour nous ou tu fous le camp mais si tu bosses pour nous tu pourrais te faire de jolie fin de mois
- réfléchie vite mais bien
jamais je n'aurais cru avoir une si mauvaise réputation
- bien d'accord
- alors maintenant tu te mets à poil
je me déshabille avec une peur que l'on rentre dans le bureau
- c'est bien penche toi en avant sur le bureau et tu écartes les jambes dépêches toi ma jolie pute
la patronne sylvie et martine se mirent toutes les deux derrière moi elles commencèrent à me caresser l'une de chaque côté de mon corps leurs mains me triturent les seins me fouillent le sexe et aussi mon petit trou elles changent de côté pour que je suce leurs doigts couvert de ma mouille
- et bien ma salope tu ne fais pas défaut à ta réputation tu mouilles comme une pute c'est nos futur clients qui vont être ravis
- comment cela des clients mais je ne veux pas!
pour simple réponse sylvie enfonce plusieurs de ses doigts dans mon sexe et *** pouce dans mon anus
- prépare toi dit-elle à martine tu vas me la baiser par tous les trous pendant c'est moi qui vais prendre les photos
lorsque je me tourne martine est nue c'est une jolie femme avec des seins bien ronds elle a mis une ceinture gode il est énorme
- n'ai pas peur ma biche tu vas aimer
*** gode est contre mon sexe elle le frotte
- écarte tes jambes m'ordonne sylvie
j'écarte les jambes sylvie me branle encore pour que je sois bien mouillée
je sent le gode qui rentre puis martine commence des vas et viens plus vigoureux qu'un homme le ferait je suis soumise à leurs désires
puis elle se retire et elle présente *** gode sur mon petit trou
- non pas ça je vais avoir mal
- la première fois oui mais après tu aimeras me répondit martine tu n'es qu'une pute
elle crache sur mon anus et enfile d'un seul coup *** gode cela me fit très mal pendant que martine me sodomise sylvie me branle d'une main et je suce *** autre main
je suis prise au piège je deviens la pute de ma patronne et de sa secrétaire
martine se retire aussi violemment qu'elle était entré et repris mon sexe
puis vint le tour ou ma patronne une fois nue mit la ceinture et elle aussi me viola
mais elle est plus crue que martine
- allez ma salope bouge ton cul prends la cadence deviens une bonne pute, tu as une dette à réglée ma salope et tu vas être notre objet sexuel tu vas faire la pute pour nos clients
et pendant qu'elle me prends et me traite de tous les noms elle change de trou régulièrement
- c'est bien salope tu baises bien maintenant à genoux tu vas nous sucer, martine tu lui met le collier et la laisse et surtout tu la prends en photos comme ça et aussi pendant qu'elle suce
une fois à genoux je dus sucer le gode bien le nettoyer puis prendre à tour de rôle les chattes des mes maîtresses je suis un objet sexuel
mais comme je suis à genoux en train de sucer sylvie, martine de nouveau se présente derrière moi et de nouveau me sodomise me déchirant encore un peu elle pousse tellement fort que mon visage s'écrase sur le sexe de sylvie qui râle de plaisir
- encore encore petite pute fais moi jouir ma salope lèche bien enfonce tes doigts dans mon cul ha!! oui c'est bon je jouis ma salope
mon visage est couvert de cyprine
- oui je viens c'est bon j'aime vous sucez et me faire sodomiser encore encore que c'est bon
et pratiquement toutes les trois ensemble nous avons jouis
- ce n'est pas fini allonge toi sur le bureau m'ordonne sylvie
une fois allongé sylvie prends mon sexe avec ardeur elle me suce lèche écarte bien les lèvres pour mieux enfouir sa langue enfonce *** pouce dans mon petit cul me mord mon clito tout cela à pour effet de me faire jouir quand à martine elle est sur moi les jambes écartées je la suce de *** sexe à *** petit trou c'est tellement bon que nous jouis***s encore et encore
- tu aimes me demande martine?
- oh oui j'aime jouir j'aime devenir votre objet
- c'est bien me dit sylvie tu peux t'habiller demain après midi tu nous rejoint dans le bureau car tu auras ton premier contact il va falloir que tu changes ta garde-robe
bottes bas résilles string assorti au soutien-gorge et un haut noir transparent et la jupe ultra courte plus un manteau tu te débrouilles mais demain tu dois être une pute
je me suis habillé en vitesse ou en suis je arrivée tout cela pour une erreur
comment vais je faire pour acheter tous les habits je verrais demain c'est un autre jour
mais pour le coup j'aime bien jouir dans toutes les positions je suis une vraie pute mais j'adore


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Je suis au travail sur ma machine quand ma patronne me fait demander.
- Cathy vous montez immédiatement au bureau.
Je me demande quel mal ai je pu faire, je toque à la porte puis j'entre avec de la peur au ventre.
- Entre cathy, cet après midi tu vas accompagner des clients
me dit elle sans détour.
- Mais pourquoi madame?
- Tu veux que je te fasse voir la lettre que tu as signée!
- Non madame.
- As tu pris tes affaires!
- Non madame.
- Heureusement j'avais prévue cet oublie de ta part.
- Alors tu te changes immédiatement.
- comment ça! ici devant tous le monde!
Oui. Car je me trouve dans le bureau des secrétaires.
- Oui tout de suite! ne t'inquiète pas, ils ***t au courant pour toi.
Tous les regards se portent sur moi,le courage me manque mais le regard inflexible et dur de ma patronne me fait changer d'avis.
Je me déshabille entièrement puis la patronne " sylvie " me donne un sac dans lequel se trouve mes nouvelles affaires.
Je constate qu'il n'y a pas de soutien gorge et pas de petite culotte je n'ose rien dire de peur de représailles.
Je trouve un caraco noir en satin, une mini jupe noire en cuir, des bas résilles et une paire de bottes noires qui montent jusqu'aux mollets:
une fois habillée je suis rouge de honte.
Je ressemble à une prostituée.
- Très bien cathy te voila prête pour accompagner nos clients.
- Je ne pourrais jamais madame!
- Mais si tu vas pouvoir, pense à ton avenir et à la lettre que tu as signée!
- Oui madame.
Là pour le coup je suis, pour ma patronne, qu'une prostituée.
- Pour sortir tu mets ton manteau, mais dès que tu te trouve avec les clients tu ôte ton manteau et tu fais "au mot dis" tout ce qu'ils te disent! c'est bien compris cathy!
- Oui madame.
Le téléphone ***ne, j'entends ma patronne parler.
- Très bien je lui demande de descendre maintenant, bonne après midi messieurs, tu as entendue cathy ces messieurs t'attendent dans le hall d'entrée tout de suite et surtout n'oublie pas tu obéis au doigt et à l'oeil.
- Oui madame je descends.
Arrivée dans le hall quatre hommes d'âges entre 40 et 60 ans m'attendent.
- C'est vous cathy?
- Oui monsieur.
- Bien ne perdons pas de temps nous y allons.
Je me retrouve assise à l'arrière du véhicule" c'est un très gros quatre-quatre " entre deux des clients.
- Nous allons au restaurant car je pense que tu n'as pas eu le temps de déjeuner.
- Non c'est exacte je n'ai pas manger ce midi, il a fallu que je me change pour vous accompagner.
- C'est très gentil, mais vous êtes très ravissante, mettez vous à votre aise, retirez donc vôtre manteau s'il vous plaît Cathy.
Avec difficulté, bien que le véhicule soit grand, je retire mon manteau aidée je dois le dire par les deux hommes qui se trouvent à ma droite et à ma gauche, mon manteau fini sur la plage arrière.
J'essaie tant bien que mal de descendre ma mini jupe, car au moindre mouvement on voit le haut de mes bas résilles, ce qui fait plaisir à ces messieurs mais pas à moi.
- Détendez vous Cathy, nous n'allons pas te manger bien que tu sois très tentante: nous avons 45 min de route avant d'être au restaurant je pense que mes deux amis veulent faire de plus amples connaissances.
A peine a t'il prononcé ces mots que les deux hommes ce jette sur moi comme des fauves.
- Non s'il vous plaît!
- Pardon! me dit on, tu as bien signée un nouveau contrat avec ta patronne!
- Non ce n'est pas un contrat mais juste une lettre.
- Je pense que tu as mal lu les termes de cette lettre qui te lie à ta patronne corps et âme, surtout le corps, maintenant si tu veux je téléphone à Sylvie?
Un moment de silence.
- Alors?
- Non ne téléphonez pas.
- Bien mes amis elle est à vous faites en bon usage jusqu'au restaurant:
de ce fait les deux hommes m'écartent les jambes, ils me caressent les cuisses et en même temps s'occupent de mes seins.
- Lève tes fesses que l'on remontent ce qui te sert de jupe.
Ma jupe une fois remontée, ils deviennent comme des fous voyant que je ne porte pas de sous vêtements.
-Ouah! mais voyez vous ça c'est qu'elle est nue en dessous.
Une main est déjà sur mon sexe, elle le frotte, écarte les lèvres puis commence à caresser mon clito
- Hum!! mais tu mouilles ma cochonne, je sens que nous, tous les 5, allons bien nous amuser, elle a rai*** ta patronne tu es une chaude.
Les deux hommes dégrafent leur pantalon, chacun me prend une main pour que je m'occupe de leur sexe.
- Branle nous bien, après tu as juste le temps de nous sucer avant le restaurant.
Après les avoir bien branlé je me trouve avec un sexe dans la bouche tandis que *** collègue me prend en levrette.
J'aime cette situation.
Etre prise entre deux hommes comme une vulgaire pute.
Le véhicule s'arrête sur le parking, nous sommes arrivés au restaurant,
avant de descendre je vais pour prendre mon manteau.
- Non tu laisses ton manteau, tu n'en auras pas besoin.
J'ai honte de rentrer comme cela, ainsi vêtu une vraie pute me dis je.
Le maître d'hôtel nous réceptionne: messieurs, madame je vous emmène à vôtre table.
Celle ci se trouve dans une grande alcôve à l'abri des regards de tous.
- Avant toutes choses, Cathy je vous présente mes amis à vôtre gauche Eric à vôtre droite Gilles puis en face de vous Benoit et moi même Marc.
Marc nous sert à boire.
- Buvons à nôtre rencontre.
Il faut vous dire que je ne bois pas, c'est dire qu'au troisième verre j'ai d'étrange sensation de chaleur et de bien être.
Deux mains se pose sur mes cuisses.
"Soyez patient pour la suite"
Je suis sur mon ordinateur, j'ai chaud, très très chaud.



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je suis de retour
toujours sur l'ordi de mon ami, je rêve, je fantasme ..................
j'ai chaud, j'ai le sexe en feu
c'est un volcan ...........
je suis donc à table dans ce restaurant.
Éric et gilles m'obligent à écarter les jambes , leurs doigts me fouillent
j'ai les mains posées sur la table, je me mords les lèvres pour ne pas crier ou gémir de plaisir et oui j'aime.
marc qui est face à moi me donne des ordres
- regardes moi salope et surtout tu ne fermes pas les yeux tu as compris?
je ne réponds pas, je fais juste un signe de la tête.
- as tu bien compris ce que je viens de dire tu réponds!
- oui j'ai bien compris: les mots ont du mal à sortir.
- c'est bien jolie pute.
- non je ne suis pas une pute n'y une salope.
- ce n'est pas du tout ce que nous à dit ta patronne.
- il parait que tu adores te faire prendre en levrette sur *** bureau par les secrétaires munies de godes ceintures.
elle nous a raconté ton passage à *** bureau suite à une faute de ta part.
mon sang se glace.
- il parait que tu adores te faire goder par une femme!
marc s'adresse à Éric
- retires lui *** chemisier je veux la voir à poil cette salope!
mais Éric au lieu de le dégrafer, il le déchire.
- oh non pas ça, mais comment je vais rentrer!
- ce n'est pas nôtre problème, tu trouveras bien une idée! tu as tout ton temps car on passe la nuit ici, nous avons retenu une chambre et de plus nous attendons d'autres invités, puis nous avons prévu aussi une petite sortie, tu en sauras plus mais pour le moment tu vas t'occuper de nous quatre.
- comment je ne vais pas rentrer chez moi!
- et mon mari! que vais-je lui dire!
- tu lui diras que tu as été à une soirée et que tu n'as pas pu rentrer
- maintenant tu vas branler gilles et Éric allez ma pute montres nous de quoi tu es capable.
- oui
- c'est bien tu deviens obéissante ma salope.
je descends, les mains Éric et gilles ont déjà ouvert leur braguette, ils ***t en érection.
- oh oui vas y salope! me dit Éric.
Gilles me prends la bouche avec violence, il me mord les lèvres, me suce la langue, je sens sa salive, j'aime!
Éric lui il suce mes seins, il les aspirent, il mord les tétons à m'en faire mal mais je sens que tout mon corps est chaud.
- tu es une sacrée pute me dit benoît.
leurs sexes ***t bien durs.
je regarde toujours marc qui est face à moi, puis il se lève, il dégrafe ***t pantalon et il se masturbe.
- tu te mets à genoux sur la table et tu me suce petite pute!
Éric et gilles me lâche pas mais pour longtemps.
je suis à genoux sur la table, enfin presque allongée.
je prends dans ma bouche le sexe de marc un sexe de bonne dimension.
il l'enfonce en totalité, je sens ses poils se coller contre mes lèvres
les va et vient ***t puissants, il enfonce ses doigts dans mes cheveux pour faire faire des va et vient avec ma tête et pour que *** sexe s'enfonce complètement dans ma bouche je me tiens à ces fesses, à chaque fois que *** sexe s'enfonce mes doigts lui griffes les fesses.
quand il le sort je joue avec ma langue autour du gland, j'adore avoir un sexe dans ma bouche pouvoir le sucer, le lécher, le mordre avec douceur.
- dis donc ma salope me dit benoît je ne savais pas que tu suçais aussi bien que cela, j'ai hâte que ce soit mon tour!
puis Éric et gilles me reprennent avec leurs doigts, mais là ils s'occupent de mes deux trous
benoît me demande de le regarder et là je vois qu'il a un camescope
- tu vois ma salope depuis le début tu es filmée.
- c'est pour immortaliser les bons moments que nous allons passer avec toi, et puis c'est surtout pour le cas ou tu ne veuilles pas nous obéir, nous aurons de quoi te rappeler à l'ordre ou bien tes enfants et puis ton mari aurons une copie de tes heures supplémentaires, alors ma salope, tu te lâches
- ta patronne nous a demandé de lui remettre une copie, alors donnes toi à fond
- non pas à ma famille elle ne doit pas savoir, je ferais tout ce que vous voulez, je suis prête à être vôtre pute.
- c'est bien.
- relèves tes fesses me demande gilles ce soir tu vas être nôtre salope
à ces mots je me cambre un maximum, il écarte mes cuisses.
- je vais te sodomiser comme une chienne, tu vas aimer et en redemander
je sens *** sexe qui frotte mon petit trou, mais j'ai peur qu'il me déchire
il ***** tout doucement.
marc donne moi le beurre pour une première fois ça va aider.
gilles enfonce ces doigts enduits de mayonnaise ça rentre sans trop me faire mal.
- ça y est ce coup ci tu es est prête.
pendant que je suce marc, gilles enfonce *** sexe dans mon petit trou, par petits coups il l'enfonce de plus en plus jusqu'au bout et là les va et vient commencent.
j'aime cette sensation, je ressens *** sexe s'enfoncer et ressortir
au bout de quelques va et vient je n'ai plus mal, je vais même au devant, je donne des petits coups de reins pour mieux sentir le sexe me défoncer mon petit cul.
Éric me branle avec ses doigts.
- mais c'est qu'elle mouille la petite pute.
- alors tu aimes bien te faire sodomiser demande marc qui se retire pour me laisser répondre.
- oui j'aime, je veux que vous me preniez par tous les trous en même temps.
- chez moi je n'ai droit qu'à la position du missionnaire.
- je veux être défoncée par vos sexes.
- je veux devenir vôtre pute, faites de moi ce que vous voulez.
Éric ce glisse sous moi et il positionne *** sexe sur le mien, il écarte les lèvres puis d'un coup sec il s'enfonce
j'aime c'est bon de ce faire prendre par trois bon et gros sexes,
benoît filme toujours il fait beaucoup de gros plans sur mon visage et mes deux trous.
je deviens une pute, une vraie salope, une chienne qui aime se faire défoncer par trois sexes en même temps.
- dis moi salope demande benoît?
- tu as trois filles m'a dit ta patronne, il va falloir que tu nous les présentes, elle ***t peut être aussi salope que toi.
marc se retire pour que je réponde.
- non je vous prie de ne pas toucher à mes filles , elles ont toutes une vie de famille.
- c'est justement la semaine prochaine, tu vas les inviter au restaurant pour une soirée entre filles et comme par hasard nous serons dans le même restaurant
- non je ne veux pas! pas mes filles.
- tu n'as pas vraiment le choix si tu ne veux pas finir sur le trottoir.
je suis anéantie, je ne sais plus quoi penser.
marc me ***** une nouvelle fois à le sucer, il augmente la vitesse des va et vient puis il se retire et il jouit sur mon visage
puis gilles dit:
- on change de position dit gilles, j'ai envie de me faire sucer par cette salope.
- avec plaisir dit marc je pense déjà à la semaine prochaine.
je pense à mes filles mais je jouis, je suis vraiment la dernière des salopes,
lorsque marc me sodomise mon trou est dilaté, il rentre *** sexe sans effort.
- c'est bon de te sodomiser, tu es une bonne salope.
- allez vas y me dit gilles suce moi bien je sens que je vais venir si tu continues à me pomper comme ça.
je le sens qu'il se raidit, puis d'un coup il crache tout *** sperme dans ma bouche.
- ha oui c'est bon ma salope, avales tout.
puis il tire sur mes cheveux pour bien enfoncer *** sexe au fond de ma bouche
je n'ai pas le choix, j'avale le tout.
quand au même moment mon corps se soulève, Éric est en train de jouir à *** tour.
- ho oui c'est ma pute je viens.
il me donne plusieurs coups de boutoirs , mon corps se soulève à chaque fois, j'adore puis il s'immobilise en s'arc-boutant.
là aussi je sens *** sperme couler dans mon sexe;
il n'y a que benoît qui ne m'a pas touchée toujours avec *** caméscope
marc prend la parole.
- ce n'est pas le tout de faire l'amour, mais il faut aussi se restaurer.
- la soirée ne fait que commencer.
- mais avant il faut faire un brun de toilette.
- cathy tu te mets à genoux et tu nous nettoies.
me voila donc encore une nouvelle fois à prendre dans ma bouche ces quatre sexes, ce qui ne me déplaît pas.
enfin de compte je suis mieux ici que chez moi.
chacun leur tour je les lèche, je les suce, puis ils jouissent dans ma bouche c'est là que pour la première fois je suce benoît.
puis une fois terminé marc nous demande de nous mettre à table.
- non toi cathy, toi tu passes sous la table ce sera ton repas.
- mais par contre avant de dîner nous allons trinquer, après plusieurs verres, je ne me sens plus, je suis toute chaude et prête à tout.
je suis dans un triste état, je n'ai plus de chemisier, ma jupe est tachée de sperme ainsi que mes bas et je n'ai pas de change.
- allez à table ma salope me lance marc.
je ne me fais pas prier, je me mets à genoux et me glisse sous la table
je prends un sexe dans ma bouche et un autre dans ma mains.
je fais plusieurs fois le tour de la table et en quelques minutes je reçois dans ma bouche et sur mon visage une grande quantité de sperme.
je me demande ce qui va m'attendre après le dîner, on verra.
je pense aussi à ce dîner que je dois organiser avec mes filles, que va t'il leurs arrivées, que vont-il nous faire.
mais cela est une autre histoire.
toute cette histoire n'est que fantasme , mais j'aimerais que cela ce réalise un jour sans mes filles.


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Très bon, merci


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Loyal Wife / Vengeful Ex

Janine grunted as the hard cock was wrenched from her asshole, she was hot and sweaty having been ass fucked like a bitch for the past twenty minutes or so. Ron held his dick up in his hand and almost waddled around to janine's mouth and plunged his engorged dick between her red lips.

"Yeah, ass to mouth bitch! Take it like the fucking slut you are!" he demanded as his cock slipped all the way in and his balls slapped against the blonde's chin.

He slapped her cheek hard with his hand then gripped her long hair for greater purchase as he throat fucked her

After just a few thrusts he tensed up and Janine let his dick spill from his mouth in perfect time for it to erupt at eye level and spray her sweaty face with streaks of thick, hot cum. Blast after balst assailed her until he was done and with her face obliterated with creamy cum she found his dick with her lips again instinctively and began to suck out the remnants. From her left a voice cried out.

"And cut! That's a wrap! Great stuff guys, very fucking good!"

Ron ignored the young director and took Janine's hand and helped her to her feet.

"Damn girl, you're as good as ever. That stint in jail hasn't hurt your oral skills anyway! How you finding things now? Still hanging with those bikers?"

Janine took her robe and wrapped it around her naked body before answering her co-star.

"I'm doing Ok Ron. It's not easy you know. That was a hard fucking six months in there. And it doesn't help that my asshoel ex-husband and his prissy new wife got full custody of my kid when I was banged up. Fucking bastards!"

Ron looked at her and was a little scared of what he saw in Janine's eyes. She had always been a wild and crazy bitch before the tax evasion thing, she was tattoed to hell and had all sorts of piercings and what she hadn't doen in her personal and professional sex life was not worth doing. But right there she had a look in her eyes that killers have and it froze Ron, he couldn't think of seeing such hatred before and he pitied whoever she decided to take it out on...


Sandra groaned and reached out her hand to fumble at the digital alarm clock when it blared for the second time that morning. For a moment she thought about getting up and gettign ready for work. In her position as a high powered business woman it didn't do to be late into the office. Then came the realisation that it was Friday and se wasn't going in to work today, she was staying hoem with her adopted step ******** and doing some paperwork from her home office. She gave an inward smiel before reacvhing her other arm over and prodding her husband, Jessie ion the ribs.

"You getting up Babe?" she whispered huskily.

His answer was predictable enough, but she knew that and expected it (and secretly wanted it).

"You know it Babe, here, have a feel."

His hand grabbed hers and pulled it down to his crotch and his waiting, stiffening dick. He gave a satisfied sigh as her hand shook his off and wrapped itself around his shaft and began to slowly work his foreskin up and down.

"Hmm, see? I always get up for you Babe."

"You must've been dreaming about me, eh?"

"You know it" , he hadn't in fact his dream had been about a pole dancer called Michelle that he had fucked in the alley behind the strip club he had visited three nights ago but his wife didn't need to know that!

Her fingers moved down the length of his cock and began to massage his balls, something she knew he loved having done.

"You haven't time for this darling, you've got a plane to catch" her words belied her regret too, Sandra loved pleasing her man.

He gave a groan at the though of leaving his wife like this but knew she was correct. She had got him his job when they hooked up, got him away from the biker gang he had been running with, cleaned his life up and gave him the opportunity to make some real money doing something he loved as a sales manager for a leading guitar manufacurer. Her and her ******* influence had got him this chacne and for the year or so he ahd being doing it he had grabbed the ball and run with it.

Two hours later and Sandra had the house to herself. Jessie was long gone and would be just about on his flight by now while Kin, her step-******** was spendign the day with Jessie's parents. This was Sandra's once a month riday by herself at home and she intended to make the most of it. After clearing up the brakfast dishes she headed for the bathroom and a long hot shower.

As she stood under the jets of water she didn't hear the sound of a motorbike pulling up and parking in her drive, nor of the front door being opened so it was complete shock when Sandra emerged from the en suite bathroom into her bedroom wrapped loosely in a towel to find Jessie's ex Janine standing waiting for her. Sandra was unnerved immediately. For one thing her appearance there was so unexpected, it was a real shock. For another she was dressed agressively, in black leathers with armns crossed and an impatient, crazed look etched on her face. And finally because jessie ahd told Sandra many, many times of what an unpredictable psycho his ex could be.

"W-What do you want? W-What ar eyou doing in here? Get out! You can't just come barging in her unannounced!"

Janine just smirked at the tremor in Sanda's voice and pulled up her hand and took along drag on the cigarette she had there. Sandra hadn't noticed it before and this just aggitated her further.

"Put that out! You can't smoke in here! Put it out at once!"

Janine took another long draw on the cigarette and then walked right up to Sandra before blowign the smoek out into the older brunette's face.

"Why don't you make me bitch!"

The words were spoen so low, so flat that there was no mistaking the threat they held.

Sandra held the towel tight around her wet body and brushed past the bully, determined not to be intimidated any further. She picked th etelphone handset up and addressed the interloper to her house one last time with a warning.

"Look, I'm not kidding, get out now or I'll call the police, you don't want to go back to prison do you?"

"What, and let you fill my little girl's head with more poison about me? No I don't want that. But you go ahead and call the cops, I don't mind because as soon as you do there will be a call going in to them about Jessie's luggage when he arrives, about the large stash of coke in his stuff. Do not doubt it is there bitch because I put it in myself. And you know how he had those convictions a few years ago? Oh you don't? Naughty jessie not tellign his perfect wife about his two ***** busts. And this one see it'll be his third, gotta be jail term I reckon, what do you think?"

Leaving those words hanging Janine dropped her fag end on the expensive bedroom carper and deliberately stood on it and ground it out on the shag pile, her eyes never leavign Sandra's the whole time. Relishing the look in her face as she took in what Janine had just said. And it was said in such a way, with such conviction that Sandra knew it was the truth, she could tell she dare not call this woman's bluff. In that instant sandra's whole life fell to pieces and Janine loved seeign it on her face. And when Sandra spoke again her voice had lowered, adopted a submissive tone that was music to Janine's ears.

"OK. Please! I won't call the police around here. Let's just be calm about this."

Very slowly and carefully she replaced the reciever in it's cradle and backed ever so slightly away from the other woman.

"Listen Janine, there's no need to be silly about this. I'm sure if you tell me what it is that want..."

Sandra broke off as the younger woman stepped righ tup in front of her again, her face just centimetres from Sandra's.

"What I want? I want the lot, everything. But to begin with I want to see what it is that makes Jessie be with you. I want to see why he's give up someone like me for you"

And with that Janine hooekd her hand into the top of Sandra's towel and jerked it off, leaving Sandra standign there before her stark naked and still wet from her shower. Janine smiled and stood back, making a big show of examininign Sandra's naked body.

"What are you? 45? Not bad for an old cunt."

She should have shut up but she couldn't.

"I'm 41."

"Yeah? Guess you've had a hard life, eh? Well it's about to get harder, believe me."

The comment about Sandra's age was designed to be cruel but it was whollu inaccurate. At 41 Sandra was in great shape thanks to regular work outs and a healthy lifestyle. She had the body of a thirty year old. She had really nice dark browh shoulder length hair, bright eyes, a perky smiel and some real nice curves. Infact although Janine was nearly ten years her junior it was the blonde who looked the worse for wear, as wild nights, ***** and excesses had taken it toll on her.

Everything about Janine, her actions, her voice her look was lurid and sleazy and she made Sandra's skin crawl as she moved around her appraising her body.

"just like I figured, he must have married you for your money. You got little else going fo you honey."

"Fuck you!" Sandra expolded then shrunk back and covered herself (or tried to) with her hands.

"You got a bit of spark anyway, Jessie always did like. Course he like money more. Anyways I reckon its about tiem to find out how much you love him, not the other way round. You love him bitch? Really love him?"


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The truth was she did. He and his ******** were Sandra's life now, she would do anthign for them. Anything to protect them. Janine saw that in her eyes and smirked again. This was going to be fun.

"Good. I like that. Still I kinda want to grass him up. You know he was real pissy when I went to jail, acted all better than me, might be interesting to see him in the same situation. But you're not gonna let that happen are you Sandi?"

Sandra cringed she hated that shortening of her name and also janine was now stoking her wet hair really creepily. But she still shook her head, no she was not going to let that happen.

"Good then we have an understanding Sandi. You are going to keep me entertained for the day. Going to do what I tell you like a good little wife and in return I won't use tha phone. How does that sound? Good to you? Fair? Thought so."

Janine stepped back and pulled off her leather jacket reaveallign that she had nothing on under it, her silicone enhanced, tattooed tits sprang free. Seconds later her trousers followed and Janine was as naked as Sandra as she three her clothes away and fell down on the bed facing Sandra with her legs held wide apart. Sandra was suddenly realising where this was going and want to be sick.

Sandra stood shaking as the full extent of what Jessie's ex was going to ask her to do struck her. Janine held her thighs wide apart and Sandra could see the garish tattoos above her shaven pussy lips. Janine smiled and pointed between her legs.

"Lets see what skills you got with a tongue bitch, make me cum!"

"No! Wait, you can't, I can't , isn't there something else..."

For the briefest moment Janine's face clouded over and took on a menacing look, one that you would not willingly cross.

"Listen you old cunt! Either you drop to your fuckign knees and crawl over here and eat me out or in a few minutes there will eb police all over your darling husbands car, understand?"

Sandra was taken off guard, she was so used to beign in control and thing sin her life being regimented and neatly set out. Rushed and unable to think things through she reacted to the harsh, stringent voice and got down onto all fours and slowly crawled across her own bedroom. She looked and her heart sunk further when she realised that Janine had taken a camcorder from her bag and was filming Sandra's humiliating journey.

"Don't you worry about this little wife just keep crawling, my pussy's nice and wet and just waiting on you!"

Sandra made it to the edge of her marital bed all too quickly and from her position between Janine's thighs she looked up into her foes cold, emotionless eyes, there was no mercy to be found there, she was hard, bitter woman. Sandra looked at her sugically enhanced breasts, her tattoos and her pierced clit and could not believe she was being ****** to do this. She looked long and hard at the dark pink of the folds of Janine's pussy lips and the more she looked the more she hesitated. She looked up again to find the camera right in her face and her adversaries face darkening.

The she opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and leaned in and began to gently, tentatively lick at Janine's pussy. The taste and smellw as totally alien to Sandra, she had never done anythign of a sexual nature with another woman, never even be curious, she just wasn't into anything that wasn't vanilla. Janine's body gave a shiver of excitement at Sandra doing this, she was wet at the mere prospect of humiliating this stuck up bitch and just the touch of her tongue was enough to get her juices flowing harder. She closed her thighs around Sandra's head and shoved ehrself forward so that her cunt was pressed hard into the other woman's face.

"That's it eat my pussy you dirty bitch! Eat it! Just think I had three cocks in there yesterday, can you taste them? I didn't wash it specifically for you!"

Sandra gagged at that, pullign her face away spluttering and spitting but Janine just grabebd her hair with her free hand and thrust Sandra's face back between her thighs and squeezed it in there.

"Lick it bitch! Make me cum or I am straight on the phone to the cops and your darlign husband will be going down too! I can really imagine his pretty face would be a real hit in prison too!"

That got Sandra's tongue working again and although Janine had been eaten out by professionals and this was a pretty listless performance in comparison she had never had quite so much satisfaction as havign the woman who she felt had stolen her man and kid eating her out reluctantly. She ground her pussy against Sandra's face and her free hand released Sandra's hair ans reached down to flick at th etop of her clit until she could hold her arousal back no further. With the camera focused on Sandra janine jerked her face from between her thighs in perfect timing to catch her cunt squirting and ejaculating all over Sandra's surprised, dazed face.

It took a few moments for Sandra to fully realise what had just covered her face and she instinctively reached up to try and wipe it away but Janine caught her wrist and, easily demonstratign her strenght advantage over the older woman, held her wrist away and told her to leave it.

"We're not finished yet bitch, I've got another hole you're going to clean out today."

The implication was as clear as it was obsene and Sandra just knelt there wonderign how she could be letting all this happen to her. Janine merrily chose a nice spot to leave the camera runnign before crawling onto the bed so her ass was neatly pointed right at Sandra's face.

"No way, you have got to be kidding! I am not doing that!"

Janine soun around and got off the bed to tower over Sandra, the blonde looking mightily pissed off. She reached down and grabbed the brunette's hair and yeanked it so Sandra winced as she looked up at her.

"Listen you dumb cunt! How many fuckign times do I have to tell you what I am going to do if you don't do what I fucking say? And besides I have just about the cleanest asshole you're ever gonna find considerign what I do for a living!"

With that Janine manhandled Sandra up off her knees and threw her onto the bed on her back. Before Sandra could react or move Janine was on top of her, straddling her torso then crawling forward to plant her ass right over Sandra's face.

"Now lick my ass you fucking stuck up bitch!"

Sandra looked up and her face was engulfed by two soft ass cheekd and a brown starfish shaped asshole slowly descended first on her nose then shifted and lay above her lips. With seemingly no other option Sandra opened her mouth and began to lick at her rival's asshole. It was the most disgusting and humiliating thing she could imagine and she cringed each time her tongue connected with Janine's body but she did it nonetheless. After a while Janine sat down harder on Sandra's face and urged her to press her tongue deeper and actually into the **** hole. Sandra really did not want to do that but she felt Janine's fingers on her own nipples and knew that resistance would be ultimately futile and that she would just end up doing it anyway so she did as she was told, as sick as that was. Her tongue wormed it's way inside Janine's asshole, the sensation unbearable while the thought of what she was doing even worse. Janine slowly began to move her body up and down so she was being gently fucked by Sandra's tongue whiel she smiled and waved at her preset camera. This film would be gold she thought and perfect for convincign this dumb bitch to go through with her plans for tonight. But she was gettign ahead of herself, there was one more hole in the room that deserved some attention before she left this house.

Without warnign she pulled herself up and off Sandra's face. She peered down at the flushed, gasping brunette and smirked at her.

"Enjoy that honey? Thought not, but don't worry next is going to be all about you babe, all about your pleasure."

She had rifled in her bag for another object and lifted out the strap on dildo and harness and held them up for Sandra to see.

As Sandra looked on incredulously Janine stepepd into the harness and straped the thing on until the dildo jutted out of her crotch like some bizarre black cock.

"You like black bitch, bethca don't do you? Well you certainly won't after this. How do you normally like it? Bet you're a missionary only woman, I can tell. Don't like it doggy, uh huh. Well that's how you're getting today bitch, like the dog that you are, crawl onto your belly bitch!"

The goading annoyed Sandra but she had other things to worry about right then and it was with some reluctance that she rolled over onto her front on the bed and allowed Janine to haul her hips up and hold her in position. She had been correct Sandra didn't like any other position other than normal missionary and...

Her train of thought shattered as Janine plunged her plastic cock into Sandra's pussy from behind and started to roughly fuck her. Oh this was heaven for Janine, she could not help but think back to her time in prison and being fucked like this (and a whole lot worse) by a procession of bull dykes who wanted a piece her ass and now to have the woman who had seemingly taken her place in the world like this was sweet revenge in her twisted mind. She slapped at Sandra's ass as she fucked her and looked around to see their reflection in the dressing mirror on th esideboard and smield wide for the recording camera, this was a moment she would want to replay time and again.

Her hands were busy with more than slapping Sandra's ass though, she also pulled back on her long, wet hair, reached under her body and tweaked her TITS AND NIPPED HER NIPPLES AND THEN SHE SETTLED ON FINDING Sandra's clit and masturbating it as she fucked her, she was determined to humiliate Sandra as badly as she could. And it cucceeded as

But Janine did not want Sandra climaxing just yet so after some frantic fingering of the woman under her's clit Janine suddenly pulled out of her pussy and taunted the brunette.

"You like that bitch? Not been fucked like that beforem have you? I bet Jessie's held back big time for you. Want to cum? I bet you do but not like that bitch, you can cum but only when I'm butt fucking you!"

Janine plunged her slick dildo into Sandra's tight asshole and started to fuck her, as the older brunette rearer backa nd arched her back Janine reached down again and started fingering her pussy hard and fast, much more so than before. The sensations were so totally alien to anything Sandra had experienced before. Whiel her asshoel was invaded and plunged to the depth of the dildo she was on the very verge of a massive climax and though she bit her lips she realised she would not be able to stop from cumming. And a glance to her left confirmed all this was being captured for posterity on film.



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And so it came to pass that with Janine's 10 inch pastic cock buried in her asshole and with her hands fingering her that Sandra had to give up control and start to buck and squeal and groan and then lose herself in the moment of climax and cum, messily all over her clean bed. She collapsed forward and onto her bed exhausted and humiliated that she had gotten off like that. But before she could do anthign else Janine had walekd around the bed, knelt on it next to Sandra's head and aimed the dick straight from her ass into Sandra's gasping mouth. Sandra gagged on this oral invasiona nd tried to spit it out. It tasted vile and smelled worse but anine was not only stonger but had all the leverage and she pumped the dildo in and out and demanded Sandra lick it clena before she removed it. In the end Sandra just did what she was told, dejectedly.

After that was done Sandra curled herself in a ball and lay on the bed, ignoring the other woman as she packed up her stuff and got dressed again. Sandra prayed that her ordeal was finally over. There was to be no such luck, however. Without explanation Janine started to rifle through Sandra's underwear drawer and tossed a sexy, lacy pair of bra and panties onto the bed then opened the large wardrobe and selected a very smart business suit and threw it on the bed too along with the highest pair of heels Sandra had.

"I want you to be dressed in these at seven o'clock. I'll be round to pick you up. Make sure you've arranged ***** care though the night because this could be a late one."

As the realisation hit that her nightmare may not be over Sandra lifted head and asked.

"W-What? But I did what you asked! Haven't you had your pound of flesh out of me?"

Janine sneered as she lifted her pack and headed for the door.

"Listen up bitch, I'll tell you when I'm finished with you and not before. You don't have to do anthing but you just remember that Jessie's car is at th eairport still and now I've go tthis excellent film we just made, I bet you'd hate for a lot of people to see that, eh? So your choice then. See you at seven bitch!"


Sandra spent the rest of the day in a state of shock and confusion. She could not believe what had happened to her that morning. She had three more showers yet still she felt dirty and unclean. In a daze she phoned and made arrangements for their ******** to stay with her grandparents and she also took a phonecall from Jessie but she couldn't bring herself to tell him all that had happened. She thought her would flip and panic and that would just make things worse. No, she eventually decided that she would do what Janine wanted tonight and that would be an end of it. After all what was one day from hell for her as compared to a jail sentence to her beloved husband?

So she got dressed in the clothes janine had indicated earlier. It was a smart suit and one of her favourites for work, she flet it made her look really businesslike and it made her comfortable when mixing with high powered businessmen. She had never worn this underwear with it though, this was her honeymoon stuff and the closest Sandra had to really sexy / slutty lingerie. Nor would she have worn those heels with this suit before but she put them on anyway and waited, constantly replaying the events of that morning in her head.

The afternoon too quickly ticked by and with a start she jumped as she heard a motorbike draw up in the drive of her house. Janine was still dressed in her leathers and she didn't even knock, slammign the front door open brazenly and barking loudly though the house.

"You ready bitch? Let's get going!"

Sandra shuddered at how loud her adversary sounded, surely if any of her neighbours were in their gardens they would hear. But she stalked meekly though the hall and met Janine. The blonde looekd her up and down before casually pulling her trousers out to check she was wearign the right panties.

"You'll do, not hurry up we gotta get going if were gonna make it on time."

She grabbed Sandra's wrist and barely let her lock the door before leading her to her bike. Sandra stammered,a skign where they were going but got no reply, instead she was handed a helmet and physically slung onto the bike behind Janine.

"Hold on tight bitch!"

And with that they sped off with several neighbours of Sandra agog in their gardens.

The ride was bumpy, loud and scary and when janine finally did bring the bike to a halt Sandra had her eyes shut and was grippign onto the other woman for dear life, so she didn't realise where she was for a few seconds as she finally got her feet back on the ground. When she did take the helmet off and shake her head free and survey her location she suddenly wished she was back on that hell machine.


Read the neon sign in front of th etrashiest looking duilding Sandra had ever set eyes on. They were only a ten minute journey from her house in the leafy suburbs but Sandra did not know this place even existed. It was aparently a strip club and looking at the state of disrepair it was in and the clapped out vehicles in the parking lot not even one of the classier ones. She stood there taking in this horrible sight and having a sinking feeling about what she was doing there when the air expolded in enbelieveable exhaust noise and fifteen bikers pulled into the car lot. They fitted in perfectly with the surroundings. Janine grabbed Sandra by the elbow and led her over to where the guys were dismouning their machines.

"Hey Babe, who's this?" said the apparent leader of the bike gang, indicating the massively overdressed Sandra.

"Hmm, she's going to help me with my act tonight Buster and maybe a little more later on, know what I mean?"

Sandra did not like the sound of that but she had little chance to do or say anyhting as after a few more not so pleasantriesd with the bikers Janine quickly ushers the business suited woman away and around the back of the building. She opened a fire exit and Sandra was transporte dinto a world of loud music, naked women and the smell of oil and perfume, they were backstage and every woman there turned to glare at Sandra as she was led in. As Janine pushed her forward towards an empty corner Sandra finally found her voice and tried to converse.

"Look I can't do this! You can't..."

Janine grabbed Sandra's dark hair and pulle dit hard.

"Shut up bitch! You will do what I say if you want to save that man of yours and if you want the tape of our morning kept secret!"

"Yeah, I know but even so I can't dance! I'm not sexy! I can't do this!"

"Don't worry about that we're gonna do a double act and believe me it will be fucking sexy! You'll just be up there and do what I say when I say and we're gonna put on the hottest damned show imaginable!"

It took Janine less than five minutes to get ready for going on stage. As they waited to be ushered on Sandra could only glance at Janine's body a little enviously. Yes there were loads of garish tattoos but her waist was so slim, her plastic breasts so fim looking and her legs also very fit. Janine was dressed in a black leather bra top and shorts, her tanned skin glitering and her long hair spectacular. When she got the call she grabbed Sandra by the wrist and puleld her though the curtain and literally threw her onto the small podium catwalk. Looking out into the dim crowd she could generally make out what seemed to be the ******* dregs of society watchign them. And they hooted with derision at such a professionally dressed woman spilling out onto stage. On her ass Sandra could only look up as Janine marched over to her and grabbed her bythe hair and jerked her to her feet before hauling her suit jacket off and flinging it into the rowdy crowd. Sandra opened her mouth to complain but in that instant Janine had flipepd her bra top down, revealled her breats and shoved the right one into Sandra's surprised mouth so it looked like she was enthusiastically sucking on it!

Sandra blushed at doing this in such a public venue - not that she would know anyone that was in the crowd, would she? But before she could think anymore Janine had pushed her back from her and ripped the buttons from her expensive silk blouse and tugged it down her arms baring Sandra's sexy bra to a cheer from the crowd. She was like a rabbit stuck in the headlights up there (and it was bright!) she froze and Janine took full advantage of the face, easily bendign her over to strip her of her trousers too before tossing them casually into the crowd. By this time theirs was by far the busiest of the three dancing poduims. Janine left Sandr ain just her bra and panties and twirled hersef around the pole in the centre and removed her lowered top and panties herself leaving her stark naked next to the brunette businesswoman. With an easy press of her hands on Sandra's shoulders she had Sandra on her knees before her and then Janine produced a collar from the bag she had dumped by the side of the stage and clipped it around Sandra's neck before affixing a leash to it. Sandra's head was spinnign and didn't immediately realise what had happened.

Janine confidently marched the length of the stage, dragging Sandr aon hands and knees behind her and being so low she could see right into the front rows of the audience and it made her sick. The guys were disgusting looking and shouting the crudest, most perverted things at her whiel waving dollar bills at her and even slipping them into her panties! Sandra is mentally broken at this ***********. She was a respected businesswoman, wife and ****** not some common slut stripper and yet here she was being publicly debased in such a fashion. Janine was in complete control and she was playing up to the crowd perfectly. She led Sandra to the front on all fours before bending her over and spanking her hard to a chorus of cheers. But the denizens of the club are impatient to see more of Sandra and after turning her ass cheeks beet red, Janine leans In and whispered to her collared slave.

"No I'm going to pull you up bitch and you are going to strip off that fine underwear so everybody in here can see your wares, and if you don't, well I will and you won't enjoy that!"

Janine took a back seat, while still bumping and gringing, to allow the spotlight to fall on the reluctant stripper. Sandra stoof and tried to move sexily but it was not natural to her. Her movements were jerky and ****** and when she had unclasped her bra she held it in place for the longest time before letting it drop to the floor and unveiling her firm breasts. The crowd exploded and clapped and chanted for it all to come off. Sandra was operating on instinct now, her brain frozen. Her hands slipped into the sides of her panties, the dollar bills dropping out to be gathered by Janine and then, as if in a dream Sandra puleld her underwear down and stepped out of them to stand naked (bar her heels and collar) before a rabid crowd. Janine left her for a moment before marching up, yankign on the leash, ******* Sandra down to her knees and postioining her pussy over Sandra's mouth.

"Open up bitch!" was her harsh demand.



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Sandra couldn't believe she was about to eat another woman's pussy in public whiel naked but she did as she was bid and prepared herself. But boy was she in for a shock!

Janine tossed her head back, her long blonde hair spectacular and crossed her hands behind her head as she wideneed her knees apart just inches from Sandra's waiting mouth. But she went no further, instead she squeezed herself and let flow with a powerful stream of piss! It went flying out and down Sandra's mouth before she knew what was happenign, it stank and tasted horrible but when she finally realised what is was and gagging, shut her mouth it continued to wash all over her face and body.

The club exploded with nosie when they reaslied what Janine was doing, all the patrons of the club turned their attantion to theit podium. Even the other dancers interrupted their routine to watch it. Just as Sandra's golden shower came to a dribbling stop the club manager jumped on stage and grabbed both women and dragged them off stage to a chorus of boos. He was going mental at them.

"What the fuck was that! Janine you stupid cunt! What the fuck ar eyou laughing at?! You can't fucking do that up there."

With Janine just laughing at him as he ushered them backstage her turne dhis wrath on the piss soaked brunette.

"And you, you fucking freak! First tiem in here will be your fuckign last! You ar efuckign lucky I don't get the pair of you arrested for this! We'er a strip club not a goddamn freak show!"

Janine had grabbed her bag and coat just as he physically pushed them both out the back door into the alley. Itw asdark, Janine was in hysterics and Sandra was still stark naked and coated in piss. She stood there and glowered at her tormentor, wanting so desperatly to slap her, in fact she tried to do so but was too slow, Janine catchign her wrist befor eit hit her cheek. Then the younger woman puleld her and twisted her arm up behind her back.

"Don't bother bitch, or I'll rip it off. What's the matter? You look a little 'pissed off'!"

Whiel she laughed at that Sandra fumed and arched her back and went on tip toes to relieve the pressue on her arm but as she did so the group of bikers rounded the building obviously a good bit frunker than when they went it. The leader came up to Janine and slapped her back.

"Great show babe! Fucking magic! Now get your coat on and get youyr biek I'll take Missy here on mine!"

The biker grabbed Sandra by the wrist and in one, fast, fluid movement swung her up and around and onto the back of another hairy biker's hog. The frightened brunette had no time to react as th eengine burst into life but she did grab onto his leather coat for dear lfie as he sped away his passenger stark naked behind him in the dark, cold night.


It was a short, frightening journey as Sandra wondered what the hell more she would have to endure that terrible day. Her destination was an old abandoned warehouse that had makeshift ligting. The gang arrived pretty much all together and Sandra was puleld off the back of the bike and unceremoniously deposited on an old, stained, faded mattress in the centre of the cavernous building. She was on her knees, naked and soon surrounded by horny bikers but they all held back until Janine slinked though the crowd to stand over her again.

"You looked good up there babe, a real natural. I mean as a toilet, not anything else! Anyway, your bastard husband gets back tomorrow morning? Well all you have to do is sexually asatisfy all these gentlemen and by the time he gets back the stuff will be gone from his ride, you understand?"

Sandra understood only too well and she also realised that if she didn't go along with her demand the bikers would probably just take her anyway, she wasn't naïve enough to believe that if she said no that they would all just go away and leave her alone. It was immaterial anyway as even then the guys standign in front of her were all whipping out their dicks and starting to point them at her and stroke them. Janine moved off to the side with her camera in operation again as the first man came right up to Sandra and she closed her eyes. But is she was expecting an oral invasion she was to be surprised, for now anyway, as the guys began to furiously jerk off around her. Though she would be none the wiser if they told her, the smart businesswoman was about to experince first hand "The Biker Bukkake".

When the first load of cum splattered messily across her face she opened her eyes to figure out what was happening, that was a mistake as his second burst splashed across her eyes and when she blinekd her eye lashes got gunked and gelled up, and that was only the beginning. Within seconds of that fist load another was being sprayed across her hair from the side then in short order another fired straight onto the nose. The guys were all fired up and ready to let fly and within fifteen minutes Sandra's face was a cum covered mess and all of the bikers had relieveed themselves in this way on the distraught brunette. All this made some potent footage for janine's sordid little film. And it was Janine who advanced things in that bleak, derelict warehouse to even greater depravity.

"Right boys! First one of you that gets hard again get stuck in, any hole is up for grabs and she'll take two or three at a time if you want to try!"

Sandra knelt there and listened in growing horror. Here she was with her face coated in cum, humiliated beyond believe and now she was going to be used as a piece of meat! But before she could contemplate that hands were on her shoulders, pushing her down onto all fours like a dog. Rough hands were on her inner thighs prying them apart and she felt the slickness of a hard, ready cock pressing against her pussy. With a slow, hard thrust she was penetrated from behind and when her mouth unglued itself and made to complain it was immediately filled with another rcock from the front!

Sandra was spit roasted there and then, a hard cock invading her from both ends while the rest of the biker gang cheered their comrades on and passed comment on Sandra's performance.

"That's it guys give it to the straight laced bitch nice and hard!"

"Yeah baby, wait until you gt my ten inches in your ass!"

****** on that slut, you got plenty more to come!"

Janine circled the gang like the cat that got the cream, she was just wearing her leather jacket, nothing else, and as she filmed Sandra in action she also took the time to stroke the boys cocks gettign them even more aroused for their turn.

This was sheer for Sandra, the thought hit her that she would probably have more cocks inside her that night than in the rest of her life all added together! And all to ave her husband and family. Was it worth this? She didn't know now but it was too late to back down, this was her ordeal now and she would have to suffer it. And just at that the cock in her mouth bucked and exploded, filling her mouth with sour tasting runny cum. She inadvertantly swlalowed some while the rest spileld from the corners of her mouth and drooled onto the mattress beneath her. This seemed to set off the guy banging into her from behind, finally his balls stopped slapping against Sandra's ass and he tensed up too before squirtign his semen deep inside Sandra's pussy. Each cocj was swiftly replaced by another, infact two jostled for entrance to Sandra's mouth, both gettign their heads between Sandra's lips and for a moment she had two dicks in her mouth before one of the guys stood back to allow the first one fully in whiel he contented himself with slapping his dick agianst Sandra's face.

Sandra took dick after dick in her three holes while kneeling / lying on that old mattress. The bikers came in her mouth, in her pussy and in her ass. She felt used and ****** and still they fucked her with Janine taping the whole ordeal and making catty comments every so often. Sandra just took them all, she had no fight left in her after this day of degradation.

Eventually it was all over. Each of the burly bikers had had their fill of the smart, suburban businesswoman and they stood back from her and spoke amonst themselves, smoked and drank copious amoutns of beer. Sandra just lay there miserably and covered in cum as Janine knelt beside her to goad her further.

"Well 'perfect mum' how was that day? Enjoy it? I thought not. Maybe next tiem you give me any **** about seeing my own fucking ******** you will hold your tongue, do you think? Now I'm going to hold onto this recording, I don't see any value in letting anyone else see it at the moment but if you evr give me any problems in the future then your husband, your family, your work colleagues and your friends will see this little beauty, understand? Now here's some clothes, get up, get dressed and get the fuck out of here before the boys recover and want another shot with you!"
Janine dropped a tiny, torn denim miniskirt and a half T-shirt with the word "SKANK" emblazoned across it the strutted away from Sandra, supremely confident she had broken the brunette's will. And she had. Through blinking eyes Sandra put the two items on, together they barely covered her tits or her pussy but she wore them nonetheless, fearing the alternative would be to go home nude. It took her an hour to walk home barefoot and she got a few looks and wold whistles on the way but she eventually made it and collapsed into bed at least safe in the knowledge she had saved her husband from jail.

Four weeks later he left her for a younger woman, ain't life a bitch?


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The Transformed Man

"How does it look, Dr. Spencer," Williams asked the man in the lab coat to his left, while his eyes were focused through the one-way glass at Tom, the test subject.

"I think it goes without saying that the combination of engineered briefs and supplements have had the desired effect," he said. The briefs constricted Tom's thighs, buttocks and waist, while not constricting the crotch, making some of his bodywork hard without any apparent effort, while increased energy and nutrients flowed to his genitals. The supplement enhanced this, encouraging localized growth, fat burning and muscle toning.

Tom dressed before their eyes. His body had become toned and sculpted without exercise, and his penis and testicles had grown significantly. He guided his limp penis into his briefs, needing to move around a fair amount to get the thick 10-inch member in.

"But what we need to test is the sexual appetite, believed enhanced sexual abilities and the subjects pheromone output," Dr. Spencer said.

Lacey, a junior researcher, walked in as they were in the midst of their discussion. She was top of her class and knew the work like no one else, but none of the men could help looking at her for her physical beauty and alluring mannerisms. Blonde shoulder length hair, slim with great legs that were visible below her white skirt, and a full bosom that seemed to struggle against the confines of her bra, her cleavage exposed at the v neck of the standard lab shirt. Her eyes seemed huge and wet, her lips plump. Her walk was something of a little shimmy, attracting your attention to her smooth, toned legs, her round rump, the shake of her hair. She had a habit of smiling and moving her head at a slight angle to either side.

"Dr. Spencer," she said, her attention shifted from her boss to Tom, who was now just in his briefs, "the latest results are in." She offered the folder she was holding in the direction of Dr. Spencer, but all could see that her already big doe eyes were wider than ever as she looked at Tom. Her chest, already on everyone's mind, seemed to heave a bit as her breathing and heart rate increased.

Williams looked at Lacey a moment and smiled. Looking at Dr. Spencer he said "We'll need to test those things with subjects that aren't aware of the subjects physical attributes or the fact that he's been given any sort of treatment. But I think it might do everyone some good to see something a bit...less formal right now."

Dr. Spencer's eyebrow lifted, confused. Lacey hadn't noticed a word Williams had said, as she studied Tom as he moved about in the test area that had been made to seem like a little apartment for his comfort. He didn't know he was always under observation through monitors and one-way glass. In fact, he thought he was in this little apartment in a wing of a hospital to insure he hadn't been exposed to something that had shut the hospital down. He had of course noticed that he had gone from flabby to fit, and his limp penis had gone from 2 inches to 10, but he was too happy about it to question the summary explanations about immune system side effects and the unique side effects of the prescription underwear and liquid supplements.

"Lacey," Williams said, breaking her trance. She blinked a few times and shook her head, regaining some composure and focusing on Williams. "I'd like you to go in and talk with the subject for a while. Insure that he's in no discomfort. You may need to make your questions somewhat...intimate to insure that you get answers about his ability to become aroused and bring that to completion."

Dr. Spencer frowned slightly. He knew exactly what Williams was up to, and while putting Lacey into this situation didn't seem completely necessary or to have a great deal of scientific merit, she certainly didn't seem to object, and it would be beneficial to be able to observe Tom.

"Yes!" Lacey said, with a bit too much enthusiasm. "I'm certainly willing to go down to interview him some more." Her nipples now clearly poked out through her shirt and even her lab coat. Her breathing was accelerated, reminding Williams of his youth, of the great passion then, when intimacy that had been forbidden but desire had built up until when possible it was all that existed.

"That's great," he said. "Why don't you go on down then."

Before she could even turn to go Williams picked up the phone that connected to Tom's. Tom's phone wrung and he picked it up.

"Hi Tom, it's Williams. Someone is coming down to ask you some more questions to make sure that we're keeping the contagion from effecting you at all. Sorry for the inconvenience. She'll be down in a couple of minutes. You should probably just strip down to the prescribed briefs, so she'll be able to insure that they're on you properly." Williams hung up, smiling at Lacey, who sprung around and descended the stairs as if the building were on fire. Williams had made every effort to keep Tom from knowing just how much they were observing him.

"Did he seem to have any reservations about being nearly naked with a female researcher?" Dr. Spencer asked.

"No, none at all. I think we should have a seat to observe their interaction."


"Come in," Tom called out in response to the knock.

Lacey opened the door, seeing Tom in his form fitting boxer briefs, his sculpted body, and she smiled.

"Thank you," she stammered out. "I hope I'm not inconveniencing you, Tom," she said.

Tom laughed. "No, I didn't have any place to go, and I'm always happy to welcome beautiful lady hospital staff in when I'm just wearing my form fitting underwear."

Lacey's laugh barely made it out, as Tom essentially permitted her to stare at the tight briefs and the bulge of his long, thick cock.


Back in the observation room, "Is she normally this excitable?" Williams asked.

"Not at all. Her strict professionalism has made her rise above her contemporaries, while that iciness has also made her even more attractive to those around her. Even with Tom's body and state of undress, her current behavior must be attributable to something else."

"Like the pheromone output?" Williams asked.



"Speaking of your briefs," Lacey said, approaching Tom, her prey, with every muscle and nerve in her body focused on him, "may I.... examine them?" She asked, incapable of not making the request heavy with sexual innuendo.

Tom approached Lacey, unnecessarily smoothing down the briefs on his thighs, framing his cock for her view. "Would you like me to take them off for you, or would it be better if I just put my crotch in your face." She was as much his desired prey, as he was hers.

Lacey slowly got to her knees in front of him. "Oh," she managed to get out, her breath hard to catch, "both I think."

Tom strode up, putting his crotch inches from Lacey's face. With no ability to be subtle anymore, she inhaled the sent of his sex deeply, briefly closing her eyes as the intoxicating musk filled her senses. Tom reached down to gently take her arms. Her head tilted up to see his face, to try to discern his intentions. He smiled comfortingly at her, his hands sliding down her arms to her hands. He held them and brought them toward himself, putting them under the waistband of his briefs in the front. Lacey looked down again, licking her lips, as she saw Tom's cock stir beneath the material. He grew firm, thicker, longer.

She took a deep breath, looking quickly up at Tom's face to make sure it looked like this was what he wanted, then back down again, and she started pulling down and out. She carefully pulled the waist out as she pulled down, and his massive, growing cock fell out, bouncing in her face. She gasped.

"Pardon me," Tom said, knowing the effect he was having on Lacey. "I think your examination is getting me excited." He moved his hand to hold his big, full balls and the base of his now 12" long, thick cock, as if to clarify what he had meant.

"I want that," Lacey said. "I mean," she stammered, "I want to insure that the contagion in the hospital and the treatment you're receiving aren't aversely affecting your ability to be stimulated or..."

"Well, I think you can tell I'm not having a problem being stimulated. Here," he said, bringing her hand up and putting in on his cock. She wrapped her hand around it, amazed at the thickness, stroking it. "What else were you going to say you were supposed to check into?" He watched her stroke and groaned softly in approval.

"Uh..." she said "your ability to.... reach..." stroking his cock was diverting her ability to think about anything else "completion," she managed to blurt out.

"Ah," Tom said, as much in acknowledgment as from the stimulation. "We'll have to see about that. Your hand is a bit dry."

"Oh..." she said, startled, pulling her hand away.

"Oh no, it's OK," Tom said. "Why don't you just put your tongue out," he said as he guided his still held cock toward her fresh, beautiful face, "and give me a little lick. That will slick me up, and you can continue the ...research."

Lacey looked so excited she looked like she might hyperventilate. From her reactions it didn't look like she often found herself with a cock in her face and a guy telling her to lick it. Almost as if she were incapable of doing anything else, her plump red lips parted and a wet, pink tongue slowly emerged. Her big, wet, doe like eyes looked up into Tom's eyes as she moved her head, with open mouth and extended tongue, toward Tom's massive, erect cock.


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"That's it," Tom said, anticipating Lacey giving herself over to him completely, surrendering her decorum, forgetting about shame and giving into her passions.

Her tongue touched the head of Tom's cock, and she smiled, released. Her eyes went back down to his crotch, his long thick, cock, his dark pubic hair, the thick smell of musk filing her senses, his big balls at the base of his cock. Her tongue bent as she pushed her head further, and she swirled it around his head. She looked up, as if for guidance.

"Lick and suck," Tom told her, "take it slow and enjoy it. I'm too big for you to suck all the way, so use your hands - both of them, to slick me up with your saliva."

She did as she was told, taking the head into her mouth, groaning as she did, both hands firmly holding his cock and spinning around it's length, slick with her spit. Her eyes closed as she focused entirely on what she was doing. Her bottom shifted, her knees spreading further, as the throbbing and desire of her own sex distracted her.

"Oh gosh," Tom grunted, "your mouth...your hands... oh. Your mouth is like a sweet pussy working my big fat cock."

"Ugh," Lacey grunted. The dirty talk that normally would have repulsed her now turned her on so much she felt wetness drip down her thighs, and relished the feel of the massive cock head in her wet mouth, her big, bee stung lips pushed down on it. It was as if this cock were fucking her mouth, stimulating it, the base sensation of serving this man of men, his massive cock and heavily musky smelling crotch making her his complete servant, willing to endure anything, no matter how degrading it might seem, to serve him. The loud, wet sounds of her mouth sucking and working his cock filled the room. She wanted to feel him throb and spurt into her mouth, knowing it was her that made him completely satisfied.

Tom pulled his cock from Lacey's hands and mouth. She looked like she thought she had done something wrong, her desire to satisfy him overwhelming.

Tom smiled down at Lacey, stroking her cheek as she heaved, finally able to breath. His smile reassured her, but she still didn't know what his will was, the will she wanted to follow without question.

"Stand up," Tom said.

He kissed her; she grabbed his shoulders, kissing back hard. She felt his huge cock press against her, and she wished her clothes would disappear, allow her steaming sex to collide with his.

Tom kissed her, his hands caressing her firmly, while also undoing her clothes and pushing them down. She stumbled, hard to keep on her feet from the sensations, but his firm grip kept her up so he could kiss her, explore her, and undress her.

Her bra came off, the sensation of the air on her chest, then the feel of Tom's firm chest pressing against it, as she felt his hand slide down her back to her panties. Thong, the one sexy thing she wore in her uniform, normally hidden from all, now exposed to Tom and everyone in the observation room. She knew they saw her, but it was the least important thing in the world to her now. As the thong slid down, Tom's hands moving along her round, tanned ass, her tan line was exposed, showing she tanned wearing just a thong. Her plump ass cheeks were browned, the crack of her ass now exposed and highlighted by its whiteness. As the panties fell she spread her legs, needing some cool air to hit her pussy lest it burst into flame. It was puffy, excited, soaked. The trimmed pubic hair was matted down against her, the same tan lines that were like a spotlight on her ass crack shown on her now exposed crotch.

She was jittery, absolutely needing his cock pressed against her, needing stimulation, needing to serve his will. Tom's hands slid down to hold her ass, and his grip intensified, squeezing each cheek hard. Then he lifted her off the floor, higher up until his cock was no longer held in place by her body and it swung down between her legs, brushing through the steamy, cum scented area of Lacey's throbbing crotch. Tom moved one hand to support Lacey, covering part of her ass crack, and used the other to grab his cock like it was a beast that had to be controlled, and he ****** it toward her wet, throbbing pussy. He slid the head along her slick slit, eliciting moans from Lacey. She gripped at his shoulders more, and shook her butt, hoping to stimulate herself more, to get that cock where it needed to be.

His cock head was between her lips now, her pussy's slickness pouring down over him, preparing him. He slid along between her, stimulating her, teasing her, wetting him for what he knew would be a tight entry.

She shook her ass, grunting, needing him now; no longer able to endure the slow build up. When she felt his cock in place she started pushing down, now slowed only by the tightness of her passage relative to the thickness of him. She grunted and rocked, trying to ***** more of him in her. The heat of her pussy was overwhelming. Her breasts were taught, her nipples hard as nails grating against his chest. Her nails dug into his shoulders. A veneer of sweat covered her face, her chest, her stomach, her thighs and her ass. Her legs wrapped tightly around him, trying to work her way down,

Tom knew he should take it slow. Even if she had been loose his long thick cock would stretch her, and he should ease into her. And Lacey felt tight. But he knew Lacey wouldn't listen to reason, she was given over to her passion, and needed to satisfy it, satisfy her pussy, now more than anything. It didn't matter if she would be hurt, her brain now only received pleasure, her hot, wet, throbbing crotch now dictated her will.

Lacey grunted, moaned and screamed loudly, the pain only stimulating the pleasure, the sensation of the overwhelming sensation of the massive cock ******* it's way up, up it felt like it would go all the way up to fill her belly. Her cum poured down his cock, matting down his pubic hair, dripping off of his balls.

Viewed from Lacey's back, down past the straining muscles that moved her body up the huge cock and ****** it down, past the sweat wet ass cheeks that tensed to move her body and take the sensation of the complete fucking she was enduring, past the throbbing asshole, just under her, you could see her raw, soaked, split open pussy straining to take Tom's huge cock, her inner lips tight around him and being pulled out when he slid out.

Her eyes bulged, her screams of pain, pleasure and complete surrender overwhelming her. Her orgasm build inevitably and burst over her like a bucket of ice water down her back, the sensation ebbing and flowing, but always increasing. Overwhelming, destroying her, but something she couldn't possibly stop. She screamed and came, her cum pouring out, her asshole throbbing, sweat pouring off of her face, her chest, dripping off of her achingly hard nipples when her chest was pulled away from Tom's.

His grunting built. He was an ****** now, pumping into her, uncaring if what she felt was pain or pleasure, if she was still conscious of not. His huge cock was thicker than ever, thick to the breaking point, ready to erupt in her. He held each of her plump, sweat soaked ass cheeks in one hand, squeezing them ruthlessly, pulling them apart, ******* cool air to collide with her ass, with her pussy. All his muscles tensed, his hands slid up to her shoulders and pulled her down as hard as possible, ******* every inch of his cock into her, pushing their crotches against each other, mixing their pubic hair, his huge balls noisily slapping against her ass.

She felt the throbbing, then felt the explosion in her and her eyes nearly popped out of her head, her never ending orgasm burst to another level, as his cock spurt inside of her, ounce upon ounce of cum hitting the walls of her pussy and noisily being milked down and out of her, coating their thighs and his balls.

Lacey went limp against Tom, her muscles finally relaxed. She moaned softly continuously, getting louder as Tom's cock throbbed out it's final cum.

Tom lay Lacey down on the couch, his cock making a massive, wet slurping sound as it emerged from her, covered and dripping with cum. Lacey's body shone with sweat, her pussy pink and red and throbbing. Tom stumbled over to a chair, smiling, collapsed in it and fell asleep.


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Even with the sun low in the evening sky, it was stifling hot. Jeff wondered why his Mom insisted on jogging in weather like this. The few times he had asked, her answer was always the same: "Because I don't want to look old."

At eighteen, Jeff somewhat understood. Still, why put yourself through that, he thought to himself. Was it that important to a thirty eight year old woman to look ten years younger? While he couldn't totally comprehend his ******** logic, he certainly could appreciate the results. She was a stunningly sexy woman for her age. For any age, in fact. He embarrassed himself quite often by thinking that if she was one of his friends' *******, he would be more than happy to spend some time in bed with her.

Jeff surfed through the TV channels, unable to find anything that interested him. Part of the problem was the fact his mind wasn't all there at the moment. His persistent gambling habit had caught up to him. A big-time bet fell through, and now he owed considerably more than he could pay. The consequences frightened him.

The men he was dealing with were all older than him, more experienced in the illegal gambling game, and short-tempered. They didn't play well with 'kids' who thought they could participate in the big time, but not take the responsibility of paying their debts seriously.

Jeff took it seriously. He just didn't have it.

He flinched when he heard the doorbell. It couldn't have been his Mom coming back from her run because she would come in through the garage. Jeff walked to the door with more than a little bit of alarm.

When it opened, his heart stopped at the sight of two guys he only knew as Marco and Danny. These were the faces he least wanted to see under the current circumstances.

"Hey, guys," Jeff said.

"Hey, Jeff," Marco mimicked, stepping up into the house without an invitation. Danny followed.

"What's up?" Jeff asked as the door slid shut.

"Time's up. That's what," Marco said in his deep voice. "Are you alone?"

"Yep." Jeff didn't want to even mention his Mom to this duo.

"Too bad. I've heard your Mom's a babe," Marco said. "Is that true?"

Jeff glared back. "What do you want?"

"We want the money, Jeffrey."

"I'll have it this weekend," Jeff said with as much conviction as he could muster.

"Not good enough, dude. They want it now."

"I don't have it now. I'll have it this weekend."

Marco looked around at the opulent furnishings in the large, expensive house. It seemed incongruous that someone living in such luxury couldn't afford to pay his gambling debt. Years of his own poverty flashed through Marco's mind.

Without warning, he turned and planted his fist hard against Jeff's stomach. The young man struggled for breath and stumbled backward. Danny moved behind him and took his arms. Before Jeff could regain his senses, two punches landed on either side of his face.

"This weekend might be too late," Marco growled, his face red with rage.

Pain clouded Jeff's ability to think. He stammered, "I promise, man."

Marco landed another blow just below Jeff's ribcage.

"Promises don't..."

Before Marco could finish, they all heard the slamming of a door inside the house. The sound of steps was followed by a female voice shouting, "Jeff?"

"Mom! Don't come...," Jeff shouted back before Danny had his hand over Jeff's mouth.

Kendra Collins turned the corner into the living room and froze. With maternal instinct, she focused more on the ***** trickling out of her ***'s nose than the two thugs with him.

"Jeff. What's going on?"

"So this must be Mom," Marco said delicately and in sharp contrast to a moment ago.

Marco and Danny quickly took an inventory of the woman in front of them. She had long, light auburn hair with even lighter streaks throughout. It was pulled back, but a few strands on her forehead were held there by glistening perspiration. Her tight jogging top was little more than a stylish sports bra and more perspiration collected in her ample cleavage. Her flat stomach belied her age and the silky running shorts led to a pair of long, lean legs. Kendra was an impressive sight to two brutes not used to pretty things.

"Get out of my house," she ordered.

"But you don't even know why we're here," Marco replied.

"Let go of my *** and get out."

"It seems your *** isn't a very good gambler," Marco said. "Or at least, he's not very good at paying his debts. We're here to collect."

Kendra admittedly didn't pay enough attention to her teenage ***'s doings. But as a single mom with a budding professional life to take care of, time was short. She had suspected he was into stuff she wouldn't approve of, but Kendra let things slide once he reached eighteen.

"I'll call the cops," Kendra threatened. "Let him go and get out. Then Jeff and I will discuss it privately and I'll make sure everything is taken care of."

Marco rolled his eyes. "Man, I'm tired of delays. My boss is tired of delays. We're not leaving here without payment."

"I'm afraid you'll have to," Kendra said defiantly.

Marco was not the type to take orders from women. Kendra was not the type to let men walk all over her. But if it came down to a battle of brawn over brains, Kendra would lose.

Marco took two giant strides toward the woman. She stepped back and then turned. One step later, he had her by the arm. Marco spun Kendra around and flattened her back against a wall.

"Listen to me, bitch!" he snarled. "We came for the money. We're either leaving here with the money or something of equivalent value."

He pressed against her with his body, using his six inch height advantage for leverage. Marco wavered for a second at the sudden feel of her body. He ground his crotch into her.

"Maybe money isn't the only solution after all," he said more calmly.

Jeff and Kendra both struggled in vain to get out of the grasp of men paid to rough people up.

"Get off her, you asshole," Jeff barked.

Marco smiled without even looking back at the kid. One hand held Kendra's arm tightly against the wall while the other hand began to wander over the petite body in front of him. He felt her bare skin before sliding up to her top. He let his thumb skim along the base of her breast before putting more of his hand on her.

"Perhaps we can bargain," he told her.

"Perhaps not," Kendra replied.

He slapped her so fast she couldn't avoid it. Kendra screamed and tried to kick up, but he was ready for her. Marco put both of his legs inside hers and grabbed both of her wrists, holding them just above her head.

"Don't fuck with me, bitch. You don't want me angry. Follow orders and you should both live. Got it?"

Kendra just stared.

"Got it?" Marco shouted.

She nodded.

"Are you going to fork over the cash?" he asked.

Kendra's throat was almost too dry to talk. "How much?"

"Fifty five hundred."

Her heart sank. "I can't right now."

She saw the disgust on his face. "If I hear 'this weekend' one more time, I'm going to really hurt somebody. Now do you want to reconsider?"

"I don't have it today."

Marco's cock began to react to her constant shifting back and forth. He rubbed it against her and looked down at her sweaty face and body. Her nipples pushed out the thin, wet fabric of her top.

"Then I'm afraid we'll have to go to plan B," Marco said. "Which way's your bedroom?"

Kendra was almost in tears. "I said I'd pay it. I can't do it today."

Marco yanked her off the wall. "Which way?"

Kendra nodded with her head in the direction of the upstairs master bedroom.

"Bring the kid. Follow us," Marco told Danny.

Marco pushed Kendra in the direction of the stairs and never took his eyes off her curvaceous ass as they climbed the steps. She led them to the door of her bedroom.



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"Where's the biggest shower?" Marco asked.

"In there."

"Let's go," he said.

"No. I'm not going to let you...," Kendra started to say.

Marco seized her by the arm and flung her violently onto the bed. Kendra quickly attempted to recover, but he was already on top of her.

"Do you want me to fuckin' **** you right here in front of your kid?" the anger returning to his voice.

"I told you..."

He slapped her. "And I told you to take us to the shower. Now do it!"

He yanked her up and she stumbled toward the master bathroom with the intruders and Jeff in tow. Kendra entered a spacious marble bathroom with separate areas for the Jacuzzi tub, toilet, sinks, and shower. Once they were all inside, Marco said, "Take your clothes off."

Kendra was over her rebelliousness. She knew disobedience from this point forward could have dire consequences for her and Jeff. All eyes were on her, to see what she'd do.

With trembling hands, she grabbed the sides of her black top. Her thumbs slid inside and Kendra began to pull it up. The tight band at the bottom slipped over her breasts and Kendra lifted her arms to take off the top.

Thirty eight years had taken some of the firmness out of the breasts, but the size and shape would have made any model envious. Even with her arms lowered, the breasts filled her chest and rose at the nipples like those of a teenager. Jeff couldn't ***** himself to make eye contact with his ******, but didn't want to stare at her breasts either. After a couple seconds, he looked away.

Kendra paused.

"I said get naked," Marco said.

As the shorts were pushed down, it became obvious she wasn't wearing panties. The top of her pussy quickly gave way to the entire neatly trimmed area. Then the shorts were on the floor and Kendra was stepping out of them. She stood in front of the shower with her legs held firmly together. Still, the sight was remarkable.

"That is one fucking nice body. Turn around," Marco ordered.

Kendra wished there was a way to hold her legs closer together than having them already touching. The result was an even tighter set of cheeks for the men to gawk at. And they did it with pleasure.

*****, Danny. Have you ever seen anything like that?"

"Not in person," Danny answered.

"Well, Mom, you did good," Marco said. "Now turn on the water and step into that shower. You need to clean up and we're gonna watch."

The shower was a very large open space with walls on three sides. Kendra stepped over the raised marble entrance and reached for the single knob that controlled water temperature. A few seconds later, she was ready. Marco and Danny took the prime viewing areas, while Jeff stood nearby, also within view of his ****** but his way to the door blocked by Danny.

They watched Kendra put her head under the water. It flowed down her body in a steady stream, dripping off her nipples and between her legs. All three men felt the same twitch in their cock as Kendra began to wash her hair. The soapy foam ran down her shoulders and chest before being rinsed away. Then Kendra took the bar of soap and got it wet.

She purposely avoided making any contact with her breasts and pussy. Marco waited until she appeared to be done before saying loudly, "Do the tits and pussy now."

The men were feeling the effects of budding erections pushing against the inside of their pants by the time she was done sliding the soap over the remainder of her body. Kendra looked at Marco and he told her to turn off the water and get out.

"Dry off," he said with a smirk.

Although Kendra was glad to have something to partially cover her up, she knew they still got turned on by the patting down of her body. The entire exercise was deflating her willingness to fight. And the embarrassment of doing it all in front of Jeff was overpowering.

"I bet you got Danny over there good and hard," Marco said. "Why don't you show her, partner."

Danny pulled down his zipper and extracted a semi-erect cock with a menacing, bulbous head.

"It needs some help," Danny suggested.

"Sit on the toilet, Danny," Marco said. "OK, Mom. You heard him. Use that sweet mouth of yours of get him good and hard."

"Haven't you hurt me enough already?" Kendra asked, the exasperation in her voice more than obvious.

"Oh, we haven't even started. Now get on your knees and suck that cock, you whore."

Kendra put the towel on the floor to add just a bit of protection for her knees. She got between Danny's legs and looked at his cock. She knew refusal was out of the question, but she took her time anyway. Meanwhile, the men watched her breasts hang down and her ass curve deliciously behind her. Jeff tried to will his cock to be smaller, but his Mom's gorgeous naked body was too much for any man, even her ***.

They all watched her lift the cock straight up and slide the tip between her lips. Danny put his hand on the back of her head and ****** her down onto him. Immediately, the entire shaft disappeared into her mouth.

"That's it, babe," Marco said. "Now do him like you do all your men."

A second later, Marco said, "Oh. Wait. Danny, give me those cuffs."

With his cock free from Kendra's mouth for an instant, he reached in his back pocket and threw a pair of handcuffs to Marco. Then he pulled Kendra's head back down onto his erection.

"Come here kid," Marco said to Jeff. A moment later, Jeff was handcuffed to one of the antique cabinet handles.

With full attention back on Kendra, they watched her bob her head on Danny's cock. He was now one hundred percent erect and she struggled to take it all. But with the help of Danny's hand on her head, she managed to suck him down to the balls.

Marco watched for a while before moving behind Kendra. He ran his fingers across both of her cheeks and slapped her ass lightly. Then he held her by the waist and said, "Get up, but keep sucking him."

Kendra rose to her feet, bending over at the waist to keep Danny's cock in her mouth. By the time she was settled, Marco had his massive cock out. Jeff could only watch with frustration as a stranger prepared to fuck his ****** from behind. Kendra, sensing what was coming, put her hands on Danny's knees for support.

Marco had the largest cock Jeff had ever seen, including the ones on the websites he tried to hide from Kendra. He was kind of glad she couldn't see it. But he knew damn well she'd feel it soon.

"Get ready, bitch. This is what people get when they piss off me and my boss," Marco said.

He let the cock flop on the top of her ass before sliding it down her crack and between her legs.

"Spread 'em," he demanded.

Kendra separated her feet a little more and Jeff could see the wide open pussy now available to Marco. Or was that his destination? He shuddered at the thought of the alternative.

But the head of Marco's cock landed at the entrance to her cunt and Kendra flinched. He held her by the hips and suddenly, violently thrust the huge shaft inside her.

"Ohhhhhhhh God!" Kendra screamed.

"Shut up and suck that cock," Marco shouted.

Another vicious push caused her to almost fall on top of Danny. Soon, Marco was fucking her with rapid thrusts that caused his body to slap against her ass loudly.

The scene continued for several minutes without interruption. Marco held Kendra's tits while he fucked her and Danny came closer and closer to cumming.

Danny had received many blowjobs from the wife or ******** of his victims. Some were very good. But Kendra proved to be in a class by herself. Her tongue was effective and the pressure she applied with her lips was perfect. The rhythm of her bobbing head was not too fast or too slow. She had him ready in record time.

Without any warning beyond a couple of deep groans, Danny began shooting streams of cum into Kendra's mouth.

"Ohhh yes. Yes!" he said in time with the spurts.

The cum accumulated around his cock and on Kendra's lips. It dripped down her chin as he kept adding to it. She thought he would never stop cumming.

Meanwhile, Marco was enjoying the extremely tight cunt he was pounding. He normally preferred the younger women, but something about Kendra's pussy made him think thirty-something was OK, too.

Just then, Marco let out his own loud grunt and another batch of cum started flowing into Kendra's cunt. He smacked against her ass with each thrust and each thrust meant another shot of cum.

Kendra was happy it was almost over for two reasons: She couldn't swallow any more of Danny's cum and she was close to an orgasm herself. She would NOT allow herself to cum, she convinced herself.

In fact, both men finished before she had to worry about it. As soon as Marco pulled out and slapped her on the ass, she leaned up and allowed Danny's cock to fall free. Cum was on her face, chin, neck, and both thighs.

"She's a pro," Marco said as he put his cock back inside his pants. "Told you she was a whore."

"Great tongue," Danny added with a smile.

"Let's get you dressed, babe. We have a trip ahead of us," Marco said.

Kendra felt her entire body go limp from his words. She hoped they were done. What more could they possibly do to her and Jeff?

"Get the kid, Danny, and take off the handcuffs. I'll take her," Marco said.

He led Kendra into the bedroom and ****** her to find a jogging outfit identical to the one she had on earlier. The top and shorts were different color, but otherwise the same. Once she was dressed, they all went downstairs, through the garage, and piled into Marco's car.


It was dark thirty minutes into the ride. Jeff was handcuffed again in the passenger seat next to Marco, who drove. Danny and Kendra shared the back seat. Danny had been good, never touching her despite the low cut top and shorts that rode up her legs.

But with another half hour to go in the trip, he lost his self-control. He tapped Kendra's leg to get her attention.

"Take off your shorts," he said in a low voice.

"What?" Kendra asked with surprise.

"Take off your shorts."

His look convinced her he was serious and she dejectedly pushed off the running shorts, letting them lie by her feet. At the same time, Danny was pulling out his cock. Marco looked in the rearview mirror and smiled. Jeff looked back once briefly, but not again.

Danny stroked his cock a couple times to get it harder and then said to Kendra, "Slide over here. Face the front."

She clumsily climbed over Danny and hovered above his lap.

"Put me in your cunt," he told her.

She reached down to find him and then put the tip in place. Danny grabbed her waist and pulled her down at the same time he pushed his cock up. Kendra gasped once more as another cock slid up her vagina.

Marco let them fuck for a minute before saying, "She's good, isn't she?"

"Fucking incredible. We should keep her all night."

"Can't do that. Sorry," Marco said.

Kendra had to lean on the back of the front seats in order to accept Danny's cock without unnecessary pain. She was very close to Jeff's head and they did everything they could not to look at each other. Still, the sounds were unmistakable and Jeff grew more uncomfortable by the minute.

Kendra had another problem, however. When Danny lifted her top and began playing with her erect nipples, her body started to betray her. The feel of his cock and the manipulation of her sensitive tits was bringing her nearer the orgasm she avoided in the bathroom. Somehow, she allowed her whimpers of pleasure to escape.

"Listen to her, Danny. She's lovin' it. Make her cum," Marco said with glee.

Danny fucked her harder and pulled on her nipples, squeezing them until Kendra cried out. Pain or pleasure, nobody knew. Not even Kendra. Deep inside her stomach, the familiar tingles spread to her pussy. She nearly screamed out in her attempts to stop them.

Danny could feel her body responding.

"C'mon, honey. Let it go."

A tear fell down her face as Kendra clutched at the front seats. Her breathing quickened and became irregular. Everybody in the car knew what was happening now. Danny put a finger on her clit.


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"No! No! Stop!"

Kendra's head was between the two front seats as the need to cum overwhelmed her.

"Don't stop, Danny," Marco urged. "This is going to be good."

Danny rubbed her clit roughly and drove his cock into her with additional *****. Kendra's juices flowed and the sucking sound of the sex could be heard throughout the car.

"Ahhhhhh, God no. No! Noooooo!" Kendra cried out.

One last stab at her clit drove her over the edge.

"Oh God! Oh God!" she repeated over and over as the orgasm began.

After that, the men only heard incomprehensible moans and groans as Kendra's body gave in. Her head tilted back and then dropped forward in repetitive displays of satisfaction as she came, recovered, and came some more. Her hair swayed back and forth and looked more disheveled with each new wave of pleasure.

When she was almost done, Danny announced his orgasm with a thunderous grunt. His cock emptied several loads of cum into Kendra while he held her firmly in place. He squeezed her tits and could feel her pussy contract around his cock with each pull of her nipples. And then it was over.

"Just like a woman," Marco said. "Bitch and complain and then cum like a demon. I think she's going to do just fine when we drop her off."

"You'll let us go?" Kendra asked in a weak voice.

"We'll let YOU go. We need to keep the kid for insurance."

"What more do you want?" Kendra pleaded. "Haven't I done enough?"

"We want the money, honey," Marco said. "And we need to teach your *** a les***. Mess with us and we'll mess with you."

Marco was driving the car down a pitch black path through thick woods. After a little more than a mile, he stopped.

"Get out," he told Kendra.

She had pulled on her shorts and was glad to exit the back seat. Danny was right behind her, his hand on her arm.

"Take her down by the lake," Marco shouted out from the front seat. "Make sure she can't follow you back."

"Got it," Danny said. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Jeff, I'll be alright," Kendra tried to assured him, and herself. "Everything will be OK."

He then led Kendra to a large four wheel ATV hidden in the woods. Danny told her to sit behind him and to hold on. Once he had it started, they tore out of the parking spot and through the trees at a harrowing speed. Any thoughts Kendra had of escaping were overpowered by her fear of falling off the vehicle.

Back in the car, Marco told Jeff, "She won't be hurt by us. I wanted you to be here so you can say she was fine the last time you saw her. Danny will drop her off and come back. Then it's a matter of your ****** using her brains to get out. Pay the money and we'll go get her."

Jeff looked silently into the gloom of the forest with a sick feeling in his stomach.


Kendra heard the ATV disappear over a ridge and back into the woods. There was no way, in the darkness, that she could follow tracks to get back and the route Danny took could not be replicated in her mind. She was lost, on the edge of a large lake.

She shivered as she got her bearings. Her eyes got accustomed to the dark again after looking into the bright headlights of the ATV. In the distance, on the far side of the lake, she thought she saw lights. Kendra squinted and even thought she could make out the outline of a house, or cabin. She decided that was the direction she'd head.

Ten minutes into her hike around the lake, Kendra was sure it was a cabin. Her pulse accelerated at the thought of being rescued. She only needed a phone and she'd be fine.

Kendra was nearly panting as she walked rapidly up to the door of the cabin a half hour later. The wooden steps creaked just before she knocked.

The door opened and light from inside flooded the entrance. A man Kendra thought was in his early forties looked at her with surprise.

"I need help," Kendra panted. "Do you have a phone I can use?"

The man continued to stare at the beautiful woman in the jogging outfit, the absolute last thing he ever expected to find at his door.

"Babe, do you see any electricity coming into this shack? We use gas for everything. And we don't allow phones," the man said.

"A cell phone?" Kendra asked.

"We come out here to fish and get away from that ****. Sorry. But you can come in and we'll talk about it."

Against her better judgment, she stepped inside. Kendra convinced herself it was better than heading back out into the woods. Alone.

She saw a second man, about the same age, sitting by the table in the kitchen. A very small living room near the fireplace was the only other visible room, but a hall presumably led to a bedroom and bathroom.

"How the hell did you get here?" the first man asked.

"I...uh, I was running and got lost," Kendra lied unconvincingly.

Both men gazed in disbelief.

"Well, whatever. But I wasn't lying about the phones. There's nothing here. The idea is to get away from society," he explained. "Not bring it with us."

The dejection on Kendra's face was palpable.

"Maybe I should just head back, then," she offered.

"Oh, I think that would be pretty foolish, honey," he said. "Between the bears and snakes, I'm not sure you'd last too long. Better wait til morning."

"No. That's OK. I'll take my chances."

She turned toward the door, but the man's large hand was on her wrist quickly.

"Let go of me!"

"I don't think so," he said. "Not until we've had something to eat. You can cook, right."

Kendra's large eyes revealed her anger and fright. Her bottom lip trembled.

The man dragged her toward the kitchen.

"This is Hank. I'm Ja***. I don't think we've met," the man said dryly.

When Kendra didn't reply, he said harshly, "What's your name?"


"Well, Kendra. You're going to cook us dinner. The fish are already cleaned. You just need to fry them and we'll all eat together before we talk about the plan. Sound fair?"

By all appearances, the men were educated, upper middle class guys on a fishing trip. They were not the least bit unattractive, with no more than a day's growth of beard. Their clothes were neat, bordering on expensive. Kendra guessed they were bought from an online outdoor clothing store. In any case, they were a step or two above Marco and Danny.

Kendra looked around the tiny kitchen. A gas stove with two burners was about all she had to work with, besides a small countertop and sink.

"She looks awfully hot from her run," Hank said. "Maybe she'd be more comfortable without that top. And she's going to be cooking and all."

Ja*** smiled and looked at the nipples poking against the material.

"I think you're right," Ja*** agreed. "Take it off, babe."

Scenes from earlier in the evening flashed through her head as Kendra considered her options.

"Listen. Just let me leave and..."

"Take it off."

Both men looked intently as Kendra pulled up on the top and, once again, exposed her full breasts to the eyes of strangers.

"Holy *****" Ja*** said. "I never thought I'd see that this week."

Kendra laid the top on the counter and looked at the men in disgust.

"Where's the fish?" she asked.

Hank got up and took the filets wrapped in aluminum foil from a small cooler by the back door. He walked over to Kendra and handed them to her.

"Here you go," he said, moving his hand to her breast as soon as she had taken the fish.

Kendra flinched and tried to pull away, but Hank was persistent in his groping. When he had touched both tits at least once, he smiled and moved away.

"Nice and firm, Ja***," he said.

"I bet," Ja*** replied. He walked next to Kendra. "Let me show you where stuff's at."

He pulled out a skillet, oil, flour, and matches to start the fire. When he was done, he was behind Kendra and wrapped both hands around her and onto her tits. He was rougher than Hank, but caused no pain. Kendra could feel his cock growing.

"Very nice. Now can you cook?"

The men sat back and watched Kendra prepare the meal, adding a couple ingredients to what Ja*** had supplied. Soon, they were all eating in relative silence. Kendra avoided eye contact but could feel their stares on her topless body. The food was good after a long, troublesome day, but she had a lot of apprehension about what would happen when they were done.

She didn't have to wait long to find out.

"Just put these dishes in the sink for now," Ja*** ordered her.

Kendra obeyed with a couple of awkward moments when she had to reach over to get the men's plates. They did little to give her room, instead letting her breasts dangle by their faces.

When she was done, Ja*** said, "How about a little dessert, Hank."

Smiles of recognition were exchanged and Kendra considered making a dash for the nearby back door. But Ja*** was out of his chair and effectively blocked her route. With wide eyes, Kendra cowered back into the tiny kitchen. Ja*** reached out and took her by the arm. With a mighty tug, he had her near the empty table. He got behind her and pushed her against it.

"Put your hands on the table, honey."

"No. Don't. Please," Kendra begged.


Kendra had both hands on top of the table and she was bent slightly at the waist. Suddenly, she felt his hands on the top of her shorts. The first yank brought them below her ass. Then he pulled them off completely.

Hank looked on while leaning back in his chair. The grin on his face was wicked and a little uneasy.

"Spread those long legs," Ja*** demanded. "Let's see that tight pussy of yours."

Kendra did as she was told with help from Ja***'s hands.


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"We've been in this cabin for almost a week. The fishing hasn't been great. But it looks like the sex is about to improve greatly," Jason said.

Kendra heard his zipper open. A few seconds later his cock was resting on her ass. She couldn't see it, but got a good idea that it was more than ready to slip inside her. He dragged it along the crack of her ass and down to her pussy. The head rubbed across her and Jason pushed it with his hand against her clit.

A few strokes reawakened her body. Luckily, she was still wet from Danny's session with her in the car. So when Jason put the thick head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy, she didn't cringe quite as much as she normally would.

"Hold on, babe. I'm REALLY horny," Jason warned her.

Kendra saw Hank smile just before feeling the long, fat cock penetrate her. She clung to the end of the table and cried out.

"I warned you," Jason said. "God damn, you're tight. And wet. This is going to be fun."

He began to fuck her with quick, deep thrusts that caused Kendra to exhale loudly. She moaned from the intensity of the sex, but was numb from her previous encounters.

Hank opened his pants and pulled out his cock. It was already stiff before he started stroking it, but Kendra saw it grow with each passing minute.

Jason was holding her tits and playing with the nipples, his legs slapping against her ass in a constant rhythm.

"Get down there and suck poor Hank's cock," Jason told her.

Kendra repositioned herself and leaned on Hank's legs with her hands. Then she lowered her head over his erection and felt Jason push his cock back inside her cunt. The blowjob she gave might not have been the best, but it was considerably better than what Hank had expected entering the evening.

Hank didn't take long to leak a few drops of precum onto her tongue.

"Fuck, Jason. She's got me ready to shoot a load," Hank said.

"Do it, buddy. I'm sure she's used to it."

Hank held her by the head and pushed his cock upward in fast repetition.

"Tighter," Hank told her. "Suck it harder."

Kendra tightened the grip with her lips and felt more cum leak out.

Hank groaned loudly. "Fuck, yes. Get ready!"

Two more thrusts were followed by a long grunt. Then Kendra felt the warm, salty fluid hit the back of her throat. She let up on the pressure applied to the cock, but it continued to pour cum into her mouth at a steady pace. She tried to swallow, and that only caused her to suck on the cock harder. Hank came some more.

At the same time, Jason was holding her by the ass, giving every indication of starting his own orgasm. Finally, Kendra felt more cum being deposited in her cunt. Jason slapped against her, each smack signaling another spurt of his semen. Jason grabbed her tits and she squeezed his cock harder. They fucked for another minute, and then Jason was empty.

The men put their cocks away with total satisfaction.

"Thanks for the meal," Jason said. "What are we having for breakfast?"

Kendra was too busy finding her clothes to answer.


In the middle of the night, when both men were asleep, Kendra snuck out the front door of the cabin. The men almost certainly expected her to leave, maybe even wanted her to. It would be easy to tell anybody who asked that she came to them and made herself available. Why else would she be out at night in her jogging outfit?

Kendra walked about a mile from the cabin, found a spot near a path at the edge of the woods, and leaned against a tree. She was asleep within minutes, even in the cold and damp of the night.

She was awakened by the sound of footsteps. Afraid that it might be Hank and Jason, or a bear, she crawled as silently as possible deeper into the woods and behind a tree. The sun wasn't quite up, yet, but there was sufficient light to make out shapes.

She saw a man on the path. He looked young; maybe early twenties. He seemed to have a backpack on, but no other hunting or fishing gear. Kendra believed there was a chance he could pass without noticing her. But in her effort to stay behind the tree, she cracked a twig.

He looked up immediately. Kendra hid for a second and then peered around the trunk of the tree. Their eyes met and Kendra turned to run.

"Hey! Wait!" the man yelled.

Kendra ran up a slight embankment that flattened out at the top. He heard the man running behind her.

"Stop!" he yelled.

Without looking back, Kendra sensed she was putting more space between them. She leapt over fallen logs and through thick underbrush. Her legs were being scratched, but she ran faster. They were approaching a little clearing.

Just then, Kendra was tripped up by something she hadn't seen. She tumbled onto the ground and rolled onto her side. The straps of a backpack were over one foot. He had thrown it at her and successfully brought her down. In a second, he was looking down on her.

"You don't listen very well," he said between breaths.

"Leave me alone," Kendra said defiantly, knowing that her luck with such demands was not good.

"Why? What the hell are you doing way back here anyway?"


The young man laughed derisively. "Yeah, right. And I'm searching for Bigfoot."

"I have no money with me," Kendra said.

The man looked her over. He was very athletic with bulging arm muscles. Jeans hid his legs, but Kendra assumed they were just as powerfully built. For his part, the man was equally impressed with Kendra.

"We're in the middle of the woods. Who needs money?"

Kendra kicked away the backpack and gave indications of getting up.

"Whoa. Where the hell are you going?" he said.

"I have to get back."

She was almost to her feet.

"No you don't. You took a wrong turn. Your jog took longer than you thought."

He pushed her back onto the ground and began to open his backpack. The more Kendra struggled, the harder he pressed her down with his foot. She saw him pull a thin rope out of the backpack. Her stomach tightened.

"Come here."

He pulled her up by one arm and dragged her to the nearest small tree. Standing behind her, he quickly pulled both of her arms back and began tying the wrists together.

"Stop! Stop it!" she cried, resisting his actions and kicking back with her feet.

He was silent until the arms were firmly secured. Then he walked around her slowly and faced her.

"There. Now let me look at you closer."

His hands slid up the side of her body and lingered around the outside of her breasts. He pushed them up as far as the tight top would allow. He ran his thumbs over the large nipples.

"Very nice," he sighed.

He pulled up the top until her tits were uncovered and let it collect at the very top of her chest. Without another word, the man licked one nipple before putting the tit in his mouth. He sucked on it and lightly bit the nipple, feeling Kendra squirm in the process. He spent several minutes working on the tits and feeling his cock grow harder and harder.

Then he moved his hands lower and slid them inside the front of her shorts.

"God. You don't have panties on. What a fucking, sexy whore you are."

He put a hand on her pussy, swiped a finger across her clit, and then proceeded to pull off her shorts completely. He took a while to inspect her almost naked body, particularly the space between her legs with the fine patch of hair leading the eyes down to her clit. His next move surprised Kendra.

The young man leaned down and used both hands to spread her legs. Kendra watched him move his face closer, and then stick out his tongue and search out the hole. As soon as he had it, the tongue slid inside her and Kendra stiffened. He pushed his tongue up like a rod and licked the entire area with great precision and skill. Kendra could not hold back the moan.

The man pulled out and licked up to her clit. Again, Kendra's body became rigid. He licked her a half dozen times and she felt a response. He put the clit between his lips and sucked on it. He put it in his mouth.

"Ohhhhhh, stop. Please stop."

He licked and sucked harder. Nobody had ever eaten her like this: so well; so skillfully; so slowly and yet firmly. Her clit throbbed uncontrollably and Kendra ************* thrust her hips forward. He put his hands on her ass and held her tightly against his face. He ate her with even more *****.

Kendra moaned a sound even she didn't recognize. Her insides bubbled up with a feeling that only led to one thing. How could she let him do this?

She cried out and he felt her body about to give in.

"Should I stop," he asked her mockingly.

Kendra nearly shouted with frustration. But she tried to be silent.

He licked her for fifteen seconds, felt her body shake, and asked, "Now? Can I stop?"

Kendra wanted to cry.


"Then what?" he asked.

She didn't feel his tongue any more. Her clit pulsed wildly.

"More," Kendra whispered.

"More what?"

"Lick it...some more."


Kendra's body was limp.

"Until I cum."

The man buried his head in her pussy one last time. He attacked the clit and Kendra prepared to cum. He stabbed at it with his tongue and, this time, she DID scream.

It echoed in the woods as Kendra's orgasm burst through and flowed for the next full minute as he ate her. She thrashed against his face and the tree behind her, yanking on the ropes with each new wave of ecstasy.

In the middle, without warning, he pulled back. Kendra watched with desperation as he pulled down his pants, put his thick cock at her cunt, and violently thrust into her. Kendra howled once more as the completion of her orgasm was guaranteed. The harder he fucked her, the longer she came.

Kendra wrapped her legs around his waist and accepted every plunge of his huge cock. Much quicker than she expected, he was joining her in an orgasm. With his hands under her ass, he came with long streams of cum. Slow, deep thrusts soon sped up to rapid fucking that had both of them cumming multiple times.

He was still erect when he pulled out. Perspiration ran down both of their foreheads, even in the chill of the morning. They panted as one.

"OK. I'll stop," he said. "Did you cum?"

"Fuck you."

He laughed and picked up his backpack once he was dressed.

"I have to leave you now. You'll be able to get out of those ropes before too long. Enjoy the rest of your jog."
Kendra began the process of freeing her hands as she watched him walk away.


Kendra graciously thanked the woman who had stopped to pick her up on the country road and drove her home. Kendra knew she must have looked like **** and maybe only another woman would have made the long drive to help a woman in need. But now she was home.

"Mom, is that you?" she heard Jeff yell out.

"Jeff. We need to talk."


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Amber Picks The Guy In A Wheelchair

As we travelled down the long stretch of highway in my convertible, heading to my parents cottage I looked over to my sexy 21 year old bomb shell girlfriend sitting in the passenger side.

Amber was very sexy, probably one of the sexiest and smartest women I have ever knew. She was Chinese-Canadian, born here in Canada but here parents moved here about 30 years ago. Amber was 5'4", 105lbs, long black hair, brown eyes and actually very tanned with B cups and a tight little ass. People would often ask her if she was Filipino. She loved to dress very sexy and loved wearing short skirts, halter tops and lots of times didn't wear a bra.

I wouldn't let her sexy looks fool you, Amber was very intelligent. We met in first year university and she was taking a undergrad in political science with hopes of later becoming a lawyer. She was the complete package, sexy, smart, a very strong work ethic and loved to fuck.

As we drove through the country side there was hardly any traffic so Amber decided to slip off her panties and guided my right hand to her pussy. She openly spread her legs with one leg hanging out the passenger door next to the mirror. She was dripping wet and I knew she wanted to fuck. Amber then lifted her shirt up exposing her tiny but very perky breast, she played with her nipples and breasts while I continued at her pussy. Amber had her eyes closed and obviously off in a world of ecstasy enjoying the warm summer breeze drifting over her breasts while she was getting finger fucked by me and her hair blowing in the wind.

We slowly drove on the quiet road with no need to rush and having several distractions now going I didn't want to take a chance and go off the road. In the distance I noticed a figure standing by the road next to a very old piece of **** car. As I got closer I saw a old scruffy dirty man with his thumb out hitchhiking and holding a gas can. He obviously ran out of gas and wanted a ride to the closest service station but I had no intention to stop at this point or even tell Amber what was approaching. Instead I slowed to get a view but in turn I ended up giving the old stranger a clear view of my sexy topless girlfriend while she had no idea, sitting there with her eyes closed getting finger fucked. I have never seen a guys head swivel so fast, he even dropped the gas can he had in his hand. We just kept going, Amber had no idea and I didn't think she needed to know.

One thing I have learned, Karma can be a bitch. Only about 10 minutes later I noticed the gas light come on in my car, I guess I didn't pay attention to the fact that my needle was so low due to Amber playing with herself and being half naked. I entered a search for the closest gas station on my mobile GPS and to my disappointment it advised me I had another 95 kilometres to go before the next one. The really bad thing is that as far as I knew my car would only go about 30 to 35 kilometres once the fuel light appears.

My panic kind of ****ed the mood and Amber quickly fixed up her clothes and put her top back on. She called me an irresponsible asshole and said I shouldn't have let this happen. I knew the only think I could do was to try and get as close as possible to the station or worse case have to call CAA.

About 20 minutes and 35 KM later, sure enough the car began to putter and it was clearly out of gas, there was a wide shoulder and I rolled the car off of the roadway to the safest place I thought. I told Amber to get my cell phone out of the glove box and dial CAA.

Before you know it Amber shouted, " you asshole, there is no fucking cell phone service here".

I should have known, we were cutting though the mountains and the cell phone coverage was very limited. I felt like a complete moron.

It was a warm June day so we stood outside the car, waiting for someone to pass and hopefully give us a ride to the closest gas station which I was guessing about 60 kilometres away, way too far to walk. We must have waited 45 minutes and not one car had passed in either direction. We had no food or water and it was about 7pm at night, we had to come up with a plan or something. To make the best of it Amber was extremely pissed off at me and wouldn't talk to me for being so careless and getting us in this situation.

Just as we thought we would never see anyone, an old white Chev Vandura began to approach. It was very old with dark tinted windows, several rust spots, and some sort of folded up metal thing on the side of it. Amber began to jump up and down waving her hands in the air and shouting, "please stop, please". The van passed us slowly, we thought they were going to keep going, then quickly we saw the one working brake light come on due to the other being smashed out and the van began to reverse back towards us. I could see the relief in Amber's eyes, she must have just gotten over being mad at me because she jumped into my arms giving me a kiss.

No sooner did I feel relief for someone stopping the side door of the van slid open and in it were 3 guys, one of which was the same old 50ish looking guy who we saw standing with a gas can by the side of the road just a few kilometres back. He was sitting in the front passenger seat and looked like a simple type, long greasy hair, a old scruffy moustache and a 3 day beard. He was skinny, probably 120lbs and wore an old Led Zeppelin t-shirt which was dirty along with what appeared to be jeans stained with oil and brown work boots. His hands were filthy and looked like he did mechanic work or something like that.

The driver was an even older looking guy, probably 70 or more with long shoulder length greasy grey hair running on the sides of his head with a balled top. His face looked very weathered and he too had a scruffy 3 day beard look. He was very fat, probably 300lbs and wore a white stained cut off sleeveless tshirt and black jogging pants.

The final passenger was a 20ish guy in a wheel chair, which explained the ramp on the side of the van. He looked like he wasn't really with it and kind of dazed off somewhere else. He wore a basket ball jersey and shorts and hat, something kind of what a young guy would wear.

I didn't have a chance to say anything before the driver piped up and said, " I'm Ralph, my friend Shane here said you guys passed him and your young lady there gave him quite the titty show and didn't even offer him a ride".

I was in shock and didn't know what to say, Amber looked at me like she wanted to **** me.

Ralph then said, " So I guess you guys are stuck now too, so I guess you folks wanna ride, hey".

Amber piped up and said, " yes, please get us the fuck out of here", as she glared at me with hate in her eyes.

We were just about to get in the van when Ralph again said, " now, now youngins, if you wanna ride to the gas station I want me a titty show too".

I was pissed and shouted, " hey fucker that's bull**** we are fucking stuck here".

Ralph then put the van in drive and Amber then did what I didn't think she would ever do, she as quick as that pulled her top over her head releasing her perky tits and threw her top in the van.

Ralph let out a yell, " oooo yeaaaaaa" followed by, " jump on in guys".

We got in the van and began to move, Amber still wouldn't talk to me. Ralph the driver and Shane continued looking back at Amber's tits but I noticed the young guy in the wheel chair was still drifting off into outer space. We drover for about 10 minutes and the van began to slow to the side of the road.

Ralph shouted, " OK, I end of the road youngins".

I shouted, " what the fuck, were nowhere close to a gas station yet".

Ralph said, " Well, them there are nice little titties but I I would say there only worth a 10 minute ride to look at.

I told Ralph I would give him money but the quickly told me he didn't want any money, I began to fear I know where this was leading.

Amber asked, " what can I do to get us to the gas station Ralph?" as she rolled her eyes.

Ralph responded, "now were talking missy, I tell you what, Herbie there in the wheel chair hasn't never had a woman and I don't even know if he even likes em, how abouts you give him a little dance and show to see if he likes em and then I'll take ya to where you guys wanna go".

Amber responded, " you got to be fucking kidding me, he is like a fucking retard, there has to be anther way asshole"

Ralph said, " well you can have me and my good buddy Shane have our way with you and I know for a fact we like women"

Amber sat for a second and then knelt in front of Herbie, her tits only inches from him. She then placed both hands on his lap as he continued to look dazed.

I looked at Amber and said, " Amber you don't have to do this, these guys are fucking creeps".

She responded with, " well you got us into this mess didn't you asshole".

I noticed Ralph put on some hard 80's heavy metal music, I felt like I was in a time warp. Amber then began to rub Herbie's chest and stomach and moved her figures to the waist band of his shorts, pulling them off and exposing his cock, it was still soft and his balls were very hairy, clearly he didn't trim up, assuming he was never this far with a woman before, especially of Amber's calibre. Amber moved one hand to his balls and another to his cock, massaging it and stroking it, trying to get it to life. Herbie remained dazed and did not appear to even notice this hot piece of ass, topless giving him a hand job. I noticed Amber started to become focused, as if she had a challenge before her. She stroked and stroked and noticed his cock started to grow a little but noting close to fully erect. Amber then spit on it, using it as lube so she could stroke harder.

Amber then looked up at Herbie and said, " I don't know whats fucking with you but you will cum and I will get to that fucking gas station".



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No sooner after she said that her head lowered to Herbie's cock and she began sucking. I noticed as she sucked his cock her left hand was cupping his balls but her right hand slid under her skirt and was playing with her pussy. I couldn't believe this, was she wet or enjoying this. Herbie looked to be fully erect at 5 inches now and getting an amazing BJ from my sexy girlfriend.

Ralph shouted out, "well I guess he fucking do like chicks" as him and Shane laughed.

Amber continued to suck like a champ and now Herbie was kind of looking at her but still off in some sort of daze still and said to her, " yea yea fucky".

What a fucking idiot, this fucking weirdo who was obviously getting the hottest chick he has ever seen, who is completely out of his league to give him a blow job and he says, " yea yea fucky", what the fuck does that mean.

Obviously Ralph and Shane started laughing.

Amber then looked up in Herbie's eyes and said, " well l take that as though you want to fuck me Herbie".

Amber then stood up removed her skirt.

I looked at her saying, " Amber what the fuck".

She looked at me like she wanted to punch me and then stuck her middle finger up at me as she mounted Herbie.

Shane shouted, " who is getting left behind now asshole" and the two up front laughed again.

Amber mounted Herbie and guided his bare cock inside her, she continued to ride him, I could see she was really into it, pinching her nipples and bouncing up and down. You could hear the slaps of her skin bouncing off his lap. Amber's eyes were closed again which told me she was enjoying it. Ralph saw this and motioned for Shane to move closer to Amber's right side as Ralph moved to her left side. I didn't notice before but Ralph and Shane both had there cocks out and must have been stroking while watching Amber do her thing to Herbie.

In response to what the two guys were doing I shouted, " hey fuckers".

Amber still being pissed at me and still having her eyes closed shouted, "Shut the fuck up, I'm getting fucked".

I just sat there as Ralph and Shane took their positions. Ralph quickly grabbed Amber's left arm as she appeared startled and looked to her left. She then saw Ralph there with his fat 9 inch cock stroking it with his fat fingers only inches from her. Amber reached over taking his cock in her left hand then looking to her right seeing Shane's skinny 6 incher and taking it in her right hand. Amber looked like she was having the time of her life, stroking two cocks of ugly old dirt bags and riding the cock of some sort of mumbley.

Then suddenly without warning Herbert screamed, " ahhhhhhhhhhh oooooooooo ". It was the strangest thing, but clearly he was cumming in her, what the fuck. She didn't even stop, I couldn't believe it, this bitch usually always tells me to pull out and this fuck just came inside her. After a few more minutes she lifted off him and got back to her knees and started licking the cum off his cock.

Ralph quickly took a position behind her and before you know it he jammed his thick cock into her pussy from behind. Amber jolted but she didn't refuse it and started pumping back towards him. Shane stood to the side and she turned her head and began to lick and suck his cock. It wasn't' long before Ralph started bucking and pulled Amber back clearly releasing his cum inside her, almost at the same time Shane began to shoot his load in Amber's face, she licked and swallowed and took as much as she could.

Ralph then said, " well I guess you didn't have to fuck Herbie after all did yea missy".

Amber now coming back to reality looked embarrassed.

Ralph pulled his jogging pants back up and sat in the drivers seat and continued to the gas station where they dropped us off.


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Atelier d'artisanat

Rose et moi, Paul, sommes mariés depuis deux ans. Nous avons décidé d'un commun accord d'installer notre foyer confortablement avant d'avoir des enfants. Depuis peu, nous avons emménagé dans une mai*** neuve, située dans un lotissement de création récente. C'est une mai*** de plain-pied. Un sas d'entrée donne accès à la pièce de vie, partagée en salon et séjour. Au fond, à gauche, derrière la paroi du séjour, trois chambres à coucher et en diagonale du sas d'entrée un renfoncement ouvre sur deux des chambres et les toilettes. L'autre paroi intérieure de la pièce principale ouvre sur la cuisine, la salle de bain et un local technique partagé entre une partie chauffage, lave-linge, sèche-linge et une partie réservée aux compteurs. Les portes, toutes semblables, ***t vitrées dans la partie haute et décorées de rideaux accrochés sur la face des pièces secondaires. La cuisine s'ouvre à l'extérieur sur une terrasse. On peut entrer dans le local technique par une porte donnant sur l'extrémité de cette terrasse. Trois grandes fenêtres percent le mur à gauche de l'entrée ; à droite, le mur aveugle reçoit le living et le téléviseur. La décoration n'est pas terminée.
Rose travaille du lundi au samedi, à mi-temps, le matin, comme vendeuse dans le magasin de confection où elle a fait *** apprentissage. J'effectue mes quarante heures hebdomadaires, du lundi au vendredi, de sept heures à dix-sept heures, en respectant une pause de midi à quatorze heures. L'établissement qui m'emploie est à cinq minutes de mon domicile en voiture.
Pour nous détendre, nous avons choisi une activité de loisirs conforme à nos goûts. Chaque mardi, de 17 h 30 à 20 h 30, Rose se rend dans une salle du quartier pour se livrer à des activités variées sous la conduite de responsables d'ateliers de peinture, poterie, peinture sur soie, étain repoussé, art du bouquet, broderie, crochet, tricot, inclusion, et cetera... Essentiellement, ce ***t des dames qui fréquentent ces ateliers du mardi. Le mercredi, on peut s'initier à la menuiserie, à la soudure et autres activités plus masculines. J'ai, quant à moi, choisi de pratiquer du tennis, le jeudi entre 18 h et 20 h.
Le jardin est partagé entre culture de quelques légumes et plantations de fleurs et d'arbustes des quatre sai***s. Une allée de trois mètres permet d'arriver au garage accolé au mur aveugle du salon. Il est possible d'y loger deux voitures, mais actuellement nos finances font que nous n'avons qu'un véhicule. Le fond du garage sert d'atelier et de rangement.
Ainsi se déroule, entre travail, aménagement du logis, entretien du linge, cuisine, plantations et récolte dans le jardin et nos activités de loisirs, sorties cinéma et visites en famille, une vie que nous avons choisie, vie de jeunes époux amoureux et heureux.
Mardi soir, j'avais disposé la table et j'attendais le retour de Marie, humant les parfums du printemps fleuri en arpentant les allées du jardin. Deux petits groupes bavards de jeunes femmes étaient passés, discutant des activités de la soirée. Au passage, j'avais répondu aux salutations de voisines. Vers neuf heures, je décidai d'aller au-devant de Rose qui avait dû s'attarder. Je ne la rencontrai pas en route, la salle d'activité était dans le noir et fermée. Je m'engageai à continuer ma promenade en faisant le tour complet du quartier. Un couple me devançait, se déplaçant à allure lente.
Progressivement je les rattrapais et distinguais dans la pénombre que Rose raccompagnait l'un des animateurs de l'atelier qui demeurait non loin de notre mai***, dans une impasse. Ils devisaient tranquillement alors que, m'étant aligné sur leur allure, je les suivais sans entendre le contenu de leur conversation. Arrivés à l'impasse de Gilles, ils s'arrêtèrent pour se donner une accolade. Rose soudain accéléra le pas et en quelques enjambées rapides pénétra dans le jardin. D'un pas tranquille, j'arrivai à ma porte, la lumière éclairait la grande salle et Rose s'employait à fermer les volets. J'entrai à mon tour pour entendre :
— D'où viens-tu à cette heure ?
— Après le passage de tes collègues, je me suis inquiété de ne pas te voir revenir. J'ai voulu venir à ta rencontre, je suis arrivé au local : tout était fermé, alors j'ai continué en pensant te rattraper en contournant le quartier. Je ne t'ai pas trouvée. Mais tout est bien qui finit bien, puisque tu es rentrée saine et sauve. Par où es-tu passée ?
— J'ai donné un coup de main à Gilles pour ranger le matériel et nous sommes revenus par le bas de la rue. Tu nous as suivis à distance. Chaque mardi, l'une de nous aide le moniteur selon un roulement, sauf s'il y a une absente. Aujourd'hui c'était mon tour pour la première fois. J'aurais dû t'avertir en partant.

Tout est donc clair. Je me suis inquiété sans rai***. Nous pouvons reprendre le cours de notre vie paisible. Le mardi suivant, à la même heure, dans la fraîcheur de la nuit tombante, deux petits groupes de jeunes femmes reviennent de l'atelier en riant et devisant. Rose n'en fait pas partie. J'en suis étonné, mais je m'inquiète moins. J'attends à l'entrée de la propriété, fais le tour du jardin, m'arrête à contempler les pivoines qui se referment pour passer la nuit, arrache une mauvaise herbe et finalement reviens près de la rue. À l'entrée de l'impasse Gilles et Rose s'accordent une accolade prolongée, continuent à discuter comme s'ils avaient du mal à se séparer. Enfin Rose se met à courir comme pour rattraper le temps perdu. Elle m'aperçoit et, bien qu'essoufflée, m'explique sans que je l'aie interrogée qu'elle a dû remplacer *** amie Julie qui était absente ce soir. Je ne relève pas. Tout va bien.
Le mardi suivant, intrigué par l'excès de bonne volonté de Rose, je passe, un peu avant 20 h 30, devant les vitres éclairées de l'atelier. Des rires et des piaillements s'échappent par une baie qu'on referme ; derrière moi la porte s'ouvre et ces dames joyeuses sortent. L'une d'elle à haute voix rigole :
— Elle en pince, Rose ; elle est toujours volontaire pour ranger !

Une autre reprend aussi vite :
— Elle devrait se méfier. Gilles est un chaud lapin ; il en a déjà coincé plus d'une. L'année dernière Christine et Josette ont cessé de venir quand il les a laissé tomber.

Les commères éclatent de rire et se dispersent en direction de la rue en petits paquets caquetants et rigolards. Je m'approche d'une fenêtre protégée par des barreaux. Gilles et Rose s'affairent à l'intérieur. Je ne dénote aucun geste déplacé. Je retourne en retrait. Les lumières s'éteignent, Rose sort en premier, jette un coup d'œil circulaire rapide, Gilles ferme la porte et ils s'en vont, l'un à côté de l'autre, comme deux bons amis. Enfin, je trouve un peu familière la façon dont Gilles pose *** bras sur l'épaule de ma femme. Cette fois je ne les suis pas, je fais demi-tour par le chemin le plus court, rentre chez moi à pas rapides et, du bord du jardin, j'observe le couple qui avance lentement en remontant la rue. Les deux silhouettes ***t rapprochées, le bras protecteur doit encore envelopper les épaules de Rose. À l'entrée de l'impasse se répète l'arrêt rituel. L'accolade prolongée se termine par un pudique baiser sur les deux joues, peut-être un coin de bouche. Contrarié par ce que j'ai entendu et par cette intimité grandissante, j'entre dans la mai*** alors que j'entends les pas précipités de Rose. Pourquoi donc courir à la dernière minute après avoir flâné ?
— Chéri, je suis désolée, excuse mon retard, mais ce soir c'est Claire qui était absente et j'ai dû la remplacer pour le rangement. Dis, chéri, tu ne m'en veux pas ? De toute façon, tu n'as rien à craindre puisque Gilles me raccompagne jusqu'au coin de l'impasse !
— Serais-tu la seule volontaire pour effectuer les remplacements ? Tu as fait le service trois fois de suite : il me semble que tu as donné pour un moment. Combien êtes-vous dans cet atelier ? Une bonne douzaine ? J'espère que pour les trois prochains mois, tu sauras laisser à d'autres la corvée. Je commence à me poser des questions sur le trop grand plaisir que tu montres à rester seule avec ce moniteur. Si j'ai une crainte, c'est précisément parce que Gilles te raccompagne.
— Comment ? Chéri, tu me vexes ! Que vas-tu imaginer ? Si on ne peut plus rendre service. Notre monde n'est-il pas assez égoïste ? Tu me soupçonnes de...
— Quand en public, sur un trottoir, vous vous embrassez comme vous venez de le faire, je suis en droit d'imaginer ce que vous faites, enfermés seuls dans cet atelier.
— Mais c'est affreux ce que tu insinues. C'est tout ?
— Non, je trouve que le bras de Gilles sur tes épaules est une familiarité inadmissible. Sais-tu encore avec qui tu es mariée ? J'étais devant votre salle quand les autres ***t sorties.
— Comment, tu m'espionnes maintenant ? Qu'est-ce qui te prend ? Tu serais jaloux ? Il n'y a vraiment pas de quoi ? Est-ce que je viens te contrôler au tennis ?
— Les commentaires que j'ai entendus de la part des autres filles justifieraient à eux seuls que je surveille tes excès de zèle.
— Que peuvent-elles bien raconter ?
— Tout bonnement elles ont ri de toi en disant que tu en pinçais pour Gilles et que c'est pour cela que tu te portes toujours volontaire pour ranger.
— C'est de la jalousie ! N'importe quoi...
— Jalouses de quoi ? ... Elles ont d'ailleurs ajouté que tu devrais te méfier de cet homme, parce que c'est un chaud lapin et qu'après avoir obtenu ce qu'il désire, il abandonne ses proies.
— Ce ***t de mauvaises langues. Tu ne les crois pas quand même ?
— Si.
— Enfin, écoute- moi. Regarde l'heure, 21 h 25, il n'est pas si tard que ça ! À propos, tu sais que je me suis inscrite après les autres et j'ai pris un peu de retard dans mes travaux. Eh bien, Gilles vient de me proposer quelques heures gratuites de rattrapage à domicile. Nous en avons discuté en revenant, tu vois que ce n'est pas du temps perdu. J'ai payé de mon temps en faisant des remplacements ; mais je suis bien vue du moniteur et j'obtiens une compensation, il va m'aider à progresser plus vite pour que je sois au même niveau que les autres. Il se trouve qu'il est libre le jeudi de 18 heures à 20 heures. Ça tombe bien, car sa présence ne te dérangera pas, c'est l'heure de ton tennis !
— Voilà pourquoi tu ne pourras pas venir contrôler ce que je fais au tennis ! Réfléchis : est-il possible que tu sois aussi innocente ou me prends-tu pour un pigeon ? La réputation du moniteur est venue jusqu'à mes oreilles, ce soir même. Et toi, tu vas le ramener à la mai***, qui plus est en mon absence, comme par hasard ? Sais-tu ce que tu pourrais avoir à craindre, ou souhaites-tu qu'une aventure commence sans témoin, sans le plus gênant : moi, le mari ? Es-tu tombée dans un piège ou t'es tu volontairement jetée dans la gueule du loup ? Et tu ne te gênes pas de m'annoncer cette nouvelle à la suite de notre conversation ? À vrai dire, j'aurais préféré assister gratuitement à ces cours de rattrapage. Ne pourrait-il pas se déplacer un autre jour, quand je suis à la mai*** ?
— J'ai bien essayé de le lui demander, mais il m'a assuré que c'était *** seul créneau libre en semaine. Dis-moi, tu ne me ferais pas une petite crise de jalousie ? Tu as peur que je reçoive un homme en ton absence ? C'est quoi ça ? Tu es au travail tous les après-midi de la semaine : je pourrais inviter un homme à la mai*** tous les jours sans que tu le saches ! Et quand c'est pour la bonne cause, tu as soudain des soupçons. Tu me fais confiance ou pas ?
— Ma confiance, ce soir a été ébranlée : ce que j'ai entendu et ce que j'ai vu ne me permettent pas de faire confiance à ce moniteur. Penses-tu que tu puisses faire confiance à Gilles ? Comment se comporte-t-il avec les autres femmes ?
— Tout à fait normalement. Il y en a l'une ou l'autre qui le trouve un peu familier parce qu'il tutoie tout le monde ou parce qu'il touche facilement un bras, une main ou la taille, ou parce qu'il se penche au-dessus des filles pour observer leur travail. Mais je crois que c'est chez lui naturel et sans arrière-pensée. Paul tu m'étonnes : je te demande de ne pas être jaloux !
— Me suis-je jamais montré jaloux depuis que nous nous connais***s ? Ça devrait durer longtemps ? Tu ne peux pas avoir accumulé tant de retard.
— Trois ou quatre séances m'a-t-il dit, pas plus. En effet, il donnera aussi quelques cours à Sophie qui s'est présentée en même temps que moi. Je passe la première parce que je me suis dévouée. Tu vois, ça paie.
— Oui, cela signifie qu'après trois ou quatre séances, il te laissera tomber pour s'en prendre à Sophie. Je vois surtout qu'il veut se payer en nature. Si tu me demandes ma bénédiction, c'est NON ! ... Mais tu es une femme libre et tu feras ce que tu veux, je ne vois pas comment t'en dissuader.
— Alors c'est vrai, tu veux bien ?
— Fais-tu exprès de ne pas me comprendre ? Je suis absolument opposé à ces cours à domicile. Je n'introduirai pas le renard dans mon poulailler : c'est clair ? Mais pas plus que je ne peux t'empêcher de recevoir un autre homme chaque après-midi, comme tu viens de le dire, je ne pourrai t'interdire de recevoir ce bonhomme quand je suis au tennis. Simplement, à l'avenir, ne prononce plus le mot confiance devant moi. Ton insistance vient de tuer la mienne.
— Donc tu ne veux pas ?
— Voici comment je vois les choses : Gilles mène donc rondement ses affaires, quelques semaines de préparation, quelques cours particuliers à domicile et si tout va bien, la femme séduite s'abandonne, il en profite pour établir une liai*** passagère avant de s'attacher à une autre proie. Laquelle irait se plaindre ensuite d'être abandonnée ? À qui se plaindrait-elle ? À *** mari ? Pauvres midinettes rêveuses. Je te croyais avertie et prudente. ***** est de constater qu'il y a des coins cachés en chacun qui restent terre inconnue pour les êtres les plus proches. Ton obstination me désole. Tu vas être la dinde de service et moi le prochain cocu. Si c'est ce que tu tiens à m'imposer, libre à toi. Mais il faudra assumer les conséquences.



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Rose n'insiste plus et, à la fin d'un repas avalé dans le plus grand silence coupé de soupirs et de reniflements, elle me dit un bonsoir fâché et elle se lève de *** siège en baillant, rappelle que demain il faut se lever pour aller au travail, m'embrasse sur le front et se dirige vers notre chambre à coucher. Je la suis. Nous nous couchons, j'ai droit à la face arrière de ma rêveuse. Étrange.
Le mercredi, l'heure du coucher est à l'image du mardi. Étrange.
Jeudi, j'empoche la clé de la porte arrière du local technique et après une légère collation je donne un bisou à Rose. Elle est occupée à couvrir d'une toile cirée la table de la salle de séjour. À 17 h 45, je démarre pour aller au tennis. En roulant devant l'impasse, j'aperçois Gilles ; il guettait mon départ. Dans mon rétroviseur je le vois se diriger vers ma mai***. Quel zèle, quelle impatience d'enseigner ! J'oublie le tennis car j'ai prévenu mes partenaires que j'avais un empêchement et je fais le tour du quartier dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre pour m'arrêter à cinquante mètres de mon domicile. Avant le tournant, ma voiture sera hors de vue.
Je me glisse dans le jardin, pénètre par l'arrière dans le local technique, m'assieds derrière la porte vitrée. En écartant prudemment le rideau en toile de Vichy, j'ai vue sur l'ensemble de la grande pièce. Gilles et Rose, tournés vers la lumière, me tournent le dos. Sur un quadrillage en plastique transparent, Rose reporte les points d'un modèle, compte les carrés, place une marque, recompte, pointe à nouveau. Gilles contrôle, la frôle, lui tient le bras, guide la main, pose négligemment une main au creux des reins, passe de l'autre côté de Rose, la main gauche remplace naturellement la droite sur le dos de Rose, trop attentive à *** tracé pour remarquer le subtil jeu tactile auquel le professeur se livre. Il tâte le terrain, sans réaction, se détache, se poste derrière Rose toujours aussi appliquée penchée sur la table, se penche par-dessus *** épaule, passe sa tête à droite de celle de *** élève, fait un commentaire assez long, la main gauche sur la hanche femelle.
Ne sent-elle pas le poids de ce corps dans *** dos ? Elle pose une question : il se redresse, repart sur la droite et applaudit des deux mains. À l'avant, une bosse marque *** pantalon de toile fine. Rose souriante et fière se relève à *** tour, s'étire bras au ciel, ses yeux pétillent du bonheur d'avoir réussi. Les encouragements du mentor la comblent de joie et, très spontanément, elle jette ses bras autour de *** cou et lui applique un baiser sur chaque joue. Lui, bien entendu, ne refuse pas ce témoignage d'enthousiasme. Bien au contraire, ses deux mains se rejoignent dans le dos de Rose et la maintiennent un instant contre *** corps, plus longtemps qu'il n'est nécessaire pour un simple témoignage de reconnaissance. Leurs regards se croisent, ils se sourient, présentant l'image parfaite d'un couple heureux ; enfin ils se séparent, lui avec un éclat de rire ***ore et elle avec une satisfaction troublée par la révélation de la proximité répétée de la chaleur de ce corps nouveau et par le contact du membre durci sur le haut de ses cuisses.
Rose sert une bois***. Face à face, ils se désaltèrent. Ils fixent le modèle sur un carré de soie recouvert d'un carbone. C'est un jeu d'enfant de reproduire sur la soie les points précédemment portés sur le plastique. Mais le professeur surveille le travail de très près, de trop près même à mon goût, il ne manque aucune occasion de frôler, toucher, palper, pétrir et d'affirmer sa présence physique, sa chaleur humaine à cette élève douée et désireuse d'obtenir d'autres encouragements. Parfois elle recule devant une pression trop appuyée, mais il ne lui viendrait pas à l'idée de protester ou de le tenir à distance. Elle m'a dit que cette attitude de familiarité était si naturelle chez Gilles que per***ne ne s'en offusquait vraiment. Ce n'est donc pas en ce moment privilégié, si particulier, de cours privé qu'elle irait manifester contre ces attouchements spontanés et naturels : cette attention particulière de l'enseignant bénévole la ravit au contraire.
Qui ne dit mot consent. ********** en profite pour multiplier les contacts. À la pause suivante, vers 19 heures, ses applaudissements redoublés lui valent des signes de reconnaissance à la hauteur de ses espérance ; l'enlacement est plus long, plus serré, le baiser destiné à la joue dérape en coin de lèvres, s'ajuste, chaste encore, mais cause des ravages. Rose se retire en essuyant ses lèvres, l'air étonné et contrarié, lui se détourne pour cacher à ses yeux les effets du rapprochement sur *** pantalon. Un ange passe...
Enfin ils se remettent face à la table pour l'étape suivante. Apparemment rien ne s'est passé, Rose repart dans le tracé du motif, le maître retrouve *** contrôle et reprend conseils et explications, avec des échanges de regards longs qui s'interrogent, hésitent, affirment, ne savent pas. Les mains baladeuses ont repris leur ballet virevoltant, au hasard des positions, la surface parcourue s'est élargie, la fesse n'est pas plus épargnée que le creux des reins ou l'épaule. La dernière audace acceptée a été ce bras glissé sous le bras de Rose penchée, pour atteindre un point de l'ouvrage, le glissement a nécessairement touché le sein droit en un long frottement. Dans les minutes suivantes, par symétrie, le sein gauche a pu bénéficier du même traitement de faveur excitant sans que je puisse noter la moindre résistance chez la bénéficiaire. Si elle ne l'encourage pas, il faut admettre que les limites de sa tolérance ont fortement reculé. Elle ne demande pas, mais reçoit avec cette indifférence feinte que le donneur peut aisément prendre pour une approbation.
Quand Rose enfin se redresse et se détend, Gilles affiche une telle satisfaction que le visage de Rose s'illumine et qu'elle ne résiste pas à l'appel de ses deux bras grands ouverts. Elle se blottit contre lui, ses deux bras s'accrochent derrière la nuque virile et sa bouche reçoit la récompense promise aux meilleures élèves sans doute, un baiser de fiancé ou d'amant, long, qui entrouvre les lèvres et soumet la bouche à une investigation profonde. Tous ces attouchements, tous les rêves audacieux de succès et de louanges ont fait fondre les dernières frontières de la pudeur. Ce baiser est une capitulation sans conditions, un acte d'abandon total, plein de fougue.
Il y a des semaines que je n'ai pas su provoquer un don aussi complet. Gilles n'en revient pas, les bras lui en tombent, jusqu'à la croupe de Rose, s'y attardent pour flatter l'arrondi, en prendre la mesure en y faisant courir des fris***s, remontent en chiffonnant la jupe par-dessus la blanche culotte « petit bateau ». La place est conquise avant le début de la bataille. Rose est tétanisée, consentante. Un doigt inquisiteur passe sous la lisière de la culotte, l'autre main déballe un sein : il est si spontané et si naturel qu'elle se prête avec une grâce infinie à ce tripatouillage indécent.
Je sors, cours à ma voiture, démarre, allume mes phares et me présente dans ma cour. D'un coup de klaxon, je confirme mon retour. Je descends de voiture lentement, ***ne à la porte. Rose vient ouvrir, à travers la vitre de la porte je constate qu'elle termine de rajuster *** corsage puis lisse de deux mains le bas de sa jupe. Un sourire forcé sur *** visage congestionné ne laisserait aucun doute sur ses activités au plus cornu des maris. Je l'embrasse sur une joue encore collante de transpiration et me dirige vers Gilles. Il cache ses émotions en restant tourné vers la table comme si quelque chose d'essentiel s'y produisait. Il me voit tendre la main et est obligé de me faire face pour me saluer. Un homme averti en vaut deux : *** érection ne peut échapper à mon regard. Je joue l'innocent, je suis jovial et j'écoute avec intérêt les compliments qu'il distribue volubilement à Rose absolument incapable de rougir tant *** visage est rubicond.
Je ris avec plaisir, cocu magnifique ou presque à leurs yeux, du bon tour que je viens de leur jouer en interrompant leur délire sexuel aussi près du but.
— Gilles, vous êtes-vous cogné ? Une bosse marque votre pantalon. Ah ! Peut-être souffrez-vous de priapisme ? Et toi, ma chérie, ménage-toi, je vois que l'ouvrage t'a fait transpirer et rougir de façon tout à fait inhabituelle, on pourrait croire...

Je leur laisse deviner... et je crois qu'ils ***t très forts au jeu des devinettes à les voir cloués sur place, muets et interdits... Apparemment mon retour met fin au cours avant l'heure. Je m'assieds, armé d'une Kronenbourg et assiste au va-et-vient du rangement. Ils n'osent pas trop se regarder, semblent empruntés quand ils se retrouvent face à face, ne parlent plus mais reprennent leurs couleurs habituelles. Quand enfin Gilles serre la main de Rose pour la saluer et murmure un timide « à mardi », je me félicite d'avoir joué un aussi bon tour aux deux tourtereaux. Rose, au coucher est extrêmement tendre, *** excitation n'est pas entièrement tombée.
— Peux-tu me dire ce qui vous a échauffés avant mon retour ? Vous aviez l'air si excités et si embarrassés que je soupçonne que vous avez chahuté plus que travaillé. Hier soir et avant-hier soir tu m'as tourné le dos en rêvant de Gilles et ce soir, après ce que j'ai deviné lors de mon retour, tu es tellement en feu que tu voudrais me servir les restes que ton Gilles n'a pas consommés. Je ne suis pas disposé à accommoder ses restes.
— Arrête, il ne s'est rien passé. Tu es bêtement jaloux !
— Dis-moi que tu n'as pas remarqué que ton professeur bandait comme un âne ? Il faudra que je demande à sa femme si c'est un état naturel, ou si cela ne lui arrive que lorsqu'il est prêt à faire l'amour.
— Mais pour qui me prends-tu ? Tu ne vas pas aller voir sa femme ! Tu serais ridicule.
— Comme tous les cocus.
— Chéri arrête, viens m'embrasser. Cesse de te faire des idées stupides et fais-moi l'amour.

Pour rien au monde ! Je me déclare fatigué par ma partie de tennis, tourne le dos comme elle a si bien su le faire depuis le début de la semaine. Apparemment, elle n'avait pas préparé la rencontre de ce soir dans la forme où elle l'a vécue ; mais elle n'a pas offert de résistance à l'attaque progressive infligée et a fini par succomber au charme du séducteur, heureuse et flattée peut-être de compter parmi les élues de *** tableau de chasse. Allez donc comprendre toutes les manifestations de la vanité. Le carême est passé mais j'entre dans une volontaire période d'abstinence ; cocu peut-être mais pas père nourricier d'un bâtard. Je m'endors malheureux au *** des soupirs de Rose en proie à un rêve érotique.
Le mardi suivant, vers 18 heures, je ***ne à la porte de Gilles. Il est à l'atelier avec sa cour féminine. Une magnifique blonde, aussi blonde que ma Rose est noire de cheveux, m'accueille aimablement. Nous nous connais***s de vue seulement ; notre implantation dans le lotissement est récente. Elle sait que Rose fréquente l'atelier où *** mari exerce *** art. Elle est rayonnante, confiante en sa beauté, belle femme charmeuse, fière de sa réussite en amour auprès d'un homme qui se vante d'être fidèle alors qu'il est courtisé plus que la moyenne par ces dames en quête d'occupations artistiques à la mode ou d'émotions nouvelles.
— J'ai, madame, bien malgré moi, à vous entretenir d'un sujet désagréable.

Sur *** front passe une ombre, mais elle retrouve sa sérénité et m'encourage du regard à poursuivre.
— Madame, votre mari entretient avec mon épouse une relation qui met mon ménage en danger.
— Votre femme ? Fait-elle partie de ces petites intrigantes qui harcèlent mon mari ? Je lui ai déjà conseillé assez souvent de cesser ce bénévolat avec ces paumées insatisfaites. Ça ne lui rapportera que des ennuis.
— À vrai dire, madame, et malgré ce que vous en pensez, j'ai quant à moi la certitude que votre mari n'est pas aussi vertueux qu'il le prétend. Vous ouvrez de grands yeux. J'ai surpris jeudi soir, à mon domicile, votre mari donnant à ma femme un cours particulier d'une nature à en étonner plus d'un. J'ai par un retour simulé bruyant mis fin à *** entreprise, à laquelle je l'avoue à mon plus grand désespoir mon épouse s'est prêtée avec une facilité déconcertante. Ils ont juste eu le temps de se rajuster. Mais l'état d'excitation dans lequel je les ai retrouvés après avoir observé le manège pendant près de deux heures d'une cachette, a failli me livrer une épouse si bouleversée que j'ai dû repousser ses assauts. Peut-être votre mari a-t-il eu des restes de tendresse avec vous ce jeudi ? Cela ne me regarde pas bien entendu. Fouillez votre mémoire, vous avez peut-être le souvenir d'un regain d'affection qui confirmerait mes dires. Quand je suis arrivé chez moi, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de lui demander s'il souffrait de priapisme.

Elle avait l'air consternée, mais ma dernière phrase lui arrache un éclat de rire :
— Oh ! Vous alors, vous n'y allez pas par quatre chemins. Vous lui avez vraiment posé cette question ? Et qu'a-t-il répondu ?
— C'est l'absence de réponse qui m'a suffi. Et ma femme, rouge de la racine des cheveux au plus profond de *** décolleté chiffonné et en sueur, est restée aussi muette que lui. De mon poste d'observation, j'ai suivi les manœuvres de votre époux pour amener ma femme à l'abandon. Il a su la chauffer longuement par des frôlements, des caresses de plus en plus appuyées, des attouchements précis et des encouragements pour l'ouvrage peut-être mais surtout destinés à créer un climat d'euphorie qui faisait tomber toutes les résistances. Croyez-moi, il est maître en la matière. Et la soumission de ma femme me révolte.
— Le lui avez-vous dit, au lieu de venir vous plaindre chez moi qui n'y peux mais ?



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— Madame, vous pourriez m'aider à mettre un terme rapide à cette dérive. Des échos que j'ai recueillis m'incitent à penser que votre mari est coutumier du fait. Il se trouve malheureusement que le conjoint trompé est généralement le dernier informé. Sans l'assiduité exagérée de ma femme et *** empressement à remplacer les absentes pour le rangement du matériel le mardi soir, en fin de séance, je serais resté aveugle. Mon attention éveillée par trois retards consécutifs, je me suis mis à surveiller la première leçon à domicile donnée par votre Gilles à ma femme, malgré mon opposition clairement manifestée à Rose. Tous deux ont décidé de ne pas tenir compte de mon avis. J'ai donc assisté à l'échauffement progressif de ma femme trop passive par un séducteur habile, jusqu'au moment où il allait se passer des choses définitives. Pour vous éclairer, permettez-moi d'être précis : quand votre mari a introduit un doigt dans la vulve de ma femme, j'ai jugé que pour une première fois, il était allé assez loin. J'ai donc simulé ce retour qui a mis fin sur le champ à l'entreprise en cours. Je suppose que les partenaires ***t restés sur leur faim, sans savoir que j'avais éventé leur secret. Il est donc plus que probable qu'ils tenteront prochainement d'arriver à la satisfaction de leur besoin. Pour vous convaincre de la véracité de cette affaire, chasser le doute et obtenir une preuve irréfutable de l'infidélité de votre mari, je vous fais une proposition. Jusqu'à présent, ils n'ont pas consommé leur union. Il est donc fort probable que jeudi, alors qu'ils penseront que je serai au tennis entre 18 et 20 heures, sans tarder, bien avant mon prévisible retour, ils vont vouloir concrétiser, apaiser la tension qu'ils ont créée. Si vous le souhaitez, je vous invite à assister en direct à notre cocufiage respectif. Pour la réussite de l'opération, vous devrez taire jusqu'après-demain soir ce que je viens de vous révéler. Soyez prête à suivre votre mari quand il se rendra chez moi, venez vous poster discrètement devant chez Noblet, au carrefour. Je vous rejoindrai pour vous conduire à notre observatoire.

Si vous voulez mesurer toute l'étendue de la félonie, il faudra attendre qu'ils soient réellement passés à l'acte. Vous pourrez alors aller ***ner à la porte ou frapper aux vitres pour les interrompre. Je pense qu'il serait bon que je ne me montre pas, pour me permettre de les surprendre à mon tour en cas de récidive dans les semaines à venir. Insultez bruyamment ma femme, traitez-la d'aguicheuse et de tous les qualificatifs choisis, emmenez votre époux pris en flagrant délit d'adultère, secouez-le. Mais surtout qu'il ne sache rien de notre présence. Faites-lui jurer de ne plus recommencer, menacez-le de divorcer s'il le faut puis faites semblant de lui accorder votre pardon une toute dernière fois. Nous pourrons ensuite tester la valeur de ses serments. Je ne manquerai pas de vous tenir informée, s'il devait y avoir une suite.
Désormais, elle m'appellera Paul et je l'appellerai Sylvie. En quelques phrases nous nous sommes mis d'accord. Je la quittai et me dirigeai vers l'atelier, je voulais empêcher Rose de se dévouer une fois de trop dès ce soir. À vingt heures précises, j'assistai au départ des premières, entrai dans la salle, allai saluer Gilles fort cordialement. Comme je fixai un certain point de sa per***ne, il fut ennuyé. Rose m'expliqua qu'elle s'était engagée pour un nouveau remplacement ; alors que le fou rire secouait la troupe qui s'éloignait à l'extérieur. Le rangement se fit rapidement. Sitôt fini, j'entraînai mon épouse vers notre domicile par le chemin le plus court, laissant à Gilles le soin de fermer le local.
— À jeudi, risqua-t-il. À quoi Rose répondit de la même façon.

Deux jours plus tard, raquette, balles et tenue sportive : je saute dans ma voiture. Mon rétroviseur m'apprend que Gilles va au rendez-vous, attendu par Rose qui a déjà disposé une partie du matériel sur la toile cirée avant mon départ, comme pour me faire savoir que les cours continuaient. J'ai pris mes précautions pour assurer mon retour à l'observatoire. Je suis le même chemin que la semaine précédente et au même point j'arrête l'auto. Sylvie m'attend à l'endroit prévu et nous rejoignons l'arrière de la mai***. Tout témoin extérieur qui a vu Gilles s'introduire constatera à notre arrivée que nous tenons une réunion !
Nous regarderons à tour de rôle en évitant les bruits. Il n'y a qu'une chaise dans notre local technique, la galanterie veut que Sylvie l'occupe. Je pourrai éventuellement observer par-dessus sa tête. À l'intérieur, *** mari et ma femme ***t déjà enlacés. Ils garderont les activités manuelles pour la fin. Sylvie les regarde s'embrasser avec la fougue et l'avidité d'affamés qui attendaient leur repas depuis longtemps. J'appuie sur les épaules de la blonde pour éviter une intervention prématurée. Rose a mis en musique de fond une série de slows. Étroitement enlacés, ils tournent lentement, langoureusement, en parfaite harmonie. Quand une main se libère, c'est pour s'attaquer aux boutons de chemise ou de blouse ou pour partir en exploration d'un sein ou d'une fesse. D'abord toute en retenue, Rose ose de plus en plus, s'offre aux caresses les plus directes. Le volcan est entré en éruption ; est-ce la nouveauté de la situation, la découverte de ce nouveau partenaire, qui lui donnent ces audaces que je ne lui connaissais pas ?
Sylvie les observe avec plus de curiosité que d'indignation, elle semble avoir oublié qu'un des deux acteurs qui se déshabillent en se trémoussant est *** mari. La scène l'émoustille et je dois repousser sa main qui se portait vers mon sexe. Je place ma main gauche sur sa bouche et lui rappelle que nous ne devons pas nous faire remarquer. Tiens, Rose porte des dessous que je n'avais jamais vus, string étroit à dentelle mauve et soutien-gorge de même matière qui sert de présentoir à ses tétons durcis par les succions et les caresses.
En tirant sur l'élastique du string Gilles l'a fait disparaître dans la fente culière. Quand ils ***t nus, je vois pointer un pénis de taille normale dressé vers *** nombril. La main de Rose s'en empare et elle l'attire vers la table. Elle dégage les pinceaux et les petits pots. Gilles est collé à *** dos et lui mordille la nuque. Rose lui fait face, il place ses mains sur ses épaules, recule légèrement pendant qu'elle plie les jambes pour se retrouver à genoux en face du membre viril en érection. Nous ne voyons que le dos de l'homme. Puis, après une pipe qui n'a pu qu'accroître sa vigueur, il pousse Rose contre le bord de la table, passe ses mains sous les fesses rebondies, la soulève et la dépose sur la table, la couche sur le dos, lui relève les jambes bien haut et se penche sur le sanctuaire, la grotte qui se disait mienne. Le mouvement de sa tête s'interprète facilement d'autant que Rose entame une mélopée gratifiante pour le dispensateur de plaisir. À voix basse, je tire Sylvie de sa contemplation :
— Ça va être le moment d'intervenir, nous allons sortir. Essayez d'entrer par la porte, si elle est fermée frappez à la fenêtre et collez votre visage au carreau, surtout appelez très fort votre mari par *** prénom, il ne cherchera pas à s'enfuir. Dès qu'ils auront ouvert, entrez en hurlant comme une furie pour qu'ils pensent que vous les avez vus. Insultez ma femme et tirez votre mari vers votre mai***. Rendez-vous samedi au marché, à 10 heures.

Gilles s'est redressé, a empoigné sa verge, la secoue, *** bras gauche la lève et la descend à plusieurs reprises, la met en position, sa main droite prépare le terrain, et le mouvement appuyé de ses fesses le plante dans le vagin. Rose entame la mélodie du bonheur. Je tire Sylvie. Je referme à clé la porte de notre abri. Ils étaient tellement pressés de se prendre et de se donner qu'ils ont oublié de fermer la porte principale à clé. Sylvie entre innocemment en appelant *** mari gentiment, marque un temps d'arrêt et pousse des hurlements pendant que je m'éclipse vers ma voiture. Je démarre, il me reste 45 minutes pour revenir au foyer. Rose aura pu mettre de l'ordre, retrouver *** souffle et présenter un aspect normal. Je suis curieux de constater comment elle aura encaissé cette nouvelle interruption d'un plaisir promis mais dérangé...
20 h 10, je ***ne, Rose repeignée et rafraîchie m'ouvre avec un sourire figé. Elle sort sur le seuil inspecte les alentours à la ronde puis rentre après moi, un peu rassurée de n'avoir pas vu d'attroupement.
— Alors, tu as bien avancé ton ouvrage aujourd'hui ? Gilles n'est plus là ?
— Nous n'avons rien fait en réalité. Nous étions en train de disposer notre matériel et commencions à peine à entrer dans le vif du sujet quand sa femme est arrivée et lui a demandé de rentrer parce qu'ils avaient de la visite. Il s'est excusé et a disparu. J'aurais tellement aimé finir aujourd'hui ce que nous avions débuté.

Comme je la comprends. Se rend-elle compte du double sens de ses paroles ? La bouche parle de l'abondance du cœur. Assurément, elle aurait aimé achever ce qu'elle venait de commencer quand Sylvie est entrée. *** imagination débordante mérite d'être encouragée :
— Je suppose que ce n'est que partie remise. Tu penses qu'il reviendra jeudi prochain, pour parfaire votre œuvre et combler tes espérances ? Ce cirque va durer encore longtemps ? Je commence à perdre patience, et ces cornes qui poussent sur mon front vont bientôt éclairer les voisins.
— Tant pis si les voisins ont des idées mal tournées. Quand je commence quelque chose, je vais jusqu'au bout. Je suis désolée que ça te déplaise.
— Et sa femme, comment est-elle?
— C'est une belle blonde, apparemment très aimable, mais nous n'avons pas eu beaucoup de temps pour faire connaissance ; ils ***t partis presque aussitôt.

Blonde oui, aimable ? Le mot doit cacher un gros men***ge. J'entre dans ce concours, moi aussi je sais mentir :

— Chérie, j'ai oublié de te dire que je pars en réunion à Paris, mardi après-midi, je dormirai à l'hôtel et rentrerai mercredi en fin de journée.
— Que faut-il que je te prépare, mon amour?

La bonne épouse ! Ce déplacement ne la chagrine pas. L'orage est passé, le vent a chassé les nuages. Il ne reste plus de traces en dehors d'un léger tremblement des mains, un peu de sang dans le blanc de l'œil et des regards obliques vers la porte d'entrée, comme si elle craignait un retour de la mégère déchaînée qui l'a secouée et couverte de mots orduriers. Le câlin à l'heure du coucher me laisse de marbre, le jeudi soir après le tennis, je peux prétexter une saine fatigue et comme je ne tiens pas à déraper sur les sécrétions de l'amant de ma femme, je m'abstiens. Dans la masse des incertitudes qui m'écrasent, j'aurai une certitude au moins : celle de ne pas être le père de l'enfant que Rose pourrait concevoir. En effet je n'ai pas vu les amants prendre des précautions, sortir couverts comme dit De Chavanne.
— Chéri, tu me délaisses, est-ce que je ne te plais plus ? susurre-t-elle.

Elle est en manque, ma parole, en pleine période de frustration. C'est la première fois que je me dérobe depuis notre mariage, au risque de la précipiter plus vite et plus fort dans les bras de ce bellâtre ou de tout autre homme en mal d'amour. Mais mon cocufiage depuis ce soir est consommé, j'y ai assisté avec peine et je ne peux plus supporter les attentions de la femelle en chaleur à laquelle je tourne délibérément le dos. Mon cœur dans ma poitrine est une pierre lourde, horriblement pesante. Ce qui est perdu est perdu. La face que je regarderai désormais n'est plus qu'un masque. Ses mots d'amour me soulèvent le cœur. Il n'aura pas fallu plus de deux ans de mariage pour me réduire à ce rôle infâme de mari cocu. Autant de serments d'amour, autant de gestes d'amour réduits en bouillie par cette liai***, et peut-être par d'autres. L'art de la tromperie avec lequel elle croit actuellement me laisser dans l'ignorance de *** aventure amoureuse et sexuelle, pourquoi ne l'aurait-elle pas rôdé depuis notre mariage avec d'autres compagnons ?
— Je ne peux plus faire l'amour à une femme qui se moque de mon avis. Tu as décidé de recevoir un étranger dans notre demeure et tu t'es arrangée pour le faire quand je suis absent. Tu sais pertinemment que c'est un coureur de jupons. Ta décision est un défi. Je ne ferai plus l'amour avec toi aussi longtemps que tu me pousseras à soupçonner que vous me cocufiez, si ce n'est déjà fait. Je n'attends qu'une preuve. Et si je ne veux plus faire l'amour avec ma femme, c'est pour lui permettre de savoir qui sera le père de *** enfant. Non, cette femme-là ne me plaît plus. Et si ce type met encore les pieds dans ma mai***, je vous ficherai dehors lui et toi.
— Quel manque de confiance. Tu sais que ça tue les sentiments ?
— Je croyais t'avoir interdit de parler de confiance avec moi ? Dormons avant de nous fâcher gravement. Rêve à ton Gilles si ça te plaît, mais si tu veux éviter un malheur, prends tes rendez-vous ailleurs que dans notre salon ou dans notre lit. Va faire tes cours particuliers dans une chambre d'hôtel où tu ne seras pas dérangée.
— Il n'est jamais venu dans notre lit. Tu dérailles !



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— Il ne viendra plus dans cette mai***, si tu tiens à sa vie et à la tienne ! Ici, c'est chez nous et pas seulement chez toi. Je décide d'interdire cette porte à ce débauché. Je me demande combien de temps encore je vais supporter de vivre avec une femme qui se paie ouvertement ma tête. Inutile de pleurer, tu sais mieux que moi les rai***s de ma colère.

Franchement, ces larmes de crocodile, après le spectacle de *** accouplement adultère, ne me touchent plus. Car elle sait ce qu'elle a fait !
Je n'ai rien à faire à Paris mardi prochain. Si Rose et Gilles veulent se revoir, l'occasion que je leur sers sur un plateau est trop belle pour qu'ils la manquent. Je serai présent à mon observatoire, je m'y introduirai pendant la séance d'atelier d'art. Et je n'y serai pas seul. Dans un café fréquenté par des célibataires, j'ai l'intention d'en recruter trois. À la pharmacie, je dois me procurer la pilule du lendemain pour le cas où Rose aurait une nouvelle fois négligé de protéger ses rapports avec Gilles et des préservatifs à laisser traîner.
Comme convenu, le samedi matin je rencontre Sylvie au marché. Sa fureur ne l'empêche pas de me raconter qu'elle n'a pas eu à se ****** pour hurler, traiter ma femme de croqueuse d'hommes, de briseuse de ménages, de petite grue. Elle lui aurait tiré les cheveux et claqué le visage alors que ma femme atterrée n'opposait aucune résistance. Ce qui a surtout plu à Sylvie, elle en rit maintenant, c'est que, ayant menacé ma femme de la dénoncer à *** mari cocu, Rose s'est jetée à ses pieds, a demandé pardon, a juré qu'elle ne recommencerait plus, a admis que c'était-elle la provocatrice, mais a supplié de ne rien dire à *** mari.
— Elle a promis, en présence de mon mari, de ne plus le recevoir pour des cours particuliers. J'ai ensuite secoué mon mari. Il a reconnu qu'il s'était laissé entraîner et qu'il regrettait d'avoir répondu aux avances de Rose. Il m'a juré que c'était *** premier et dernier écart et que bien entendu, il fuirait votre femme. Il se demandait même s'il n'allait pas l'exclure de l'atelier. Vous voyez que nous avons effectivement mis fin à cette liai***. Comme vous, je regrette que votre femme et mon mari nous aient trompés. J'ai averti mon mari, s'il venait à recommencer je divorcerais. Et comment a réagi votre femme ?

Je raconte que je lui ai laissé le temps de se remettre de la tempête, qu'elle n'avait pas avancé *** ouvrage parce que vous étiez venu chercher votre mari pour qu'il puisse recevoir vos visiteurs.
— Elle vous a trouvée aimable, mais a regretté de n'avoir pas pu plus longuement faire connaissance ! Vous n'avez pas tapé assez fort... Sa fièvre amoureuse aurait pu faire le bonheur d'un mari heureux. Je lui ai dit que je ne lui ferais plus l'amour aussi longtemps qu'elle recevrait Gilles pour qu'elle puisse savoir qui serait le père de *** enfant, que *** défi avait assez duré, qu'elle connaissait mieux que moi les rai***s de ma colère et que, enfin, j'interdisais ma porte à ce débauché. Et dire qu'il y a une dizaine de jours, elle me demandait de lui faire confiance et de ne pas être jaloux ! Je sais à quoi m'en tenir. Je ne prendrai une décision qu'après une dernière épreuve. Je veux voir si Rose et Gilles vous ont fait des serments sincères ou s'ils pensent reprendre dans notre dos leur relation.
— Comment ferez-vous ? Je suis, comme vous, curieuse de savoir s'ils ***t sincères. Si je peux vous aider, faites-moi signe.

Immédiatement, je lui fais part de mon plan pour le mardi.
— Me croyant absent, ils voudront en profiter pour occuper la mai*** le plus rapidement possible après le cours. Pendant cet atelier, je me serai installé dans la place, prêt à intervenir per***nellement. Vous pourrez me rejoindre avant 20 heures. L'une de nos chambres n'est pas meublée et nous la gardons fermée. Nous y attendrons nos époux en silence. S'ils viennent, nous leur réserverons une sacrée surprise au plus fort de leurs ébats. Nous saurons en patientant ce que seront leurs projets. Comme Gilles ne peut pas s'attarder, surtout si vous lui imposez de rentrer au plus tard à 21 heures, nous n'aurons pas trop à attendre. Je tiens à garder l'initiative et vous devrez attendre mon signal. Je m'occuperai per***nellement de votre mari et je vous livrerai ma femme. Je compte sur vous pour qu'elle ne vous trouve plus aussi aimable.
— Est-ce qu'une cravache ferait l'affaire ? J'ai fait de l'équitation et il me reste en souvenir une bombe et deux cravaches.
— Ce serait parfait, au moins pour les effrayer ! J'aurai grand plaisir à cravacher le cavalier de mon épouse, vous pourriez cravacher la monture ! Si leur réunion ne se tenait pas, nous pourrions attendre que Rose se couche pour quitter les lieux. Je n'ai annoncé mon retour que pour la soirée du mercredi.

Nous nous séparons et j'utilise la liste de courses établie par Rose pour faire les achats.



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Résumé : Rose s'est éprise de Gilles, moniteur de l'atelier d'artisanat. Ses retards au retour des séances ont éveillé l'attention de Paul, *** mari. Celui-ci finit par observer, à *** domicile, les travaux d'approches du séducteur. Il intervient, sans révéler ce qu'il a vu, pour empêcher la consommation de l'adultère. Puis, en compagnie de l'épouse de Gilles, ils assistent à cette consommation. Sylvie interrompt le coït alors que Paul s'éclipse. Paul échafaude avec Sylvie un plan pour vérifier que les amants vont rester fidèles aux engagements pris devant Sylvie.

Rose revient vers 12 h 15. Elle m'enlace et m'embrasse mieux qu'elle ne le faisait depuis une quinzaine de jours, babille, s'amuse à vérifier les courses.
— Tu as rencontré des connaissances au marché ? Depuis le magasin, il m'a semblé te voir en pleine conversation avec une jolie blonde. Qui c'était ? De quoi aviez-vous donc à parler si longtemps ? Tu me ferais des infidélités ?

Le magasin de confection est situé à l'extrémité sud de la place et, du premier étage, on voit tout ce qui s'y passe. Donc Rose a surveillé mon entretien avec Sylvie. Il serait étonnant qu'elle n'ait pas reconnu mon interlocutrice. Notre rencontre l'intrigue : Sylvie m'aurait-elle raconté la version réelle de sa visite du jeudi ? La situation est cocasse, je prends plaisir à faire traîner mes réponses.
— Serais-tu jalouse parce que je parle à une jolie femme sur la place du marché ? Souviens-toi qu'il y a quelques jours tu m'as demandé de te faire confiance. C'était à propos de ton cours particulier à domicile avec Gilles. Entre une femme qui reçoit un homme à domicile alors que *** mari est absent et un mari qui discute sur une place de marché avec une femme, sous les fenêtres du lieu de travail de *** épouse, quelle est la situation qui peut le mieux générer une crise de jalousie ? Qui de nous deux serait le plus en droit d'être jaloux ? À mon tour de te demander de me faire confiance.

Rose pique un fard, ma question l'embarrasse. Elle craint que Sylvie ne m'ait renseigné sur *** activité amoureuse avec *** mari.
— Je vois que tu ne me fais toujours pas confiance et que ce cours à domicile te déplaît. Pourtant, tu sais, il n'y a rien entre le professeur et l'élève. Nous ne sommes plus des adolescents et je suis ta femme aimante et fidèle. Puisque c'est ainsi, je renonce à ce cours particulier. Ça te va comme ça ? Je l'annoncerai à Gilles mardi soir. Tu vois, cesse d'être jaloux.

Elle veut me donner l'impression de faire un gros sacrifice pour m'être agréable. Elle dépose sur ma joue un baiser ***ore, traîtresse ! Je sais qu'elle m'est fidèle (tiens donc), je sais qu'il n'y a rien entre elle et *** amant (tiens, encore) mais je sais aussi qu'elle a juré à Sylvie de ne plus prendre de cours à domicile avec Gilles. En réalité, elle y est contrainte et sa renonciation est pure tromperie supplémentaire. Elle n'a honte de rien ! Quel masque ! Je décide de charger l'âne.
— Quel revirement ! Si tu fais une telle concession, Rose, je suis tout disposé à en faire une à mon tour pour te prouver que j'apprécie ta décision au plus haut point. Jeudi prochain, je n'irai pas au tennis et je vous tiendrai compagnie. Ne fais pas un pareil sacrifice, je sais parfaitement que je peux te faire confiance et que tu es fidèle. Donc je souhaite vraiment que tu te perfectionnes. Il faut absolument que tu laisses s'épanouir tous ces dons que Gilles te reconnaît. Cette admiration presque amoureuse, il faut que tu en tires avantage pour faire apparaître au grand jour ton talent. Ton maître a pour toi de l'admiration, cela doit te booster, te pousser à te dépasser, à te donner à fond, passionnément. C'est, si j'ai bien compris, une chance unique que Gilles ait remarqué tes qualités et qu'il ait décidé de te prendre en main et qu'il te pétrisse comme un kaolin dont on tire les plus belles porcelaines. Ne renonce pas maintenant. Je m'en voudrais toute ma vie d'avoir empêché cette relation privilégiée entre un maître et *** élève. En ce moment il te façonne, il te révèle à toi-même : c'est un travail mental et physique simultanément. Par ses conseils et dans ses mains, il te transforme en une autre, il te serre, il te monte à la température idéale, il te triture, tantôt en tâtant, tantôt en caressant ou en flattant, il te prépare, il te sépare de l'ancien, du quotidien. Tu vas être *** œuvre si tu sais accueillir en toi tout ce qu'il saura y déverser, tu vivras des moments mémorables, fondateurs d'une vie plus pleine, plus intéressante. C'est un peu une sorte d'acte d'amour, d'échange de deux âmes. Pour un peu, je dirais que, grâce à Gilles tu te trouveras enceinte de ton art. Cette relation, je l'ai compris, porte en elle les germes de l'éclosion d'une vraie artiste. Ne te décourage pas, ne rejette pas cette occasion rare de faire féconder par ce maître ces possibilités qui attendent en toi de grandir et de se manifester. Encore un peu de patience et de persévérance, aie foi en toi et en lui et tu vas accoucher d'une œuvre magnifique. Donc je veux que tu lui laisses le temps de mettre en toi la semence de ces mois***s futures. Si quelqu'un trouve à redire aux visites de Gilles chez moi, je lui dirai que c'est moi qui le veux : vous serez à l'abri des cancans, surtout si j'assiste discrètement à ces moments de communication profonde, de communion. J'espère que ma présence ne nuira pas à cette nécessaire interpénétration, à l'intimité indispensable pour connaître l'ineffable état de grâce où seuls parviennent les vrais artistes, ce septième ciel de ceux qui osent. Et s'il faut que je me prive de quelques autres parties de tennis, je le ferai volontiers. Ce compromis te convient-il ?
— Oui, merci.

Ce contre-pied la surprend, elle ne sait que répondre et se tire cette épine du pied par un autre baiser sur l'autre joue. Gilles jouit d'un régime de faveur en matière de baisers sur la bouche ; ils lui ***t réservés ! Elle a bu mon envolée avec un plaisir évident. A-t-elle saisi au passage tous les termes évocateurs de la relation amoureuse ? L'enthousiasme feint que j'ai montré va-t-il semer le doute ou la remplir de certitudes ? Ses travaux artisanaux ne méritent certainement pas un éloge aussi excessif, seule la passion qui aveugle peut lui faire gober ces propos dithyrambiques. Comment fait-elle pour ne pas soupçonner l'ironie que charrient une telle exagération et les allusions à sa conduite en compagnie du mentor ?
— Mais tu es sûr que ce n'est pas un trop gros sacrifice pour toi ?
— Que ne ferai-je pas pour toi ? N'oublie pas nos promesses de mariage : c'est du sérieux, un mari doit comprendre les besoins de *** épouse.

Elle a jusqu'à jeudi pour se sortir de ce traquenard. Ce qui l'intrigue, ce qui devrait déterminer sa conduite à venir, ce qui brouille le message, c'est ma rencontre avec la femme qui a découvert le pot aux roses de Rose. Elle a besoin de savoir ; donc elle revient à la charge.
— Tu ne m'as toujours pas dit qui était cette blonde : c'est un secret ?
— Non assurément, c'est presque une voisine. J'ai été très étonné qu'elle m'arrête pour parler. C'est la première fois qu'elle m'a adressé la parole depuis que nous habitons ici. Je pensais que tu la connaissais, elle ne m'a parlé que de toi : c'est la femme de Gilles.
— Ah ! C'est étonnant, nous nous connais***s à peine. Qu'a-t-elle bien pu te dire à mon sujet ? Beaucoup de bien, j'espère !
— En effet, j'ai subi la litanie de tes louanges. J'ai presque senti de l'agacement. Il paraît que *** mari t'adore, qu'il te trouve des tas de qualités, de l'intelligence artistique, une sensibilité peu commune, beaucoup de passion quand tu poursuis un but, une approche sympathique des gens qui fait qu'on ne peut pas ne pas t'aimer. Il a même cité tes formes physiques comme modèle de corps féminin. Et pendant qu'elle me répétait tout le bien que *** mari dit si souvent de toi, j'avais la sensation que tu lui inspires une sorte de jalousie. La souplesse de ton corps, la grâce de tes gestes, la profondeur de ton regard, l'attention affectueuse que tu lui réserves, la sûreté de ton goût en matière d'habillement, la discrétion de ton maquillage, la douceur des traits de ton visage, et surtout ta capacité à saisir immédiatement les consignes et la simplicité avec laquelle tu reçois les remarques, enfin la vénération que tu lui portes : elle est exaspérée de tous ces compliments qu'il t'adresse devant elle. Elle m'a même dit qu'elle, sa femme, n'avait jamais obtenu la moitié de ces louanges. Elle a ajouté que j'avais bien de la chance de posséder une telle perle et, pour me taquiner, m'a lancé en me quittant que je devrais veiller attentivement à ne pas me la faire voler, ni par *** mari, mais elle veille au grain, ni par un autre. Je sens qu'il y avait comme un avertissement. Tu ne te serais pas montrée avec un autre homme ?
— Ça alors, il a fallu qu'elle te mette des idées bizarres en tête. Mon Dieu, mon chéri, j'en suis toute gênée. Que vas-tu imaginer ? Qu'est-ce qui lui prend à cette bonne femme ? Qu'elle surveille *** mari si elle est jalouse, mais qu'elle ne s'amuse pas à briser le ménage des autres. Viens que je t'embrasse.

Ma joue gauche et ma joue droite reçoivent ce grand réconfort de ma divine tricheuse. Si elle me croit, elle est soulagée.
— Au contraire, remercie Sylvie : c'est elle qui m'a ouvert les yeux. Grâce à elle j'ai compris le sens de la relation fusionnelle nécessaire entre artistes. Je n'ai plus aucune rai*** d'être jaloux de ce qui vous rend si proches. Je croyais que vos retours à pas lents par le chemin le plus long, bras sur l'épaule, corps rapprochés, bisous de séparation dans la rue, étaient des promenades romantiques d'amoureux ; je sais maintenant que ce n'était que des moments de transmission artistique, de partage d'une passion commune ; et ça change tout. Si je suis jaloux, vois-tu, c'est de ne pas pouvoir vous suivre dans ce registre, de ne pas être capable de goûter à ce pur bonheur avec vous.

Ne suis-je pas parfait dans ce rôle du cocu qui se réjouit de l'évolution de sa femme : Il n'est pas de pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir. Moi, j'en ai trop vu pour reculer. J'entre dans le per***nage que Rose m'a attribué dans *** exaltation amoureuse.
Ce mardi je suis donc théoriquement dans le train de Paris. Ma voiture garée hors du passage de ma mai*** à l'atelier, je viens de voir Rose toute guillerette partir à ce cours collectif. Je quitte ma voiture et j'emprunte mon passage par le local technique. J'ai environ deux heures devant moi pour inspecter les lieux. Tout est propre et bien rangé. Exceptionnellement, la porte de la chambre située dans le prolongement de la façade ouest, du côté des fenêtres de la grande pièce de vie, est ouverte. Nous y avons disposé un matelas que Rose et moi utili***s à même le sol, lorsque nous accueillons pour la nuit des amis auxquels nous lais***s notre chambre. Sera-t-il nécessaire d'acheter une chambre d'amis ?
Je reçois immédiatement confirmation que Rose attend un visiteur : le matelas est habillé d'un drap de coton égyptien, deux coussins brodés d'un cœur marquent l'emplacement de deux têtes et des pétales de pivoines roses ont été répandus en bordure de ce lit. C'est donc ici qu'auront lieu les ébats espérés. Un reste de pudeur a protégé le lit conjugal. Pour combien de temps ?
La porte de la chambre du milieu est, comme toujours, fermée à clé. Je l'ouvre et j'y dépose mon appareil photo, mon magnétophone que je brancherai plus tard pour enregistrer ce qui se dira dans ce lieu de consommation renouvelée de mon cocufiage. Le fil du microphone emprunte le passage des tuyaux d'alimentation des radiateurs en fonte à travers la paroi ; des liens de scotch transparent le maintiennent hors de vue et je fixe le micro à l'arrière du radiateur, froid en cette sai***. Je ramène quatre sièges de jardin de mon garage. À 19 heures arrivent mes trois mousquetaires. Trois grands costauds : propres. J'ai insisté sur les consignes d'hygiène. Je les installe sur les sièges de jardin, dans la chambre du milieu et leur offre une bière. Je leur rappelle ce qu'ils auront à faire au signal que je leur donnerai. Le silence le plus total devra être observé à partir de 20 heures, sinon l'opération échouera. Sylvie arrive à *** tour. Je l'installe avec les autres. Une seule consigne : attendre sans bruit mon signal et elle pourra se manifester. 19 h 57 une clé tourne dans la serrure. Portes fermées ; SILENCE ! je branche le magnétophone.
Rose pénètre dans le salon. Derrière elle, les mains sur ses hanches, Gilles demande:
— Tu n'as pas oublié de fermer la porte cette fois ?
— Ah non ! Assieds-toi une minute dans ce fauteuil, je ferme les volets et je suis à toi. Je ne tiens pas à voir surgir ta tigresse. Elle a tenu parole, elle n'a rien dit à Paul, heureusement. Sais-tu qu'il souhaite ardemment que tu continues à venir chez nous ? Tu pourras dire à ta femme qu'il assistera au travail. Ça devrait la rassurer. Bon, nous avons peu de temps pour nous aimer, il ne faut pas éveiller les soupçons de ta cocue ! Viens, je nous ai préparé un lit d'amour. Quelle merveilleuse idée ce voyage à Paris ! Si tu veux, demain, quand tu auras un moment... humm, oui, humm...

Étroitement enlacés, bouches dévorantes, ils se dirigent vers le matelas.
— Quand nous serons sûrs de nos sentiments et de la durée de notre amour, je te recevrai dans notre chambre. Vite pas***s aux choses sérieuses avant d'être dérangés. Je suis folle de toi. Et toi tu m'aimes ? ... C'est pas croyable ce que mon cocu peut-être crédule ! Tu pourras venir quand il sera au travail ! Le jeudi on se tiendra tranquilles puisqu'il veut assister, mais nous nous rattraperons. Oui, encore... Oh : tes mains sur moi, oooh !

Je sors de la chambre, fais signe aux autres de ne pas bouger.
— Ça y est, je suis prête, po***s nos vêtement sur cette chaise, à côté de la porte.

Je me suis plaqué à la paroi. Dans l'encadrement de la porte apparaît le bas du dos de Rose, enveloppé dans une étroite frange de dentelle mousseuse : elle va se ruiner en tenues affriolantes. La minute d'après, je les entends se rejoindre en riant et chahutant sur le drap frais. Entre deux baisers gourmands, le souffle déjà court j'entends :
— Fais doucement, tu me chatouilles. (Elle rit en roucoulant). Ne sois pas si pressé, embrasse encore mes seins. Tu peux aussi toucher mon petit bouton, oui, là, mais doucement, mouille un peu ton doigt dans la fente. Hhhho... Tu sais ce que je souhaite ? Fais-moi un enfant. Quand je le porterai, je penserai à toi, quand il grandira, je penserai à toi en le regardant. Si nous ne pouvons plus nous voir à cause de Sylvie ou de Paul, nous aurons un trésor en commun, un secret que per***ne ne connaîtra. Là... entre doucement. Enfin. Oui. C'est si bon...

Ils ont sacrifié les préliminaires et plongent dans le vif du sujet : trop de contrariétés ont interrompu leurs précédentes tentatives. Cette fois ils se précipitent enfin dans cette copulation voulue. Je n'entends plus que leurs souffles. À intervalles espacés, Rose produit un « euh ! euh ! » Je m'approche. Elle serre sur ses hanches le bassin de l'homme des deux mains ; lui est en appui sur ses bras tendus posés de chaque côté de la tête permanentée de cet après-midi. Ils ***t les yeux dans les yeux guettant dans le regard de l'autre la montée du désir, les vagues du plaisir. Plus rien ne compte désormais que cette quête de la jouissance physique. Les « euh » ... « euh » se précipitent. Le martèlement du mâle accélère, les clapotis humides du piston ***t de plus en plus fréquents.
— Surtout ne te retire pas, viens tout au fond de moi. Ouiiiiii ! Dis-moi que tu m'aimes.

Le grognement grave qui lui répond ne me convaincrait pas ! Je recule, ouvre la porte voisine au moment où Rose s'époumone et crie :



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— Je viens, baise-moi, baise, heu... Oh, ce jet, c'est chaud... Encore !
— Enfin, quel plaisir de te voir jouir. Garde les yeux ouverts et n'arrête pas d'entretenir la flamme. Bouge ton ventre et cale-moi avec tes chevilles réunies sur mes reins. Je sens que nous allons bientôt jouir ensemble. Oui, prépare-toi, oh, oh, han. Tu sais que tu es bonne, toi. Tu m'as vidé. Tu l'auras ton bébé ! Quel coup ! ... Tu as vu l'heure ?
— Non, pas déjà. Si tu es fatigué, mets-toi sur le dos, je vais te refaire durcir avec ma bouche, tu aimes ? D'abord il faut que je nettoie le goupillon qui m'a bénie. Là... tu reprends forme, tu es presque aussi gros et long que Paul... On ne va pas se quitter si vite. Tu diras à ta vieille qu'il y avait un pot pour un anniversaire.
— Bon, installe-toi. C'est ça, descends. Avec ce que je t'ai mis, ça descend tout seul. Reste au fond, remue ton bassin, décris des cercles. C'est divin. Ton mari en a une plus grosse, mais te donne-t-il autant de plaisir ? Ce n'est pas qu'une histoire de taille, tu sais : il faut savoir s'en servir. Tu me sens ? Tu as la face toute rouge, même la base de ton cou est congestionnée : je vois que tu t'approches du prochain orgasme. Ma parole, tu étais en manque. Tes prochaines règles, c'est pour quand ?
— Tais-toi, lève tes hanches, pénètre, rentre-moi dedans... dans quinze jours... ooohh... ooho, oui, encore... encore, plus profond, pousse !
— Tu fais souvent l'amour avec ton cocu ?
— Non, en ce moment, il ne me touche plus ; depuis que je suis restée pour ranger l'atelier, il m'ignore. C'est par jalousie. Mais après mes prochaines règles, si je le laisse assister... maman ! Hooo... beuhh. Ça y est, je te sens jaillir, oh, ho, hoooo.
— Tu ne pouvais pas le dire plus tôt ? Si tu es enceinte, ça ne pourra être que de moi. Tu es folle à lier.

D'un violent coup de reins, il la désarçonne. Trop tard : le premier éclair de mon flash passe inaperçu, le second renverse Gilles sur le dos. Je tourne autour du matelas en mitraillant les deux acteurs effarés, paralysés par mon apparition et l'entrée des trois malabars qui m'accompagnent. Leur anatomie dénudée, l'érection de Gilles, la coulée blanchâtre entre les lèvres bâillantes de la vulve irritée de Rose, cuisses ouvertes, l'appareil vise tout, les yeux des témoins n'en manquent rien. Sylvie accourt, je n'ai pas eu à l'appeler. Elle se met à hurler :
— Ah ! La cocue, la vieille, la tigresse. Elle va t'arranger, la tigresse. Putain, salope, paumée !

Je ne peux pas empêcher les claques et le crêpage de chignon. Sur le drap souillé, ils gisent inertes, stupides, défaits. Le plus catastrophé c'est Gilles : l'apparition de sa vieille le terrorise. Rose finit par resserrer les jambes et cache *** sexe des deux mains. Elle sanglote, a pris les gifles de façon passive et proteste:
— Non, non, non, pardon, non, hoooo.

Des « hooo » qui n'ont plus la même ré***ance. À qui s'adresse-t-elle ? À moi, à Gilles, à Sylvie ?
— Mes amis, vous leur liez les poignets et les chevilles, mains dans le dos, vous leur bandez les yeux et vous les couchez côte à côte sur le ventre. Rose es-tu rassasiée ? Mes aides se dévoueraient volontiers !
— Non, non, pardon Paul. Pitié mon amour !

Ce cri a du perdre toute signification, elle dit « mon amour » comme d'autres disent « merde ».
Sitôt dit, sitôt fait. Ce scotch gris, en bandes larges, va les maintenir en position. Qu'ils se reposent et mijotent dans leur jus. Ils vont avoir le temps de réfléchir. Plus rien ne presse désormais, ils n'ont plus rien à cacher, ils vont goûter au bonheur de coucher paisiblement ensemble sur le lieu de leur amour, de partager drap et matelas dans cette chambre.
Que nous sommes tolérants, Sylvie et moi ! Nous quittons la pièce et allons nous désaltérer. Le champagne n'a pas vraiment eu le temps de descendre à la température idéale. Mais la réussite de notre plan mérite qu'on fête.
— Je crois qu'ils s'en souviendront.

C'est Sylvie qui rompt ainsi le silence. Nous reprenons notre souffle. Je vais arrêter le magnétophone. Elle me regarde surprise, demande à entendre le contenu de la bande. Remettons à demain : je vais charger une autre cassette pour la suite, car j'ai prévu de laisser le couple attaché après l'épreuve. Ils vont avoir des choses passionnantes à se dire.
De la chambre viennent plaintes et supplications. C'est surtout Rose qui gémit et pleure. Sylvie est aussi impassible que moi.
— Toi, alors, déclare Sylvie, tu m'as étonnée et surprise. Tu aurais pu me prévenir de cet aspect de l'affaire. Mais je conviens que c'est une excellente leçon pour ces deux-là. Demain, je prends rendez-vous chez un avocat et je demande le divorce. Je compte sur toi pour me procurer des photos. Gilles n'est pas au bout de ses peines : cet après-midi, j'ai transféré le contenu de notre compte joint sur mon propre compte. Que comptes-tu faire de lui ?
— Le jeter à poil dans la rue, c'est la consigne.

Le travail en commun nous a conduits spontanément au tutoiement.
— Ne vaudrait-il pas mieux le faire déposer devant chez ses parents, de sorte qu'il ne vienne pas m'importuner cette nuit. Ils habitent à une dizaine de kilomètres en pleine campagne. Il ne trouvera pas de taxi. Peut-être pourrais-tu me prêter un de tes gardes du corps pour me protéger : je le paierai pour *** service.
— Très bien, ta solution est la meilleure. Nous verrons si nous trouvons un volontaire pour te donner satisfaction. Tu risques d'en avoir plus facilement trois qu'un !

Elle sourit, ***geuse : ce qu'elle en fera ne me regarde pas.
— Et toi, Paul, que comptes-tu faire de cette traînée ? Tu divorces ? Si un jour tu te trouves seul, fais-moi signe. Dire qu'il y a des types comme toi, fidèles, et qu'il a fallu que je choisisse cet enfoiré de coureur ! Il va sentir passer la facture.
— À la différence de Gilles que tu avais surpris et menacé, Rose ne savait pas que j'étais au courant. Le discours qu'elle a tenu au début en souhaitant que ton mari lui fasse un enfant m'a profondément meurtri. C'est une déclaration de mépris pour moi ; elle est prête à me faire porter des cornes et la paternité d'un bâtard. Pour moi, c'est impardonnable, parce que si nous n'avons pas d'enfant, c'est à sa demande. Elle voulait attendre de se sentir prête pour la maternité et voilà qu'elle m'exclut de ses plans. Quel manque de respect. Je ne sais pas si je pourrai pardonner cette demande. J'aurais pu excuser une faiblesse, un égarement sexuel. Je suis malade d'avoir entendu ma femme demander à un autre homme de lui faire un enfant qui lui rappellerait *** infidélité toute sa vie : comme une sorte de fidélité éternelle à l'amant au mépris du mari. Il faut que je réfléchisse à froid à la solution. J'ai l'intention de les laisser seuls un moment et d'enregistrer leurs réactions. J'y trouverai peut-être une réponse.
— Tu pourrais garder cette garce ? J'ai du mal à te comprendre. Faut-il que tu l'aies aimée ! Elle ne le mérite pas. Je l'avais mise en garde jeudi. Elle a vraiment le feu au cul. À mon avis, ça ne se guérit pas. Passe à autre chose.
— Je ne vais rien précipiter.

J'interpelle mes trois auxiliaires :
— Attendez-moi en compagnie de Sylvie, elle a une proposition à vous faire.

Je retourne près des amants, la pièce n'a pas été aérée, les odeurs mélangées de sueur et de sperme me soulèvent l'estomac
— Alors, ça vous plaît ? Vous êtes bien dans votre nid d'amour. Reposez-vous en attendant de savoir ce qui vous attend.
— Salaud de cocu, tu me paieras ça.
— Pitié, Paul, je n'en peux plus. Pourquoi ? Arrête, je t'en supplie.
— Rose, ce n'est pas à toi de dire pourquoi. C'est à toi de donner des explications. Je vous laisse réfléchir ; mais toi, Gilles, tu souffriras encore avant de me quitter. N'oublie pas que tu t'es invité malgré moi dans ma demeure. J'ai une bonne nouvelle pour toi : ta femme veut divorcer. Si tu veux épouser la mienne, tu pourras élever l'enfant que tu viens de lui mettre dans *** ventre si accueillant ce soir.

Je les laisse à leur méditation et vais vérifier le fonctionnement du magnétophone dans la salle voisine.
— Tu sais patron, dit l'un des costauds, la prochaine fois on travaillera gratuitement, c'est pas tous les jours qu'on voit un spectacle porno.

Ils explosent d'un rire gras tandis que la porte laisse filtrer les cris d'une querelle d'amoureux ! Avec Sylvie, ils ***t tombés d'accord. En premier, ils assureront la livrai*** de Gilles dans *** village, puis ils assureront la tranquillité de sa nuit. Je suis soulagé de n'avoir plus à régler cet aspect du problème. Nous prêtons une oreille aux invectives des deux gisants et nous rions.
— Qu'avez-vous vu ce soir ?

D'une seule voix :
— Rien !

Je m'installe à ma machine à écrire et rédige deux petits mots :
Je, soussigné, Gilles ..., reconnais avoir été surpris en flagrant délit d'adultère avec Rose ... épouse consentante de Paul ... ce mardi ... par l'époux de ma maîtresse Rose ... et par mon épouse Sylvie ... Date et signature
Je, soussignée, Rose ..., épouse de Paul ..., reconnais avoir été surprise, à mon domicile, en flagrant délit d'adultère avec Gilles ... par mon époux Paul et par l'épouse de mon amant. Date et signature.



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Sylvie fait les poches de Gilles, rafle les clés et le portefeuille, ne lui laisse que ses mouchoirs. Elle fait un paquet des vêtements. Armée d'un feutre noir, elle va écrire dans le dos du mari infidèle :
Je remercie les intervenants, leur remets l'enveloppe promise.
— Amenez la femme.

Elle se laisse traîner, je la fais asseoir à la table où le flirt a débuté, j'enlève les liens et découvre ses yeux toujours en larmes.
— Laissez-moi m'habiller, implore-t-elle.

L'assemblée rit, tous la connaissent mieux nue qu'habillée...
— Qui t'a mise nue ? Pas nous. Tu t'habilleras dès que tu auras signé cette feuille.

Ses yeux passés du noir à la lumière déchiffrent, elle se tourne vers moi et dit :
— Jamais.
— Si tu préfères que je publie les photos, ça te fera de la publicité gratuite.
— Bon, donne, je signe...
— Sylvie, veux-tu l'accompagner à la salle de bain, elle pue. Mais pas de rinçage du vagin, elle veut un enfant de Gilles.

Toutes deux se dirigent vers l'endroit désigné. Rose a la démarche d'un canard. Pieds nus comme la pute de Sartre, mal assurée, sans charme. D'un signe de tête, je demande Gilles. Ils le portent jusqu'à la chaise, lui délient les mains, j'arrache sans ménagement le bandeau des yeux. La lumière l'éblouit.
— Tu as le choix entre signer cette feuille ou te retrouver en photo sur la porte de l'atelier. Sache que, ta maîtresse ayant signé, ta décision sera sans importance. Tu ne sortiras d'ici que lorsque tu auras signé, ce qui n'est qu'un reflet exact de ce que nous avons constaté.

Il reconnaît sa défaite et signe en espérant la clémence de sa femme qu'il ne voit pas dans la pièce. Les femmes quittent la salle de bain. Rose a passé un peignoir rose pour cacher sa nudité. Je la fais asseoir dans un fauteuil et lui fais entraver les chevilles. Sylvie me fait cadeau d'une cravache et emmène sa troupe. Gilles est de nouveau ligoté et porte un nouveau bandeau. Il a encore une soirée agitée à affronter. Sylvie est déterminée à rendre compte à ses parents des activités extraconjugales de leur fils.
De mon côté, je suis disposé à le dénoncer comme suborneur au comité de direction de l'atelier d'art, photos à l'appui. *** bénévolat au service des dames devrait s'arrêter là. Il devra chercher un autre territoire de chasse. J'ai fermé toutes les issues : nous jouerons la suite à huis clos. Rose repart en pleurs. C'est une fontaine intarissable. Mais que pleure-t-elle ? Ses amours contrariées, sa faute étalée à mes yeux, *** mariage saccagé, l'atelier qu'elle n'osera plus affronter ni fréquenter, la honte d'un procès en divorce avec photos de l'adultère publiquement étalées et cette reconnaissance écrite et signée par elle, et sans doute par lui, du flagrant délit, la grossesse possible résultat de *** accouplement adultère ? Je lui donne un paquet de mouchoirs en papier.
— Paul, je suis désolée, je n'aurais pas dû. Je te croyais à Paris.
— Autrement dit, si j'étais allé à Paris, tu ne serais pas désolée. Mon absence est donc la fautive ?
— Ce n'est pas ce que je veux dire. Mais comment as-tu su que nous nous retrouverions ici ce soir ? C'est encore cette Sylvie qui te tutoie qui t'a...
— Ne cherche pas à faire porter ta faute sur les autres. Ce n'est pas Sylvie qui m'a renseigné, c'est moi qui ai fait voir à Sylvie que tu profitais des prétendus cours particuliers pour séduire *** mari.
— Ah non ! c'est lui qui m'a engagée dans cette voie, qui m'a demandé de rester plus longtemps avec lui pour ranger ; ce n'était qu'un prétexte puisque habituellement chacune range ses affaires en fin de séance. Pendant que nous étions seuls il m'a fait tellement de compliments de toutes sortes que j'ai fini de trouver agréable de m'attarder.
— Je sais, j'ai assisté à ses progrès et j'ai hélas constaté que ses avances te plaisaient. Effectivement j'ai compris qu'il y avait quelque chose de louche le premier soir où tu es rentrée après 9 heures ; en faisant le tour du quartier, je me suis retrouvé derrière vous, et j'ai trouvé anormale cette accolade devant l'impasse et cette petite course qui suivait comme pour rattraper le temps perdu, car à l'évidence, toi-même tu avais conscience d'une irrégularité. Le mardi suivant j'étais venu pour te raccompagner et c'est alors que j'ai entendu les autres filles dire que tu en pinçais pour Gilles et que tu allais y passer. Je vous ai vus partir comme deux amoureux. Il avait passé *** bras sur tes épaules : je ne t'ai pas vue repousser cette familiarité déplacée. Je suis rentré par le chemin le plus court, celui que tu aurais dû prendre, mais tu as préféré faire le grand tour avec ce bras autour de toi, comme si c'était celui de ton mari.
— Mais pourquoi n'as-tu rien dit ?
— Que peut dire un mari à sa femme, quand il constate qu'elle est amoureuse d'un autre et qu'elle lui cache des choses ? Par exemple, m'as-tu dit ce mardi-là que vous aviez échangé plus qu'une simple accolade au coin de l'impasse ? Il se cachait de sa femme, mais du jardin j'assistai impuissant à cet échange de baisers sur le trottoir, en public, avant que tu ne te dépêches de rentrer en courant pour soulager ta mauvaise conscience sans doute. Et c'est ce mardi de ton deuxième gros retard, excusé men***gèrement par une prétendue absence d'une Claire, que tu m'as annoncé que le généreux professeur te proposait des cours à domicile à l'heure où j'allais au tennis : c'était cousu de fil blanc. Et juste après que je t'avais vue l'embrasser, tu t'es payé ma tête en me demandant de ne pas être jaloux ; c'est un comble de mépris !
— Tu aurais pu me mettre en garde, au lieu de m'espionner comme une coupable.
— Tu recommences à dégager ta responsabilité ? Je te rappelle, pour le cas où tu l'aurais oublié, que tu es majeure, mariée avec moi. Si je t'avais mise en garde que se serait-il passé ? Tu aurais inventé des subterfuges pour me tromper pendant mes heures de travail par exemple, ou comme aujourd'hui quand je devais m'absenter, puisque mon absence, à tes yeux, justifie ta conduite.
— Mais si tu m'aimais tu m'aurais empêché en me parlant.
— Je t'ai laissée exprimer tes préférences. Pendant que vous vous couriez après, tu t'es mise à me délaisser. Je me suis senti délaissé d'abord, puis trahi quand tu as décidé d'introduire ton amoureux dans notre mai*** hors de ma présence ; alors que déjà vous veniez de vous embrasser et que je vous avais vus. J'ai bien compris que ces petits bisous que tu me donnais distraitement sur la joue ne ressemblaient plus à ceux que tu me donnais quand tu m'aimais, ni à ceux qu'a reçus depuis ce satané suborneur.
— Mais je t'aime.
— Comment oses-tu encore me dire cela ? Tu n'as vraiment honte de rien ! Le premier jeudi, au lieu de me rendre sur le court de tennis, je suis revenu et je vous ai observés depuis la chaufferie.
— Quoi, tu as fait ça ? C'est du propre, fait-elle indignée.
— Parce que ce que vous avez fait était propre à ton avis ? J'ai bien observé comment il te pressait de toutes parts et comment tu accueillais ses papouilles sans rechigner. C'est quand il a commencé à fouiller dans ta culotte, que je suis allé en vitesse sauter dans ma voiture pour revenir en klaxonnant. Ce soir-là, si je n'étais pas intervenu, tu passais à la casserole comme l'avaient annoncé tes copines. J'ai fait ce que j'ai pu pour t'éviter le pire. Souviens-toi, tu avais rendu les armes. Quand tu as ouvert la porte, tu étais toute rouge et ton amant, c'est comme ça qu'on peut désigner un homme qui est surpris en train de chatouiller le sexe d'une femme, ton amant bandait comme un âne dans *** pantalon. Et peut-on croire qu'on est aimé par une épouse qui se livre ainsi à un autre homme, dans sa mai*** ?
— Je n'ai jamais voulu te tromper avec Gilles. Je sais bien que c'est toi mon mari.
— Au point que ce soir-là, excitée par ce salopard que tu adores, tu as essayé de me faire l'amour pour calmer tes démangeai***s. J'ai refusé les restes de ton Gilles. Ses doigts t'avaient fait mouiller et tu te serais envoyé n'importe qui, sans honte, y compris ce mari que tu voulais tromper.



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— Je ne voulais pas te tromper. Je sais que je me suis laissée embarquer, mais ce n'était pas pour te tromper !
— Tu perds encore la tête. Si tu n'avais pas l'intention de me tromper qu'aurais-tu fait ? Tu aurais simplement refusé de continuer ces cours qui ne ***t que des prétextes à s'évader. Le mardi suivant, pour t'éviter une tentation supplémentaire, je suis venu te chercher, les autres filles riaient à gorge déployée en vous quittant, tellement tu affichais ton infidélité publiquement. Que me restait-il à espérer de cette femme obnubilée par le désir de se donner à ce coureur de jupons ? C'est en toute connaissance que tu t'es entichée de ce séducteur indélicat. C'est du vice. Le jeudi suivant, j'ai invité Sylvie et nous avons assisté à ton abandon. C'est Sylvie qui est intervenue alors que Gilles te possédait sur la table du séjour.
— Oh ! Mon Dieu ! Tu as assisté à ça aussi ? Que je suis malheureuse !
— Malheureuse d'avoir été vue ou de l'avoir fait ? Tu as surtout été malheureuse d'être dérangée au moment de grimper au septième ciel avec ce chéri, choisi sous mon nez, accueilli en toi devant moi , là sur cette table, dans ce nid d'amour construit pour nous et que tu as pollué trois jeudis de suite sans te poser la moindre question. Ah ! Si tu t'étais posé des questions quand tu as vu que je m'entretenais avec Sylvie sous ta fenêtre... C'était un signal pour te mettre en garde. Et mon discours si ridicule sur ton avenir d'artiste à propos des travaux de cet atelier prétexte, tu en aurais senti l'exagération, si ton seul souci n'avait pas été d'écarter tout ce qui pourrait déranger ta partie de cul de ce soir, à bâcler en vitesse, lamentablement, sans aucune délicatesse, avec un mec dont le seul but était de te tirer vite fait, pour ne pas éveiller les soupçons de Sylvie. Tu n'as pensé qu'à la jouissance promise, sans chercher à comprendre les appels de Sylvie le jeudi où elle t'a fait jurer de ne plus recommencer ou les miens, samedi encore. Et tu t'es empressée à faire ma valise pour être certaine que je laissais la voie libre. Une telle obsession ne me laissait aucune chance. Cela fait à peine deux ans que tu m'as juré amour et fidélité et, dans mon dos, tu me cocufies sans remords ni regret et il y a pire : tu me mets plus bas que terre, tu me méprises et peut-être me hais-tu ?
— Mais non, j'ai commis une énorme erreur, je le regrette. Je t'aime. Comment peux-tu affirmer que je méprise l'homme de ma vie ? J'ai mal partout, ne peux-tu pas délivrer mes pieds que je puisse bouger un peu. J'étais mal couchée sur le matelas.
— Je te remercie de n'avoir pas utilisé notre couche pour te livrer à tes chienneries.
— Tu vois que je te respecte, notre lit est resté intact. Alors pourquoi avoir préparé ce piège, avec ces témoins ?
— Peut-être vas-tu comprendre. Un instant...

Je vais chercher le magnétophone. À sa vue elle pâlit. Je le pose devant elle sur la table du salon et je lance la première cassette : de leur arrivée jusqu'à notre intervention, on y parle de « sa tigresse », du cocu content « qui insiste pour que continuent les leçons », de la nécessité de se jeter vite sur le nid d'amour préparé. Je stoppe la cassette.
— Ce n'est pas par hasard que vous vous êtes retrouvés ici ; tu le dis toi-même, tu avais préparé un nid d'amour. Quand... je te recevrai dans notre chambre. Ce soir tu ne livrais qu'une partie, mais tu viens de t'entendre promettre notre lit, c'est bien ta voix, n'est-ce pas ? Ton respect ne devait donc pas résister au temps, c'était une question de jours, avant que tu réussisses à me déboulonner et à me faire passer à la trappe.

Elle est livide. Que peut-elle opposer à ses propres paroles ? Je continue, le pire arrive : les chatouilles, « fais-moi un enfant », « notre secret », « je penserai à toi en le regardant grandir » ... et les bruits des ébats amoureux.

Elle se bouche les oreilles, ne veut plus entendre *** délire.
— Vois-tu, c'est ce que je ne pourrai jamais te pardonner. Qui ne voulait pas d'enfant jusqu'à présent ? Toi ! Qui ne voulait que des rapports protégés ? Et tu vas demander à cet amour à la sauvette de t'engrosser, de garder un enfant qui lui ressemblera mais que ton cocu de mari élèvera sans savoir qu'il n'est pas *** véritable père. Peut-on tomber plus bas dans le mépris de *** mari ? C'est la preuve qui convaincra le juge des divorces si les photos ne suffisent pas.
— Quoi, tu veux divorcer ? Oh non ! je t'en supplie.
— Tu ne connaissais qu'une expression : « Fais-moi confiance ». Quelle confiance pourrais-je avoir en toi ? Samedi, alors que Gilles t'avait pénétrée jeudi, tu me jurais que tu m'aimais. Déjà, ayant assisté à mon cocufiage deux fois, tes paroles me soulevaient le cœur. Mais ce que tu as dit là, à propos de cet enfant, c'est la pire ignominie. Oui, je veux divorcer, te laisser libre d'aller avec Gilles qui sera libre puisque sa femme aussi divorce. Et si tu veux le retrouver, va le rejoindre chez ses parents où Sylvie l'a livré. Il sera très heureux d'élever l'enfant que tu as accueilli dans ton ventre ce soir en souvenir.

Cette fois c'est un torrent de larmes qui déferle.
— Ton vœu sera exaucé, tu vas donner vie à un enfant qui ne sera pas de moi, première satisfaction pour toi, puisque ça fait longtemps que nous prenions des précautions et que nous n'avons pas fait l'amour depuis un mois. Il faudrait que tu sois stérile pour n'être pas enceinte : tu as choisi la période la plus favorable sans utiliser une protection. Il te reste à trouver un autre pigeon pour l'élever, ce rejeton que tu as appelé de tes vœux. Mais compte sur moi pour renseigner tes prétendants sur la manière que tu as utilisée pour parvenir à concevoir.
— Si tu fais ça, c'est la preuve que tu ne m'aimes plus. Ce n'est pas possible. Laisse-moi me nettoyer. Ou bien je me ferai avorter.
— Est-ce moi qui t'ai trahie ? Libre à toi de te faire avorter quand tu auras quitté cette mai***. J'ai pris quatre semaines de congés et je vais veiller sur toi en attendant de voir arriver ou ne pas arriver tes prochaines règles. Après je te jetterai à la rue : tu pourras toujours t'adresser à ton amant, s'il veut de toi ; ce qui m'étonnerait, vu ses habitudes passées et l'état de misère où il va se retrouver grâce à toi et à ta furie amoureuse. Avec un peu de chance, ton enfant lui ressemblera, le malheureux.
— Paul, au fond de mon cœur, je sais que je n'aime que toi. Je n'ai jamais envisagé de te quitter, crois-moi. Et plus jamais je ne me laisserai attraper. Garde-moi, je t'aimerai plus que tout. De toute façon il faudra bien que je retourne au travail, tu ne pourras pas me séquestrer.

Voudrait-elle me défier ?
— N'essaie plus de m'intimider, jamais plus je ne serai à tes ordres. Crois-tu que tu pourras oublier cette soirée et tout le plaisir que tu as pris avec ton Gilles adoré ? Moi, non. Oui, il va falloir que tu retournes au travail si tu es seule à élever cet enfant. Donc si tu ne veux pas de mon aide, fais-toi embaucher à plein temps.

Cette fois *** visage est complètement décomposé et j'en rajoute une couche:

— Je vous ai laissé l'occasion de vous dire adieu après votre expérience. Je suppose que vous avez prévu une suite à votre aventure et que vous vous êtes fixé des rendez-vous ? Déjà que tu voulais le recevoir pendant mes heures de travail. Que peux-tu m'en dire pour me prouver la sincérité de tes dernières déclarations ?

Tête basse, elle reste muette.



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Waouh... tout cela en un coup 888 Cela paraît excellent... à lire à l'aise ! Merci


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Sexual Harassment

The story is so familiar I hardly need to repeat it. I'm talking about layoffs of course and today it was my companies turn. It started this morning, rumors started right away and by lunch it was clear what was going on - our company had been purchased by a competitor, and they were liquidating half the staff by sundown. Anyone judged to be redundant was gone. Practically our whole building was being fired.

We all want to think we're unique, but I don't kid myself, ultimately I'm identical to the scores of claims adjusters in cubes all around me. Shoot, I am a good deal worse than many. I am a 24-year-old college dropout with no skills and a painfully shy personality. Thin, small, frail, and leveraged out my ass in credit card debt and car payments, if I was lucky, I'd get a job in fast food, if not I'd end up on the street. My girlfriend would dump me for sure.

"Alex . . . Alex!" I looked up. I was Tracy, the ditsy but sweet secretary. She had tears in her eyes, and her normally flawless attire appeared a bit rumpled. "Anderson wants to talk to you now." She said and burst into tears. I could still hear her sobbing as I walked down the long hall to my boss's office.

"Alex, take a seat." Mr. Anderson said. He was a large man and his frame blocked the light from the window behind him.

"You obviously know why you're here today. You're not a total idiot, that's one of the things I like about you." He paused for dramatic effect. "We're firing people today of course. Whole bunches of people, entire branches are being systematically shown the door." I couldn't understand why he was drawing it out like this. He continued, "Of course, one of the things I like about my job is that I possess a great deal of discretion in my actions."

He rose from behind his desk walked around until he was in front of me. He leaned back against the desk and I noticed that he placed one foot on each side of my legs. Sitting in my chair like that, his crotch was directly at eye level. I could see the bulge in his pants and how it stretched against his zipper. I felt ashamed that I noticed. I looked away from it for a moment, but was afraid of being disrespectful. I tried looking up at Anderson, my eyes wide and pleading, but I couldn't hold his steely gaze. Ultimately I dropped my head and, afraid to close my eyes entirely, stared at the bulge, massive and masculine. He was talking, but I couldn't hear him, all I could think about was that bulge, how big it was and how small it would make me look in comparison. I was thankful I wasn't standing, as my penis is barely visible in the front of my pants. It was shameful to be fired, and even more so by a man so much larger than me - in every sense of the word.

"You don't mind if I stretch a little do you Alex?" he said. I meant to mutter an "nuh uh", but nothing came out of my mouth. He was looking down at me with his cruel, masculine handsome face. Having him this near with his legs positioned in that way underscored how tiny and frail I was compared to him. To my amazement he dropped his hand to his bulge and started to rearrange his big cock through the fabric of his chinos right before my eyes. I passed it off to locker room rules, the kind of thing confident fraternity boys to mark their territory.

"My discretion allows me to pick and choose who I want to fire, and who I want to spare. You know I could fire you right now, and you couldn't do a thing about it. Practically the whole building is being laid off; no one would believe you were fired for any other reason. Complaints would be interpreted as sour grapes. Isn't that right Alex?" My heart leaped, I felt hope for the first time that day, maybe I wasn't going to be fired. I tilted my head up and looked at Mr. Anderson's face for the first time, blinking my eyelashes slightly in an *********** effort to please him.

"Do you know why Tracy was crying so much when she left my office?" He asked me.

"I supp . . . I suppose because you f, f, fired her, Mr. Anderson." I could hardly speak, I sensed he was toying with me and all my terror was now back.

"That's cute Alex, you have a little stutter there when you're nervous. No Alex, I didn't fire her, she quit, and because she quit she won't get any severance package or any unemployment benefits. Stupid girl, and I was going to promote her too. Oh, don't look so surprised. With everyone leaving, we're going to need young, how should I say this, attractive people, to pick up the slack around here. I offered her the opportunity to be my very special assistant, but she decided she just couldn't handle the added . . ." He stopped and smiled at me "added responsibilities."

To my shock he began to ease down his zipper and I could make out the outline of a thick half hard penis pressing against the tight confines of his briefs. I couldn't believe he was actually doing it and my mind couldn't clearly process the situation. "So her loss Alex, but your lucky day."

"I don't know what you mean sir." He fished in the fly of his briefs and pulled out his cock - - large, much larger than mine, heavy and thick, and growing longer every second. Adjusting himself he made sure to grab his heavy weighty balls and pull them through the opening as well. I was trapped between the chair behind me, his legs besides me, and now his large, thick, uncircumcised cock in front of me.

"Do you understand better now Alex? When I heard there were layoffs coming I looked around the office. Tracy was the hottest piece of ass in here . . . I mean even a faggot like you must have noticed those tits, didn't you Alex?" The word faggot felt like a punch in the stomach.

"B, b, but I think there's a misunder . . . misunderstanding sir - I'm not gay." I blurted out. My mind was reeling. I wasn't stupid; I knew what was going on. There was a misunderstanding. I was terrified of this man, but to my growing ***********, I was also ashamed that my heterosexuality would likely mean my firing. For a second my little desperate mind wished I were gay. I needed this job.

"Gay? I didn't say anything about you being gay Alex. I called you a faggot. A sissy, fairy, tiny . . . sexy little faggot." His cock began to grow hard and lengthen, it rose so that the tip, shinny with a drop of precum, was pointed right at my face. Its impossible to say my reaction was anything but shock. I could hear myself breathing, nearly panting with fear, and I have to admit it, excitement as well.

"That's right Alex, I called you sexy. You are sexy too. Don't tell me you don't know that. Don't try to play dumb, like you don't know how men look at you wanting to fuck that little ass of yours. I'm talking real men Alex, big strong, powerful men like me, not weak fairy sissies like you. Of course you must not spend that much time with men like that, that is, unless you've been sucking cock in secret all this time. Have you been sucking cock in secret Alex? Do you find yourself in those adult bookstores, on your knees, on those filthy floors, with some stranger's dick in your mouth? Your urge to be a cocksucking whore must be powerful to degrade yourself like that."

My cheeks were burning. How could he know? I had once or twice when *****, but I've never admitted it to a sole.

"Now, as I was saying Alex." Mr. Anderson continued ostentatiously stroking his cock inches from my face. "I looked around the office. I mean Tracy had the obvious advantage over you that she actually has a pussy, while you - - - well you just are a pussy," he was smiling at his own sadistic banner "but apparently she's religious or something, a devout Jew or Muslim or something like that - must be the same place she gets that hot olive skin I want to cream all over - anyway, she won't fuck for pay, so its unemployment for her, and leaves me with you. Alex, you pretty little thing, you are the next sexiest thing in the office, the second hottest piece of ass. What do you think about that?" He eased a hand behind my head and pulled it forward. I am so ashamed, I was so afraid of being fired that I let him. Plus who am I kidding, I was aroused. I was hot. My cock, no I don't deserve to call it that, my tiny little penis was rock hard and making a little tent in my pants. Mr. Anderson was treating me like his property, like a little fairy sex toy, and my reaction? I'm such a faggot that I had an erection.

I felt him press the smooth, mushroom head of his dick against my lips, he rubbed it back and forth across them glossing them with precum. "Kiss it." He whispered. "Kiss my cockhead you faggot bitch." Self-control got the better of me, I pulled my head back.

"But Mr. Anderson, I'm a man. A guy, I mean . . ." he pulled my head back by my hair so that my neck stretched and my mouth opened. His strong massive hand pulled my hair so hard it hurt and brought tears to my eyes, but it also turned me on. I was totally controlled by the man, and he knew it. He dismissively tweaked the hard-on in my pants with his fingers. I was so turned on, just from that I almost came. "You little queer, don't play shy with me." Mr. Anderson stood strait up so he towered over me. He placed his heavy masculine balls into my open gaping mouth. I could taste the salt of his perspiration and smell his odor. He was sweaty, hot, and masculine. His balls were so huge they overflowed from my lips.

"Alex, here's the deal. I am offering you a new job as my executive secretary. I will double your salary, vest you in the pension, shoot I'm such a nice guy. I'll even give you healthcare benefits. Alternatively, you can refuse this promotion and quit. Unfortunately your other job no longer exists. I have done my best to find alternative employment for you, and if you refuse, you'll have no recourse. Do you understand? No severance, no unemployment." He fished in his pocket and pulled out a shiny metal tube, a lipstick container. He opened it and showed the fresh stick to me - hot pink like what high school girl, or what a porn starlet wears.

"Tracy must have dropped this." He said, though I knew for a fact Tracy would never wear a shade like that. He applied the makeup thickly to my lips so that they grew sticky and wet. He pulled my hair from behind so that I fell forward out of my chair onto my knees in front of him, his hand still controlling my head and my mouth still open.


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"Alex if you accept this job there's just one condition." He said as he eased his cock between my newly painted lips. "You are never . . . NEVER to refer to yourself as a male again. Don't mistake me Alex, you're not a girl, at least not yet, but you are my bitch. My little sissy, cunt, bitch. Do you understand that?" I nodded my head, looking up at him with my eyes wide and his penis filling my mouth, the salty taste of precum on my tongue. He started to fuck my face more fiercely and I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, and roll down my checks. I was ashamed, humiliated, practically raped by this man, but to my further *********** I was intensely aroused as well. To my horror my little dick was standing at attention and almost painfully pressing against my pants. Mr. Anderson pulled his manly cock out and slapped my lips with it, pressing it in my face, owning me through its placement.

"If you want this job little girly Alex, beg me for my cock." He was rubbing his balls on my face and slowly stroking his massive shaft up and down, I heard him start to moan. "Times almost up Alex, if I come before you beg I'll move onto the third sexiest bitch in the building. Beg me Alex, beg me for my cum."

"I w, w, want you cum sir." I whispered, aroused and ashamed, more motivated by my desire than my greed for employment.

"Louder Alex, scream it, I want everyone in the hall to hear you." I was crying now.

"I'm ashamed sir, please, I'm embarrassed, those are my friends out there don't make me."

"C'mon faggot, you don't think they don't already know what a pussy you are, you don't think you're they don't already gossip about what a little fairy you are at the water cooler. We all know about you Alex. You're a cocksucker, what makes you think you can hide that. Oh yeah Alex, this is getting me hot, I'm so fucking close, scream it, scream, 'Shoot your hot cum all over my face' right now so they can hear you or I'll, or I'll, or I' . . ." He was grunting, and I could tell he was going to cum. To my horror, I yelled as loud as I could.

"Cum on me sir, cum on my face, cum on my face like I'm a hot little bitch."

"Oh yeah, fuck YES!" he screamed as huge shots of jizz flew from his cock and smacked me all over my face. My face was coated with his hot sticky load and I felt a hot salty jet smack onto my tongue. Pussy that I am, this made me cum as well.

"Oh my god." I cried in a high pitch voiced sounding for the life of me like a shocked schoolgirl discovering she can orgasm for the first time. I felt my tiny penis leak its cum into my pants making a wet spot in my crotch, just like I had a pussy wet from the excitement. Anderson was rubbing his half-hard meat in my face, moving his cum around and smoothing it over my lips and cheeks, using his manly dick as a paintbrush to cover me so I glistened. He was the alpha dog, and I was his bitch, he had taken me, and was now marking his territory with his cum.

When it was done, he flung the door open, his thick juicy sticky cock still hanging free. I looked out the door, on my knees, my face covered with cum, and my lips painted pink like a girl -- there was no mistaking what had occurred.

I saw the two people still left in the office staring at me in shock. There was Lucy from accounting, the one I always joked with at the microwave. She had a pretty face but was a little plump. She must be who Mr. Anderson thought was the third sexiest 'piece of ass' in the building. Then their was James, oh my gosh, my basketball buddy James - what must he think of me? Then I looked at him and realized he was kind of small and frail too, just not quite as cute as me. The fourth sexiest bitch. I wondered if he would have been as compliant a slut as I was, but to tell you the truth I hardly cared. With pride that astonished me I realized that Anderson thought I was sexier than both of them, and with self-satisfaction I realized that I truly was.

"You're all fired." Mr. Anderson said. Go collect your severance. Say anything about this and you'll never get a dime." They started to yell, but he just slammed the door in their face. He turned to me wiping his hand with a cloth handkerchief and smiled

"So Alex." He asked rhetorically "How did you enjoy your first assignment?"



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My instructions were explicit. I was to go home for the weekend and prepare myself for Mr. Anderson on Monday. I was to remove all obvious traces of my masculinity 'excluding your faggot sissy-stick of course' in order to prepare myself to be his fuck toy. This meant shaving my body hair, clipping and painting my nails, sanding my calluses, and waxing my eyelashes. Anderson wanted my ass especially smooth and gorgeous. 'I'm not interested in using any bitch with a hairy hole.' He said. 'I want your little pussy clean.'

I knew how my girlfriend Bella would react. It's enough that I don't deserve her, that she's a drop dead knockout, that she attracts stares from men who are much larger, stronger, and more successful than I am. She has to put up with all that and now I was going to ask her to date a drag queen? How could I expect her to ignore the men who catcall to her on the street when we walk arm and arm? The men who yell, 'Baby, why don't you leave that shrimpy faggot, and date a real man?' or 'My dick weighs more than your boyfriend baby!'. After all, its not like I was going to be a faggot, I already was a faggot. Just yesterday I had dropped to my knees and sucked another man's cock. I allowed him to cum on me. No, that's not right. Allowed is the wrong word. I had begged for it. I was eager for his spunk. Now, ostensibly to keep my job, I wanted her to put up with me shaved and dressed like a slut everyday. There was just no way.

Bella is a bombshell, just incredibly sexy. She's about 5'6" with long black hair; she's thin but with a ripe round ass and nice natural tits, big enough to look hot in a tank top but not so large that you think she has implants. She works as some sort of cocktail waitress, I don't really know, she dresses sexy and stays out late and she always tells me how much she appreciates me for understanding. Who knows? I was lucky to have her as a girlfriend. I was in no position to complain even if it was true that she virtually never allowed me to touch her anymore. It was always 'not tonight dear' or 'I think I have a cold, you better not kiss me'. I didn't ask many questions, I was happy just to be allowed in her presence. Given that I would soon be a painted little fuck whore for Anderson my only hope of keeping her was to simply avoid her. I figured she would dump me eventually, I was just hoping to postpone it as long as possible.

I'd managed to avoid Bella most of the weekend. Friday night she'd stayed out late again and didn't roll into bed until well after 5:00 am. She slept most of the day so that I hardly saw her. I managed to shave while she was at work Friday night. The most difficult part was finding a place to dispose of my pubic hair where Bella wouldn't see it. It felt strange to be hairless. I felt rubbery until I covered my body with powder, and my little penis felt overly sensitive to any touches. It was difficult to just walk around the house as without leg and arm hair my clothes strangely caressed my body in a way I was not accustomed to. Needless to say I had a constant hard on and internally I was ashamed of what turned me on.

In bed Saturday night, Bella long gone to her Bar to work I allowed my hands to touch my little sex. It was hard and erect, awake and at attention. I tried to reclaim my masculinity, at least psychologically speaking by visualizing sex with Bella. She had rejected my recent advances and we hadn't fucked in ages. I tried to imagine her as I saw her that first time she let me fuck her. She had been ***** and willing, her body taut and eager. She had offered herself to me on her knees with her face pressed against the carpet of our mutual friend's guest bedroom carpet. Her hands were behind her and she held her cheeks apart, pushing first one, then two fingers up her asshole. 'Fuck my cunt baby!' She panted 'Fuck my bitchy little cunt.' And what a cunt it was. Slick and shaven, it was hot and pink, and I could smell her musky odor. Everyone knew Bella was a whore, and I desired her even more because of it.

That night I moved to her, but in my fantasy as I now imagined it, it was no longer me that was entering her, it was Anderson. Anderson was strong and masculine, he was much larger than me in every imaginable way. I recalled his huge cock photographically and in my mind he was me, and I? Well I was Bella of course. It was now me on my hands and knees, whining like a bitch.

"Fuck me, fuck me Mr. Anderson." I whined. After that, there was no distinction in my minds eye between me and Bella there was just my ass which was open to his increasingly ****** thrusts. He fucked me viscously calling me names.

"Take it pussyboy. You like having a man's cock in you, don't you faggot?" And I did. I cried in my bed as I readied myself to ejaculated, the blanket pushed down, me on my back with my legs spread wide. The idea struck me, so I did it. In a flash I was hunched over on my shoulders my legs above me against the headboard and my dick pointed at my face.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." I thought as I whacked my dick. It didn't take long. I stared at my cockhead and watched it shoot hot strings of jizz onto my face. I opened my mouth and ate all I could, letting the rest coat my face, slicking me like a nasty porn star slut. God that was hot, I thought. That was before I realized what was really happening.

"You really are a faggot, aren't you?" It was Bella standing in the doorway, hot as always, hotter by far than in my fantasy. As usual she was dressed like a slut. Short shorts pulled up to show the bottom of her ass cheeks, ribbed white knee socks, and a tight white tank top with a pink bra underneath. Slavic looking, maybe Bulgarian in descent, her hair was parted in the middle and pulled back into pigtails. She was dressed like a stripper or maybe a prostitute, and for the first time it occurred to me to wonder that maybe she was one of those things.

The part on her forehead aligned perfectly with the obscene gap between her two front teeth. The gap always made her look bemused, like she was leering only tonight she really was leering at me, and she had good reason. I just looked at her with cum on my face what could I say? She was such a bitch, but so fucking sexy, and she had no mercy on me. The thought of sparing me my embarrassment never even crossed her mind as she flicked on the light switch, ******ly leaving no doubt about what I had done, or that she had seen me do it.

"You didn't just do that did you? I mean I just saw you cum on your face like some girly faggot, but did you actually shave your body before you did that?" Its not like I could deny it, I was hairless like a girl so I nodded.

"All our friends said so. They said, 'He's a faggot, he just won't admit it yet. How can you go out with him, how can you share an apartment with such a closet queer?' That's what they said. I tried to deny it, I tried to stand up for you. I told them you were just sensitive but of course they were right." She had walked to the side of the bed and was staring me in the face.

"To think I let you fuck me with that little dick." I must have looked shocked, maybe even hurt.

"You don't think . . . you don't think your dick is actually big do you!?!" I didn't know how to respond. Was this a rhetorical question? I considered her statement in my mind. No, I never considered my dick big. I mean, I'm a realist. I've seen men's penises at the gym and usually they were bigger than mine. A man like Anderson of course, his penis was at least twice the size of mine. I felt embarrassed even thinking about it. Anderson had a cock, not a penis. If anyone had a penis it was me. No I never thought I was big like Anderson.

"Well I didn't think I was small." I croaked, defeated and saddened by her attack, but also to my *********** aroused to be told what I was so directly.


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"Oh god, how pathetic." Bella said. "You hid behind that average size thing didn't you? You must have grunted and masturbated, held back your cum, and stretched that little sissy dick of your to its absolute longest, then measured it over and over until you convinced yourself that you had an average sized little dick, didn't you? That must have been very reassuring to a little faggot like you I'm sure. But I guess you never considered how that dick feels inside a woman? I bet you never considered what a drag it is to have you cum two fucking minutes after you enter me?" I had no idea how I was supposed to respond to her. I was embarrassed by how I always came to quickly with Bella, but I usually tried to put it out of my mind.

"You know how small you dick is?" She hesitated to make sure every word sank in. "When you fuck me, I . . . can't . . . even . . . fucking . . . feel . . . you." She took my t-shirt and wiped the cum off my face, climbing the bed and straddling my chest. She smelled of perfume, cigarettes, sweat and musky armpits, maybe pot smoke too. As she pushed her shorts encased pussy toward my face I also smelled sex. It dawned on me, Bella was fucking someone else. She looked at me knowing that I knew she had been untrue.

"I certainly hope you never expected me to be faithful to you. You are pathetic enough as it is, but the thought of you imagining that your pathetic little dick could ever be enough for me, could ever satisfy me . . . now that is pathetic. You didn't think your little faggot dick was enough for me, did you?" She was cooing at me in a new evil but sexy way, I didn't know what she was up to. Was she teasing me? Whatever she was doing, she was making me hard. I watched as she eased down the fly of her short shorts and peeled them off her long sexy legs. She placed her gauzy panties right above my lips pushing her pussy into my face, nearly ********** me with her odor. I could smell her strong sexy odor. Her panties were hot and wet. She pulled her panties to the side exposing her slick pussy.

"Lick me you faggot cunt." She said, and I did. I eagerly licked at her hole. "You can't be a total faggot. You still love licking my hot nasty cunt don't you." God she made me hard all over again. She made me almost cry with embarrassment, but there was nothing I wanted more than lick Bella. I felt a slimy ooze coming from her, that I knew wasn't pussy juice. I almost stopped, startled by the new but familiar taste, it was another man's cum. She grabbed the hair on my head and pulled my face into her cunt. She was laughing and grinding herself against me.

"Oh don't be a prude. You mean, you'll eat his cum strait from his cock, but not after he's dumped it inside of me?"She dropped my head letting her message sink in.

"That's right bitch. Its Anderson's cum. He's been fucking me this whole time. In fact you're our little joke. We talk about what a pathetic little fuck you are all the time, and share our jokes with all our friends. Everyone knows how I let your boss fuck me with his huge hot cock and none of them blame me. You know why of course. Because everybody knows that you're not a man, just a little sissy faggot. I'm glad Anderson finally marked you as his bitch. I've been begging him to do it for months." She hovered over me and a big gob of Anderson's spunk fell from her pussy splashing onto my lips. Bella giggled.

"Look at how hard your little dick is. It must turn you on knowing you're a cuckolded bitch, doesn't it?" I nodded and she started fingering herself still suspended over my face. "Ohhh fuck that feels good, it feels good to finger myself. Sometimes I think I can cum ten times in a day." Still fingering herself she place her other hand on her flat stomach right bellow her pierced navel and pressed on the soft area above her mound.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled as her piss hit me in my face. She was laughing uncontrollably, bucking her hips, covering my face and chest with her piss.

"Fuck you little fairy faggot, eat my piss, ***** it like a little fuck cunt slut you are. You sucked a real man's dick and ate his cum, now all you deserve from me is my piss you fucking faggot. Fuck yes!" And she was right. That did it. Sitting there under her powerful confident stream I thought of Anderson fucking her, them both laughing at me as he came in her pussy. Thinking of him telling her how he humiliated me, thinking of them talking about how she would make me lick his cum out of her later that evening, thinking of how I eagerly did it, just as I had eagerly sucked his cock the day before, just as I desperately, eagerly, pathetically needed Bella to keep pissing all over me. Of course I came. I came and came and came and came. This was what I deserved.

When it was over, Bella rolled off me.

"Fuck that was hot she said." As she walked toward the bathroom, she looked over her shoulder at me ruined on the bed. "I'm talking a shower. This place is a fucking pigsty. I expect it to be cleaned up when I get back." When I didn't move she added, "C'mon already, get to it. You're not nearly hot enough yet to meet Anderson on Moday. We've got a lot of work to do."



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My Wife Erica And Our Friend Jack

I guess like a lot of guys my college years were marked by chance occasions with other men. Awkward glances in the lavatory turned to smiles, which then turned to more than that. Often these trysts were consummated in the bathroom stall, Occasionally they would drift back to a dorm room or apartment, but never did these entirely sexual encounters lead to anything I considered a relationship. So it is not surprising that I never considered myself to be gay. Certainly, I had never had a revelation, or any moment of seeing the light, where I knew I liked men, as many of my gay friends have suggested should happen. My attraction towards women never wavered. The sex I had with men was entirely separate from the sex I had with women. It was almost as though I were two separate people, a strong dominant top with my girlfriends, and a submissive, girly, little thing with the men I met in bars, restrooms and us station platforms. I thought I was free to choose between men and women as I saw fit. Seeing the difficulties my gay friends had with their lives, I chose women. When I met a wonderful woman, I decided to marry her, and live a life that the outside world would see as normal.

Our married life was pleasant enough. I loved my wife a great deal, and we communicated well, always doing our best to resolve issues in the relationship before they grew out of hand. I trusted my wife with some pretty intimate details about myself, but still, I kept my biggest secrets from her. I never divulged the details of my college trysts, and I certainly never explained to her what turned me on about being with a man. I guess its nothing special - a lot of men have sex with other men and likewise have great and satisfying sex with women too. I admit it though, I was embarrassed by my urges. I was embarrassed, because when I was with another man, I wanted more than anything to act like a girl.

Our first year of marriage was normal enough. As newlywed elation drifted into the routine of daily life, I found myself thinking of my old fuck buddies, and how I wouldn't mind having a go every now and then. I repressed most of these thoughts. I didn't want to jeopardize my marriage, and didn't want to do anything that would put my wife at a health risk. For all I knew, my secret would be safe forever.

It was around this time that I started having fantastically vivid dreams at night. In these dreams I was a wife or a stripper or especially a young college co-ed. The girl I was in my ***** was like my alter ego. She was strong and clever, with a quick wit and a wicked tongue.

I thought I could go on like this, if not forever, then at least for the foreseeable future. Little did I know I had been talking in my *****.

My wife and I had a mutual friend, Eric. Eric worked as a fundraiser for the large charities of our city. This was the perfect job for him as his powerful charm, imposing presence, height and masculine build lent him an air of total authority. It was easy to see how Eric charmed old society women into writing large checks for whatever cause or artistic endeavor he was pushing at the moment.

My wife and Eric had been spending an inordinate amount of time with each other that season. My wife was putting together her notes for a biography she was working on, and Eric was helping her target those notes towards potential publishers and charitable foundations. It was not unusual for me to come home from work to find them hunched over the coffee table studying old manuscripts and sharing inside jokes. Often my wife and he would put their work aside and the three of us would spend long hours talking and laughing, ******** coffee and flirting with each other in a ever increasingly ambiguous way. I became a little uncomfortable with the number of late evenings Eric was spending at our house, but put these thoughts aside. A relationship is nothing without trust after all. More than that, I could not deny to myself the increasingly erotic feelings I was experiencing as I observed my wife's closeness with this man. I found myself dreaming of them together, of her kneeling in front of him with his large cock in her mouth. In these dreams he was laughing at me, telling me to get on my knees to watch my wife up close. I often woke from these dreams with a start, the image of Eric's hard penis burned in my memory.

One evening I returned home from work to find them already slightly *****. My wife's face was flushed, and one of the straps of her dress had fallen off her shoulder. To my sober eyes, it seemed as though the hem of her baby doll was worked a little too far up her smooth thigh and unusually bunched around her crotch. I stood in the doorway absorbing the moment. Eric, and my wife stared blankly at me, their eyes a little glazed from the gin they had consumed, as the silence began to consume us.

"Darling, you're home! Well don't just stand there, come and have a ***** with us." Smy wife finally said patting the couch between her and Eric. I didn't know what to do. On the one hand, I knew I had just caught them in the midst of an affair, on the other, my wife looked so beautiful, and Eric so handsome, I admitted to myself that the thought of them together was making me aroused. I figured there would be enough time to untangle this mess in the morning. In the meantime I would sit, let my wife pour me a ***** and wait to see what would unfold.

The three of us all readily drank, and my wife ensured our glasses were never empty. Her behavior grew more and more provocative, and Eric seemed to revel in manly control of the situation. He reclined on the couch and draped his arm behind me and my wife. The ambiguous flirting became intense and I felt myself grow more and more shameless. I was acting coy, impetuous and cute. In a word, I found myself acting more and more girly as the night wore on.

"All right" my wife said. "Enough joking around. All this ****** has gone to my head. It's time for some fun. I want to reveal my sexual fantasies."

I was too ***** to be shocked really, but I was surprised. My wife was an extremely open and sensual, but she always maintained her decorum among company. The way she had said 'sexual fantasies' with her mouth open an her wet lips pouting left no doubt as to the fact that she intended to live them out after she revealed them. Eric and I waited in anticipation.

"I have always wanted to watch two guys get it on. You know - Fucking. There I said it."

"Oh, come on!" I exclaimed. "Just what are you trying to drum up here." I protested falsely.

"Don't play stupid with me." She said. "I hear you talking in your *****. Eric, would you like to know what my husband really wants? Would you to know what he really fantasizes about?" Eric was grinning in a bemused sort of manner. It was clear that he already knew what she was going to say. He shrugged, the *********** was for my benefit and my benefit alone.

"My husband wants to be a girl! What do you think of that? But even better, my husband wants to be your girl." With that she picked up my hand and to my amazement placed it on Eric's lap.

The surprising thing was that Eric's penis was hard. My wife was really *****, and I could tell she was turned on to the point of desperation. She whispered in my ear. She started cooing about how much I wanted it, and how it was OK, how she was dying to see me do it. Then she unzipped his pants and started pushing my head towards his cock, and I couldn't resist.

I was in. I had gone since college without a man, and I just needed to suck on that cock. Eric was really into it, his cock got fully hard almost immediately and I bobbed my head up and down on it greedily. I was surprised how quick the whole thing went. Eric grabbed my head, holding me by the hair, arched his hips and came in my mouth. I looked up licking my lips.

"That was fun." I said a little *****enly. Not knowing what to expect.

"Oh no!" my wife yelled. "You think you're gonna get away that easy. You think you can just tramp around like a little cock sucking whore, and get away with it? Eric read this." She said handing him that week's copy of 'The New Yorker'.

"You little girl . . . You are coming with me." she said leading me into the bathroom, by the hand.

She told me she had figured out that I was a sissy by the way I always read her fashion magazines. When she had discovered her panties missing, it confirmed her suspicion. She had decided to give me a treat, she was going to treat me like the bitch that I was. I had to admit that she was right. ***** as I was, I didn't have I in me to protest. She was right, I did always wish I was a woman. I desperately wanted to be, I mean it would be so much fun to flirt and tease. I'm not very big, I'm only 5'7" 128 lbs., I'm very thin and androgynous looking. I have almost no body hair, and I enjoy wearing my strait black hair long, almost cut in a girlish bob. I can pass for either a man or a woman depending on my dress, but I've never really tried to look like a woman outside of the house. It is obvious to almost everyone who meets me what a sissy I am. Even my wife is stronger than me.

She started taking outfits from her Armoire, singing out to Eric "Oh you're going to love her in this one." She did ask me which outfit I liked best, but it was clear my feeling didn't matter. She had it thought out, she knew what she wanted me to wear.

She put me in a little, black, pleated mini-skirt. It certainly wasn't skin tight, but it was definitely on the short side. I was the type of skirt a woman wears when she wants to show off her ass when she beds over. She had me put on white lacy panties and garters and white ribbed cotton stockings and these Catholic girls school shoes she had bought at the thrift store. On top I wore a tight youth size T-shirts with a star on it so I could feel how hot it felt to wear a tight shirt. Over that I put on a black cotton button up sweater.
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